Sarcoma - a group of malignant tumors, which consist of immature connective tissue.
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Sarcoma: characteristics and types of the disease
This disease has a number of similarities with cancerous tumors:
tumors can reappear after removal;
possible metastases;
infiltrative growth can provoke the destruction of adjacent tissues.
The first difference between these two tumors is that cancer malignancy can occur only in the epithelium, and Kaposi - connective tissue. Moreover, the latter can be spread through blood vessels, while the tumors of cancer - through lymph.
In many respects, similar and not the symptoms of these diseases. Depending on where the formed sarcoma precursors are different. It plays a significant role and type of tumor. There are:
sarcoma bone;
soft tissue sarcoma;
complex types, which have not yet managed to classify.
Among the rest of the latter include Kaposi's sarcoma, which in our country is extremely rare. Basically it ill mature men in equatorial Africa.
Each type is divided into subtypes. For example, bone sarcoma combines osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, and cell round and Ewing's sarcoma. It's soft tissue disease may manifest itself in the form of liposarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, angiosarcoma, synovial, neurogenic and myogenic sarcomas. Symptoms sarcoma can be identified early on.
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Sarcoma of bone: the main symptoms
Sarcoma brain
Tumors of this type may be intra- and extracerebral. Because connective tissue lining of the brain can develop as loose and dense tumor. If the tumor is inside, it has no clear boundaries, so it is growing rapidly and affects the healthy tissue. Not considered to be less aggressive and extracerebral tumors, because despite the clear contours, it can grow into the brain tissue and cause damage to nearby structures.
Sarcoma of the brain can be diagnosed by computed tomography or ultrasound.
The main symptoms:
headache or dizziness;
frequent vomiting;
blurred vision;
signs of meningitis;
mental disorders.
Ewing's sarcoma
This malignancy may affect the pelvis, collarbone, ribs, spine, and lower part of the tubular bones. Tumors of aggressive and early metastases allowed.
Common symptoms are:
pain at the site of the lesion (often they are perceived feeling of pain after an injury) that do not pass, and enhanced;
violation of the daily activity and sleep;
pain on palpation;
swelling at the site of injury;
enhanced and enlarged veins;
loss of appetite and weakness.
Askin's sarcoma
Malignant tumors of this species affects the bones and soft tissue of the sternum.
The main symptoms:
Harkany blood;
pleural effusion;
respiratory failure.
Sarcoma jaw
Depending on the tumor, symptoms may vary.
The main features of the central sarcoma:
time, and then a constant aching pain;
deformation of the jaw;
Low sensitivity of the pulp in place of destruction;
increasing the precariousness of the teeth;
numbness of the lips;
sukrovichnye nasal discharge.
The main symptoms of peripheral sarcoma:
noticeable deformation of the jaw;
speech disorder;
difficult breathing nose;
limited mobility of the lower jaw;
increase in tooth mobility.
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Soft tissue sarcomas
Soft tissue tumors are much easier to diagnose than bone sarcoma. All the reason that in the first case the symptoms are manifest more. The main signs of soft tissue sarcoma are considered unreasonable night pain in the legs, especially when no painkillers do not help.
Sarcoma pericardium
The outer shell of the heart called the pericardium, it is composed of connective tissue. The main symptoms of the pericardium:
irregular heartbeat;
severe swelling of the feet;
lack of air pressure in the chest;
compression of the heart cavities;
dry cough;
weakness in the muscles.
Sarcoma light
In the early stages of the disease presents no symptoms, so it is very difficult to diagnose. Later symptoms may occur following:
swallowing disorder;
compartment syndrome of the superior vena cava.
Uterine Sarcoma
Very rare disease that occurs in 3-5% of women, mostly during menopause. It is also difficult to diagnose because symptoms are not always visible. However, there are a number of characteristic symptoms:
spotting that are not related to menstruation;
abdominal pain;
sense of compression of adjacent organs.
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Features of treatment
In most cases, the sarcoma occurs suddenly, that is, without any apparent reason. Still, there are a number of factors, which bind the occurrence of this disease:
exposure to chemical carcinogens;
ionizing radiation;
heredity (tendency).
Soft tissue sarcoma can get sick at any age, but it most often affects people with white skin after 40 years (mean age - 50 years). This is the only pattern that doctors have found. Nothing more substantial specialists are not found.
Treat malignant tumors often surgically. Due to the fact that all operations allow you to save bodies, the body recovers quickly. In the case where it is impossible to do radical surgery, doctors resort to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The effectiveness of existing treatments is not guarantee a 100% recovery, and if the Plus and metastases were detected, then the probability of cure is almost zero.
Approximately 20% of patients can prolong the life of 5 years by radical removal of tumors and metastases. The main problem remains disease-relapse. The lowest risk of recurrence is observed in tumors of the lower extremities (25% less), while the highest - in the retroperitoneal sarcoma (75%).
The patient has a high probability of recovery if:
he is younger than 50 years;
low level of malignancy;
pain in sarcoma;
small size of the tumor;
Location sarcoma in the extremities;
the absence of metastases.
The sooner the patient will pay attention to symptoms and see a doctor, the likelihood of recovery.
What is chlamydia?
Symptoms of chlamydia
Treatment for Chlamydia
A few words about the men chlamydia
Chlamydia - is one of the sexually transmitted disease, which is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. It occurs equally often in women and in men. For health is a serious threat.
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What is chlamydia?
The disease is chlamydia. This special pathogens that combine features of viruses and bacteria, but they are not. This fact largely complicates the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of chlamydia. Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that the incubation period lasts from 2 days to a month after infection. How to treat chlamydia - this will be discussed.
Female chlamydia in its initial stage often takes a latent form.
In this case, the patient does not go to the doctor, believing himself healthy. Symptoms may manifest itself in a few months, when the disease has turned into running shape.
Chlamydia affect the cervix, then the inflammatory process moves into the uterus. If untreated, the infection reaches the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Such complicated for chlamydia facing infertility. Tissue damage may occur rectum. If a woman is pregnant, the baby is often born with developmental disorders of various organs: vision, respiratory tract and lungs.
Chlamydia Infection can occur during childbirth, at least - by domestic infection through the clothes and underwear. In the initial stage of the disease affects only the urethra in its lower part. In the chronic stage affects all parts of the genitourinary system. Men defeated moves to the prostate and bladder.
Children chlamydia can occur in the first days after birth. Normally defeat exposed eyes, nose, throat and lungs of the child. After birth, in utero infected child suffering from cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal diseases, functional disorders of the respiratory tract, nervous system and eye diseases.
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Symptoms of chlamydia
Symptoms of infection with chlamydia are:
burning sensation of the urethra and genitals;
discomfort and pain when urinating, frequent urge to it;
humidity in the genital area;
muco-purulent discharge from the vagina;
a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lumbar region;
cervical erosion;
malaise with fever;
menstrual irregularities;
nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
chlamydial conjunctivitis;
erectile dysfunction in men.
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Treatment for Chlamydia
Curing chlamydia should start immediately after diagnosis. Otherwise, the agent of the disease leads to the defeat of the genitourinary system, urethra, cervix and ovaries. The lack of treatment leads to disastrous consequences in the form of infertility and ovarian dysfunction.
Chlamydia can be treated is very difficult. They adapt to drugs and tend to hide from them. You do not need to self-medicate. This can lead to very serious complications.
The course of treatment is developing a physician individually for each patient. In addition to antibiotics (penicillin, sulfonamides, azithromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline) course includes:
appropriate diet;
immunostimulant tsikloferon intravenously or intramuscularly;
a multivitamin;
abstinence from alcohol and sex.
Some experts appointed by laser irradiation of blood. This procedure improves the efficacy of antibiotics, a favorable effect on the immune system of the patient. Treatment must pass both partners.
Curing chlamydia can be the following medications:
Doxycycline is appointed inside. A full course of treatment - 1-2 weeks.
Azithromycin is taken once.
Rondomitsin prescribed for acute forms.
Lomefloxacin assigned early in the disease. It is taken daily for 7 days.
Sifloks can be administered in various forms of chlamydia.
Clarithromycin take 2 times a day for a week.
Josamycin appointed inside. The course lasts for 7 days.
Hexicon - vaginal suppositories. The course - 10 days.
In the treatment of chlamydia in recent years used a variety of methods physiotherapy effects:
ultrasonic treatment;
magnetic field;
Quantum therapy;
currents of variable frequency;
iontophoresis of various drugs.
The consequences of delayed treatment
Launched treatment leads to complications:
cervical erosion;
cervicitis - an inflammation of the cervix;
hemorrhagic cystitis - inflammation of the bladder wall;
urethritis - inflammation in the urethra;
endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus;
inflammation of the Bartholin glands;
inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
chlamydial proctitis;
chlamydial colpitis.
adhesions of the fallopian tubes, and their obstruction;
inflammation of the liver.
Pregnant women may be:
ectopic pregnancy;
risk of miscarriage;
premature birth;
fetal hypoxia.
To avoid these problems, you need:
regular partner in good health;
complete rejection of casual sex acts;
regular medical check-ups;
compliance with the rules of general and personal hygiene.
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A few words about the men chlamydia
Male chlamydia affects the urinary tract. The result is a urethritis. If it is not treated in time, there may be inflammation of the epididymis, testes, prostate gland. All this leads to an acute prostatitis and other diseases, even inflammation of the kidneys.
One of the complications - Reiter's disease. It is a systemic disease include arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis, and at the same time. It changes the structure of the urethra, the urethra to form scars. Only complication treated surgically.
Male chlamydia does not tolerate self-treatment. Folk remedies only relieve the symptoms, but do not eliminate the disease. For the treatment of an antibiotic is prescribed to each patient individually. They can be: macrofoams, Rovamycinum, vilprafen, oleandomycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin. Can be administered anti-fungal, anti-microbial and immunnomoduliruyuschie drugs: nystatin, viferon, fljukostat, miramistin. Treatment consists of several courses. The total duration of their - more than 3 weeks.
Watch out for your health!
Do not ride the disease chlamydia. Think of healthy offspring, get pleasure from the relationship with the partner.