Conception during menstruation: additional signs of ovulation
We live in a civilized and high-tech of XXI century. Today, when the conversation on Skype and space tourism, no one is surprised, some women continue to remain ignorant in matters of pregnancy planning. In order to accelerate the process of conceiving a baby, or, on the contrary, to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, learn how to calculate the time of ovulation (fertile phase) and examine its main features.
Ovulation and conception - the two processes are inextricably linked to each other.
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Stages of the menstrual cycle
Without ovulation to conceive a child is impossible, so any woman who dreams of a successor should learn how to accurately count the days favorable for the emergence of a new body in her life. Ovulation can be called the main event of the menstrual cycle, during which ready to fertilize the egg is released into the abdominal cavity of the ovarian follicle. If the egg during this period will merge with the sperm, conception occurs. Otherwise, it will be released after a certain time of the female body with blood.
The menstrual cycle can be divided into three periods:
relative sterility (fertilization is acceptable, but it can not occur);
Fertility (the most suitable period for conception);
absolute sterility (when conception can not occur).
Relative sterility occurs during the last month and lasts for about 14 days (until ovulation). The chances of getting pregnant these days are low, but they are still there, and many ladies manage to conceive a child during this period.
With regular 28-day monthly cycle fertile phase occurs between 11 and 21 days after the beginning of the last menstrual period. It lasts about 2 days. It is these days and are considered the most favorable for conception. Note that after intercourse sperm are trapped in the cervix, may retain the ability to fertilize an average of 5 days, so a few days before ovulation is also considered to be a phase of fertility.
The absolute sterility - this time interval occurs within 48 hours after the release of an egg from the ovarian follicle and ending on the last day of month. After the end of ovulation female body loses the ability to continue the race until the next fertile phase. Sperm are trapped at this time in the cervix, just die.
In any organism may fail. At irregular cycle to calculate the exact day of ovulation is difficult enough, so women need to know on what grounds can define the process. They are few and they are all quite clear, it is necessary only to look closely to your body.
Ovulation can be determined independently by several methods.
These include:
measuring the temperature in the rectum;
observation of vaginal discharge (cervical mucus);
the calendar method.
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Basal method
The most accurate method for determining the period of fertility is to measure the temperature inside the colon, but this method requires a serious approach. In order to calculate the ovulation day, you will have throughout the menstrual cycle to measure yourself in the morning basal temperature (the so-called scientifically the temperature in the rectum). It is measured in the usual medical thermometer, inserting it into the anus for 5 minutes. All data is recorded in a special notebook. During the menstrual cycle the temperature in the rectum varies because of the different levels of the hormone progesterone. For a relatively accurate picture of basal temperature should be measured daily for 3 months.
After a specified time, read the received data. Do not take into account the days when you were sick and you are experiencing fever. During monthly temperature in the anus always exceeds the mark of 37 ° C. On the first day of the menstrual cycle, it can reach 37, 9 ° C, and the following days the temperature begins to gradually decrease and the end becomes the normal menstruation. From this period until ovulation basal temperature does not rise above 36 ° C 8.
Within one day before ovulation rectal temperature decreases and then rises sharply to 37, 5-38, 5 ° C. The presence of high levels of a thermometer - a sign that ovulation has occurred. After the release of the egg temperature will be slightly elevated (above 37 ° C) and normal after menstruation. Consistently high basal temperature in the presence of the delay menstrual cycle indicates a pregnancy.
To make it easier to identify ovulation basal body temperature method, it is necessary to schedule and mark on it all its fluctuations. The moment when the temperature schedule sharply crept up means ovulation and these days couples who wish to have a baby, you should conduct an active love life. And women who do not wish to become pregnant, a few days before that date should be either completely abandon the vicinity or securely protected. In order to study the characteristics of the organism and to predict in advance the day of ovulation, basal temperature schedule should be maintained for a long period.
A special word should be said about women taking birth control pills. The temperature in the rectum them throughout the menstrual cycle remains stable, without sudden changes. This is due to the fact that oral contraceptives controlling hormone levels in her body. The temperature graph in these ladies is in the form of irregular curve without peaks and downs. After receiving the contraceptive pill temperature graph them gets the usual form.
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Monitoring of discharges
Predict the time of the fertile phase can be by observation of vaginal discharge. During the month of the female genitals out copious bloody discharge. After the end of her menses come "dry days" - the time when a woman's vagina is no mucus. Dry days last from one to several days and are replaced by a period during which the vagina is allocated abundantly viscous cervical mucus white. Her appearance indicates the approach of ovulation. After the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity of viscous vaginal discharge stop and come back dry days, during which the possibility of conception is significantly reduced.
As in the previous method, all observations are recorded in a notebook. Make a table selections, which are used for the conduct of symbols:
bleeding red mark;
dry days make green;
the period prior to ovulation, the tone of the white label;
yellow mark the last day of cervical secretions abundant.
After watching secretions for several menstrual cycles and the composition of multiple tables, you will learn how to determine a favorable period for conceiving a child and build their private life in accordance with it.
In order to accurately determine the mucous days, it is advisable to refuse intimacy with their partner at least 1 month. For cervical mucous should be monitored several times a day since day for its texture and color can be changed. Capture and record at the end of each day, determined by the time period with the highest level of fertility. Celebrate it in the table.
How to build their private life, using this method? After the cessation of menstruation during dry days, you can have sex through the night without the risk of getting pregnant. This alternation should be carried out in order not to confuse mucus with the male sperm. With the onset of cervical secretions should stop having sex for women who are not going to have a child. But the ladies, who dream to extend the kind of mucous in the days necessary to lead an active love life. End of the fertile phase occurs after the termination of vaginal discharge, but the probability of conception is still about 3 days. Starting with 4 days after ovulation until menses, can fearlessly live a sexual life.
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The calendar method
The most convenient way to determine the fertile phase is the calendar method. It is applicable only in the case of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. If your cycle is more or less days, then you will need to make adjustments to their own method used. Under this system, start the countdown, favorable and unfavorable for conception, the first day of menstruation. Safe for the period of conception - these are the days when a woman is in a sterile phase, that is, she can not get pregnant. That period is a period from 1 to day 9 of the menstrual cycle. A sign of the phase sterility may be feeling unwell, especially if the woman had painful periods.
After a safe period for sex come conditionally safe days when there is a risk of conceiving a child. They last about 5 days. The probability of getting pregnant at this time is 50%.
Followed by favorable days for conceiving a baby. Their number is 9 days 4 days before the egg directly ovulation and 4 days after. It is believed that in the days before ovulation, great opportunity to conceive a girl, as a result of pregnancies occurring during or immediately after ovulation, mostly boys are born.
Once again comes the dangerous days conditionally safe for intimacy period (4 days). His days are replaced by safer sex, which lasts until the onset of menstruation. This period is accompanied by premenstrual syndrome, in which the physical and psycho-emotional well-being of women is deteriorating. Symptoms of PMS: the emergence of pain in the chest, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nervous instability, increased appetite. Days before the onset of menstruation is completely safe to practice unprotected sex with their regular sexual partner.
To more accurately determine the time of ovulation is possible to combine several of the above methods. For example, use the calendar method, together with measurements of basal body temperature. Or to schedule cervical secretions and in the process to calculate dangerous for fertilization days on the calendar. You can also purchase specialty pharmacy ovulation test, which determines the amount of luteinizing hormone produced by the female body during the release of the egg.
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Conception during menstruation: additional signs of ovulation
Until recently it was thought that the day of the monthly conception impossible. But scientists disappointed women the news that in very rare cases, ovulation can occur even during menstrual bleeding. This affects mainly female with irregular menstrual cycle, at which ovulation occurs once every 2 or 3 months, and even to predict it is extremely difficult.
In women with a short menstrual cycle and the long period of monthly ovulation can occur a few days after the end of bleeding. When using the calendar method, they must be guided by other calculations: oocyte maturation they may occur in the interval between 6 and 10 days after spotting.
In addition to these methods, ovulation can be determined by a number of additional features. These include:
a sudden increase in sexual desire;
paroxysmal or aching pain in the ovaries, which quickly pass;
acne on the face;
mammary hypersensitivity.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body ovulation additional features may be present in varying degrees of intensity and in different amounts. The purpose of a woman - to learn to distinguish between them in order to prepare for conception at the most opportune time for her.