What to take to the hospital

So much of the excitement and more time waiting for the birth of the baby back and you start to think more often about childbirth and maternity. And, of course, the question on the subject of what to take to the hospital, care of all pregnant women, without exception. This material will be discussed is that you need to take to the hospital.

Nowadays, as a rule, a pregnant woman decides to advance themselves in what the hospital will be born of her baby. Be sure to check beforehand that it is required to have a particular hospital, and they ate the list of prohibited items. For example, some hospitals give out diapers for babies and do not allow to use even disposable diapers, and others - can be their sliders and undershirts. With this information, you will be much easier to optimally make a list of things that will be useful to you in the hospital.

In that case, if you decide to give birth at home, be sure to list of necessary things Speak with your doctor - a gynecologist or midwife home with whom you will give birth. In this case, you have to take care of the acquisition not only of things, but, as a rule, medication, umbilical cord clamp and others.

All you need you need to cook around the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, so that in the case of premature birth all things were collected and prepared. All the things you need to sort through the different packages:

  • One package add up those things that you will need before birth or in their process.
  • In the second package add up all the things that will just need you after delivery.
  • The third package add up all the things that you have prepared for your little treasures.
  • The fourth package fold clothes for discharge - and their children's. Collecting clothes, think in advance about all the little things, even such as socks - to celebrate the newfound dad can mix up absolutely everything.

It is mandatory to read the contents of the packages of the future pope, with desirable repeatedly - he should know exactly what a package should give you and at what time. If you live with parents, in addition, ask mom or mother-in-action to insure your husband and make sure that all you need are you exactly when you need them.

However, in no case should not completely shift on their shoulders the care of things. It is important to give a man to feel responsible for his family, involvement in a secret, as the birth of a child. This not only further strengthen your relationship, but it will allow the Pope as soon as possible to get used to yet a new role for him and feel close to your baby. And it does not matter, this is your first baby or the third happiness in your life - the novelty of the birth of the child will never be erased, and it is impossible to get used to it, because each time is a real miracle - the birth of man.

And believe me, no matter what men talk about women and unfeminine duties, matters and things, men such period as pregnancy and child birth, experiencing no less acute than women. And all the talk, basically, are nothing more than bravado, for which a man hiding his excitement. And it is very important to give space for the activities of a man - this will help him cope with the excitement.

The list of things needed by a woman to the hospital

 you need to take to the hospital

So, after a brief digression, let us return to our main question - what to take to the hospital? In order to do not mix and do not forget, there is a good way. Sit down and imagine that you are coming to the hospital. Play all your actions in detail. The first place you will come, will foster peace. What you will need it in the first place? Correct documents. So our list of things necessary to the hospital, it will open the documents:

  • The first thing you need to cook, it is the direction to the hospital of your antenatal clinic or maternity hospital contract or a contract with a particular doctor. An important detail - the contract with your doctor or the maternity hospital is necessary to conclude no later than 36 weeks of pregnancy. This measure will also provide you with insurance in case of premature birth.
  • The exchange of cards, issued by a doctor - a gynecologist, which you composed on the account of pregnancy. Be sure to verify that all required tests.
  • The results of tests for AIDS.
  • Conclusions ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Your health insurance policy.
  • Your passport.
  • Always on the safe side, always carry contact details of your chosen hospital and doctor.
  • If you plan to give birth with her husband, be sure to prepare everything necessary for his analysis. As a rule, the results of blood tests for AIDS and HIV infection, X-ray examination of the lungs. Be sure to find out about this in advance, so as not to run into a situation in which the pope was not allowed to rodzal.

After filling in all necessary documents you will be asked to change. So, the next what you need to take care, it's about preparing the clothes in which you feel most comfortable. Nowadays, virtually all hospitals for women are allowed to stay in their clothes. Your wardrobe must be sick to think carefully, to make you feel comfortable enough, and not be distracted by the discomfort:

  • Comfortable clothes for the daytime. The most comfortable robe, while many mothers prefer loose knit suits. When making a choice, remember that in the hospital, you will often get undressed for inspection and manipulation. That is why the coat is much more comfortable than pants.
  • Clothing for sleeping. For the same reason for sleep is to give preference to no pajamas, but a simple nightgown or at all usual elongated shirt.
  • Comfortable bras and panties.
  • Be sure to bring a few pairs of knitted sock (in any case not woolen).
  • Slippers. Please note that the hospital must purchase rubber slippers that are easy to clean.

Whether you come to the hospital by a doctor, or with contractions, when you should be in the package, and with things for the birth. After childbirth can begin at any time and dad, if he is, of course, does not give birth with you may not be able to bring everything you need. Below is a list of what you may need during childbirth, but be sure to ask him in the hospital of your choice.

  • As a rule, to take food during childbirth is not recommended, however, in most hospital allowed to drink during the descent period. You should give preference to, or mineral water, carbonated necessarily, or as an herbal tea designed specifically for delivery. Tea is brewed in advance, in a thermos.
  • Facial Tissue and often, during childbirth, are simply irreplaceable. Use the napkins you can wipe the face, and even wet his lips.
  • Always carry a few small towels.

List of needed items can be quite wide, but each hospital has its own rules, requirements and prohibitions. Below is a list of things that will be useful during delivery, but you need to focus not only on their own preferences, but also the requirements of the hospital.

  • If you love music, aside from the discomfort will help the player with your favorite songs.
  • In that case, if you give birth with a partner, you will come in handy tennis ball - using it is very convenient to massage your waist during labor, which greatly facilitates the state in labor
  • women.
  • Large inflatable rubber ball, which is very convenient to wait out the fight.
  • The camera, if you want to capture the first moments of life of your crumbs.
  • If you give birth, together with the future dad, take care of the food for him.
  • And, of course, charged mobile phone.

In very rare cases, usually in hospitals of small provincial towns, the hospital requires quite "exotic" things, such as, for example, a one-time set of clothes for the mother or clamp the umbilical cord for a newborn. But this often prevents the advance gynecologist, who is on the account of a pregnant woman.

The following list of items required in the hospital, you will need after the birth:

  • Immediately after giving birth mom newly founded need to change. Prefer nightgown with a wide cut in the front, and a bathrobe. Be sure to ask in advance whether there is enough heat to the ward in which you will be with the baby. Clothing should be comfortable and convenient enough, you do not have to freeze.
  • Items of personal hygiene: toilet paper, high quality (it must be very, very soft, so as not to irritate the crotch), it is desirable to give preference to wet toilet paper, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, comb.
  • Sanitary pads designed for women in the postpartum period. These pads have a very high absorbency. The ability, in the same time to ensure good ventilation. However, unfortunately, still many hospitals categorically prieemletsya use sanitary napkins, so women have to settle for diapers. Be sure to check this issue with your doctor.
  • In any case, you will be very useful special disposable panties - mesh. They are designed precisely for such cases. They are not felt on the body, the freedom of movement of women, let the skin breathe.
  • It is not out of place for a woman to prove a special removable chest pads. They are needed to absorb the oozing breast milk and protect your clothes from getting wet. And in the first month after the baby is born weak nipples are a large number of women.
  • Very often women forget about breast pump and when the milk arrives, dad has to urgently look for it to pharmacies. Breast Pump is not expensive, so it will be much more reasonable to buy it in advance, than to suffer from overcrowding in the chest.
  • Remover for healing sore nipples and fissures. There are many different means as requiring flushing and allow feeding without pretreatment nipples.
  • If you use creams, be sure to bring a nutritious cream - often after birth the skin is significantly overdried.
  • Of course, do not forget about bra, designed for nursing mothers. You can also use and conventional bra with zipper front. The main thing you should notice is its size - a good bra should support the chest, but, at the same time, in any case, anywhere it does not pinch. Otherwise, you may encounter lakostazom and even mastitis.
  • Very often in the first few days after birth the woman has difficulty with defecation. That is why, deciding what you need to buy the hospital, do not forget about laxatives candles. Preference is recommended to give the candles on the basis of glycerin, herbal remedies can cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  • As mentioned earlier, do not forget about socks.
  • Be sure to check in advance with a list of razrёshennyh to transfer products. Remember that now you have to very carefully monitor their diet. For all substances that get into your body, come from breast milk to your baby.
  • Very often women forget about such a small thing like ordinary plastic bags, which are very useful for dirty laundry.

 a list of things needed in hospital
 No less necessary things to the hospital - it's little things baby. What exactly do you need to be prepared mainly depends on the internal policy of the hospital. In some hospitals are not allowed to do their own, in others it is necessary to have their diapers. Especially progressive hospital immediately allow the baby to wear in blouses, sliders or unitard.

But in virtually every hospital must have disposable diapers. Many parents immediately buy a big pack - in any case, do not repeat this mistake. To start buy the smallest pack and see how your baby comfortable in them will not cause any use of diapers of this firm - the manufacturer of allergic reactions. And only if you are satisfied, you can purchase a large package. But also do not forget that if you plan to use diapers is not constant, and only occasionally - for a walk or to the clinic, it is not necessary to acquire a large pack for the simple reason that the baby will soon grow out of them.

In addition to diapers, you must also take care of the acquisition of hygiene products for the care of the crumbs - wet wipes (preferably without any - or perfumes), children under the diaper cream, cotton pads and cotton buds with stop. Be sure to purchase all this with a margin so as not to run into a situation where you suddenly end up diapers or wipes.

Some mothers, collecting the most necessary to the hospital, often include a list of pacifiers and baby bottles. As far as it is necessary - to decide, of course, up to you. However, making a decision, in any case we must not forget that, and sucking nipples, and even more so supplementation baby bottle negatively affects not only the sucking reflex, but also on the process of formation of lactation.

The next item in the list that should be taken to the hospital, the clothes on the statement. Prepare in advance all the necessary clothes for themselves. It is not necessary to prepare things for a few sizes smaller than your "pregnancy" weight - you will most likely not be able to wear them as soon after delivery there is a significant weight loss, but not volume. Agree, very unpleasant discharge try to squeeze into jeans that stubbornly refuse to not that converge at the waist, and even pulled over the hips. Do not be upset - very soon you will return to the usual form.

Speaking about the need to take to the hospital, I would especially like to point out clothes for the extract for a baby. The first and most important requirement - the clothes should be strictly on the weather. The system of thermoregulation crumbs still very imperfect, and therefore overheating and overcooling have on the body baby negative impact.

Typically, discharge the baby dressed as follows: a disposable diaper, vest (or two - depending on time of year), then the crumbs wrapped in a diaper (or two - again depending on the air temperature) and a blanket or envelope. Of course, the crown are blue or pink ribbons. Be sure to take care of that at hand has always been a clean handkerchief - because a baby can belch completely at any time.

Despite the joyful bustle associated with the discharge of mother and baby, be sure to check that all the necessary documents. At discharge from the hospital you have to be on hand the following documents:

  • The exchange of cards as a woman, and the baby. Be sure to make a photocopy for yourself.
  • Medical certificate of birth required for subsequent registration in the registry office baby.

In conclusion, I would like to once again remind - This article gives a sample list of some things to take to the hospital. Be sure to ask about it from your doctor. Your friends who have given birth in the same hospital, too, can tell those little things that make your stay in the hospital more comfortable.

But in any case - in the hospital a few days pass by very quickly, and you'll get a huge and unknown world, in which you now live with the proud name of MOM!

 What you need to take to the hospital?
