Squid salad with rice


  • Squid salad with rice
  • Squid salad with corn and rice
  • Salad with squid, rice and vegetables
  • Shrimp salad with squid and rice
  • Calamari salad, carrots and rice
  • Salad of squid with rice and tomato
  • Salad "Red Sea" with rice

Fresh squid unsightly in appearance and mauve coloration repels rather than attracts. But spending a little time and properly prepare the seafood, you get a useful easily digestible protein meal - salad with squid and rice. And adding some colorful vegetables, egg and gravy, dressing, you'll be able to please the guests and friends are incredibly tasty dish! Some of them have already become a tradition in our kitchen, and the other is gaining momentum in popularity. Obviously, with seafood dish can be prepared at any time of the year, served at the table and vitamins useful dish.

Let me tell you a little secret cooking fresh squid. Instead of the carcass boil 1-5 minutes, just dip them in boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. After 10 minutes the meat is ready, because seafood contains almost 100% of the protein. If you are afraid that the meat squid insufficient heat treatment will take place in this method, simply boil it for several minutes. By adding water instead of rock salt sea, you will strengthen the taste of the shellfish.

Prettier just cut squid rings, but there are large carcasses that are best divided into 2-4 pieces for easy serving and eating. Of course, the green is a wonderful complement to the dish taste - Choose herbs to your taste, and before you will be c calamari salad author of his own.

Squid salad with rice

We are glad to introduce you to the classic recipe of squid and rice. If you suddenly descended on the guests, use this recipe to cook hearty, delicious and inexpensive dish.


  • squid - 500 grams
  • onions - 140 grams
  • boiled rice - 4 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • salad green - 6 leaves
  • salt and freshly ground white pepper
  • mayonnaise - 6 tablespoons

Cooking method:

The most important thing in this dish - properly boiled squid. Clean them, throw into boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Do not leave them in hot water, otherwise they will be stiff. Fill the carcass in cold water, and cool them, chop sticks. Onion peel and cut into thin half-rings or quarters. Pour boiling water over vegetables and leave for 8-10 minutes. Thus leave bitterness. Can slightly change the recipe, pickled onions for 15 minutes in a solution of vinegar (with water in the ratio 1: 2), adding a teaspoon of sugar. Thus salad of squid with rice acquire spicy flavor.

Boiled eggs cut into strips boiled the same size as in the case of squid. Drain the onion and a little squeeze to get rid of excess fluid. In a bowl, mix all the prepared ingredients, add salt, sprinkle with pepper and add the mayonnaise mixed. Now washed lettuce tear hands and pour onto a plate. Over greenery laid out ready mixture of ingredients and form a dish or slide the ball. Bon Appetit! By adding just one component, you can prepare a completely different dish with a new flavor.

 delicious salad of squid with rice

Squid salad with corn and rice

Corn can be replaced with canned green peas. And if you add herbs to your taste, your dish will get new notes.


  • boiled rice - 0, 3 cups
  • squid - 350 grams
  • canned corn - Bank 1
  • onions - 1-2 pieces
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • green - on request

Cooking method:

Carcasses fresh or thawed squid Prepare as described above. You can add the water a bay leaf and a mixture of peppers - so sea food will be more fragrant and delicious. Broths and chill squid, shred them or dice. Boiled eggs chop the same way. Chopped onion, if it is very sharp, pour vegetable oil on the quarter hour. Corn drain off the excess liquid. All the ingredients are ready, it remains only to mix them in a salad bowl. If you have fresh herbs, chop it and add to the dish. Bon Appetit!

Salad with squid, rice and vegetables

Past this dish is simply impossible to pass - a bright, colorful and delicious salad! An inexpensive set of products will create a valuable dish that will delight you and your guests.


  • boiled rice - 50-70 grams
  • squid - 250 grams
  • pickles - 80 grams
  • Canned peas - 45 grams
  • Canned corn - 40 grams
  • boiled egg - 3 pieces
  • mayonnaise - 120 grams
  • fresh parsley and dill - to the discretion of

Cooking method:

Cleaned squid boil in salted water, then quickly cool down, the bay water, and cut into strips. Drain cucumbers from the brine and cut into strips of the same size as in the case of seafood. Boiled egg chop. Mix the chopped ingredients with rice, peas and corn. Fill with mayonnaise, add a little black pepper. Ready salad of squid with rice garnish with fresh parsley leaves and dill. Bon Appetit!

 salad of squid with rice recipe

Shrimp salad with squid and rice

Seafood is never too much! Squid combines wonderfully with shrimp and the taste of foods becomes saturated sea taste. It's best to buy small shrimp, because they do not need to cut. In addition, small cold-water shrimp is much more useful than their larger counterparts.


  • raw-frozen shrimp - 400 grams
  • calamari canned - 150 grams
  • rice cereal - 1/2 measuring cup
  • Canned peas - 200 g
  • mayonnaise - 220 grams
  • chopped dill - tablespoon

Cooking method:

In boiling water, boil the frozen shrimp 3 minutes and clean the neck of the shell. Figure wash and cook crumbly mess. If necessary, rinse it under running water and allow to drain excess moisture. Boiled egg chop. Drain the liquid from the squid and cut them into small cubes. The hard work is over, it remains only to mix the salad. The container pour all the ingredients, add the crumbly rice, peas and stir the dish, pouring mayonnaise 3/4 norm. Gently flatten the surface of the lettuce, giving shape slides. Now spread the remaining mayonnaise and garnish with greens. Bon Appetit!

Calamari salad, carrots and rice

Boiled carrots give the dish a touch of bright color and the use of beta-carotene. And in combination with rice and canned peas salad get a full hearty, able to satisfy the hunger of even the strong half of mankind.


  • shelled squid carcass - 500 grams
  • carrots - 250 grams
  • boiled egg - 2 pieces
  • canned peas - 200 g
  • rice cereal - 200 grams
  • mayonnaise - 120 grams

Cooking method:

Cleaned squid carcass boil the same as in the previous recipe. Boil hard boiled eggs, and free from the shell. Shelled carrots and washed rice, boil in a separate saucepan. Now chop the ingredients: squid cut into rings, eggs and carrots - cubes. Products connect in a deep container, add the mayonnaise, a little salt and mix. Serve portions, laying salad heaped on the plate, decorated with herbs. Bon Appetit!

 delicious salad of squid with rice

Salad of squid with rice and tomato

We present our rich and appetizing salad with squid and rice. By adding Italian olive or dried herbs, you can create your own culinary masterpiece.


  • long grain rice - 1 cup
  • squid - 250 grams
  • sweet corn, canned - Bank 1
  • fresh tomato - 2 pieces
  • mayonnaise - 180 grams
  • salt to taste
  • herbs for decoration

Cooking method:

Clean the squid and boil for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Cool the carcass and cut rings or even smaller, at your choice. Figure rinse thoroughly and boil as follows: pour it into a pan of cold water on 2 fingers. Bring to a boil, uncovered. Drain again fill with cold water and bring to a boil, and then strain in the same manner as in the first approach. In the third and last time, pour rice with cold water and boil for 15 minutes until tender. It's best if he stays a little moist (state al dente), and then turn off the heat and drain. Figure gradually reach full readiness in a salad, gaining moisture from the other products.

Until the rice cools down, get vegetables: tomatoes cut into cubes and pour the corn. Mix in a salad bowl all ingredients and season with mayonnaise. If you need a little podsolite. Mix gently and garnish with fresh herbs and lettuce. Bon Appetit!

Salad "Red Sea" with rice

Cream cheese flavor complements the wonderful aroma of the sea and gives the squid salad delicious tenderness.


  • squid - 300 grams
  • fresh tomato - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • processed cheese - 100 grams
  • boiled rice - 70 grams
  • mayonnaise - 6 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Clean the squid carcass and boil for 2 minutes, then cut into strips. Tomatoes and cheese cut into cubes. Squeeze out the cloves of garlic through a press. The case for small: just mix all ingredients and season with a little podsolite mayonnaise. By the way, can be used instead of cream cheese. Taste dishes turn out completely different!

Incredibly unique quality squid - low calorie at very high benefits. The meat of the shellfish contains extremely important substances for the body - vitamins A and E, the latter rightly earned the nickname "vitamin of youth and beauty." It is worth noting the high content of selenium in the squid: it helps to effectively cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, salt deposits.

It is known that regular consumption of seafood is extremely beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Undoubted benefit to the child's body brings iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6. Feel free to add to the children's diet, this seafood. As you can see, Squid dishes are unique and irreplaceable. Cook them on a regular basis and be healthy!

 Extend beyond the sea: a salad of squid with rice

We recommend that read: Salad with squid and prawns: recipe
