The recipe for mushroom soup with noodles and beef
Soup of beef broth
Soups in Russia are a special dish that is present on the table almost every day. Each recipe is unique and reflect the characteristics of a people. It is in many ways was the fact that in today's time there is more than a dozen different soups. Among them are sweet and fruity, and mushrooms, and fish and meat soups (beef, pork, chicken). Cook can be not only every day, but on some special occasion.
At different times in a given country there were new recipes corresponding to climatic features, the location of the state, its flora and fauna. So, somewhere there was a fruit soup where a mutton soup, in some countries the soups get easy, in others - too sharp. All this is a reflection not only geographically reasonable factors, but also the inner attitude of residents of a given territory.
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Features soup beef
Such meat, like beef, is not very bold, so you can use it for almost everyone. Except for people suffering severe diarrheas. But with all this beef is very nutritious and tasty.
It is suitable for a large number of dishes. From it you can cook soup, chops, burgers, barbecue; It can be cooked as a separate dish.
But the most useful is the soup. He holds the record for the content of nutrients and vitamins. To prepare the soup of beef, quite a few bones with a little meat or chopped sirloin. As an add-on products to it fit almost all the products that you have in the refrigerator or in a closet. These include pasta, tomatoes, cereals and others.
As has become clear beef soup can be of two kinds: broth of the flesh, and broth of meat on the bone. The second option will give your dish a distinctive flavor and will make a nourishing broth. The most famous soup of beef is a Georgian national dish - grub, but there are plenty of recipes are not only delicious, but also useful soup.
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Recipe Beef soup kharcho
To make the soup was the favorite dish of all your household and guests, to the selection of products it should take more responsibility. So, choosing the meat, try to color it was red, then there are colors should not be out of the gap, which concentrated all the shades of red, from bright to dark. Admitted fatty streaks in the flesh, the color of which should be pink, and the fat should not be damp or wet. For soup kharcho excellent beef shank, brisket and brisket. So, for the preparation of the Georgian soup kharcho his recipe includes the following ingredients:
0, 5 kg of beef,
Half a cup of rice.
4 onions,
2-3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. Spoon tomato paste,
First, we start to cook the meat and broth at the same time. To this end, the beef must be properly cleaned of possible films of the bones (if any), rinse several times and cut into small cubes. Sliced meat again well washed, put in a large pot and fill with water. On a number of meat will take approximately 9-10 glasses of cold water. We light heavy fire and put a pot with meat and water on a gas stove. From time to time you need to check how the meat is cooked and remove the resulting foam. It is necessary to have time to do before boiling, otherwise the whole foam (as it remains on the meat mud, select under the influence of heat treatment) will remain in the broth. The meat cook until half, which takes about half an hour or a little longer.
By the time the meat is ready, you need to cook the onions. Clear the bulb from the peel, wash and cut into small cubes. Drop a whole onion in a pot of boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes. Namyvali also send rice and soup. The resulting mixture cook for another 20 minutes and add to the soup half the herbs, salt, pepper and any other seasonings (better adjika). Bates heat to medium, and warm up on a nearby burner pan. Pour vegetable oil into it, how to heat it up and dissolved tomato paste. The finished dressing add to the soup. Fire diminish to a minimum, top soup spice crumble remaining herbs and chopped garlic.
When serving the soup into individual plates, decorate with finely chopped parsley and dill.
This recipe is one of the most simple and allows for a fairly short period of time to prepare a delicious meal. Based on this recipe can be cooked soup kharcho other species. For example, if you have time, you can prepare the soup kharcho with walnuts, chilli and coriander seeds. All this in one tolchetsya mortar and added to the soup after two-hour boil. In this dish you can still add finely chopped tomatoes and sour lavash.
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Beef soup with tomato and egg colors
For the recipe of wholesome dishes need the following ingredients:
Meat fillet - 100-200 g,
4 tomatoes,
2 eggs,
1 onion,
Soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
Peanut oil or corn.
First, you need to dip the tomatoes in boiling water and remove their skin. Peeled tomatoes into small cubes and send them to the pan. We clear the onion and cut it too fine. Tomatoes with onion stew in oil. As with other cooking beef soup, broth cook with water and boiled meat therein. Once it is half cooked, refried ship tomatoes with onion in broth and diminish gas to medium.
The meat must be removed from the pan and cut into small pieces. After that it will send back to the broth and boil all within 5 minutes. Eggs and whisk rapidly stirring, add to the soup so that the egg mass and dissolved in the soup thickens. Once this happens, add the broth of soy sauce and salt. Serve the soup must be hot, you can decorate it with greenery.
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The recipe for mushroom soup with noodles and beef
Thus, the beef can be as basic as well as an additional element in the preparation of the soup. So, if you add it to the mushroom soup, you get a new original dish, a recipe that you can share with your friends. It requires:
100-150 grams of beef,
300-400 g fungi
2 onions,
2 carrots,
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Kvass - 100 g,
Salt and pepper - to taste.
First we need to wash and boil beef. In this case, you need to prepare it to full readiness. Once it is cooked, remove it from the broth and cut into pieces corresponding portions. We filter and pour the broth in a separate pot. Mushrooms mine, cut and boil in unsalted water clean. While the mushrooms are prepared, prepare homemade noodles. To do this, 1 egg and 70 g of flour (in the number of products as specified in the recipe). The dough is kneaded very thick, and then it is rolled out into a thin layer and give a little dry. After that, cut it into thin long strips and boil in salted water.
At this time, cut the onions, wash and clean carrots, finely cut or that, or three on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in butter (butter or vegetable). This, together with boiled mushrooms cook in a meat broth for 15-20 minutes. Then add boiled kvass, homemade noodles and fresh herbs. All together, cooked no more than 5 minutes. The finished dish is poured into bowls, add to each piece of meat, dressed with sour cream. For the mushroom soup and canned mushrooms fit. In this case, they will not have to cook.
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Soup of beef broth
Thus, soups beef are universal. On this basis, it can be cooked all the usual meat soup with vegetables, beef, and can be an excellent addition to mushroom soup. The recipe for this soup is known to all, but you can vary the nuts, new spices and seasonings. Besides all this, the flesh of beef can easily complement any soup. To do this, you will only have to boil the meat, cut it into small pieces. Soup can be prepared from potatoes and onions.
Suffice it to 4-5 large potatoes and 2 bulbs. All this is boiled and pulverized in a blender. Then add the sauce to the soup, hot milk or cream. When applying to each plate put a few pieces of beef. This will help make your soup is not only tender and tasty, but also will contribute in making your menu some diversity.