sex with a friend


  • What sometimes causes kinship
  • What can all lead
  • New Look: The spark will kindle a flame
  • What to do if you are satisfied with the friendship more love

Supporters of the opinion that between a man and a woman can be all sorts of feelings, but friendship, exactly the same as those who argue that not only the love and passion can link them. The debate is endless, no winners and losers. There are stories where a guy and a girl - real friends, without evidence of a sexual nature. But in the life of some of the girls he had sex with a friend, and this is also a reality, deny that it makes no sense. Why so happens that could trigger or reason for what happened, what the consequences might be after what happened? Let us reflect and consider all possible scenarios, where sex between friends has already happened and think about what could serve as a trigger for this.

What sometimes causes kinship

About friendship is no accident say it is kinship. It seems to be logical that the relatives we can experience the hottest and deepest feelings, it is absolutely devoid of sexual coloring. In fact, more than half of people connected by ties of friendship, at least once felt attracted to each other. Moral principles can not be a deterrent if the two persons, consisting to a certain point only in friendly relations, moved them to another plane. In fact, if each of you is not connected loving relationship with someone else, what is wrong can be that you are in a much more intimate relationship with one another? Let's face it.

  • A moment of weakness - a snap

You were beside childhood, grew up together, developed, played and fought, you have so much in common that you can to the nearest hundredth catch mood swings each other. He wiped your tears when you left the first failed love. You try to remember the names of his girlfriends. Jealousy - an unfamiliar feeling for your relationship. And now this! Not clear there is only one thing: how it all could happen to you?

  • Alcohol

Correctly say: "Drink, kids, milk." Trite but true - it is much safer. All, like, started as usual. You will once again meet to share news Skopje, gossip, watch the latest released filmets, a drink or two. But at some point, things went differently than before. Whether the cups were more or something else. Now we have what we have. Sex with a close friend - is now an accomplished fact between you.

  • Old commemorated

You used to be in ancient times were a couple. Separated, while remaining friends, as we should do all civilized people. You really great priyatelstvuete passion left your heart, seemingly forever. But the stars came together at a certain angle, clouded his mind and wanted to revive old, or something else - and there you are!

  • Health care not!

You guy friends do not spill water. You also then combines that everyone is not stable and regular personal life. But we are all adults with normal needs, including sexual. You have nothing to hide and dissemble, you can relax and be myself. Until that complain about the lack of regular orgasms. A friend will not refuse to help.

  • Having nothing to do, or when the head is a bad hand does not rest

Not the best version of the situation. Strangely, even the other two have not found anything better than having nothing to do make love. Sex with a friend in order to dispel the boredom? Someone is using someone to unwind and not be bored. One is the use of pull. Are you sure you were friends before it?

  • It is necessary to know exactly, and can be friendship between M and M?

Curiosity - the feeling is very ambiguous. There are situations where it is useful and necessary. And there are other situations. If anyone of you wants to know what is in each bed, then decide what happens, you should, before you appeared in it, not after. No wonder there is a saying that curiosity is not a vice, but a large disgusting.

  • When it is simply convenient

You did not really friends. Rather, the shortstop. Useful to each other. As sexual partners, without relations and obligations. We met, we learned how to do, slept and fled again, pleased with themselves and each other. And it's not called sex between friends. More such relationships fit the format of just sex. Everything here can be very fine and good. Until the moment when one partner does not fall in love with each other and do not want the development of future relations. The other side of such ideas can not be in this at all.

 Sex between friends

What can all lead

Psychologists say that most people experience negative feelings from the friendly sex, especially if he gets not the last this example. Pangs of conscience, awareness of suffering from guilt, shame, fear and surprise are often stronger than the desire and pleasure experienced. Especially if the latter did not. These negative emotions lead to the fact that most of the friends of the opposite sex friendship terminate, but not because they become a couple, and even disrupt communication. Rarely who manage to get out of this situation, maintaining friendship.

Uncertainty at the thought of what will happen next, immerses already "non-friends" at a loss. We are all victims of certain rules, principles and stereotypes. Friendship does not mean sex. How to act now, when passed the point of no return? Even when it is sex with the former man, who later became a friend, definitely wants to reach as quickly as possible. That he was a guy, then another, and now it is me who? The head can easily go round. It is necessary as soon as possible to understand whether it broke out the old feelings, or left unchanged. And it turned out the man his point of view on what happened. Ideal - if your opinions coincide on the incident.

New Look: The spark will kindle a flame

Deny outright the possibility of the birth of love should not be. It is not always sex between friends leads to a loss of friendship and rupture of relations. Sometimes that is the stage for the transition to a new relationship. In fact, why not? You feel for each other is sincere and genuine sympathy. You trust him like myself, and he does similarly. Respect and perception of a partner such as it is, and the most opportunity not to be afraid to be myself - it's just perfect for the development of romantic relationships. And if you are approached by temperament and, as they say, size, being together in bed ... Why are you still in doubt about the fact that everything that happened - for the better?

 the consequences of having sex with another

What to do if you are satisfied with the friendship more love

What if after a sober analysis and impartial assessment of the situation you realize that sex is sex, but you are more valuable and dearer friendship, the transition to the new love relationship you are not interested, and to make friends and "sex" at the same time you do not know and do not want to learn? Several options, and some of them you certainly will gain:

  • Jokes aside

That is, on the contrary, of course. While being mindful not to touch her yet still a great friend, get out of the situation with humor. Tell him that your friendship is now recognized as an official, having undergone such a test, and with peace of mind, you can be friends in the future. Kohl happened under the influence of spirits, the more so promise not to get drunk in his presence. And most importantly, follow the promise.

  • I'm not me, the horse is not mine

Complicated recipe, especially for emotional natures. Wear a mask of impartiality and pretend there was nothing, the strength is not for everyone. It is easiest to look natural when this is the case actually. Well, but who said it would be easy? We'll have to make an effort to rectify the situation and send it to your direction.

  • Give yourself time and he

You can take the initiative, and you can not do. Take time out to breathe and just go with the flow, avoiding dating for some time with your friend, whom you once were noted in bed. You find it hard to see him to such an extent that you even do not want to answer calls, but have already passed enough time? Perhaps it says that friendship ended, as it is sad to admit.

Whatever style you choose behavior eventually, be sure to know and take into account the opinion of the other side. Trite but true: in the head of another person, you can not get into, and the ability to read the thoughts you are not endowed nature. On the other rights you have reason to go to a frank conversation, and he can count on the sincerity and honesty on your part.

Human feelings, emotions, and based on these relationships are often so closely intertwined that to understand the difference between them is not always possible. Where does friendship and love begins? How do you know that you the right passion and sexual attraction, not love? For this we need a good understanding of yourself, to be able to hear their inner desires and needs. That's not all. There should be a desire to feel the people around you. And especially - loved ones. You also probably do not care about their peace of mind! In any case, the situation with a happy ending happens only when your desire will be the same direction or else different, but you will have the wisdom and ability to negotiate with each other. All this certainly is, otherwise you would not have been friends!

 Sex between friends: the gap, check or change the relationship to a new level?
