Pea soup has long been considered one of the most popular soups of those that are present on our tables. He is satisfying and tasty and useful. Preparation of this soup goes quickly and relatively inexpensive cost. This dish, the former is traditionally more for our ancestors, today loved and revered in many homes. Each of the hosts, preparing pea soup, using a recipe. Therefore, methods and soup, there are many. With what we just do not cook: with meat and poultry, and bacon, and even without meat. Every soup, the house has its own unique flavor and aroma bouquet. Some of these recipes:
Soup with pork smoked ribs
The classic recipe. One of the most delicious recipes for pea soup that we cook at home. Especially admirers like pork and very tasty nourishing soups.
300 g of peas
Smoked ribs - 500 grams
Middle potatoes - 5 pieces
Carrots - 1 piece
Celery - 1 piece
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Bay Leaf - 2 pieces
Parsley - 2 sprigs
Allspice - 5 pieces
Ground pepper, salt - to taste
To prepare a delicious soup, well washed peas pour warm boiled water and leave to soak for eight to twelve hours. Chopped smoked pork ribs with cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, they should simmer cook for forty or fifty minutes. Then the ribs are removed from the broth, the broth is filtered and again put on fire. From ribs separated meat and finely cut it. With peas drained the water and lowered it into the boiling broth from the ribs. Cook the soup should be over very low heat, stirring occasionally, until peas are not yet ready. If the broth during the cooking process will start boil, you can add hot water.
Celery and carrots cleaned and rubbed on a grater. Peeled onions finely chopped. In vegetable oil fry the onion until golden brown, then add it to the root of the celery and carrots and deep fried it all to simmer. Peeled potatoes cut into cubes. All the prepared vegetables to put in broth and peas and cook. Five Ten minutes after filling soup vegetables in it add salt, pepper, allspice and bay leaf. Leave on the fire until the potatoes until cooked. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley.
Pea soup
Probably the easiest recipe for pea soup. Perfect for the children's menu: tasty, tender, fragrant.
Meat broth
This soup is cooked very quickly. However, before it boiled peas with cold water and leave to soak for eight to ten hours. Then the water is drained peas and drop it into two liters of water or broth and simmer until tender pose. The cleaned potatoes are cut into cubes. Purified carrots rubbed on a fine grater, onion cleaned and chopped. Vegetables laying in a pot of peas and boiled until tender.
To make the soup from the usual delicious and delicate soup, it is crushed blender. Add salt and pepper, garlic and chopped herbs, the soup boil again pose, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Serve with crackers or toast. In this soup, you can add finely chopped smoked. In two liters of water or broth need two or three pieces of medium potatoes, one carrot, one head of onions, a cup of peas.
If you cook the soup with canned or frozen peas, then the time it takes much less.
Pea soup with meat
Recipe beef soup may not be the only one. Other meat - different soups. This soup every cook to your taste. But it turns out it is very tasty, nourishing and satisfying. For example, to cook pea soup with pork is necessary to take the following ingredients:
250 g pork
Half a cup of peas
6 medium potatoes
Medium onion
2 green onions feathers
2 cloves garlic
1 medium carrot
10 pieces of pepper
2 bay leaves
The three liters of boiling water put pork and boil rapidly for ten minutes, removing the foam. Then in the pan add the peas and cook still fifteen minutes. After that, lay in a saucepan carrots, grated on a coarse grater and cut in half the onion. Cook it all for another ten minutes, add chopped green onion, peppers, peas, bay leaf, garlic and salt to taste. Continue to cook for another fifteen minutes.
Pea soup with chicken
Recipe easy meat soup. Cook it no more difficult than any soup with meat and cooking technique is different from the goal of pea soup.
3 liters of water
1 cup peas
500 grams of chicken
1 carrot
1 onion
4 medium potatoes
1 clove garlic
Bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste added
For this soup full of peas need to soak, split peas do not need soaking. To peas not seethe to the state of porridge in the pot, where it is cooked, you can add one or two grams of baking soda. Twenty minutes after the start of cooking peas in a squeezed garlic clove and add the chicken. All this salt to taste. Carrots rubbed on a coarse grater, onions cut into medium cubes and fry it all in vegetable oil. Add to the pan with the peas. Five to seven minutes after roasting in a pan placed potatoes, pre-diced. Cook the soup for about twenty minutes. Peas in it should remain solid, but soft, then the soup is particularly delicious.
Soup German
European cooking also does not shy away from peas. A German cuisine prepared with it are very different dishes. For example, very tasty, very very German soup with smoked taste. And cook it at home is not difficult.
Smoked knuckle
Half a kilo of smoked shank boil after boiling for five minutes. The broth is poured, separate meat from bones and skin are removed from it. Meat pour hot broth and again put on fire. Boiled peas. Large, grated carrots and two shredded onion stir fry quickly over high heat. Welded shank removed from the broth, cut into small pieces. Lay them in a saucepan with the broth, add to peas and zazharku. Everything boil for ten minutes, then add two cloves of minced garlic and a couple of seconds to close the lid soup. Then turn off the fire and give the soup infuse for twenty minutes. Serve with toast or toasted white bread.
Pea soup with bacon
Another recipe of soup with smoked meat. To him your regular bacon - smoked, tasty, but not very fat.
100 g of peas
8 slices bacon
1, 5 liters of broth
1 carrot
2 onions
2 tablespoons butter
0, 5 teaspoon dried herbs
Salt and pepper - to taste
Cooking pea soup. To the peas get soft and tasty soup, pour peas with cold water and leave to soak for eight to twelve hours. Carrots, diced and sliced onion rings lightly fry in vegetable oil. Add the diced bacon to cut and fry all together for a few minutes. All these add to the broth with peas, seasoned with pepper, salt and spices. The broth cook on low heat for one hour and then wipe everything through a sieve again put on low heat and bring to a boil. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley.
Pea soup without meat
In pea soup rather high calorie content. Therefore, for those who closely monitors its own weight, suitable recipe vegetable soup (no meat).
Peas in an amount of nine hundred grams of well washed with cold water at a ratio of two parts of pea three liters of water. Pan put on the fire. Large onion cut into three or four pieces and put in a saucepan. Stirring occasionally, cook until until the peas will not turn to mush. The consistency of the soup can be done according to their own taste. In order to make it liquid, soup can be diluted with water and boiled boiled a few minutes. To the soup turned out delicious and aromatic, it adds three finely chopped cloves of garlic, chopped dill and twenty grams, half a teaspoon of ground coriander, hop-suneli and two grams of black pepper. Salt to taste. For one kilogram of peas need one large onion.
Lean pea soup
Lenten cooking has always been popular in Rusi.A we know that post - it's not only a spiritual cleansing, but the physical. And each recipe lean cuisine - a godsend for the followers of healthy zhizni.Net, our ancestors were smart about their health zabotilis.Chtoby cook delicious meatless soup at home, we need the following ingredients:
Half a cup of peas
4 medium potatoes
1 onion
1, 5 cups of water
1 tablespoon butter for frying onions
Herbs, salt and pepper - to taste
Peas soaked in cold water for eight - ten. For this noodle soup need. It is prepared as follows: in half a cup of flour add three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of cold water and salt. The dough and leave it for an hour. Then the dough is rolled, dried, cut into strips and dried again. Boil until half the peas in the same water in which he soaked. Add it browned onions, diced potatoes, noodles, salt and pepper. Cook until tender.
It does not matter, ma'am, what recipe you choose. For the preparation of pea soup is important only your mood. And in a good mood every recipe will give you the result delicious, fragrant and a homemade pea soup.