Cauliflower - nutritious and tasty dish, which, if properly prepared, it can be called a diet.
Particularly popular among the housewives this vegetable has won not only by a pleasant taste, but also because of the speed of cooking, which is particularly important when the family members or guests on the threshold and do not have time for long cooking.
Modern cooking in its arsenal has many options for cooking cauliflower in the oven, so fans of this vegetable can literally every day to choose their own recipe to your liking. By the way, keep the cauliflower is possible even in the freezer. Even under these conditions it does not lose its beneficial properties.
To the dish was not only delicious, but also beautiful look, cauliflower is necessary to properly prepare.
In most cases, before baking it in the oven is required to disassemble into smaller individual florets and boil in slightly salted water. This process usually takes less than 10 minutes. If you cook the cabbage longer, blossoms begin to fall apart and instead tselenkih pieces can get unappetizing mess.
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Recipe baked cauliflower with sauce bechamel
Cauliflower - 500g
Any hard cheese - 100-120 g
Vegetable oil - 20 ml
Garlic - 2 cloves
Onions - 2 pcs.
Ingredients for the sauce:
Wheat flour - 60 g
Butter - 60 g
Milk - 0, 5 liters
Ground black pepper
Cooking method:
Boil the cauliflower until soft. Then cut it into pieces and spread them on a baking sheet, bottom is pre-greased. On top of it also sprayed with vegetable oil. Baking put in a preheated 200 degree oven. While the cabbage is baked, prepare the sauce bechamel on the classic recipe.
To prepare the sauce, melt the butter in a skillet or saucepan with a thick bottom. Then add the flour. All thoroughly mixed and heated a couple of minutes, without ceasing to interfere. The main thing that the flour is roasted, otherwise the sauce will become darker than required. Thereafter, milk is added (cold). Next tantalized the sauce over low heat until thickened. When the sauce has thickened enough, it is passed through a sieve to get rid of unwanted lumps. Then add black pepper, nutmeg and salt.
Next, cut the onions and garlic should be fried in vegetable oil, grind in a blender and add to the sauce. Roasted cauliflower from the oven, pour the sauce and sprinkle with its grated cheese. Then again put in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. The finished dish shift on serving platter and decorate with greenery.
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Recipe baked cauliflower with green peas and corn
Cauliflower - 1kg
Canned corn - Bank 1
Green peas - 1 Bank or 150 g
Hard cheese - 100 g
Cream or sour cream - 150 g
Ground black pepper
Cooking method:
Boil the cauliflower in salted water. If taken fresh green peas, it is boiled with cabbage. Baking dish carefully smeared with butter. All vegetables are spread in the form. Raw eggs whipped with the help of the corolla or fork in a separate bowl. Add to them the sour cream or cream, salt, finely chopped herbs and black pepper.
The whole was mixed and the resulting mixture is poured vegetables. Sprinkle with cheese, which must be pre-grate. Cheese put small pieces of butter. The dish is put in the oven and bake until golden brown. The oven should be preheated to 180-200 degrees. This recipe can be used both as a garnish and as a separate dish.
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Recipe cauliflower casserole with chicken
Chicken fillet - 300 g
Cauliflower - 0, 5 kg
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Milk or cream - 2/3 cup
Any hard cheese - 100-150 g
Garlic - 2 cloves
Cooking method:
Chicken boiled and cut into small pieces. Cauliflower, boil and mash using a fork, mix with meat. Oiled baking tray and spread it on the meat and cabbage. Pour the sauce over the top. To prepare the sauce Whip eggs via corolla was added thereto and the milk (cream), garlic, salt and spices. On top of casserole sprinkle with grated cheese and send it in the oven. Ready-made meals for about 20 minutes at 150 degrees. The finished pudding sprinkled with finely chopped greens.
Choose cauliflower should be correct. First of all, you need to pay attention to what looks like a vegetable. Inflorescence must be bright and elastic. Leaves of fresh vegetables rich green color. If they are dark spots, it means that the vegetable is stored for a long time.
What are the ingredients and equipment needed?
Preparation of meat, bacon, onion
Prepared and served barbecue
The majority of this dish as kebab is associated with the warm time of the year when the united company decides to go to the nature and have a good time. But do not deprive themselves of the opportunity to enjoy the taste of winter dishes from home. After all, it can be cooked in the oven.
Believe me, the aroma and taste of the barbecue is no different from that made by the classical method.
So definitely try to cook it, using the proven recipe.
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What are the ingredients and equipment needed?
Before you begin to cook kebabs in the oven, it is recommended to prepare in advance the products, the list is as follows:
onions - 4 pieces;
fresh pork flesh - 2 kg;
Turmeric - 2 pinches;
fresh lard kg -1;
salt, red and black pepper - to taste;
Dried spice cumin - 1 pinch;
Lemon -1 piece;
vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
coriander - 1 pinch.
Also, you need the following equipment:
cutting board;
deep bowl;
Food foil;
coarse grater;
grill from the oven;
wooden sticks;
Kitchen potholders;
paper towels.
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Preparation of meat, bacon, onion
First of all, take the pork and rinse it under running water. Then lay it on a cutting board with a knife and clean the meat from the veins of fat and film. Now cut them into small pieces. They must be the same size to enable good propechsya shish kebab in the oven and brown on all sides. Then Put the meat in a bowl.
Then the fat is taken and washed by water. Further, it should be dry with paper towels and put it on a cutting board for slicing. Its largest pieces should be slightly smaller than the meat. After that, the fat also need to shift into a bowl.
Now you can start handling the bow. First he cleaned from the husk, and then rinsed under water. Then, each bulb is rubbed on a coarse grater. Once this is done, ready to bow, you can shift into a bowl with the bacon and meat.
To barbecue in the oven turned out tasty, it must necessarily marinated before cooking. To do this in a bowl with the chopped ingredients, add the previously black and red pepper, salt, spices such as turmeric, coriander and cumin. Immediately add the vinegar and the juice from a lemon, which will give the dish a delicious taste. Then you need to clean hands thoroughly mix all ingredients in a bowl. It is necessary to distribute the marinade evenly over the meat. Then the bowl cover and leave in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
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Prepared and served barbecue
Once the meat thoroughly promarinuetsya, connect the oven and preheat it to a temperature of 250 ° C. After that, take the pan and carpeted his food foil. It is important to spread its brilliant storonoyvverh.Dalee place the rack on a baking sheet from the oven. Now take the skewers for barbecue and wash them thoroughly under the water. Then wipe them dry with kitchen towel. Now you can start stringing them meat and fat, do it one by one. Here too tightly pressed pieces are not worth it, otherwise they would not be able to qualitatively fry. Next to barbecue skewers on the grill must be expanded. Keep a small distance between them.
Now you can start cooking food in the oven. Install it in the pan with the barbecue on the upper level and close the door. In 10-15 minutes start drips fat and meat juice will drain. It is important to follow the process of cooking in the oven. When it will be seen that the top has browned barbecue, open the door and turn the skewers other party.
Then after a few minutes you will be able to see how the fat from the fat and the meat begins to smoke. Afraid of such a process is not necessary, because it is the most important stage. Smoke allow prokoptit meat, so it will taste the same as if it was prepared on Barbecue. Once you see that the other side of the meat browned, turn off the oven and turn the skewers again. In a few minutes, remove the pan from the grill and set it aside. Take the dish and place it ready to barbecue. Optionally, you can sprinkle it pre-sliced onion rings, chopped dill and parsley. As the filling to this dish is perfect mayonnaise, barbecue sauce and ketchup. Bon Appetit!
Useful tips
During the preparation of this dish without good advice is simply not enough. So, if you plan to do barbecue in an oven, then place the pan on the middle level, and for 5 minutes until cooked dishes include convector. It will allow better browned meat. If you have an oven with a grill, then put the pan is recommended to the lowest tier, and then (through 10-15 minutes) it is recommended to install a grill.
To while cooking meat is not burnt, place 7-8 minutes after the baking oven at the bottom of a bowl of hot water for 10 minutes. After this time, remove it, and then continue to cook the dish.
In addition to pork, you can use barbecue lamb or veal.
But you need to choose the meat cut from the top of the thighs, it is better suited for this dish.