Probably every good housewife at least once in life thought about how to prepare a goose in the oven. Clearly, this dish is not every day. The big goose with delicious browned crust on a large platter arises in mind, first of all, in connection with any great holiday, a remarkable event. It may be New Year's Eve, anniversary, wedding or other celebration. But, of course, the main festival, which people usually associate this dish - Christmas. There is even a phrase - a Christmas goose.
There are many recipes for goose. They differ mainly by the composition ingredients. For the stuffing, which fills the interior of the carcass, according to various recipes take a variety of products, focusing on the taste and material opportunities. Thus, a single prescription can be filled with goose buckwheat or rice porridge. In another recipe for porridge add mushrooms, onion, giblets (liver, heart, stomach), herbs and spices. Some recipes recommend making mincemeat out of sauerkraut. To make the spicy taste of its complement smoked breast, onion and butter.
The classic recipe for cooking a goose in the oven believe recipe goose stuffed with apples.
There are also possible additions. For apples, you can add potatoes. Combined with their other fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons. You can add a little white wine. The following will be considered simple classic recipe for goose with apples. And to add to it some of his ingredients or not - a decision each family. There is always an opportunity to experiment and create their own unique recipes for goose.
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Preparing goose and stuffing
When selecting the cooking for the goose should be aware that he must enter fully into the oven and feel there freely. Here, size is important and will bust out of place. Goose meat has high rigidity. Therefore, in order not to spoil the impression during the holiday on the main course, you need to take care of his commutation. There are a couple of simple methods:
Soak the carcass at night in a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.
PREPARED goose rub with salt and pepper, pour a little white wine. Then wrap it in plastic and put in the fridge for 6-8 hours.
Actually, the very excerpt goose carcass in the refrigerator for several hours gives the effect of easing. A combination of shutter speed with the above methods will guarantee that guests will be able to assess the true masterpiece of cooking without concerns about the integrity of their teeth. And the honor of the hostess will be saved, and the main dish of the table will not disappoint anyone.
Now it's time to take up the apples. It is best to cook the goose with Antonovka. This variety is resistant to the process of baking in the oven, it retains its shape and is very well combined with the taste of meat. Apples is better to take more than it seems sufficient. While cleaning, they lose some of their mass. Every apple is divided into 4 parts, the peel is removed from the core.
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Recipe for goose stuffed with apples
So, go directly to the preparation. We need the following products: goose - 2-2, 5 kg, poultry fat - 60 g butter - 45 g apples - 300-400 g, parsley or dill, black pepper and salt to taste.
The prepared carcass filled with apples, sew, salt and pepper. Drizzle with melted butter, put in the form of back down and put in the oven. At the bottom of the form in advance to pour water to a height of about 1-2 cm. The oven heats up to 250 degrees in advance. Total baking time about 3 hours.
It is to dwell on the temperature of baking in the oven.
The first 20 min. the temperature in the oven is supported 250-270 degrees. Then gradually lowered to 220 degrees, and the last hour is better maintained at 180-200 degrees.
Goose during cooking should be turned. In 20 minutes. from start baking it is necessary to turn back up, and then to turn around every half hour, basting with fat drips.
Approximately 40 min. until tender need to open the oven and impose a goose on all sides apple slices. If this is done before they are roasted.
Serve to remove the skin, put the goose on a platter and impose baked apples. Above water the juice released during frying and melted butter and garnish with fresh herbs.
Red wine, festive toasts and good mood will be a great addition to the main dish of the table. And the cheers of guests at a delightful, beautifully decorated and laid a goose - the award for her mistress works. Good luck to all and enjoy your meal!
Beef in soy sauce in a hurry
Chicken meat with sauce
Grilled lamb in soy sauce
In order to cook the meat in soy sauce spareribs need
0, 50 kg of pork ribs;
0, 30 kg of soybeans;
30 g of soy sauce;
50 g of starch flour;
salt to taste;
a pinch of MSG (optional);
2 tbsp. l. cognac or wine;
some sugar;
a pinch of ginger (powder);
ground black pepper.
Pre-soaked beans (about a day). At the rate of 100 grams of dry beans to produce 400 g soaked.
The meat is chopped long slices about 3 cm each and marinate for about 2 hours in a pre-prepared mixture, which is a soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, wine, chopped onion, sugar, pepper, ginger, wine and a quarter cup of water.
The cold water is diluted with boiled starch flour. The mixture let stand and drain excess water. Then shift it to the marinated meat and stir thoroughly.
The swollen beans are laid out to the ribs in the marinade, mix and spread on the bowl.
We put it all in a steamer and cook for 2 hours.
At the end of the required time, turn off the steamer and took bowls. 1 bowl - 1 serving. Very convenient, is not it?
Of course, this recipe is long in terms of preparation. But believe me, the result is worth it. Ribs are obtained tender and soy sauce will give the meat and beans certain piquancy.
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Beef in soy sauce in a hurry
The recipe for this dish will be very useful working housewife, as to cook beef spent about 2 hours and after work often have neither the strength nor the time.
Beef hastily preparing a total of 30 minutes, but the meat is not that soft and hard, and so it should. Consider also what is the maximum amount of vitamins.
Soy sauce to the finished dish is almost not felt.
Necessary products based on 3 portions:
beef meat - 0, 50 kg;
large onion - 1 pc;
red hot chili pepper - to taste;
Soy sauce - 100 ml;
Garlic - 2 tooth.
The meat is cut into thin fibers perpendicularly into sticks 40 mm long and 15 mm wide, both the stroganoff. And the subtlety of the pieces depends on the speed of their preparation.
Sliced meat laid out in a bowl with high edges for marinating.
The meat is then necessary to fill the brim with soy sauce and leave to marinate in the cold for 3-4 hours or overnight. For example, you can marinate the night, and to prepare the next day after work.
Finely chopped, mixing, garlic and onions. Then it is fried in the hot oil until transparent. In zazharku can add a little hot pepper to taste.
In a frying pan with onion and garlic, and stir the meat laid out in a sauce.
All of this is quenched over high heat for 15-20 minutes. While the meat juice does not provide, it is necessary to stir, then just cover. If necessary, add water. Typically, meat juice releases sufficient, but if you want more dips, it is possible to add water. If it turned out that the dish is salty, the water can also be adjusted taste.
After 15 minutes, the dish can be served.
To this dish fits any garnish or vegetables.
Of course, the quality of the meat affects the cooking time, but, in any case, it will take no more than 25 minutes. The main thing - time to turn off the stove, otherwise the meat just falls apart.
Based on this recipe, you can cook and something more unusual. The only condition is that all this should be eaten for 1 times.
One minute until cooked add krupnonarezannye pieces of bell pepper and cucumber. For such dishes as a garnish perfect boiled rice and fresh vegetables.
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Chicken meat with sauce
Quite an interesting taste combination gives the chicken and soy sauce. Many housewives to use soy sauce marinade. It turns out pretty tasty and fragrant. According to the Japanese and Chinese national recipes, chicken can marinate in soy sauce, sake or wine vinegar, seasoning to taste a variety of spices. Sometimes honey marinade added. This type of marinade is perfect for goose or duck. And the longer the meat is marinated, the tastier and better it gets.
Necessary for prescription products:
Hams of chickens - 2 pcs .;
white wine - 6 tablespoons. L .;
soy sauce - 6 tbsp .;
pinch of sugar;
Seasonings for chicken - to taste;
a pinch of paprika;
a few cloves of garlic;
Onions - 1 pc .;
a pinch of curry;
Salt - to taste
hot pepper (optional).
Chicken legs sprinkle with salt and pepper and laid aside for some time, while preparing the sauce. For those who are dieting, it is recommended to remove from the skin of the legs, because it contains the highest amount of cholesterol. If you take the legs instead of the chicken breast, which almost does not contain cholesterol, the dish will turn out even more dietetic. You can not fear that the breast will dry, because it is marinated in a sauce.
Separately, mix in a high cup curry seasoning for chicken and soy sauce. Seasonings are added to taste. In addition to these in the recipe, you can use other seasonings, the most suitable taste to cook chicken meat. To spice you can add a couple of cloves of garlic. He adds poignancy and will give an additional flavor of the dish. For those who prefer spicy food, you can add red pepper.
To give spice to the sauce add the white wine, a little sugar, and paprika. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed sauce. Then add a cup of sauce chicken and marinate at least one hour. It is best to marinate for 3-4 hours. Meat in a cup at a time marinating in the refrigerator clean. For a more rapid absorption of the marinade on the meat can make longitudinal incisions.
Pre-prepared foil wrap individually each ham. By the way, the foil will not adhere, it can be treated with olive oil. On the meat before wrapping can be laid, chopped onion rings and garlic, sliced plates. For lovers of baked vegetables, you can add two chopped carrots (one per envelope).
We spread wrapped in foil on a baking chicken and bake at 180 ° for 30-40 minutes until cooked.
Cooked chicken spread in a dish and served with greens.
A good side dish to this meal would be:
baked potatoes;
mashed potatoes;
crumbly boiled rice.
Spicy taste of the meat sauce is transferred and it becomes simply delicious. As a side dish may also serve baked or steamed vegetables. The main thing that was not clearly marked garnish taste.
This is a very simple and inexpensive meal can surprise even the most experienced gourmets.
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Grilled lamb in soy sauce
Ingredients based on 6 servings:
Steak of lamb on the bone - 6 pcs .;
soy sauce marinade - 0, 35 l;
onions - 2 large heads;
cumin - 1/2 Art. l. ;
Coriander - a pinch to taste;
ground black pepper - 1/2 tbsp;
iodized salt - to taste.
By this recipe to cook steaks out for 2 hours.
When using frozen steaks need to be thawed in the refrigerator for about 8 hours (can be left overnight). At the same time remove the vacuum packaging is not recommended. Before you start cooking, you need to remove the packaging and allow steaks to stand in a room with a temperature of 23-25 degrees around 4 hours.
The proposed recipe uses steam lamb. To the meat "ripe", steaks wrapped in linen cloths and put them in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
Before you start to marinate meat, steaks need to stand at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Because of this, the steaks are fried at cooking evenly.
Marinade prepared on the classical recipe. Onions crushed using a blender to mushy state, which will allow him to give the meat its unique flavor. In a mortar crush the cumin with coriander. Add salt and pepper.
This mixture to fill a good meat. Then poured into a bowl of soy sauce.
Top the meat laid out, then the marinade. You should thoroughly mix. At the request of the meat is marinated in the range of 3-12 hours.
In order to properly cook a steak, you need to prepare the coals so that the heat was strong, but no tongues of flame. It should be noted that the distance between the coals and the meat varies from 10 to 15 cm.
Steaks are laid out on the grid, is already quite strongly heated and fried for 1-2 minutes. Then grill flips, and the same happens to the other side of the steaks. This procedure is repeated 2 times. Thereafter, the temperature decrease and the meat is brought to readiness.
After steak is ready, it is laid on the board, covered with foil and left as such for 10 minutes. This is very important because at this time the meat completely saturated, become soft and fragrant.
Cooked steaks immediately served to the table, as mutton fat quickly hardens and loses its taste of the dish. On a side dish you can cook on the grill vegetables.