Every woman knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach definitely. And since man is by nature a hunter and predator, the feed should be meat. Pork ribs are very similar to the kind of machine gun belts, which is also sure to enjoy every man.
To ideal family dinner pork ribs in the oven.
Besides cooking recipes described below is very simple. The main thing - to choose the right edge. With their selection should pay attention to the fact that the meat on the ribs was more, and fat, respectively, is smaller. In this case, any selected recipe will turn out amazingly delicious, the ribs will be soft and juicy.
Now a little about how to cook pork ribs.
If the inner side edges plenochka attaching, before baking it should be notched at several locations.
This is done in order to, bake, it does not contract, and issued a meat juice. To ribs cooked in the oven, were delicious, they need to advance rub with salt and spices, so that they can soak well. No less tasty are obtained pre-marinated ribs. Marinade, which will, it is not necessary to pour out. They are better at times to water edges when baked in the oven, then the meat will be juicier.
Bake the ribs are not necessarily the whole tape, offers excellent recipes that are divided into pieces a la carte. It is also possible to prepare the original recipe called "Crown". To do this, connect the edges of the tape in an accordion, giving views of the crown, and the middle is filled with stuffing. For the stuffing choose any products with meat.
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Recipe baked ribs with honey
Recipes, in which pork ribs baked in the oven to cook very simple. Therefore, they are suitable for even the novice cook. To much meat is not fried and not become dry, the edges of the preparation is covered with foil, and twenty minutes until cooked remove it to the dish has become an appetizing golden color.
Pork ribs - 350-400 g
Garlic - 2 cloves
Honey - 40 g
Salt, spices
Cooking method:
The oven is heated to 160 degrees. Pork ribs thoroughly washed, allow them to dry, rub with salt and spices. As a spice, you can use a special seasoning ready for the pork. Then send prepared ribs in the oven for about an hour. While the meat is cooked, you can make a sauce. To do this, gently heat the honey in a water bath or in the microwave (if liquid honey, do not need). Is then added to the liquid, the cooled honey pressure through garlic press. All thoroughly mixed. An hour later removed the dish and pour sauce, then again sent to the oven and bake until done. When serving decorate with fresh herbs.
If the oven has the "Grill", you can prepare grilled ribs. This meat is better to marinate beforehand. Serve this dish can be with red wine or beer, which are ideal for pork. By the way, pork ribs, grilled in the oven, turn out not less delicious than those cooked over a campfire or barbecue.
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Recipe baked ribs with mustard
Pork Ribs - 2-3 kg
Garlic - 7-8 cloves
Mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt, spices
Cooking method:
Ribs thoroughly washed and allowed to dry off (you can get wet towel). Then cut into strips equal to the length of the pan in which they are baked. Too small strips should not do, because they will get rather dry. Then rub the ribs with salt, garlic and spices. Then they smeared mustard and spread on a baking sheet. The direction where more fat is put up. This is to ensure that the fat that will drown, soaked in the meat and it was not dry.
The oven should be heated to 180 degrees. Baking with ribs sent to the oven for about half an hour, sometimes a little less time will be required. Once the dish is ready, the meat is cut into pieces a la carte, placed on a flat plate and decorate with fresh herbs all sides. Very original look baked ribs Armenian lavash.
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Baked ribs with sweet sauce
Pork Ribs - 2 kg
Garlic - 5-6 cloves
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper peas
Bay leaf
Salt, spices
Cooking method:
Ribs washed, obsushivayut cloth or towel and rub with salt, spices, mustard and honey. Then, they are not very densely laid on a baking sheet, making sure that the layer of fat is at the top. On top lay a few peas black pepper and a few bay leaves. Well-heated oven (200 degrees) and put the dish baked. If you have a grill, you can include a couple of minutes to spare ribs formed on the glaze. Bake ribs until tender, about an hour and a half.
Readiness can be determined by cutting the meat at its thickest point. He stands out from the juice should be transparent. Serve with ketchup or sauce satsebeli.
Peppers stuffed with meat
Peppers stuffed with vegetables
We offer you two recipes for dishes:
15 bell peppers stuffed with meat and 15 - Stuffed vegetables. Especially the second recipe is that its preparation requires peppers 16 15 - for stuffing, and 1 - for frying.
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Peppers stuffed with meat
Meat (beef and pork), and bell peppers is best to buy at the market. In addition to the pair of flesh of beef and pork, you need to buy some soup set a generally bones for broth. But if you want to find more than a dietary meal, you can substitute vegetable broth. Vegetable soup can be made from onions, carrots, dill and parsley, or use pepper broth (see below).
Vegetables and herbs for this recipe is also desirable to get "home" grown on someone's suburban garden.
They taste best get this recipe "in season" that is in July and August.
Now, specifying the quality of products, you can start cooking.
Ingredients for the recipe:
15 pieces of bell peppers;
800 g pulp of meat (about equally pork and beef);
300 g of bones for the broth;
100 grams of rice (rice can be sliced);
50 g butter;
1 huge carrot;
1 huge onion;
3 large tomatoes;
25 g of parsley and dill;
sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
sour cream - 15 tablespoons;
salt to taste
First you need to prepare salted and bone broth in a separate pot, boil rice and salt to boiling. Rice can take any: round, long, rice chaff. The finished rice porridge (slightly undercooked it better, but you can not digest), add the butter (preferably homemade) and stir well. Cool.
While bones and boiled rice in a large saucepan pour water and put on the fire to boil.
My all 15 bell peppers under running water. With a sharp small knife we clean the middle, removing the seeds. Some housewives leave "cap", then to cover them stuffed peppers during fire, but in this recipe "cover" throw away, because in the future instead of the "cap" will "cap" of vegetables. In the meantime, 15 peeled peppers thrown into the pot of boiling water for 2-3 minutes, so that they become slightly soft. Then we catch them with a slotted spoon and reserve in a large pot and a plate to cool.
Now for the meat. To prepare minced meat, meat scrolls through a meat grinder, add the boiled rice and bone broth. Mix.
Prepare vegetable fried. My shinkuem and grated carrots and onions. We put them in a pan with boiling sunflower oil, stir, season with salt. After a few minutes add the chopped tomatoes in an electric shredder and greens. And after a couple of minutes in the pan, add 2 cups of broth (instead of broth you can add vegetable broth left over from cooking peppers). Mix.
With a teaspoon farshiruem bell peppers minced meat with rice, put them neatly into a wide saucepan and pour vegetable obtained from the pan fried. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes - 40.
If you do not take time extinguishing the preparation of this dish it takes half an hour.
When serving, each serving pour sour cream.
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Peppers stuffed with vegetables
This recipe is good during Lent, it is suitable for vegetarians.
Ingredients for cooking:
16 bell peppers;
150 grams of rice (any: even longer, though the round, though rice chaff);
4 large carrots;
2 large onions;
3 large tomatoes;
25 g of parsley and dill;
sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
Salt and pepper to taste.
Cooking this dish begin with cooking rice. Boiled rice with salt and leave to cool.
16 bell peppers washed under running water to clean the middle. Then, 15 of them boil for 2 minutes, and 1 - for frying finely chopped.
To prepare the vegetable frying pan, add vegetable oil to the boiling turns shredded 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, tomatoes, parsley, dill. Add to the pan 0, 5 liters of water left over from cooking peppers. Mix and cool.
To prepare the vegetable stuffing mix with cooked rice, shredded carrots and onions. Spoon farshiruem prepared peppers vegetable stuffing. Pour vegetable fried them and, after boiling, simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes.