In anticipation of the holidays, we often wonder what to cook the dishes to the table? Perfect on the holiday table will look a fish. Fish - is not only easily digestible product, but it is also rich in protein, so necessary to the human body and other beneficial vitamins. Fish is an excellent dish, because it is rapidly absorbed by the body, it causes no gravity. What kind of fish is best to cook and how to do it?
There are many different ways of preparing the fish itself. Perhaps of all the species on the holiday table will look great salmon or trout. If the salmon is considered enough oily fish, the trout more lean. This will allow to use it in combination with other dishes, side dishes and salads. What is the recipe I choose? An excellent option is in whole baked trout, and portions in the form of medallions. Trout baked in the oven - a dish that will adorn any table, whether it's a holiday or just a lunch.
Recipe for trout in the oven may include both a very trout combined with spices and seasonings, and other products.
Thus, for example, trout can be prepared with various vegetables, whether potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and many others. So, how to prepare trout in the oven, and how much food I need? What is the recipe I choose?
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Recipe for trout in a hurry
Surely all such situations arise when guests are on the threshold, and the table was not ready. What to do in such a case, how to get out of the situation? Is it possible to prepare not only fast, but also a delicious dish that would please the guests? The answer is very simple: of course you can! And it will allow the fish to make it. Trout baked in the oven - is not only tasty and healthy, but also to prepare a quick meal. In this recipe the fish is preparing a whole. The action plan follows.
Fresh trout are clean, disembowel and mine. After the procedure done, we need salt and pepper, with the help of which it is necessary to rub our fish from all sides. Then we shift flavored trout on a baking sheet, then do a few places small incisions. These cuts are inserted into thin slices of lemon. In addition to slices, you can sprinkle the whole fish with lemon juice. Now you can leave the trout for baking.
This recipe is very simple and uncomplicated. The dish turns out not only delicious, but also very simple. For this situation, this recipe is suitable as anyone else, but among those who like to cook, he is not so popular. True gourmets prefer a more complex and interesting variations of this dish.
Sometimes the variety of products used in the preparation of trout in the oven, is striking. Among them may be the mushrooms, champagne, caviar, sour cream, tomatoes, lemon, vegetables and more.
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Recipe Trout with sauce
Trout stuffed with sauce can also be cooked in many different ways. The filling may be a very ordinary fried carrot and onion, as well as more exotic products, which may include shallots, spinach, mussels, crayfish, mushrooms, lemons, apricots and others.
As minced fish and the sauce can be prepared in many different ways. Prepare it can on the basis of fish broth, champagne with red caviar, a mixture of peppers, etc. But there is a simple recipe of trout, with no less original than the last. To prepare you will need: she trout, milk, sour cream and seasonings.
Clean fish, disemboweled, my, then cut into slices. Finished pieces of salt, flavor, laid on a baking sheet and pour the milk, mix with sour cream. You can then send our fish in the oven and bake at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. At any time after the fish we get, and you are ready to use.
Trout sauce turns juicy, tender and gets a nice creamy flavor. This dish is sure to please your guests and family. Very fond of this dish children.
You can decorate it with fresh herbs and serve with a side dish. As a side dish is perfect figure. He not only goes well with this fish, but also complements its taste.
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Recipe Trout "Classics of the genre"
Rainbow trout, baked in the oven with sour cream or potatoes, perfect for those who previous recipes seem too simple.
To prepare this dish you will need: in equal amounts itself trout and potatoes, 2 tablespoons oil (preferably olive), small onion, sour cream 300 g, a couple of eggs, 2-3 garlic cloves, 300-400 g of cheese, salt, pepper , dill.
The procedure of preparation is as follows:
Potatoes must be cut into slices width of about 0, 5 cm, and then mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper. Then lay out the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. It is worth paying attention to the temperature: if it is above or below, the potatoes can either remain raw or simply perepechetsya.
Meanwhile, chop the onion half rings or ring width of 5 mm. Cut the fish into pieces about 2 cm wide, and then salt, pepper.
We get out of the oven-baked potatoes, spread on a first layer of the onion, then a layer of trout. Mix them together is not necessary. Now you are ready to cook the sauce. For him, it is necessary to whip the eggs with sour cream and crushed garlic in advance.
The dish pour prepared sauce, then cover it with foil and bake in the oven will send at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
After the time the dish should be removed from the oven, remove the foil, sprinkle with grated cheese all the contents and then send it in the oven for 20 minutes at the same temperature. Fish will become a golden color and crust. The dish is ready.
This recipe can be simplified by using in the preparation of ready-made sauces, which can be purchased at any store. It is worth remembering that the trout is perfectly combined with a creamy, creamy garlic sauce.
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Simple and original
Of the most common ingredients you can create and completely original dish. Trout cooked in the oven in foil, may be just that dish. This recipe involves the use of two steaks trout, 100 g of the Russian cheese, 100 grams of Parmesan, a little onion, 200 ml cream, half a lemon, seasoning for fish, pepper, dill.
Algorithm of actions is as follows:
First we need the fish to rub seasoning and pour cream. Then add pepper (preferably freshly ground), the juice of half a lemon and salt. In the finished marinade fish left for 20 minutes.
On a foil-covered baking tray laid out large onion rings on top of them lay the trout in cream. All together tightly closed foil and sent to the oven for half an hour at 200 degrees. After the time necessary to remove the dish, open the foil, sprinkle everything with a mixture of grated cheese, cover again and send it to the oven for another 10 minutes after that as time passes, the fish can be taken out and decorate, sprinkle with herbs. All the dish is ready.
In the same manner may be prepared trout with vegetables. In this case, the fish are not filled with cream and covered previously extinguished vegetables, which may include tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant and more.
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Useful properties of trout
Trout is famous not only for its wonderful flavor. It is known that there is sea trout, river and lake. Preference is to give trout, because she does not live in polluted water. You can list a number of diseases that will not get any fans of this fish. These include Alzheimer's disease, cancer, hypertension, and depression.
Trout very quickly digested by the body, and its nutritional value, no less than in meat animals. Calorie trout, cooked in the oven is about 117 calories. Therefore, these dishes are perfect for people who are watching their figures.
Food should be not only delicious, but also useful. Fish trout - is something that fits this description.
How many ways are there to prepare this wonderful fish? The combination of many products to create a unique dish with the original taste. Which recipes to choose, you decide. Try, experiment, combine incongruous. New flavors and new sensations!