In the summer, enjoy a hot day ice cream, buying ready-made briquettes of cool goodies. Some prefer to eat a couple of scoops of ice cream with different fillings in a cozy cafe, listening to quiet music. Is it possible to prepare ice cream at home? The answer is - yes. Moreover, home ice cream may be prepared in two ways: using a special freezer and manually.
If you plan to frequently indulge their home this tasty cooling dessert, of course, it is advisable to buy a special preparation for its electric appliance. The ice cream maker can be prepared in a mixture of ice-cream and light fruit sorbet. The device itself it cools, mixes and enriches the air, makes it soft and creamy. After 30-45 minutes, you can already enjoy a delicious homemade ice cream!
The second way to ice cream at home - longer. You yourself, by hand, play all the operations that the freezer. To do this, the prepared mixture should be placed in a steel container and put in freezer. Every 40 minutes to get it and beat with a mixer or very intensively mixed by hand. This is repeated 3 times, after which the homemade ice cream is ready. His cooking will be spent over three hours, but the result will make you happy!
Many people are hesitant to cook ice cream at home. But their fears are vain! You just need to choose the time and prepare everything. After all, the homemade ice cream contains no preservatives and no other ingredients that are not very useful for the human body. Homemade ice cream is made from natural cream, milk and eggs, which are the basis of this delicacy. You can surprise your loved ones by several kinds of ice cream. It is creamy, milk, chocolate, with different fillings, from the juice of fruits and berries.
You have understood the principles of creating homemade ice cream
is preparing a mixture of its freezing with occasional stirring. The basis of the mixture are dairy products, egg yolks and sugar, but you can take a fruit or berry natural juice. Who should go to action under the proposed formula:
Homemade ice cream
This is perhaps the easiest way to ice cream at home. But you will not be disappointed! So feel free to get to work, giving up all their doubts. Prepare your favorite this refreshing dessert, surprise them with his culinary skills. They will thank you!
- 4 egg yolks,
- 150 grams of sugar,
- 200 milliliters cream
- 0, 5 liters of milk.
Combine yolks with the sugar, beat until white, add milk and mix well. Separately, thick foam whipped cream and add to the weight of the breast. Stir. Tip: If the taste of the eggs will be pronounced, it is well to add vanilla. Further, the mass placed in the freezer if it is or freeze in the freezer with occasional whipping her.
Cooking cream
Ice cream at home recipe which will now be offered, is not inferior to that which is sold in supermarkets. This - the standard, everyone's favorite, ice cream, but the creamy taste of homemade ice cream surprise and impress. Therefore, ice cream at all times was and is a favorite cool treat.
- 1 liter of milk,
- 100 grams of oil,
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 teaspoon of starch,
- 5 egg yolks.
Oil put in the warmed milk and bring to a boil. In a separate bowl combine the starch, sugar and egg yolks. Mix and grind until smooth. Add to it a little bit of milk to get the consistency of liquid sour cream. In the boiled milk gradually thin stream, pour the resulting mass, stirring constantly. Again, all brought to a boil. When a boil, remove from heat the pan, along with the contents put into cold water and stir until thoroughly until mixture becomes warm. Then leave it to cool, then pour into the forms and freeze, do not forget to stir.
Chocolate ice cream
Chocolate ice cream at home can be prepared in any seed celebration. After tasting it, your guests will understand that you - excellent chef! To the table well fed ice cream, sprinkle with crumbs of chocolate that will give it a certain charm! Very pleased with this delicacy will be children.
- 3 egg yolks,
- 1 teaspoon powdered sugar,
- 300 ml. milk
- 200 grams of dark chocolate,
- 150 ml. cream.
Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Stirring constantly, pour a thin stream into the egg mass of milk brought to the boiling stage. Then all the strain through a sieve into a clean saucepan and deep. Put on low heat and cook until the mixture thickens. Cool. Pour the chocolate and cream thawing. Arrange on the forms and freeze, stirring occasionally. The taste of the homemade ice cream is amazing!
Ice cream with coffee flavor
Preparation of ice cream at home
fascinating process. Nice to see the results of his "delicious" labor in the bright eyes of your favorite people and hear their cheers! Prepare them for coffee ice cream with the original taste. Decorate it with chocolate or fresh berries.
- 3 cups of freshly brewed coffee,
- 2 tablespoons milk (or cream)
- 250 grams of sugar,
- 4 egg yolks.
The mashed yolks with sugar, pour the milk and coffee. Mix well and put on a small fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, but continue to stir until completely cooled. Then pour the coffee mass to form and freeze, whisking occasionally.
vanilla ice cream
This recipe for the ice cream at home is classical, but with the addition of flavor - vanilla or vanilla extract sugar. They give a charming dessert vanilla flavor - sweet and with a slight pleasant bitterness. To prepare the freezer use.
- 4 egg yolks,
- 150 g of sugar,
- 250 ml of milk,
- 150 ml of 35% fat cream,
- vanilla (vanilla sugar).
Put yolks in a bowl, add the sugar. Stir. Put in a water bath, maintaining a small fire, stirring constantly whisk. When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat and beat with a mixer the mixture, and the weight should posvetlet and increase in volume. Then add to it the milk, cream and vanilla extract. Mix and shift into the freezer bowl in which the beating for 55 minutes until thick. Then shift into a mold and frozen for 1-3 hours.
Ice cream condensed milk
Very simple recipe ice cream at home - delicate, fragrant and not too sweet dessert. He is very fond of children, but adults will not give up, in the afternoon, treat yourself to a delicious delicacy. And indeed it turns out ice cream and cost-effective, and easy to prepare.
- 500 g of fatty cream,
- 0, 5 cans of condensed milk.
With mixer beat the cream in a thick foam. Continuing to whisk, pour a thin stream of condensed milk. The mass shift in the form and put in the freezer until completely freeze, stirring occasionally. Homemade ice cream feeding can sprinkle chopped nuts or chocolate.
Ice cream yogurt
This recipe for ice cream - the easiest. To cook it you need to yogurt, bought in a store, and sticks for ice cream.
Preparing it as follows: a stick thrust in yogurt and put it in the freezer. After 30 minutes, get, mix well and remove the cold again. This procedure was repeated 3 times. After about two hours you can enjoy a delicious yogurt ice cream like a popsicle, freeing him from the cup, which is a couple of seconds into hot water.