sleep disorders in children


  • Causes of sleep disruption
  • Types of sleep disorders
  • General recommendations sleep disorders
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of sleep disorders in children

You know who fall into the category of the most troubled people? Yes, almost all of us - parents raising children. This is not surprising - who is not in the parents, constantly having more and more cause for concern! And one of those reasons - sleep disorders in children. It would seem that such a reason is not there should be, it is no wonder there is the phrase "sleep like a baby." There are certain rules of sleep in children:

  • Newborn baby - 16 hours
  • A child 6 months - 14, 5:00
  • Child 1 year - 13, 5:00
  • A child 2 years - 13 hours
  • Child 4 years - 11:00
  • Child 6 years - 9, 5:00
  • Child 12 - 8, 5:00

According to statistics, sleep disturbances occur in approximately 20% of all children. And these are fraught with complications are very serious problems with both the psyche and health of the child. Therefore, in no case can not be ignored sleep disorders in crumbs.

Causes of sleep disruption

The first question that arises from their parents in a similar situation - that is why this happens. Doctors have identified a number of the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Genetic predisposition

In the event that these or other sleep problems occur in parents and other relatives, the baby is much more likely than its peers, may be faced with sleep disorders. Of course, we have in mind not age insomnia have a grandparent, a serious violation.

  • Emotional stress

The child's mind is very unstable. And the slightest stress can be very detrimental to her condition. Moreover, a serious burden on the psyche of the child can be not only negative but also positive emotions. Going to kindergarten, moving to a new residence, the emergence of a new family member, the output mothers to work - all of which can cause, provoking the child sleep disturbances.

  • Somatic disorders

In some cases, the cause of sleep disruption in a child can be certain diseases of internal organs. Insomnia - the most typical for these violations. Therefore, parents at the first warning signs should be as soon as possible to seek help from a pediatrician.

  • Disorders of the central nervous system

Restful sleep depends on the normal functioning of the central nervous system. And if your child has disrupted the central nervous system, do not be surprised if sooner or later begin sleep problems.

  • Changes in the schedule of supply

Not least is also the supply schedule. In that case, if the child is too late supper, or - in the case of crumbs - it weaned, sleep problems virtually guaranteed. Therefore, carefully follow the diet your child.

  • Physical discomfort

No child will not sleep if it is uncomfortable. That discomfort may be intestinal colic, cutting teeth. In addition, the child can be confusing wet diapers, crumbs on the sheets, too high or low temperature air in the bedroom. But you never know what might annoy the little man? By the way, the first thing parents should do if a child disturbed sleep - is to carefully check that the child's nothing to worry about.

 sleep disturbance in infants

Types of sleep disorders

There are several types of abnormal sleep occurs in children. Of course, consider them all in one article is impossible. Therefore, we consider only the major ones:

  • Wince

Any person familiar feeling when falling asleep, waking up because of his same strong tremors. In principle, these same startle - physiological phenomenon and not a deviation. However, if they occur too often, it is necessary to guard. Refer to the neurologist to rule out a serious illness such as epilepsy. Especially if a woman's pregnancy is more severe and / or the baby was born with hypoxia and other pathologies.

  • Bruxism

Why children grind their teeth? Our grandmothers believed that this is due to the presence of the child worm infestations. However, doctors say that it is not so. Teeth grinding - is one form of sleep disorder, occurring in approximately 20% of all children. This is especially true in children aged 12 - 13 years. Bruxism - not such a harmless phenomenon, as it may seem at first glance. As a rule, further your child has a change in blood pressure, heart rate, breathing. In addition, the very suffering tooth enamel - the child simply erases it. So be sure to consult your doctor - neurologist and dentists.

  • Night terrors

Crying baby at night, to talk about Baba Yaga, hardly anyone surprised. To that kiddies nightmares, accustomed to everything. Are all parents know that these night terrors are very serious violation. In fact, it is a strong and sudden agitation of the nervous system in which the child feels a strong sense of fear, and sometimes very real panic.

The most interesting thing is that when the child's fear of such attacks is almost impossible to wake up - he did not respond to his name, does not come into any contact with the people around him. And in the morning, upon waking, the child absolutely does not remember anything about what happened during the night.

From night terrors are not insured by any one child, and of any age. However, we observed a certain tendency - often confronted with a similar phenomenon overly emotional children prone to tearfulness. And, as a rule, these children are boys between the ages of 2 and 6 years old.

Moreover, doctors suggest that night terrors can be observed in very young children - they are manifested by a sudden crying, yelping. This state lasts for a few minutes, after which the child falls asleep peacefully again. Such attacks may occur several times a month, and may be several times per night.

Unfortunately, the night terrors treated very, very difficult. Most often, parents have to put up with this state of things. As a general rule, night terrors disappear in 10 - 12 years. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the attacks of night terrors can be observed in adolescents. Although, of course, the students are afraid of is not Baba Yaga.

However, these sleep disorders is not yet the most serious. There are several pathologies that require serious examination and the work of specialists. These events include:

  • Sleepwalking

Walking in a dream - a phenomenon still poorly studied. Manifested sleepwalking child acts in a dream that by the sound completely focused and aware. But in fact it is not - in the morning the child does not remember anything about his nocturnal adventures. If you look at the child at the time of sleepwalking, it may be noted the wide-open eyes and unsteady gait.

Normally, in healthy children walking in a dream is very rare. The most common cause of sleepwalking are diseases such as epilepsy, central nervous system, nocturnal enuresis, diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, if you notice that your pipsqueak roaming in a dream, certainly as soon as possible, seek medical help. The earlier the disease is detected, the faster and easier it will be to get rid of.

  • Talking in his sleep

Unlike walking, talking in his sleep many children - almost everything. But the severity of sleep disorders can be very different - from inarticulate sounds to very active monologues. Generally, treatment does not require such a phenomenon, if it is not accompanied by any other kind of sleep disorders. And often exactly what happens, so still consult your doctor.

  • Nightmares

Do not confuse night terrors and nightmares. In the first case, the child does not remember in the morning, what happened to him at night, and wake him at the moment of attack is very difficult. In this case, the child wakes up, if they wake him up, and in the morning he remembers that he dreamed.

Most often, the child sees the nightmares, reflecting the reality. For example, if the child had a row with his classmates, in a dream he may dream that he staged a boycott or a "dark", and if the child has a stuffy nose, he may dream that he was drowning. If this happens occasionally, no reason to worry. But if more than once a week - it's time to sound the alarm, and go to the doctor.

As you can see, a lot of sleep disorders. And none of them are frequent complaints of mothers or grandmothers "The child sleeps more / less of his brother, neighbor, classmate." If the dream of the child is calm, and after waking up feeling refreshed and cheerful, to worry about you do not. But if you're too worried, for our conscience can consult a doctor.

But there are situations when a visit to the doctor should be a must. And as soon as possible - delay can be fraught with various complications. So:

  • Sleep disorders in very young children under one year of age.
  • Any sleep disturbances, even the smallest, but lasting more than 3 weeks.
  • Any sleep disturbances, accompanied by significant impairment of mood and behavior changes of the child.
  • Respiratory, observed at night, when the child is asleep.
  • Sleep disorders, arising on a background of nocturnal enuresis - incontinence.

The doctor examined the child, listen carefully to the parents to send the necessary research. Once the diagnosis is established and the overall picture will be clear of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

General recommendations sleep disorders

In addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, parents need to follow some basic rules without which get rid of sleep disorders in children you are unlikely.

  • Sleep baby

Always ensure that the child's sleep - he had to go strictly allotted time. Some parents believe that the child goes to bed later, the stronger is his dream. However, this is not so.

  • Time to sleep

Pay attention to what your child is before going to bed. Do not let your child watch TV later than two hours before bedtime. Too many parents prefer to put your child at bedtime cartoons. Do not do it - better to read the baby book. In addition, it is not necessary to conceive before bedtime and rowdy outdoor games - stimulation of the nervous system and healthy sleep is very bad compatible.

  • The air in the bedroom

Always ensure that the air temperature in the bedroom. It is unacceptable that it was too cold or, even more, too hot. Recommended temperature - 22 degrees Celsius. Also, pay attention to the humidity - it must be equal to 70%. Particularly relevant issue humidity in winter. Ideally, it would have to buy a special humidifier. But you can do and make-shifts - evening just put the battery damp towel.

  • Bed dress

Watch out also for the state of the bed clothes the child. It should be clean and without wrinkles postelennuyu. It is advisable to purchase linen from natural materials. The same applies to the pajamas. By the way - doctors really recommend that parents of girls to abandon pajamas - they are going in the stomach and restrict movement baby. This seemingly small change is capable of greatly reduce the quality of sleep of the child.

  • The image of the child's life

Yes, and the general way of life of the child is necessary to pay special attention. Make sure that the child spent in the street for at least two hours. Take control and physical activity - for the child's sedentary lifestyle is not valid. Agree, a child, sitting all day in the four walls, in front of TV, it can hardly boast of a strong healthy sleep. And the problem of sleep they virtually guaranteed.

  • Suckling

If poor sleep worried babies up to a year, you can try the most simple method of treatment. Simply place your baby with you - as a rule, the problem disappears very quickly. Although this method has its ardent opponents who argue that there is nothing for children to do in the parents' bed, and especially children under one year. Here it is up to you. By the way - pediatricians say that infants who are breast-fed, sleep problems is practically not observed. So think carefully about whether to transfer the child to artificial feeding too early - try to breast-feed crumbs until at least a year.

 sleep disorders in children

Folk remedies for the treatment of sleep disorders in children

In addition to the medical treatment of sleep disorders in children can use traditional recipes. However, please note - nearly all the recipes contain in their basis or another herb, which in rare cases may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, they can not be used for the treatment of children under one year of age. And in all cases it is useful to consult a doctor.

  • Coniferous baths

This recipe is effective for all sleep disorders, without exception. You will need three tablespoons of pine or spruce needles. Put them in a thermos, pour two liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for one day. Then strain the infusion using a gauze cloth. In the evening, before going to bed, do a warm bath and add the pine broth. Bath in any case should not be hot - otherwise possible excitement of the central nervous system. Duration of the bath - no more than 10 minutes. The course of treatment should last 10 days. Incidentally, this bathtub - the only thing that can be used for the treatment of children under one year.

  • Baths with a decoction of herbs

No less effective bath with herbs such as tansy and knotweed. The infusion is done in the same way - must be placed in a thermos 2 tablespoons of any of the above mentioned herbs. Pour two liters of boiling water, leave to infuse for one day. Before going to bed take a warm bath, add the herb decoction. The duration of the bath - 10 minutes. The course of treatment - 10 days.

  • Valerian

Valerian - almost ideal way to improve a child's dream. For the treatment of infants under one year it is recommended to put under the mattress valerian root. Pre-wrap it in gauze cloth. Change the root need to once every two or three weeks, no more.

But for the treatment of sleep disorders in adolescents can use an infusion of valerian root. It is prepared as follows. Put in a thermos two tablespoons chopped valerian root, pour half a liter of hot water. Insist the broth must be at least 4 hours, then strain it with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. It is necessary only to store in the refrigerator.

Take a decoction of the child should be twice a day - morning and evening, two tablespoons. Usually, sleep is improved in a few days. The duration of treatment - not less than 21 days.

  • Pharmacy daisy

True "magic wand" - Pharmacy daisy - come to the aid and the various sleep disorders in children older than 5 years. Prepare a decoction of chamomile - Place in an enamel pan two tablespoons of dried chamomile blossoms, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Cook for about 10 minutes, then wrap up with a towel and leave for one hour.

Then strain the broth using a gauze cloth, pour into a glass container. Give your child 100 grams of broth for two hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment - 10 days. Typically, a visible improvement occurs already on the fifth day.

 Sleep disorders in children. Whether it is dangerous?

We advise to check: When children are teething
