Agree, it's incredibly hard to resist the dessert, though, of course, there are opponents of sweets, but there are probably a minority. In the moments of joy and sadness, and the more bad mood, many hands instinctively reach for something tasty. In this case, buy one in the store candy, cake, donuts and others prefer homemade cakes. If you belong to the latter category of people, you are welcome to our website. Right now we spend a little lesson, during which we will tell you how to cook delicious and very delicate cake "Pancho."
In fact, this is a masterpiece of sponge several names. Often it was called "Vanya" or "Curly pincher", some housewives confused with another dessert dish - "ruins of the princely". But despite the fact that the cakes are similar in shape, each with its own recipe. If the "look" closely, you will see that they differ greatly on the composition of products and, of course, to taste. So you need to learn to distinguish between these two desserts.
"Don Pancho" - this is one of the many names of dishes - can cook each: the beginner, only learned the basics of pastry arts and culinary specialist with experience. To make the cake at home, you will need: an oven, a special form, parchment, fresh food and a good recipe. The classic version of "Pancho" perfect for supporters of standard solutions. If you do not like to experiment too in the kitchen, and prefer a time-tested and has already proven combination - for example, tender dough, mixed with the eggs, sour cream, walnuts in a cake - you probably will like the first dish.
All recipes, which now will be discussed, let her have a small, but features. For example, if you decide to cook a sponge cake, keep in mind that it can be done in two ways - with each of them, you will learn here. Walnuts are used for decoration, best to lightly fry and be sure to sift the flour. Remember these and other details, you will learn how to cook an incredibly tasty cakes. And now we offer together with us to consider the most successful and most delicious recipes gentle "Pancho."
Sour cream cake with pineapple
Planning to bake a delicious cake and looking for that perfect recipe? We offer to evaluate biscuit dessert with pineapple. In principle, you can use any kind of fruit, both fresh and frozen. Very tasty dish is obtained from berries: cherry, strawberry, raspberry. However, these seasonal produce is almost impossible to buy in the winter, and they will cost dearly. Therefore, we offer a universal recipe, which consists of canned pineapple. They are sold in stores all year round, so that the difficulties with the preparation of the cake will not arise.
Three large eggs
225 grams of sifted flour
fifteen circles canned pineapples
two large tablespoons of cocoa
1200 milliliters of fat sour cream
2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
Ten grams of baking powder
two medium bananas
tiles of any chocolate - for decoration
65 grams of butter
Cooking method:
The recipe for this dessert is subservient to everyone, even if you've never tried to bake a cake, it's time to start. Cream products should be chosen depending on personal preferences cooking. We propose to make cream sauce, it is very simple, and most importantly quick to prepare. As the filling is used bananas and pineapples, but if you want you can replace them with other favorite fruits.
First, we will prepare a white cake, but note that all of the products needed for the test, should be divided into two parts - one required for conventional products, and the second for chocolate. Put in a bowl the eggs, pour half of their servings of sugar and rub thoroughly with a spoon. When was the last ingredient is completely dissolved, enter 400 milliliters sour cream, flour and sift through a sieve.
Add the baking powder and wheat product, connect all the ingredients together. Active movement to alter the mass until it is smooth. Note dough should get too dense. Now Cover the inner form of parchment and grease it softened butter. Then here is pour the resulting mass, gently flatten her shoulder blade.
As you can see, the recipe for the dough is quite simple. While there are more complex variations on biscuit dessert. But this talk about later, and now send the product in preheated 180 degrees oven. Oven dish should be no more than 40 minutes, otherwise it will burn, so note the time. Then carefully remove the bowl and prick the cake with a wooden stick, if it remains dry, so everything is fine. Now you can safely move to the next level of preparation of the cake.
Before you take on the cream, let's bake a second cake. Culinary procedure is the same as above, only this time, among other things, must be poured into the dough trays pair cocoa. To the mass of a more uniform, the last ingredient is recommended to sift through a fine sieve. Putting it together with the flour and baking powder. Stir the mass, after it lay in prepared for this form with parchment and place in oven. About half an hour, check the product, pierced his match.
It remains to make a cream, but first drain excess juice from the pineapple, then chop them to pieces and set aside. With bananas, remove the peel and cut them into thin slices. Then smash the chocolate in a bowl and melt it on a steam bath with butter to glaze not frozen, turn the fire to a minimum and keep it warm. Do not forget to stir occasionally. Now let's prepare the cream: combine the remaining sour cream (about 350-400 milliliters) of sugar, whisk them to the blender lush state. If you wish, you can enter a few pinches of vanilla essence, it will give the dish a spicy flavor.
Getting to assemble dessert: Put the cake on a flat white plate and generously lubricate it with cream sauce. On the whole surface of the product spread pieces of fruit, then cover with a second biscuit. On the flanks, and the "roof" of the cake, apply the remaining cream, you can add a little pineapple and bananas. Pour the cooled chocolate glaze dish and send it in the fridge. Ideally dish infused from at least four to five hours. Juicy and tender "Pancho" - the perfect companion of any family celebration. Serve it with green or black tea, coffee, milk. Bon Appetit!
Before we consider the following recipe, we note that this dessert can be prepared in different ways. In this case, it refers to a method of assembling. With the first option you meet up, but next time we try to make a cake in the shape of a cone. To do this, soak the cake with sweet white sauce, then garnish with fruit and chocolate smash pieces. Each dipped in sour cream, lay the tip of the slide items. When finished, pour the glaze creation. Did you enjoy this recipe anymore, so experiment for fun.
"Pancho Vanilla" with nuts and chocolate
If you sincerely believe that the cakes cook only by professional confectioners and cooks with the experience, so you just do not fall into the hands of this recipe. Taste delicate biscuits perfectly complements frozen cherries, and vanilla essence, which is added to the cream makes the dish really delicious. Decorated with nuts and chocolate product. The latest product, you can simply grate or melted on a steam bath. Which variant is preferable, decide for yourself.
250 grams of frozen cherries
six eggs
440 grams of millet flour
five to ten milliliters of fresh lemon juice (you will need to quench soda)
two cups granulated sugar
butter - to lubricate ware
four pinch of baking soda
18 grams of cocoa powder - optional
slightly smaller cup walnuts or other nuts
700 grams 35 percent dense sour cream
sugar - without the glass slides
several cherries
150 grams of dark chocolate
Cooking method:
To bake a delicious cake, to start to properly knead the dough. The proposed recipe is quite simple, so even if this is your first experience of confectionary guarantee difficulties should arise. We added to a dish of frozen cherries, which are on sale all twelve months. Therefore, this "Pancho" can be prepared regardless of the time of year: in autumn and winter, and spring and summer. However, if possible, better to use fresh berries, because they are much healthier and tastier.
Well, we start to make a cake? First, separate the yolks from the whites and place them in bowls. Then the last beat with a mixer: operate at minimum speed, then gradually increase the power. Observance of the above rules will help achieve the perfect consistency of the air. After about ten minutes, when the protein mass will become lighter shade and become more robust, enter sugar. It pours handfuls medium, add the sand in one fell swoop is not recommended. Ultimately, you must form a dense, lush foam. If there is a trace of a finger, so the mass is ready.
Almost each family has left his biscuit recipe: one egg is used, without separating them, others are introduced into the protein cream yolks intact. All methods have their place, but claim professionals to bake a lush, beautiful cake, whisk the ingredients you need to correct. According confectioners, it should be done as follows: Pour in chicken egg yolks a little sugar, then mash them with a fork or whisk. In the resulting mass enter 1/3 protein, mix and pour in advance here is the sifted flour. Then add soda to quench it can use vinegar or lemon juice, as specified in the recipe.
Actively working device, achieve a homogeneous consistency of the dough, then add the remaining whites. In the end, you should come out semi-liquid dough, make sure that it does not remain lumps. This recipe biscuit is the most successful one, if desired, can try another method: whisk the whites together with the sugar in a thick foam, and continuing to work with a mixer, add them one by one yolk. At the end sprinkle with flour slaked soda.
Prepare the cake can be different: for example, if you love chocolate, do two color dessert. For this, divide the weight into two equal portions, one of which connect with cocoa. Then pour the first portion of a piece of butter in a greased dish and send it in a well-preheated oven. The temperature of the oven should not exceed 200 degrees. After about 40-50 minutes of white cake is ready. Wait until it has cooled slightly, then carefully remove it from the mold and acting in the same way, bake a chocolate cake.
Recipe monochrome dish even easier: Put the dough into the prepared dish and place in oven. Thus you can bake a cherry "Pancho" all in one go. When you manage, carefully cut the cake into two equal height of the one leave intact, and the second smash pieces. It remains to make a gentle cream and assemble the product. So, join the rest of the cream with the sugar and whisk stir until dissolved sand.
Apply to the lower floor of the future a rich layer cake sweet sauce, top with cherries and sprinkle with fried and pre-crushed nuts. If you are using fresh berries, be sure to remove them from the bones. Ideally, the tip of the "Pancho" is similar to the hill in order to achieve such an effect, lower the turn every piece of biscuit dough into a cream, and then collect the cake. At the end pour the dish remains of sour cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate. To decorate hoisted a few cherries for dessert.
To prepare the dish juicy and tender - a pleasure, especially for fans of baking. Even a beginner will cope with this task, it would wish. You can experiment and the next time, instead of cherries or strawberries add fresh raspberries. You'll see, you get incredibly juicy. For the topping, use all the same chocolate only in a slightly different version. Pick a favorite recipe for the glaze and cook sweet sauce.
For example, melt milk or black tiles on a steam bath in the same dish pour a few spoonfuls of milk or cream, sweeten if necessary, and cook, stirring regularly, about five to seven minutes. Then cool the cream and pour them a cake. If using nuts - walnuts, peanuts, almonds or others - recommend long fry them in a dry skillet. Products become more intense taste, which turn your meal into a real culinary masterpiece. Let the experience in the preparation of cakes will always be the best!
Nut-vanilla cake with curd cream
Tormented by the question - to cook the cake or not? To start, decide, what's stopping you. If not required products, this business Repairable - immediately go to the store. Think pastries - not your thing? But ever be master this art, so why not now. We'll show a very simple, but at the same time incredibly delicious recipe and quite economical. The people cake called "Pancho", when in fact every woman calls it differently. It is usually done with sour cream, but we offer a step back a little from the classical canons and lubricate curd cakes. Luscious desserts will cheer up everyone in the family.
Before you immerse in the process of kneading, take into consideration some nuances. For example, the cream can be made with ordinary or vanilla essence, the result will be the same in both cases - the cake will acquire a distinctive flavor. If dessert is meant for the festive feast - whether it's a birthday, someone's anniversary, dating anniversary, or wedding, and others - as a decoration can use a special cream, fruit or as indicated in the recipe, the chocolate frosting. For greater effect, no harm will be put on the sides and top of the product fresh berries. Ideal raspberry, strawberry or cherry pieces.
Talking about the advantages of food can be very long, but to fully appreciate its taste will only prepare their own dish. That's about it right now, and we'll talk. Thus, the procedure starts with the dough easy: Separate the yolks from the whites, then sprinkle with powdered sugar past (take three or four tablespoons) and rub whisk until a smooth fluffy mass. With the whipping and the increase in the volume of its type remaining powder. Then just fluff yolks, flour regard, it should be well sifted. To prepare the cream cake better to take the heat, so lay out in advance the product from the refrigerator.
Now pour the whites into yolk mixture, add flour is here with slaked soda. Whisk whisk the ingredients, and then tell them sour. Again, stir a few times and place of the third part of the mix into a mold greased. Place the dish in a hot oven and bake the product from 15 to 25 minutes. When the first cake has cooled sufficiently, remove it and pour a new portion of the test. Do not forget to pre-poured into a cocoa powder. So you get two biscuits: white and brown.
Paying attention to the cream: in a microwave oven slightly warm butter, cottage cheese with a fork and then grind. Walnuts from the Clean hard shell, extra skins and drain in a pan or in the oven, then pass through an electric grinder or conventional. Pour into a deep dish all of these products, add a few pinches of the fragrant essential oils, sugar, and whip the mass with a mixer or blender.
Stayed minimum - only to prepare the glaze. To do this, put in a metal bowl of chocolate previously broken his middle pieces. Once it melts a bit, enter the sweet powder or sand, in three minutes pour the milk and add butter.