chocolate cake with kefir Nochenka


  • Chocolate Cake "The Night" with custard
  • Chocolate cake with kefir "The Night" with sour cream

How often do I want to bake a delicious cake, but often expensive ingredients and cooking takes too much time. Indulge in homemade goodies? No way! After all, there is a simple and delicious chocolate cake on kefir. Makes up for it there in every refrigerator and bright flavor cocoa delight chocolate lovers.

The special charm of the cake "The Night" - in the simplicity of preparation of the dough. Knead it can even a bachelor, is not familiar with the culinary business, or a child who wants to please his mother a surprise, well and skillful hostess - even more so. Can sandwiched cakes banana, cherry or raspberry jam, nuts, raisins - so will only fragrant delicacy and originality.

The thickness of the cakes directly affect the taste of the cake: they are thinner than, the juicier and tastier to treat. You can bake cakes from 1 to 3 centimeters thick. If you liking very juicy, moist cakes, cook cream 1/4 norm anymore. Complete treat two ways: lubricate the top of the remnants of cream or chocolate glaze and cook it covered the top and sides of cake. And what can decorate your heart desires: Drops of chocolate, coconut, small candied pineapple, marzipan figurines, powdered sugar or chocolate.

 chocolate cake with kefir

Chocolate Cake "The Night" with custard

It is important to cook the custard for the quality of this delicacy. Milk fat is better to take home. Do not let the appearance of lumps, but if it really happened, safely wipe the cream through a sieve of a large spoon. Oil helps the thickening cream, because it should be a little cool. Best of all, if you pre-expose the oil out of the refrigerator for 1-3 hours.


For chocolate cakes:

  • sifted flour - 2 cups dimensional
  • yogurt 2, 5% fat - 500 grams
  • Soda quicklime - 2 teaspoon without slides
  • sugar - 2 measuring cups
  • cocoa - 6-8 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 2 pieces

For the custard:

  • Milk - 2 cups
  • sugar - 1, 5 cups
  • flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • butter - 110 grams

Cooking method:

Dough for cakes done surprisingly quickly because we offer to cook the cake to begin with warm oven to 175 degrees and prepare forms for baking. It needs to be lubricated with a thick layer of margarine or prostelit baking paper. To the cake turned out smooth and beautiful, cut out a circle of paper to form the bottom and walls of the strip of parchment. Connect the edge of the clip. Best of all, if the form is split. After finishing all the necessary readiness, proceed to mix the dough for chocolate cakes.

In the bowl of a mixer to combine all the ingredients in the list for the test. Thoroughly mix the watery mass at medium speed. Pour the batter into the pan layer of up to 3 centimeters. Put on the middle shelf of the oven for a quarter hour. After a specified time, check for availability, piercing the cake with a toothpick - it should be clean and dry. Of this amount of ingredients should get 8 cakes, if the shape of a diameter of about 25 centimeters. The baked layers, leave to cool, and in the meantime enjoy a cooking custard.

To do this, boil half a cup of milk and as much sugar. The remaining milk and whisk the eggs with the flour until it homogeneity and gently trickle enter this mixture into the boiling milk with sugar. Reduce heat to a minimum and, stirring constantly, boil the cream of about 7-8 minutes until it thickens. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Then add the butter, warmed to room temperature and beat with a mixer. The custard is ready. If you wish, you can pour a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

On a broad flat plate lay the first chocolate cake and generously lubricate it with hot cream. Repeat until the end of the components, as promazhte top and garnish as desired - coconut, cocoa powder, candied fruit, and the like delicious decor. Ready cake "The Night" leave on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to infuse, but not less than 6 hours. Enjoy your tea!

 chocolate cake Nochenka

Chocolate cake with kefir "The Night" with sour cream

Complete milk tastes sour cream cakes and cake on the familiar yogurt acquire a new shade of tenderness. Two or three tablespoons almond flakes not only decorate the dish, but also give it a wonderful nutty note.


For the cakes:

  • fat yogurt - 750 ml
  • flour - 3 cups
  • Sugar - 3 dimensional cups
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • cocoa powder - 8-10 tablespoons
  • Soda quicklime - 3 teaspoons

For the cream:

  • 20% fat sour cream - 450 grams
  • sugar - 1, 25 cup
  • vanilla sugar - 8 grams

Cooking method:

First of all, sift flour with baking soda and cocoa powder in a deep container. Eggs pound of sugar until white using a fork, pour yogurt rate and re-sift the dry flour mixture. Knead the dough a homogeneous chocolate and start baking cakes. The oven should be heated in advance to 175 degrees and grease a form of butter. Pour a thin layer of dough, approximately 2-3 centimeters. Bake the cake every 15 minutes, taking care not to open the oven door in the process.

Let the cakes cool ready, it's time to cream. In a separate container pour the sour cream, sprinkle in the sugar and vanilla and whisk whisk until dissolved grains. On the wide dish begin to lay out cakes, promazyvaya each about 4 tablespoons of a gentle cream. Cope with this, decorate the finished product of your choice by using chocolate chips, cocoa and powdered sugar. Leave the cake "The Night" in the cold for 6-7 hours for impregnation. Bon Appetit!

As you can see, cook a tasty and tender delicacy can be very quickly and, most importantly, the creation of the masterpiece will cost inexpensive. Each refrigerated yogurt there, so that will be the case for small - to put in the dish piece of his love, attention and imagination. If you have not prepared complicated dishes such as cakes, we recommend to start with this recipe. Cook with joy!

 Chocolate cake with kefir "The Night"

 chocolate cake simple recipe


  • German Chocolate Cake
  • Chocolate cake sponge cakes
  • Chocolate Cake Cookies

You are looking for a recipe of chocolate cake? Yes, such that it can be prepared quickly and without problems? Then you've come to the address. Because we offer you to try to bake a chocolate cake is super easy! Agree that delicious cake, and even cooked quickly, it turns out, not all. However, there is a recipe (not one!) That allows you to do it quickly and with guaranteed success. You can certainly do it even easier and assemble the finished cake from chocolate cakes or cookies. But if you have the opportunity to use the oven, just a sin not to bake the most delicate chocolate dessert, especially the recipe you already have. However, we will reveal to you the secrets of each of these options.

German Chocolate Cake

The easiest recipe for the cake, which does not require you additional time to prepare the cream. Only need to knead the dough and bake a cake. But there is a little secret - the icing for the cake turns out even during the preparation of the test. Tempting? Then we try!


  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups sugar
  • A glass of fresh-milk
  • Glass refined vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder with a slide
  • Sachet baking powder
  • Sachet of vanilla sugar

To decorate taking almond petals or white chocolate.


Turn on the oven and cook it to 180 degrees. Splitting into a bowl all four eggs, add sugar and vanilla sugar and stir well until white. Now pour in the egg-sugar weight of milk and pour vegetable oil and cocoa powder. First, gently mix to cocoa Do not spray when whipping, and then take the mixer. Beat until the mass until the sugar is completely disperse in the liquid. Now cast from the resulting mixture of one cup - this is our chocolate glaze.

The remaining mixture pour the sifted flour and knead the dough for our cake. Pour it into a greased and with flour powdered form (better to take with removable bumpers) and send it in the oven. Bake the cake about thirty minutes, and check the readiness of the sample on a dry stick. To do this, a toothpick or wooden skewers pierce the cake on top, stick heed and watch. If the skewer is no wet batter balls, our cake is ready.

Remove it from the oven and removed from the mold. Immediately, the cake is still hot, cut it crosswise into two parts (make two cakes). Pour bottom cake glaze, cover the second Korzh and glaziruem cake top and sides. Sprinkle with almond petals or chips of white chocolate. And you can decorate a cake and rose, and chips. We reserve our work of culinary art cool. In the process of cooling down on hot glaze grab Korzh. Inside, she soaks the cake, and the top is shiny and smooth.

 a simple chocolate cake

Chocolate cake sponge cakes

Delicious cake can be prepared from ready-made sponge cakes. In this case, we do not have anything stove, but will need to prepare a cream.


  • Packing chocolate sponge cakes
  • Bank of condensed milk
  • A pack of butter
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • Chocolate chips for decorating


We only need to cook a cream that we make oil. To do this, we shift the oil in a bowl and give it a bit of melted - it should be soft. Now take a mixer, beat butter and lightly, then continue whisking, pouring it in small portions of condensed milk. If you pour milk all at once, then the cream will come out liquid. At the end of whipping add a pinch of vanilla and cocoa powder. Ready cream should keep well away from the walls of the pan.

When the cream is ready, remove it in the refrigerator just for ten minutes, and then begin to collect a cake. If desired, the cakes can be impregnated with a sweet syrup, but usually factory biscuit has a sufficiently porous structure and does not require additional impregnation. So, put a pile of cakes, promazyvaya each layer of cream. The top of the cake and sides are also coated with cream. Boca cake can sprinkle sand or walnut crumbs, breadcrumbs in a pan or dried oatmeal. On top decorate with butter cream and chocolate shavings. You can sprinkle it with cocoa powder and - it all depends on your imagination and experience.

 simple recipe for chocolate cake

Chocolate Cake Cookies

Very simple recipe, you can quickly cook a delicious chocolate cake. A great option for the case where there is no possibility to bake cakes in the oven.


  • About kilograms of biscuits
  • Bank of condensed milk
  • A pack of butter
  • A glass of milk
  • Vanilla
  • 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa powder


Delicious cake made of any rectangular biscuits. But the main thing - it should be fine, otherwise the cake will be dry. For the chocolate cake preferably taking chocolate chip cookies, but any other approach, but without fruit fragrances. So, ready meals, which will collect the cake. Now we need to make the butter cream. To do this, stir condensed milk softened butter, and at the end of whipping add a pinch of vanilla and cocoa powder.

Then everything is simple. Take cookies, dipped it in milk and put on a dish. Putting the first layer of biscuit cake and cream coat with him. The second layer is also laid soaked in milk biscuits. Have it as a masonry: top pastry - the seam between the two lower. Grease cream and this layer, and then put another. So we lay out all the cookies - the number of layers depends on the size of the cake. At the end of the top coated with a cream cake and sprinkle with his hips and cookie crumbs. We leave the cake in the heat for a couple of hours for impregnation, and then remove in the refrigerator.

That's how quick and easy it is to cook a delicious chocolate cake. So choose a recipe and taste - the results are sure to please. The main thing - cook with pleasure. Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field!

 Chocolate cake - a simple recipe for homemade desserts
