Emerald Turtle Cake


  • Classic cake "Emerald Turtle"
  • Jelly Cake "Emerald Turtle"
  • Cake "Emerald Tortoise" from biscuits

And you know that very, very beautiful, just gorgeous cake can be done remarkably quickly and easily? To do this, you do not need to own cake decorating skills and be able to do flowers, berries and leaves of cream and mastics. Even the ability to work with caramel icing and you do not need. A stunning effect you will achieve with the help of well-known, beloved, juicy and bright kiwi! Because we are going to prepare a simple, but effective and delicious cake under the symbolic title "The Emerald Turtle".

Incidentally, another advantage of this cake is for cooking cakes that do not need oven - bake them directly on the pan. Are you intrigued? Then proceed. And at the same time learn about other possibilities of preparing such a wonderful dessert.

Classic cake "Emerald Turtle"


  • Bank of condensed milk;
  • 2 cups flour incomplete;
  • 1 egg;
  • A pinch of vanilla;
  • A teaspoon of hydrated soda.

For the cream:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 2 cups milk;
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 1 packet of butter;
  • Sachet of vanilla sugar.


First you need to knead the dough. This is done very simply and quickly. Pour condensed milk in a bowl, break there is one egg, add quenched vinegar or lemon juice soda, vanilla and whisk it all whisk until smooth. Then gradually, in small portions begin to pour the sifted flour, kneading the dough elastic. We spread the finished dough on floured board and divide it into eight equal parts. Kiwi (a lot - about six to eight), peeled and cut into slices.

Now you need to cook the cream as cakes baked very quickly, and you need to collect the cake still warm from the hot cream and cakes. So, beat the eggs with the sugar and mix the resulting mass of flour. Milk pour into a saucepan, add the vanilla sugar and egg-flour mixture. All mix thoroughly and put a saucepan on low heat. While continuing to stir, boil down until thick cream, and finally add the butter. Turn off the fire, carefully stir the cream and cover pan with a lid.

Now we proceed to baking cakes in the pan. From the dough is rolled eight lozenges pan size in which they will oven and prick with a fork. The pan lubricates oil, set on fire and alternately bake her cake, roasting them on each side for no longer than one minute. Ready-made cakes piled in a pile, so they do not have time to cool down.

Now assemble the cake, cakes laying on each other and their promazyvaya cream. We cut the cake edge and trim add up in a bowl and fill them with the remaining cream. Reserve and cutting the cake to soak in the cream, then coated with a cream cake mass, forming it into a turtle shell. Put the slices on top of kiwi, as well as carved from whole berries paws and muzzle. That is all! Our "Emerald Turtle" is ready!

 Emerald Turtle Cake Recipe

Jelly Cake "Emerald Turtle"


  • 2 cups fat thick cream;
  • Cup granulated sugar;
  • Half a kilo of sweet crackers;
  • 60 grams of gelatin;
  • Sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • Kiwi.


First you must soak the gelatine, the bay with cold water. The proportions and soak time looking at the package as different manufacturers recommend different ways to use it. While gelatin swells, prepare a form for the cake. It is best to take a round bowl, which is upside down resembles a turtle shell. My bowl and wipe dry. Peeled and cut into slices of kiwi.

Now swollen gelatin put in a water bath, made up in it a little more water (considerably less than indicated in the instructions) and heated until dissolved. Then we proceed to the very important stage of cooking cake. Take a cooking brush and dipped it into liquid gelatin mold release from the inside, at the same time spreading its bottom and sides of kiwi slices. This should be done quickly, as a thin layer of gelatin thickens almost immediately. Remove the form in the refrigerator and start making jelly.

Put the cooled cream into a suitable bowl, add sugar to it and stir until fluffy. If the splendor you can not achieve, do not worry - the jelly is still out. Crackers break into small pieces and pour them into the sour cream. Mix and pour the resulting mass of gelatin in it. Now take out the form from the refrigerator and gently pour into it a lot of sour cream. Again, send a bowl in the refrigerator and leave it there until the complete solidification of the jelly.

Before serving, omit the bowl for a few seconds in hot water and then carefully tipping her on a platter, removing the cake from the mold. To complete the image of a turtle do Kiwi head and legs.

 emerald turtle cake in the pan

Cake "Emerald Tortoise" from biscuits


  • 2 cups flour;
  • 6 eggs;
  • One and a half cups of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of baking soda;
  • Half a cup of walnuts;
  • 4-5 pieces of kiwi.

For the cream:

  • A pack of butter:
  • Half a cup of sour cream;
  • Bank of condensed milk;
  • Vanilla.


Eggs break into a bowl, add them to the sugar and beat with a mixer until white. Now, mix the sifted flour and baking soda (burnt!) And pour it into the egg-sugar mixture, mixing the dough. Turn on the oven and give it to warm up to 200 degrees. Baking was covered with paper baking and lay on him a tablespoon of dough, placing the patty in two inches apart. Bake biscuits before browning. The finished cookies remove from the pan, bake the next batch, and so - until the end of the whole lump.

Until the pastry cools, whisk cream. For this soft butter mixed with sour cream, stir gently and then, continuing to whisk, add the condensed milk in small portions. In the end we put a pinch of vanilla. Putting the cake of pastry, brush with cream, form bug. The legs and muzzle, too, can be made out of cookies. Above all smeared cream cake and decorate it with slices of kiwi and nuts nucleoli. Remove the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours, after which our "Emerald Turtle" is ready to go on the table.

As you can see, "Emerald Turtle" may be very different. And what a turtle like you? Try to start the easiest and the most famous recipe of this dessert. And if you belong to supporters of culinary experiments, the variant and jelly or cake biscuits, you will always be interested. Do not be afraid to try something new and cook with pleasure. Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field!

 Emerald Turtle Cake - a spectacular dessert in a hurry

 Chocolate cake with condensed milk


  • Chocolate cake with kefir
  • Cake chocolate cheesecake with cherry hint
  • Dietary cake with chocolate
  • Cake "Prague" with condensed milk
  • Cake "Sweet Fantasy"

It is believed that the most advantageous combination of baking - a symbiosis of chocolate with condensed milk. You can never go wrong if you add yourself these two components in a dessert. Or keep an eye have a recipe where the ingredients are successfully combined. The fact is that chocolate and condensed milk - it is a very versatile product.

They can be added in the dough, and the cream. And if you pour the cake with chocolate icing and chocolate shards will fall, he has already acquire the status of chocolate. Condensed milk, in turn, can be in two variations - natural white or boiled with a deep caramel flavor.

Chocolate cake with kefir

To prepare the chocolate cakes often use cocoa powder. Also, as an alternative you can take the tile and dark chocolate. We invite you to learn the recipe of chocolate cake, a key ingredient for the dough which is yogurt. The basis of the cream has traditionally been condensed milk. This recipe is simple, it can even be called everyday, it does not require for the performance of its high cost and large amount of time.


In the dough:

  • half liter of kefir
  • sugar - 3 cups
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • cocoa (powder) - 3 tablespoons
  • 4 eggs
  • flour - 3 cups
  • salt

The cream:

  • 1 packet of butter
  • 380 grams of condensed milk

For decoration:

  • nuts
  • grated chocolate

Cooking method:

Pour the yogurt in a large bowl in which the plan to mix products for the dough, add soda. Kefir will begin to increase in volume. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl whisk together the sugar with the eggs, add a pinch of salt. Using a fine sieve, sift the flour and cocoa powder. Next, connect the yogurt with whipped eggs, gradually adding a mixture of flour and cocoa. Knead the dough. Divide it into three cakes. The oven temperatures up to 180 0 C. Cover the form of parchment and place the dough. Baking takes less than 20 minutes. Similarly, both of the following cook cake.

Recipe cream cake is also quite simple: Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl, add the butter, better than soft. Beat with a mixer until smooth. Next Put the cake on a flat dish, brush with cream. Do the same with the rest of shortcakes. The top of the cake thickly grease cream with condensed milk, decorate with broken nuts of any kind and grated chocolate.

 chocolate cake with condensed milk

Cake chocolate cheesecake with cherry hint

With such an abundance of sweet components would be appropriate to add to the recipe vegetables, preferably with a sour taste. Well combined with chocolate cherries and strawberries. For this dessert, we offer to use cherries (fresh or frozen does not really matter) and delicate curd cream. Additional tasteful harmony of condensed milk, berries and coconut.


In the dough:

  • 8 eggs
  • flour - 2 cups
  • vanillin
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa
  • sugar - 2 cups

The cream:

  • curd - pound
  • cherry syrup - 100 ml
  • white chocolate - 1 bar

For decoration:

  • cherries - 1 cup
  • Chips of coconut
  • confectionery powder
  • 380 grams of boiled condensed milk

Cooking method:

The recipe for this cake involves cooking chocolate sponge cakes. For the dough, mix the sugar with the eggs and whisk in the cool foam. For a pleasant flavor, add the vanilla and carefully Stir in cocoa powder. Enter the dough flour previously sifted. When the mixture is homogeneous, to shift part of the dough in a greased form and bake in the oven at 200 0 FROM.

When both cakes will be ready, they wait until they cool down, and then a sharp knife, divide the cake into 2 halves, leave the other whole. To prepare the cream cheese is necessary to grind and then grind it with a blender cherry syrup and the melted white chocolate. Now continue to assemble the cake: Put on the bottom of a thick cake, soak cherry syrup, grease cream cheese, put part of the pitted cherries. The surface of the cake and the sides need to spread condensed milk. Top beautifully lay cherries, sprinkle with candy powder. It is advisable to draw the sides of the cake coconut.

Dietary cake with chocolate

People who stick to a diet, or just wishing to lose weight, too, want a sweet. We offer a unique recipe of chocolate cake, which not only will not hurt your figure, but will be useful and very tasty treat. The cake is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese with added bran. All products therein diet, low calorie. If you do not eat sugar, you can use a substitute. Dessert does not require special conditions and training, cakes are baked in a pan, which is very convenient.


In the dough:

  • 20 ml of milk
  • 3 egg whites
  • half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese
  • Bran - 2 tbsp
  • milk powder - 1 tablespoon
  • 10 teaspoons of sugar (or 10 tablets substitute)
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
  • cornstarch - 1 tablespoon
  • 0, 5 teaspoon baking soda
  • cinnamon
  • vanillin

The impregnation:

  • 5 teaspoons of sugar (or 5 tablets substitute)
  • 40 milliliters of milk
  • 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup ready (or flavor - 2 drops)

The cream:

  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • milk powder - 4 tablespoons
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons (or as many as a substitute)
  • condensed milk - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Spread cottage cheese with sugar, add a little whipped protein. Pour the milk into the mixture. All good stir with a mixer. In a separate container, mix all the dry ingredients are: bran, starch, powdered milk, cocoa and baking soda. Do not forget the cinnamon and vanilla. Recipe of the test is designed for 4-5 cakes. Every part of the roll with a rolling pin, to get round pancake, about the size of your pan. Bake a cake on both sides until cooked.

To prepare the impregnation mix milk, sugar and chocolate syrup (flavor). When you manage each cake with the help of culinary brush thoroughly soak. Further, all of the cream: dissolve milk powder in the usual, add the sugar and condensed milk. After impregnation, apply a layer of cream on each cake. Now spread the top and sides, decorate as desired. Cake turns out light and delicate.

 recipe for chocolate cake with condensed milk

Cake "Prague" with condensed milk

This masterpiece of chocolate - dark sponge cake with cream on condensed milk, which is generously filled with glaze. Baking a cake classical Prague - a rather complicated and time-consuming process. We want to offer you a simplified variation of the famous dessert with cream with condensed milk. This recipe is useful for beginners housewives, as bake a cake for him not be easy, but the result is simply spectacular.


In the dough:

  • condensed milk - half a tin
  • 1-1, 5 cups flour
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • sugar - half a cup
  • cocoa powder - 3-4 tablespoons
  • sour cream - 100 ml
  • 0, 5 teaspoon baking soda

The cream:

  • egg yolks - 2 pieces
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • condensed milk - 190 grams
  • butter - 0, 5 pack

For the glaze:

  • sour cream - half a cup
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method:

To begin to make chocolate cake: in a deep container mix the sugar with the eggs and beat until fluffy consistency. The process takes about 10 minutes, the mass will increase significantly in size. Add 100 ml cream, whisk. Open a can of condensed milk and pour half the volume of the dough, leave the second part of the cream. Re-whisk. In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients: sugar, sifted flour and baking soda. And gradually they interfere with the dough in small portions. Divide the dough into three parts. One of them transfer to a greased form and bake in a hot oven at 180 cake 0 With up to readiness.

To make the chocolate cream with condensed milk need to start to soften butter, then beat it, add the egg yolks, cocoa and remaining evaporated milk. At each layer of sponge cake, apply thick layer of cream with condensed milk, pitting them against each other. To prepare the glaze need to be mixed in proportions of cocoa with sugar, and then add the cream, bring to a boil and turn off the fire. When the glaze has cooled, apply it evenly on the surface of the cake Prague, obmazhte her hips. Send your creation in the fridge, all soaked and frozen. Such a large cake to decorate with chocolate shavings or different edible petals.

 delicious chocolate cake with condensed milk

Cake "Sweet Fantasy"

We all remember this old, forgotten the taste of childhood - chocolate with condensed milk. Mothers themselves baked cakes, made homemade waffles, biscuit figurines, filled them with cooked condensed milk, dipped in chocolate and treated their children. Cake "Sweet Fantasy" for a few minutes will take you back to childhood, when the cakes were purchased deficit, and all the children enjoyed the taste of mother's desserts.


In the dough:

  • 200 grams of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • sour cream - 200 ml
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • sugar - 2 cups

The cream:

  • Black chocolate - half of the tiles
  • nuts (peanuts) - 70-100 grams
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 380 grams of boiled condensed milk

Cooking method:

Beforehand, remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it was soft. Mix the sugar with the eggs, whisk for five minutes, make sure that the sugar is completely melted. Connect the mixture with soft butter, add sour cream. Sift flour with soda and gradually add to the dough. Mix it thoroughly to avoid lumps. Then leave it in the fridge for half an hour.

After cooling, remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into parts. Its volume is designed for 3 cake. The original version of this cake is square, so it is recommended to find a form. If you need help, do not be afraid, if you use the round. Dress it with the fat part of the roll out dough for baking form, pricked with a fork and bake at high temperature (200 0 C) no more than 20 minutes. In the same way to bake three cakes. When they have cooled, cut with a knife all the bumps and edges. All pruning place in the oven until golden and drain of color. Then, using a rolling pin crush into crumbs.

Now you have the opportunity to take the cream: in a microwave oven, melt the chocolate cubes. In this cream condensed milk needed boiled. Open the jar and send its contents to the melted chocolate. Toast in the oven peanut kernels, crush them with a rolling pin and add the cream. Nuts can be used and walnuts and hazelnuts, which you like. Collect the cake on a platter, promazyvaya every nut cream cake. The top edge and also soak cream, then sprinkle on top of fine grit, which remained on the test. After the cake will hold in the refrigerator for a while, you can try.

Embody one of the recipes in life, and you remember how tasty and tender can be homemade cakes with chocolate and condensed milk. Dreams about the toppings, add nuts, dried fruits. Any unsweetened fruit make an excellent composition of this cake. Decorate as you wish, involve children in the process, they will be very happy and helpful and then eat their creations. And remember, the tandem of chocolate with condensed milk is always delicious!

 Chocolate cake with condensed milk: the harmony of bright flavors
