The recipe for sour cream is very popular in home cooking, although it is perfect for almost any confectionery. With sour cream can be prepared sponge, sand or honey cake, custard cakes and even a souffle. This cream features a lush texture, delicate texture and taste sour. In most cases, women use the traditional recipe for the cream of the cream, although his options there are not so little.
For example, layer cakes and pastries can be prepared in liquid sour cream or thick cream cheese and sour cream. To make the filling for eclairs, better to use a creamy version of sour cream, and the most suitable material for cake decorating will be cream with oil. However, any recipe sour cream is quite affordable. So let's learn how to cook a traditional cream, and various versions of the invention, the confectionery.
Traditional sour cream
The classic recipe for sour cream cake at first sight is incredibly simple. Certainly, the number of ingredients, this recipe can really win any contest minimalist culinary ideas. However, not all as easy as it seems. Make a truly magnificent sour cream is far from everything. But we will try.
Sour cream - 500 grams;
Sugar - 250 grams;
Vanilla sugar - 1 package (5 grams).
The key to success in making a lush sour cream - very fresh fat sour cream. And it is sour cream, sour cream instead of the product, how the ersatz cream manufacturers. So, naturally - the first condition. The second condition - fat sour cream, which should not be below 30%. Another important factor is the quality of sugar. It is believed that with fine sugar whipped cream easier. Some even recommend the use of powdered sugar instead of sugar.
Now the ratio of sugar and cream. Traditionally, the ratio of two to one. That is, the two parts of cream take one part of the sugar. But lovers of sweet desserts are not forbidden to increase the amount of sugar - the quality of the cream of this much will not suffer, only change the taste. The last prerequisite for tasty lush cream - cream temperature. The fact that the cream must be taken only strongly cooled cream.
And now the process of cooking. We spread the sour cream in a bowl (full, thick, greasy, cooling), pour the sugar and vanilla sugar. We beat all the high-speed mixer until fluffy. There is a more reliable way to prepare sour cream. First, to the splendor of whipped cream mixer at low speed, then increase the speed and gradually add one tablespoon of the sugar. Believe me, if you follow all of these conditions, your sure to turn sour cream thick and lush.
Butter cream
As you can imagine, this recipe is characterized by the presence in the composition of the cream is not only sour but also cream. Such butter cream will have a light texture and less distinct sour taste.
Cream of not less than 20% fat - 1 cup;
Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;
Sour cream is not less than 30% fat - 4 tablespoons;
Vanilla sugar - 1 package.
Pre-cool sour cream and cream - they must be the same temperature. Now proceed to the procedure whipping. Pour into a pan or bowl of cream, add to the cream and put the pan in ice water or even crushed ice. Start whipping cream and sour cream mixture and whisk on low speed of mixer until fluffy and thick foam. Then, continuing to whisk, gradually add the sifted powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Creamy version of sour cream will be an excellent filling for custard cakes, and even can be used to decorate the cake.
Sour cream soufflé
This recipe for sour cream with gelatin. It turns out he is dense and can be used for decoration of cakes and pastries. And a cream soufflé can be prepared as a separate dessert.
Sour cream - 1 cup;
Powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
Gelatin - 1 tsp.
Just this recipe does not allow the use of a very greasy and not very thick cream. Thickener there will gelatin. It needs to soak in a little water (about a half cup) and leave to swell. Swollen gelatine dissolve it in a water bath or in a microwave oven and a little cool it. While gelatin cools vzobem cream with powdered sugar and vanilla, and now, continuing to whisk, volem gelatin.
If you make a cream cake, use a split mold. Put it in the cake and pour the cream on top and clear form in the refrigerator. So you get the cake with a layer of sour cream soufflé.
Oil-sour cream
If cake decorating you need a thick butter cream, this recipe is fine. Cream with butter holds its shape well, but it does not lose the splendor and ease inherent in the traditional sour cream.
Sour Cream;
Powdered sugar.
All ingredients of the cream are taken in equal amounts, for example, one glass. To make it, mix in a saucepan the milk, cream and butter. Important! All these products must not be cold. Therefore beforehand remove them from the refrigerator, so that they warmed to room temperature. So, mix the milk with cream and butter and whisk lightly. Then add the powdered sugar and beat on high speed already before splendor. At the end of whipping cream can be added to any flavor - vanilla, rum or fruit essence, brandy or liqueur.
Other options sour cream
Taking the traditional sour cream recipe, it can be prepared in various ways. If in the process of whipping add the cocoa powder, you get chocolate cream. Adding coffee, you, accordingly, make the coffee cream. If we combine the sour cream with cottage cheese, then it will be sour cream and cream cheese. A cream combined with condensed milk - a sour creme brulee.
And very tasty it turns sour cream with fruits and berries. Raspberries, strawberries, peaches, blueberries, cherries, applesauce - all this can be used for easy and delicious sour cream. Try and do not be afraid to experiment. Cook with pleasure and enjoy your meal!
We recommend that read: Napoleon cake with sour cream
Cake with bananas and cookies
Cake "Yummy" from cookies with icing
Cottage cheese and sour cream cake "Fish"
Coffee dessert
Cake Cookies and cream has several advantages, why is very popular among the employed and employed women. Firstly, the need for its preparation the most common low-cost products that are always at hand. Second, the process of collecting dessert quite cumbersome and takes a minimum of time. In addition, you do not need any oven, nor any special tools. You can cook with your baby - so you not only get a delicious dish, but also great time with the child.
Oh and one more undeniable charm cuisine is that it is simply impossible to spoil. You do not knead the dough, respectively, do not worry, it will not rise or will burn. In the dish, you can add fresh fruit or berries, as well as decorations fit: sweet icing, custard, melted chocolate, walnuts, raisins and more. With these recipes you will learn how to cook quick, tasty and inexpensive. If you are interested, we offer to immediately begin our culinary excursion.
Cake with bananas and cookies
There are two basic ways to prepare "fast" cakes, do not require baking. The first - to lay out the whole pastry layers. In this case, it is usually dipped in warm milk, cocoa and coffee, while the dessert is a more juicy and tender. Second choice: break the biscuits into small pieces and crush using a meat grinder, and then mixed with sweet cream - cream, custard, or other - to collect the product. Each family secrets and preferences, we also propose to consider prescription banana dish of crackers. This dish takes a minimum of your time and effort.
450 milliliters of not too fat sour cream
four medium banana
450 grams of crackers
half cup sugar
For decoration:
chocolate bar
a handful of peanuts - optional
Cooking method:
First, remove the banana peel and cut them into circles of medium thickness. Then pour the cream and sugar thoroughly using a whisk until complete dissolution corolla sweet ingredient. Now Cover the form that will serve the dish with cling film or a special ordinary foil, put on it a little sour cream on the bottom put a layer of crackers. Note that it should completely cover the bottom surface of the dish so as to leave no gaps. When you manage, the product pour sour cream, and then make a second "floor", which consists of bananas. Then, just put a few layers of pastry and fruit, each time promazyvaya their sweet sauce.
The finished product immediately use is not recommended, as it will take some time for impregnation. On average, it takes two to three hours. Just before serving, rub on a small grater chocolate and sprinkle them dessert. Then fry the peanuts in a pan without oil, clean it from the husk, grind in a blender and garnish. To save a little, can be used instead of the above products remaining cracker: just smash it into small pieces and sprinkle the cake. There is another option, which helps to give a beautiful look to your creation - Boil the cocoa glaze and pour its product.
Cake "Yummy" from cookies with icing
Violation of the rules of "all should be in moderation" in some cases, to create a true culinary masterpiece, and this recipe is just such a pleasant exception. The abundance of ingredients - walnuts, raisins, peanuts - creates incredibly delicious combination. A significant advantage of the dessert is the speed of its preparation and the relatively inexpensive cost. So why not to please loved ones a delicious treat? It will be an ideal complement to the hot tea or coffee.
For the cake:
550 milliliters of fat thick cream
a little more than a kilogram of any shortcake
1/2 cup sugar
40 grams of golden raisins
two small handfuls of chopped walnuts
30 grams of peanut
0, 5 cups of warm water
packet of instant gelatin
For the glaze:
three large tablespoons of cocoa powder
50 grams of butter
25 grams sugar
1/2 cup water
Cooking method:
For this dish cookies should be crisp and crumbly. Ideal "Jubilee" or, for example, "Baked milk." Smash his hands on medium-sized chunks, peeled nuts and peanut fry for three to five minutes on a dry frying pan. Then beat with a rolling pin or a hammer for meat, to crush them. Raisins recommended to soak in boiling water and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour. After this time, drain the excess fluid, the product rinse and pat dry with paper napkins.
Now heat to simmer the water and sprinkle the gelatin in it, cook with constant stirring until completely dissolved. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken slowly, remove it from heat and cool. Sour cream combine with sugar and, using a mixer or blender, whisk in lush smooth. Add the roasted nuts and peanuts, raisins and gradually, a small stream, enter gelatin and work well with a spoon, so mixing all the ingredients.
To then it was much easier to get the product, Cover the form with cling film or a conventional plastic bag, flatten it, and on the bottom pour a thin layer of sour cream. Top generously sprinkle cookies and lubricate again sweet sour cream mass. Repeat several times until fully use all the ingredients. So you'll have a delicious multi-tiered cake. Get him in a cold room for three hours. By the way, leave a little cream, because it is useful for decoration.
When the dish is quite saturated and hardens, carefully remove from pan, cover, and turn the flat plate, then remove the polyethylene. Treat dish on all sides of the remaining sour cream mass and briefly in the refrigerator, but do enjoy a glaze. To do this, melt on low heat butter, here is pour sugar, cocoa and pour a little water. Regularly stirring spoon, cook for about four minutes. Sweet sauce should be uniform, dense and free of lumps. When it cools, pour the dessert and they set the table. At the request of the glaze can be made of chocolate - milk, take the tile or black.
Cottage cheese and sour cream cake "Fish"
We decided to make a cake, but do not want to mess around with the test? Then come to the aid that is very quick and easy recipe. The dish is called "Fish", since its preparation required crumbly biscuits, resembling a fish it. You also need to buy a little cottage cheese, just remember that too much pressing it is not recommended, because all the excess liquid will absorb cookies, and the food will tender and juicy.
0, 5 kilograms of fresh cookies "Fish"
sugar - two glasses
460 ml cream
tablespoon cocoa
-ounce package of cheese
milk chocolate - one tile
100 grams of butter
cup walnuts (shelled and in advance of dried in the pan)
Cooking method:
Technology of creation of the dishes are not too much different from previous prescriptions. As in the first two cases, you must carefully whisk the sugar and cream in a magnificent uniform mass. After enter roasted and chopped walnuts and biscuits. "Fish" very small in shape, so breaking it into pieces is not necessary. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, cover them with a lid and fifteen minutes aside.
When the pastry is slightly swell and increase in size, half of the sour cream mixture obtained lay in a deep dish, which advance Shots polyethylene or cling film. Cottage cheese mash with a fork to crush the grains, here is enter melted on a steam bath or in the microwave butter and cocoa powder. Whisk until smooth product and apply a second layer. Cover all the remaining white mass of the "Fish" and sour cream. Rub the grated chocolate into thin strips and sprinkle it on top of the product and sides.
Coffee dessert
To gather with loved ones around the table, it does not need an excuse, but without dessert is not exactly get along. Fragrant tea and coffee appetizing delicacy create a more joyful and warm atmosphere certainly raise the spirits of each family member. After all, regardless of age and sex, love sweets. Especially the dish light and not burden you with a long procedure of preparation.
four eggs
sugar - 200 grams
pack of butter
500 grams of biscuits
cup of instant coffee
Cocoa - two large spoons
10 grams of vanillin
milk chocolate
Cooking method:
To start a good mash the eggs and sugar, to the last ingredient is completely dissolved. Now enter the vanilla and heat the mixture in a water bath, working periodically with a spoon. When it becomes more dense, remove it from heat and let cool, then add the chopped pieces of soft butter. Thoroughly whisk, whip the cream. Pour boiling water over coffee, and when it is dissolved, turn dip into it every biscuits and assemble the cake. This is done as follows: in the form of pre-coated with a plastic bag, put the egg mixture on top of biscuits, then cream. Similarly, prepare a few more layers of dishes promazyvaya their sweet sweet sauce. Then decorate the product with grated chocolate and refrigerate.
Each recipe - a unique combination of products and a variety of taste sensations. As you can see, the technology of preparation of pastry cakes fast in all cases, a bit like. No need to be a great cook to make a dish - enough desire and a little effort, and the rest will come by itself. So good luck and bon appetit!
We recommend that read: Recipe cake from pastry fish