In the cold, many notice that the hair loses shine and volume, become dull and brittle. It is not surprising, because in autumn and winter a whole army of stressors threaten the beauty of our locks. How and why did this happen? And what to do to preserve the beauty of your hair at any time of the year?
What is bad for our hair
Late autumn and winter - a nightmare for any hairstyle. At this time in such a traumatic procedures such as drying, heat styling and combing, added dry air of heated space and adverse weather conditions:
Wet snow.
Sudden temperature changes when entering the street.
Why is that bad
Our hair is three quarters consist of keratin - this is their main structural element. As a result of daily damage and the negative impact of environmental content of keratin in the hair falls every day. That leads to fragility, loss of volume and gloss.
Low content of keratin also entails thinning the lipid layer. This waterproof protective layer keeps moisture in the hair. Due to the destruction of the hair loses its moisture and cold are often whipped and electrified. If you begin to notice that, in contact with clothing or a comb, they crackle, it's time to give them a more intensive nutrition and hydration.
What to do
A good solution to the problems with the hair in the cold season's Skin can become a means of liquid keratin. It restores the structure of the hair, giving it elasticity. Furthermore, this component feeds hair follicles, whereby the hair grow better and more effectively withstand the environment.
It is contained in a liquid keratin
"Effective volume" from
restores hair structure and returns tresses soft, thanks to the extract of bamboo.
How else to help hair
during the cold season before going out, always wear a cap or hood covers her hair with a handkerchief;
Use a conditioner every shampoo, but do not forget that it should be applied only on the ends of her hair;
Choose a brush with natural bristles;
rarely expose your tresses to heat treatment;
The color of teeth is a unique indicator of the health and social well-being. It is made up of the colors of enamel, dentin and dental plaque. Of course, you can change the hue, removing plaque. At the same time, it is natural tooth color can be changed only by means of bleaching. Bleaching every year becomes more and more popular procedure. The reason for this is natural, since flawless smile shows the respectability of its owner.
Many businessmen, bankers, builders and other spheres of activity people are addicted to drink. It can be black tea, coffee, red wine and other liquids that have a negative impact on the oral cavity. In addition to the destruction of the lost luster and beauty of teeth, resulting in accounts to cover his mouth while talking and do a lot of other actions aimed at concealing the ugly smile. If you want to quickly bring a smile to the procedure without major surgery, it is recommended teeth whitening price is quite acceptable.
Concept and features whitening
A leading manufacturer in the field of dentistry issued an increasing number of systems for bleaching, with also increases the safety and comfort of use (including the effectiveness). Experienced specialists constantly monitored the latest developments in the field, allowing you to use the most reliable and high quality system.
Bleaching is the removal of pigmented spots of hard dental tissues. Before the procedure the patient is mandatory consult a specialist, allowing the identification of possible contraindications. Together with the doctor will be discussed further plan and held a series of manipulations. It should be noted that the specialist attention will be drawn to the presence of cavities, as well as the presence of V-shaped defects (including defects in seals).
If all conditions whitening procedure is absolutely safe for the hard tissues of the tooth and gums. Before the procedure is performed a special cleaning of the oral cavity, so that in the process of bleaching will be reduced pain. Before the procedure is carried out photographing the oral cavity to determine the original color of the teeth. Further isolating the gums, soft tissues and other areas in order to avoid the negative impact of the provision of (excessive irritation or burn) bleaching system on the mucous. As a result, the patient will receive a radiant smile and will be able to enjoy life by paying for the procedure a relatively small fee.
Deodorant - is a special product on the shelf of any girl. It is not just a means of sweat and odor, is the key to comfort in any clothing and self-confidence. History has many improvements deodorants stages, and it is closely linked with the history of scientific discovery.
The first means of sweat and odor NIVEA brand was released in 1914, it was SCHWEISSPUDER - powder, which is applied not only to the armpits, but also on the hands and feet to reduce sweating.
For a hundred years, the formula has changed a lot of deodorant. About half a century ago in the scientific center of the German Beiersdorf researchers discovered ingredient that blokiruyuet bacteria that cause bad breath. Then, even after 30 years it has created a completely new formula deodorant free of alcohol, and there was the first full line of deodorants in the world market. They are available in formats and roll and spray, stick and cream, as well as a spray.
In the last five years of research in the field of protection against sweat and odor is still possible to create some unique formulas:
men's deodorant with silver ions that provides maximum antibacterial effect;
deodorant line, leaving no stains on the old black and yellow - on a white cloth;
antiperspirant, which protects not only from the heat, but also the emotional sweating;
antiperspirant for women with kaolin powder, leaves no sticky feeling after application.
During its century-long history deodorant has changed several times, each time more satisfying our needs: anti-bacterial properties, invisible protection without stains on clothes, blocking sweating in stressful situations - in our time, you can pick up an agent for every taste. Also today, the manufacturers began to add more and more caring deodorant components, because the skin armpits regularly traumatized shaving - one of the most delicate areas of the body.
Today the market as deodorants that the ordinary buyer can easily get confused. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of protection against sweat and odor is not their formats, and on the formula used. Select the format (a deodorant or antiperspirant, spray or roll) - it is a matter of personal preference.
Did you know…
every sixth Russian uses deodorant brand NIVEA.
Romantic mood you can always give - it does not depend on age, time of year or the phases of the moon. Awaken the highest sense can any gesture, but the most trouble-free - this, of course, present a fascinating composition of fresh flowers. Chances are, you already know that the flowers - is not just a decoration, but also a symbol - they have their own language in which we can express any emotion. We are specialists tell us how the language of flowers sounds the phrase "I love you" - a phrase that every girl wants to hear.
We'll tell you what colors are embedded in the warmest feeling - tenderness, care and love. Hopefully our top most romantic colors will help you to collect a bouquet, which will be thus the key to the heart that you've been looking for. So, it's time to find out what colors say about love:
7. Chamomile
- That this flower, we awarded a medal in the category "femininity, tenderness and innocence." Bouquet of daisies - a touching gift that will captivate their modest beauty and graceful ease. These flowers are ideal for a young, dreamy and slightly naive girl;
6. Azaleas
- Flowers, which lives in subtle passion. They do not have the persistence of roses and daisies giddy reverie. They carry a feeling that you want to "get" - the beauty and the mouthwatering aroma of azaleas do not lie on the surface;
5. calla
- The perfect gift for the girl with whom you are united not only lust or love. These flowers conceal a respect, a high degree of trust and affection. Callas is to give the person for whom you are ready to go to the ends of the earth - the woman you truly belong;
4. daffodil
- Flower, which lives in the spring. In the "language of flowers" Daffodils symbolize a new experience, a sense of the unknown, adventurist undertaking. Give this girl a flower, which are ready to go through fire and water;
3. Gladiolus
It symbolizes love at first sight. Its sharp petals become a symbol of swiftness and irresistible your feelings. Gladiolus giving adult women - its power is too "heavy" for young nymphs;
2. Lily
-tsvetok, Rich characters. Depending on the color and variety, they convey tenderness and nobility of intentions, chastity and greatness. Besides, Lily will be the ideal basis for a luxurious and lush bouquet. Probably, these flowers should be your companions on the day of the wedding;
1. Rose
- You probably can guess who will get the palm in the list of the most romantic colors. In them lies the enchanting variety of feelings - unbridled passion red roses, cream captivating tenderness, touching simplicity of white. It rose - the most romantic flower that is always appropriate.
Declaration of love in the language of flowers
Now you can proudly say that you know one language - the language of flowers. It was in his vocabulary, you can find the words to express the most sincere and warm feelings. Speak on it, accept it in love, do not forget the language. And good luck!
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