This recipe is very simple to prepare. Using it, even the most inexperienced hostess will surprise your loved ones and treat amazing rolls that will delight your delicate creamy edges and gentlest fluffy dough inside. This recipe you just have to share, so do not remove it away. The dough turns out very tasty, tender and delicious.
If you wish, you can experiment with stuffing. Before you cut the rolled dough into pieces, add the raisins, poppy, cinnamon, vanilla or chocolate chips. And you can add a very savory toppings: garlic, cheese, slices of sausage. You might want to bake simple cakes with various fillings, and for that, this recipe is also nice!
The only thing to consider - is that this dish is not the diet, but sometimes you want to treat yourself and loved ones the most delicious, and believe me, this recipe you will not fail.
Recipes are divided by pastry Method: oparny and bezoparnym. Here we look both ways. Oparnoe dough for baking preparation is widely used in cooking.
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Ingredients for pastry
The dough is added to a small amount of baking: butter, sugar and eggs. The trick of this recipe is that baking is mixed right.
So, for the preparation of this miraculous recipe pastry we need: milk (fat content of your choice) - 2 cups; eggs - 3 pieces; butter (can substitute margarine) - 100 g; sugar - 1 cup (no slides); fresh yeast - 30 g (an alternative - 12 grams dry); wheat flour; vegetable oil; a pinch of salt.
Information for Men
The content in the product:
Proteins - 7 g;
Fats - 8 g;
Carbohydrates - '45
Calorie pastry:
283 kcal.
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Heat half a cup of milk in the microwave or on the stove to a temperature of about 36 degrees (if the drop on your wrist, you will not feel any heat or cold).
In the warm milk dissolve yeast and should add one tablespoon of sugar and flour. All leave in a warm place for about 15 minutes.
While our yeast begin to "wander", turn the oven. The temperature at which the baked buns, - 180 degrees.
Melt the butter in a water bath or margarine (to cool not to scald yeast). Whisk beat eggs with 3 tablespoons sugar until smooth.
After 15 minutes, the yeast in a glass must rise. Take a deep bowl, pour the contents of the glass, add 1, 5 cups of the remaining milk, gently spread the beaten eggs, a pinch of salt and mix.
Pour the sifted flour in small portions (this will give a special splendor of the pastry and muffins will be air). Flour is necessary so that when kneading a little stick to hands. The dough should be soft and flexible, a large number of coarse flour will make the pastry, and she could not get up. The finished dough is necessary to close a towel and leave for 20 minutes in a warm place.
This item is in a recipe can be missed, but the main thing - remember that the pastry does not like to rush. To get an air buns better after 20 minutes obmyat dough and leave for another 15 minutes.
After our pastry has come, it must be divided into two equal halves.
Lubricates the surface on which we will roll out the pastry and the rolling pin with vegetable oil.
Melt the butter in a water bath (for filling) and give cool. Herein lies the secret recipe of the most delicious pastries, as many women use vegetable oil, and the effect is not the same.
Roll out the dough evenly our thick butter about 2 cm.
Brush or hand applied uniformly melted butter on the pastry.
Burke dough as it is, we need (depending on what you decide to oven).
On oiled baking is necessary to lay rolls, taking into account the fact that on this recipe, they have a good climb.
Now we leave our dough "rest" for 15 minutes in a warm place.
Separate the yolks from the protein. Beat yolk and apply with a brush rolls (the protein is not useful to us, as it starts very quickly burnt and spoils the appearance of rolls). The remaining dough is rolled, forming rolls of pastry and put the second baking.
When the time came, put the pan at number one in a preheated 180 degree oven, cover and wait for about 10 minutes. While our buns sit in the oven, it should not be open, because the dough settled and are no longer rises and rolls at the same time lose their splendor.
Ready muffins, you can check by piercing them with a toothpick. If the dough propeklos, it is equally rosy from all sides and the toothpick will remain adhered wet dough.
After we baked muffins, we get them out of the oven, cover with a towel and give baking again to relax (10 minutes will be enough).
With a nasty number two is doing all the same simple manipulations.
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Sponge method of preparation pastry
Ingredients for pastry (sponge method):
Cow milk (fat content of your choice) - 2 full cups, flour - 550 g, yeast Pressed - 50 g, eggs - 5-6 units; sugar - 1-1, 5 cups; butter or margarine - 100 g, more margarine - 100 g of vegetable oil - 50 g, 0, 5 teaspoons of salt.
This dough is prepared in several stages:
To begin preparing the brew after her based knead pastry.
This version of the test preparation is suitable when you need to put a large amount of hostess baking - butter, eggs, sugar.
For example, for those who like sweet cakes.
So we need to heat the milk (at 36 degrees) to dissolve the yeast - 20 g, one tablespoon of sugar and flour, so as to obtain a dough consistency, as in conventional pancake (about one cup).
Opara need to sprinkle with flour, hide towel and leave in a warm place for 1, 5 hours, it is possible and more, at a temperature of about 30 degrees (expensive mistresses note that Opara will not rise if you left it in the sunlight, even from him heat, she does not like this, the best place - next to the battery). Opara can be considered finished when it will rise the most, after which it will begin to fall and the surface is covered with fine wrinkles.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar and salt, mix well.
Melt butter or margarine in a water bath and cool to a temperature of not more than 37 degrees (so as not to scald our yeast) .In the brew ferment enter baking, gradually add the rest of the flour, mix well with baking brew.
At the end enter the warm melted butter and knead the dough (it is better to do it on the table, it pre-lubricated with sunflower oil), in the process of kneading is necessary to pour a small amount of flour until the pastry is no longer stick to hands.
Kneading - a highlight of the kneading yeast pastry. Baking incredibly like to be a very long time knead it by hand.
Knead the pastry must be at least 25 minutes.
After the pastry put back into a deep bowl, cover with a cloth or towel waffle, let stand in a warm place for 1, 5-2 hours.
Ready pastry should be elastic and fluffy. In no case should not stick to hands and easy to keep up with the walls of the cookware.
You can start cutting and baking as described in the recipe above.
As you have noticed, dear hostess, the recipe was very simple pastry made from conventional products, but at the same time turn rolls are always very tasty. Bon Appetit!
A little history
Leaven or yeast
Using leaven
Using yeast
The oven or breadmaker
Simple recipes rye bread
A few words about the benefits of rye bread
The use of traditional medicine
Delightful aroma spreads throughout the house. For some reason rye bread during baking smell particularly delicious. Households are impatient: Well, when? But they will have to wait a little longer - preparation of the bread does not tolerate fuss.
Today, more and more people are masters baking bread, preferring home-made products, made with his own hands, shops.
However, with rye bread, the situation is not as easy as with wheat ...
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A little history
Bread - a very old product, which absorbed centuries of experience of our ancestors. The first information about the recipes and traditions of bread making in Russia archaeologists discovered in the annals of XI century. Baking recipes handed down from generation to generation, and the status of housewives was determined by its ability to bake bread - no wonder in a fairy tale "The Frog Princess" this was the first test for the daughters.
Ancient Slavs baked rye bread. For its preparation used rye flour, yeast from the same flour and water. The leaven is needed to lift the dough to make bread is the splendor and softness. Since it was sour, "fermented", the bread obtained sour taste. Leaven - more batter, subjected to fermentation process. It was prepared for a few days, partly used and the remainder stored for future baking. Also able to leave a part of the test, which kept pace for the next time to ferment.
Bread from rye flour has received another name - "black." In some areas of ancient word "bread" is called rye bread, pastries and whole wheat flour had other names: loaf, loaf, loaf, roll, etc. Rye bread is traditionally considered a food of the poor class - the rich prefer wheat bread products.
Recipes baking rye bread invented and perfected over many centuries. In 1626 came the royal decree "On grain and kalachnom weight", which referred to 26 varieties of rye bread. Many of these recipes have survived. But it should be noted that not long ago our local bakeries stopped making the traditional wide of rye bread. All kinds of bread, called "rye" or "black" are actually a rye-wheat bakery products, with the addition of other types of flour and various ingredients (malt, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, herbs and spices, honey, kvass, etc. .d.). The most famous varieties include "Borodino", "Riga", "Moscow", "Ukrainian", "Darnitskiy", "Country" and others.
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Leaven or yeast
To lift and loosen the rye dough traditionally used a yeast or baker's yeast.
In recipes for starters rich history - first information about them came to us from ancient Egypt. Legend of the origin of the leaven rather banal: the ancient baker forgot for some time about the test, and it has had time to ferment and rise, which gives the product when baking the pomp and volume.
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Using leaven
And yeast, ferment and dry today you can buy at the store. But many housewives prefer themselves to grow and maintain a starter. For its preparation (in the simplest case) it is necessary to take rye flour and water in equal amounts, e.g., 1 cup, mixed thoroughly, placed in a glass jar and a top cover with a clean cloth. Absolutely can not close the jar with a lid or polyethylene - leaven needed fresh air! It should be borne in mind that the leaven greatly increases in volume capacity should therefore be quite spacious. Banks need to put in a warm place for two days; During this time, start the fermentation process, the surface of the leaven will form bubbles appear characteristic sour (but not stale!) smell.
Leaven is preparing for four days. After the first two days it should feed: Add the same amount of a mixture of rye flour and water, all thoroughly and leave for another day to mature. After three days, the last time the starter feed, and, after one day of fermentation is ready for use. Part of the leaven of about 100 g, it is necessary to put a clean jar, cover with a lid and place in refrigerator. The day before the next preparation of sourdough bread is necessary to remove from the refrigerator and again feed rye flour, mixed with water in equal amounts. So you can support the growth of the leaven for a long time. The appearance of an unpleasant pungent smell indicates that the starter has deteriorated.
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Using yeast
Regarding yeasts, but recently there is much debate at the expense of their usefulness. Some very reputable scientists have argued that dry baker's yeast may be harmful to the human body, as they contribute to the growth of cancer cells, as well as adversely affect the brain, intestines, impaired immunity. According to them, sourdough bread on a useful and nutritious. In any case, every woman decides whether to use a yeast or leaven.
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The oven or breadmaker
At home, there are two main ways of baking bread: in the oven and bread maker. It is worth noting that not all the bread machine has the function of baking rye bread. Rye flour is heavier when mixing and to bread machine blown engine, some models have a special blade for making it rye dough. Appliances significantly facilitates the process of baking bread: in the form of food laid in accordance with the recipe, set the program from the list of proposed or their own - and you can relax: the signal will announce that the bread is ready!
Other business - to prepare rye bread in the oven. There are several stages: the cultivation of the leaven of the (if not using yeast), knead the dough, left standing, shaping, proofing and baking.
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Simple recipes rye bread
Recipes of rye bread in abundance. What has not added to the dough to give the product a special flavor and aroma! And here - the space for imagination and a wide field for experimentation. But first you must learn the simple "classic" recipes baking rye bread.
The recipe for a simple one hundred percent of bread from sourdough rye flour, baked in the oven
Sift 400g rye flour, add 400 g rye sourdough 2 tsp. Salt 2 tbsp. spoon of honey or sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil. Knead the dough, pouring slowly 140 ml of water. It should be noted that the rye dough is very sticky, but add an extra meal is not recommended - better kneading and molding wet hands and utensils with cold water. Mix rye dough needs a little sprinkle with flour, cover the bowl with a towel and put into the refrigerator for at least 10 hours, preferably at night. During such prolonged proofing dough in the fermentation process occurs.
The following is to shift the dough in a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, and now leave in a warm place to rise for 3 hours: the dough should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Place in a preheated 250 degree oven and bake for 10 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake another 30-40 minutes. Ready to test a wooden stick, if it is dry, the bread is ready. Demolding bread should stand for 30 minutes, covered with a towel.
The recipe is simple rye bread with yeast, baked in the oven
In a separate bowl, mix 1 tbsp. spoon dry yeast, 1½ Art. spoons of sugar and 1½ cups of warm water; in a warm place for 20 minutes for fermentation. After this time, add 1½ Art. tablespoons vegetable oil and mix. In another bowl sift 1½ cups of rye and wheat flour, add 1 tsp. Salt, yeast and butter, and well mixed. Then the container with the test should cover up with a towel and leave in a warm 3-4 hours for recovery.
After this test obmyat and place in a baking dish, greased previously. Again, cover and leave for 20 minutes for proofing. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and place the form on average and bake for 30-40 minutes. Get ready rye bread from the oven, wrap a towel and let it stand for another 20 minutes.
Custard recipe rye bread with yeast, baked in the bread machine
To bake a bread, you must first make 4 tablespoons (40 g) of rye fermented malt 80 g of boiling water, cool. Cover the bread machine in the form of the ingredients in the following order: 2 tsp. Dried yeast, 300 g and 250 g of rye flour, 2 tbsp. spoon of honey or sugar, 1½ tsp. salt 1 tsp. coriander seeds and cumin, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil. Pour the top brewed malt and 330 ml of cold water. Put the form in the bread machine and set the required program. Cooking time - about 3½ hours. Baked bread and stand under a towel.
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A few words about the benefits of rye bread
Rye or "black" bread has always been the main food in Russia as a result of a good yield and low cost of rye. Furthermore, rye flour - a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Our ancestors may have a long time to eat only rye bread and water, and at the same time every day to do hard physical work.
Regular consumption of rye bread promotes good bowel habits, body eliminate toxins, reduces the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer
. However, this product is contraindicated in people with diseases of the stomach acidity and the background with a peptic ulcer.
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The use of traditional medicine
Rye bread is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Here are some recipes:
herpes treatment: a slice of black bread pour 1 tbsp. spoon of boiling water, add a teaspoon of salt, knead; the resulting slurry is applied to the rash, to hold for an hour, then rinse and apply a new batch;
colds: a slice of rye bread, rub with garlic and eat, washed down with lime or other herbal tea;
poultice for sore throat: cut a thin crust of rye bread, spread out on a cloth and pour boiling water; When the crust cooled down a little, to make the neck, tie a scarf and leave until the morning;
Bread mask acne: rye bread steamed with boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey, mix well; apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water; If the skin is dry, you can add a little olive oil;
well strengthens hair washing steamed rye bread.
In conclusion remains to say: rye bread - certainly useful and necessary product. Of course, the process of its manufacture troublesome and time-consuming, but the taste, aroma and the use of rye bread will be compensated by the efforts of a lot of fun and will bring you and your family!