In our diet should contain a certain amount of vitamins and mineral trace elements that influence certain processes in our body. So, it has long proven the benefits of dairy products for the representatives of virtually all age groups. One of the most useful and easily digestible dairy is cottage cheese. It, unlike raw milk contains casein, which is absorbed by organisms, even those which are not capable of assimilating milk protein. Another advantage of the curd is that all the nutrients contained in it, can be maintained even during heat treatment.
So do not worry if you do not like to eat cheese. There are lots of recipes for baking, for example, cottage cheese donuts, cheese casserole, bagels, cheesecakes and other products, the use of which will do you good. Remember also that the amino acids contained in the curd, which receives only the body of food. And if you are not a supporter of the use of meat products, anywhere except sour milk products, you will not find them in the quantities in which they are required by the body.
In addition to all of the above, in cottage cheese contains calcium, promoting and strengthening the structure of the skeletal system, and accordingly, and improve the work of the musculoskeletal system. Cottage cheese products allow for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
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Baking curd
Curd and used as ingredients in the dough composition, and to prepare the filling of a dish.
So, in order to select a particular recipe, which requires the presence of cheese, you have to try. After the splendor of the selection that we offer all kinds of cookbooks, magazines, Internet sites impossible to review, not that much to choose from. Of course, you can not look for anything new, but to follow the advice and use some of the traditional recipe for your family meals. That could be a recipe for cottage cheese casserole with various additives (raisins, nuts), curd, unlike the rest, Easter candy recipe, cheese cakes, donuts and more. Nevertheless, all sorts of delicious dishes you'll always cook and eat with pleasure, especially knowing that it is not only delicious, but also very useful.
Simple cottage cheese donuts
This recipe usually is called, even though he has a name of a traditional curd donuts. The recipe has been tested more than one generation, and continues to gain more and more fans. If you dig on the Internet, you can find a lot of positive feedback from those who have tried to prepare the donuts from cheese. For dessert turned out to be the same as a child, you can get a prescription from their friends, but you can use the following tips on cooking donuts.
So, to prepare the donuts from cheese will need:
2 eggs,
1, 5, Art. flour
3/4 Art. sugar
0, 5 kg curd,
Vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. Spoon sour cream,
Powdered sugar,
1 h. Baking soda or baking powder.
Cook donuts in several ways. The first is to first mix the egg, baking powder, sugar and cream using a mixer. Then add to the mix cottage cheese and then by introducing a little flour, knead the average density of the dough. It should not unravel, but should not be too hard. The second option is that the first flour mixed with baking powder.
It is necessary to make a small depression, which is then injected into cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream. All is mixed and flour can be added at any time with a single motion. Differences in these processes virtually no, but the second embodiment is more preferable since in this case the disintegrant is uniformly distributed over the dough, and in the first case, it may settle at the bottom of the cup, in which you perform kneading.
As to the form of donuts, then you can experiment with it as you want. The most common forms are donut balls and bagels. Molded dough figurines liked you, you can start cooking. Depending on what recipe you use, you can fry the donuts in oil or butter.
Better - in the plant, since it is not rapidly consumed in the pan. Pour as much oil as required to ensure that the donuts were completely covered with oil and grilled on both sides at once. As soon as they become golden brown, remove from the pan ready donuts on baking paper. This will help you get rid of excess fat in the donuts. Once they have cooled down a bit, you should sprinkle them with powdered sugar. It is best to serve donuts immediately after preparation. This is a great dessert for tea.
Cottage cheese donuts with filling
As already mentioned, each family has its favorite recipe donuts. Well, kids love those rolls. The filling may be totally different: chocolate, marmalade, jam, jam, condensed milk, and more. Accordingly, the methods of the room filling in the donut is also different.
If the stuffing is dry (fruit, coconut, poppy), it can be immediately placed in the fresh dough and a donut fire with her.
If the stuffing does not tolerate temperature increases (chocolate, marmalade) or it was viscous and liquid (condensed milk, jam), it is placed in a donut after roasting. But this applies only to large donuts. If your ball is not more than 3 cm in diameter, it is possible to put the stuffing back in the raw dough. In the short term will not have time to melt the filling and the dough is already cooked. Incidentally, in order to prepare a dough recipe can use conventional donuts. Large same products can be cut and put the stuffing in them, and you can enter it with pastry syringe.
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Various types of donuts
The history of such dishes, like donuts, goes back far into the past. His name came to us from Poland, and the first donut, which is called, was baked in the days of Frederick the Great in the fields of one of the battles. It has been documented that even in Roman times there was a technology for creating food that in its form and method of preparation resembled today's donuts.
They were called "globules" and were small balls, fried in fat, which is then smeared with honey and sprinkle with poppy seeds. A few years later, in the Middle Ages in Europe began to bake the so-called "Krapf" - bent in the form of the Latin letter «S» confectionery, which appeared in the 18th century again, but with a variety of fillings. To this day, donuts are one of the most popular confectionery products worldwide.
Different shapes, different origins and ingredients that make up a particular confection, influenced in their name. Today, there are more than fifty titles, which endows deep fried pieces of dough. In Germany donuts called "Berliner" and they have a somewhat elongated shape. And if Russia is completely fried donuts (and do not require a coup for roasting on the other hand), the Berliner need to turn during cooking. Because of this, both sides of such articles have a smooth golden color, and on the circumference side is a clear white rim.
In America, there are your donuts - "donuts." They look like a Russian donuts bagels (such as rings) and stir-fried with a full immersion in hot boiling oil. Well, in Hawaii, there are "malasadas", which do not have any specific shape - the usual split off pieces of dough and immediately sent into boiling oil.
Dutch donuts called "pofferches" but the donuts are almost similar. The more they resemble pancakes or even small pancakes, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Powder is also not always been the main way to decorate a donut. In some countries, it uses coconut, poppy, sesame, or grated nuts. In Italy, reminiscent of donuts Tatar national dish of "fagots" and not use them as a dessert, as is customary in most countries, and with a variety of sauces, washed down with wine and beer.
The biggest donuts - "pikarones" - made in Peru. They are so large that their boiler with oil catch a stick of the very podtseplen donut hole. French donuts "Besnier" never baked rolls, but can be both round and square shapes. Land of the Rising Sun likes to experiment with food, including donuts. In Japan, you can buy and taste not only fried but baked donut. The most popular among European manufacturers are still donuts from Poland.
In Japanese restaurants and cafes you can see a very original form of donuts. Among them, donuts, donuts and even daisy-sausages. Well, the second option is clear, which we have prepared in the stage of preparing the wheels, but the daisy could come out of those parts, which were carved from the previous bagels. It merely presses in several places, these circles to each other. If at first you do not succeed daisy, your household will still find their similarities with some flower.
As for the European donuts past centuries, the letter «S» will make not all, because the recipe for their manufacture has not been preserved, as well as there are no molds that could repeat it. But should not get upset. To do this, you can turn to modern technology and independently make the necessary forms, which can be "cut out" absolutely any figures. To do this you will only need to type on the computer the letters S, cut it out and pasted paper cling film. Now, this pattern can be cut any parts, ornaments and even human figures. Most likely, it will take you a lot of time, but if you cook surprise your loved ones, it's worth it.
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Options molding cheese donuts
If you take an ordinary recipe cake donuts, then it is not always possible to find ways of forming donuts. But sometimes you want to do something new and unusual. Often it also happens that, spotted some interesting form of baking, we can not independently determine in what way folded or molded dough to result in a heart, shell, or even any interesting subject. In addition, many have resorted to baking only to treat children or grandchildren who are tired of exactly the same shape, even cooked delicious donuts and buns.
So, how to diversify the way became boring cooking? Firstly, it is worth to recall the famous words of wisdom, which says that the main thing - it is not the form but the content. Thus, we can easily guess that in whatever form you may have applied to the table cakes, it will be just as tasty. The main thing - do not overdo it, because not every idea can be implemented easily and successfully. For a start, deciding to experiment been for- several new products, try as they will react to heat treatment and, if the result is successful, proceed to further manufacturing.
Traditional ball and donut
For starters, if you have the fantasy is not very good, you only have to master two basic forms for frying donuts: ball and ring. The first option is possible only by using a small amount of rolling test. To do this, you only need to remember, as a kid you fashioned crafts from clay or clay. Although there is another way - to buy donut machine, but hardly so you enjoy these products to spend on the purchase of this unit a lot of money.
Ring can also be executed in two ways. One of them - a small sausage roll dough (remember the lesson of work at the school), and fasten the two ends together so as to get a bagel. But a donut can get is not quite smooth. For the family goes, but if dinner or tea invited guests, then try to approach the process of forming donuts accurate. To this end, in addition to the basic ingredients for the dough, we need support. It is a rolling pin, a glass or a cup of medium diameter and a narrow shot of.
We start with the fact that the total cut off a piece of dough and roll out a small portion of it in a layer thickness of at least 1 cm. Then, using a glass or cup, cut circles out of this formation. They are obtained smooth and beautiful. Now there is only a hole inside. It will help us make a liqueur glass. We try to cut a central hole as much as possible accurately and smoothly. The resulting "pancakes" are sent into the pan.
Recipe cake donuts "childhood dream"
Donuts from the curd may be prepared with or without filling. In order for them to get exactly as you remember them from childhood, you need the following ingredients:
Cottage cheese - 250-300 g,
Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
2 eggs,
Lemon juice (vinegar) - 0, 5 tsp.,
Soda - 0, 5 tsp.,
Powdered sugar - to taste,
Vegetable oil.
Whisk eggs and sugar with a mixer and knead well with the help of the corolla. To this mixture add the cottage cheese, flour. Soda is necessary to pay off the vinegar or lemon juice (to the dough was not too smelly). Rubs the dough so that it was not too steep, so that you can take a spoon. In a frying pan with high edges, pour oil, heat it up properly. Spoon take the dough collapses flour and drop into boiling oil. Donuts must be completely submerged in oil. Ready donuts spread on parchment, giving them a little cool and the oil - drain. Then pour into a separate bowl and sprinkle with powdered sugar donuts it.