Gourmet and a sweet tooth - this is not only lovers of cakes and chocolate. Many among them are those who gladly enjoy fresh fruit or prepare a fruit salad. By the way, fruit salad - a great, easy and virtually harmless to shape dessert. Therefore, count calories without fear of sweet lovers can indulge themselves this dessert. Salad something, of course, easy to cut. But what can be charged with a fruit salad? Let's learn how to cope with the acknowledged masters of cooking and just experienced lovers of desserts.
Refueling of juice - this is the first that comes to mind. Naturally, apply to fruit salads sauce based on fruit juices - the best (in terms of calorific value) option. Most often used for sauces such as fruit juices are those from which cooked dessert. But you can fill with a fruit salad and a mixture of other juices.
The sauce of sea buckthorn juice
Sea buckthorn juice (1 cup)
Ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
Honey (1 tablespoon)
If you have fresh sea buckthorn berries, then squeeze the juice from them. If not - ready to use. Cinnamon pound of honey. Mould some juice and heat it. Dissolve the honey in a warm cinnamon juice and mix with the remaining juice of sea buckthorn.
Citrus Sauce
Juice of 1 orange;
Juice of half a lemon;
Ground ginger (1 teaspoon)
Squeeze the juice of a whole orange and half of lemon. In the second half, remove the zest of lemon (rubbed on a fine grater). Mix the juice and add to them the zest and ginger. If desired, sweeten the sauce.
Hot sauce of pineapple
Pineapple juice (2 tablespoons)
Fresh pineapple (2 ringlet)
Lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
Grated ginger root (1 teaspoon)
Walnuts (a handful)
Black pepper
Mix pineapple juice and lemon. Three or four chopped basil leaves. Slice fresh pineapple into small cubes. Ginger root grate. Chop nuts in a blender or coffee grinder to the state of the oily slurry. Mix all ingredients, add to the sauce a pinch of salt and black pepper.
This sauce is great evil salads with avocado. And instead of chopped walnuts, you can use ready-made walnut oil (1 teaspoon).
Apple-banana sauce
Apple juice (half cup)
Banana (1 pc.)
Carrot juice (half cup)
One very ripe and very soft banana peel, cut into several pieces and place in blender. Add to the fresh apple and carrot juice. Whisk. If desired, add sugar.
In fact, fruit sauce can be prepared from virtually any fruit. Soft berries and bananas to grind into a puree. From hard fruits and citrus squeeze the juice and put it in the sauce spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, vanilla). You can also add to such sauces a little milk or heavy cream. And you can fill with fruit salad sauce Dairy.
Filling ice cream
Vanilla ice cream (500 g)
Raisins (2 tablespoons)
Chocolate (half a tile)
Give ice cream melt until soft. Wash the raisins and loop through. Chocolate Grate nastrogat or a sharp knife. Mix the cream with raisins and chocolate and season salad. Take in the refrigerator to ice cream to "grab".
Yogurt dressing
Fruit yogurt (1 cup);
Sugar (1chaynaya spoon);
Semolina (2 tablespoons);
Cinnamon (half a teaspoon);
Salt (a pinch).
Yogurt with sugar, whisk in a blender or with a mixer, add a pinch of salt and semolina. Allow the sauce to infuse quire minutes to semolina swollen. Feeding lettuce, sprinkle with ground cinnamon.
Cream sauce
Whipping cream (1 cup)
Ice (100 g)
Condensed milk (1 tablespoon)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and whip. Instead, condensed milk, you can use any fruit syrup.
Sour cream sauce
Fatty cream (1 cup);
Sugar (1 tablespoon).
Cream with sugar whisk in a blender or a mixer. You can do without whipping, simply rubbed with sour cream sugar, until it dissolves.
For a fruit salad can be prepared more exotic sauces. For us, they are unusual, but in European restaurants are filling and sauces are served with fruit desserts. Please try?
Wine and honey sauce
Wine vinegar (2 tablespoons)
Olive oil (2 tablespoons)
Honey (1 teaspoon)
Salt (a pinch)
Honey dissolve in vinegar and mix with olive oil. Thoroughly stir the mixture and add to it a pinch of salt.
Cream Cheese
Mascarpone cheese or fat cottage cheese (200 g)
Sugar (1 tablespoon)
Passion fruit or mango juice (2 tablespoons)
Cheese with sugar, add vanilla and juice. Once again all mix well. If the cream is too thick, you can dilute it with sour cream.
As you can see, the options for filling fruit salad is not so little. In addition, you can fill with fruit salad prepared with whipped cream, sprinkle with nuts and chocolate, garnish with mint or basil leaves. Some gourmets happy to eat fruit salad, mayonnaise (but this is certainly an amateur). And some gas stations adds to the fruit juice celery (also an amateur). By the way, the fruit salad you can do nothing to fill!
Sprinkle it (barely) with powdered sugar and mix. Fruit juice will immediately, and you do not have to puzzle over what is to come up with a filling of fruit salad. So eat vegetables and cook them from light desserts. Cook with pleasure!
We recommend that read: Caesar salad dressing
The sauce for the salad with egg and mustard
Delicate sauce for fish dishes
Classics of the genre: mustard dressing on the water with vinegar
Quick mustard sauce
Sauce 'Spicy' to vegetables and white meat
For meat dishes, or, for example, vegetables "played" with new colors, they served all sorts of filling. One of the most striking is a mouth-watering and mustard sauce. Depending on its constituent components - lemon juice, aromatic spices, dry wine, cream or other - it may have a little sour, or, conversely, a sweet taste.
Many housewives reason prefer shoplifting filling, but do not forget about the questionable usefulness of such products. After all, preservatives, emulsifiers and dyes, which are stuffed with the goods manufacturers, have a negative impact on the human body. As a consequence, there may be intestinal disorders, heartburn and the like.
Proper balanced nutrition - the key to good health. This everyone knows, but, unfortunately, not all adhere to this rule. Do not be lazy to lead a healthy lifestyle and start small: pick a simple prescription refills and add it to the dish, which will be much tastier and juicier. For a start, we offer to learn to cook a delicious mustard sauce, and only then you can safely experiment with other foods.
The sauce for the salad with egg and mustard
A dish of meat - pork, beef and chicken - perfect honey-mustard sauce. They give a special piquancy to make foods taste more tender, we can say, fill them with life. If you decide to cook or light vegetable "sea" salad with shrimp and crab meat, be sure to try the following recipe. Egg dressing with white wine vinegar and turn your creation into a real masterpiece of culinary art.
four egg yolks
spoon (tea) mustard
ground pepper
250 ml of vegetable oil
40 milliliters of white wine
20 ml wine vinegar
Cooking method:
We offer a recipe number one: all the ingredients (they must be the same temperature) is put in a high capacity and fast mixer, whisk the mayonnaise in a uniform. You can cook a delicious mustard sauce Another way to connect to a bowl the egg yolks, mustard, vinegar and white wine and whisk whisk until creamy. Gradually, continuing to actively stir, little by little, add the vegetable oil, then salt and pepper to taste.
Delicate sauce for fish dishes
If you decide to arrange a friendly party or in front of a big event (birthday of a loved one or a child, a wedding anniversary, birthday - but you never know about it), of course, the first step is to make the guest list. And then to be the most important task - to plan the menu. Everyone has their own eating habits, so it is important to cook these dishes in an amount such that no one went away hungry. You can pick up a hot recipe, salads, desserts and a variety of dressings. Now let's talk about the past.
As it is known, can reveal sauces taste dishes and give it a piquancy, so do not pass by these little "helpers". There are plenty of filling stations. So, honey soy marinade perfect for chicken or pork and olive-lemon mixture with fresh basil is an excellent complement to a vegetable salad. Right now we offer to study the recipe gentle mustard sauce, excellent with fish dishes sochatayuschegosya.
10 milliliters of not too hot mustard
two medium lemon
ground cayenne pepper
Ten to fifteen ml cream
Cooking method:
Bear in mind that whatever sauce you decide to do - honey and soy, mustard, cream or any other - products in each case should be not too cold. Therefore, pre-lay them on the table. Then connect all the ingredients in a dish: warm cream, freshly squeezed lemon juice, mustard, sprinkle in a pinch here as cayenne pepper and salt in its sole discretion. Now carefully whisk whisk mixture, working it up and down.
The ready-made mustard sauce is very thick and the consistency of mayonnaise. As you can see, the recipe is very simple and quite economical. You do not need any special foods or a lot of time, but now thanks to a delicious filling fish dishes "will play" a whole new way. And if you decide to fry a steak, be sure to submit it to the honey-mustard sauce, the secrets of cooking which will learn later.
Classics of the genre: mustard dressing on the water with vinegar
Each recipe - separate technology of preparation of a cuisine. With the accumulation of culinary experience and practice with the acquisition, the mistress of discovering the little secrets that make dishes are more tasty. For example, honey-mustard sauce is better to make fresh, liquid, nezasaharennogo honey. Refilling is perfectly homogeneous and more tender. If you want to add the cream, keep in mind that it is better not to choose a home and the average fat content of foods stores. There are a million recipes, so if you love to cook, experiment to your heart's content. And now, back to the conversation about the sauces, we offer master Another classic option that is suitable for almost all dishes: meat, a light vegetable salads, rice, chop.
five grams of hot mustard
a little less than a glass of boiled water unheated
eight grams of wheat flour
one spoon (dining room) vegetable oil
Sugar - to taste
vinegar - half a small spoon
Cooking method:
To begin, we note some of the features. For the honey-mustard dressings do not need flour, because thanks to the sweet component of the sauce turns thick enough. We have a completely different recipe, so you need to take a little wheat ingredient. So start cooking with frying flour: pour it into the pan with the hot oil and Brown the stirring constantly. The procedure takes a lot of time - just two or three minutes. The main thing - do not overdo it the flour, because it has to buy a slightly golden hue, but not brown.
Once manage, the resulting mixture dissolve in warm water, pour into a bowl and put it on a slow fire. Future sauce must languish, not boil, so do the minimum flame. Now carefully strain the liquid by means of a dense layer of gauze or a special strainer. In a separate piala combine the mustard, vinegar and enter here as a couple pinches of salt and sugar. Thoroughly rub ingredients and pour them a liquid mixture of cooked flour. Stir several times, tighten polyethylene or cling film and store in the refrigerator for an hour. Prescription refills suitable for salads, as well as for meat dishes.
Quick mustard sauce
This is probably the easiest recipe of all. Cooking food takes more than five minutes, so why not try it at least once to make your own dressing. You can be sure to experience that with the addition of the sauce a taste of foods is changing beyond recognition. If you wish, you can vary the recipe: Prepare a delicious honey-mustard sauce from the same ingredients, just enter them by pouring small portions, melted on a steam bath for a sweet product.
Refined olive oil - 100 ml
Ten grams of non-acute mustard
salt and sugar - all to taste
0 5 Lemon
if desired, add pepper (cayenne, black or red)
Cooking method:
First, cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it in a separate container. This also lay mustard and thoroughly mash the ingredients until smooth. Then add a few pinches of sugar and salt. For refueling suit different seasonings - it can be a black pepper, cayenne or red. It all depends on your personal preferences.
Mix products, and then start gradually, in small drops of olive oil to enter. It does not stop and constantly work whisk. If you want to try something new next time, add to the same products tablespoon of melted honey. You'll see, it will be very tasty. We hope the sauce perfectly complement your meals. Bon Appetit!
Sauce 'Spicy' to vegetables and white meat
We decided to make a surprise for your loved one and surprise him with dinner in a romantic atmosphere? Then do not do without the original recipes and good cooking tips. All of this can be found on our website - here presented serves Jewish, Slavic, European and other cuisines. With the help of detailed instructions to learn cooking risotto, stuffed duck with oranges or, for example, delicate tiramisu is not difficult.
It's simple, understandable and presented in an accessible form. With us, everyone will learn to cook. After cooking - the science is not for geniuses, and for those who love to eat. Here the main thing - perseverance and desire to win - these are "whales" on which to base the success of all known chefs.
So back to the surprises. Romantic dinner will be held in a relaxed atmosphere, wrapped with love, trust and tenderness. Therefore, no pasta, burgers and soup, of course, can not be. You need to prepare something light and delicious. The perfect menu - meat dish, salad supplemented, perhaps a bit of fruit and a bottle of cold wine. Make pork steak or chicken bake, and to give piquancy savory food, feed him a delicate sauce. Try the following recipe.
pepper - optional
20 grams of butter
15 milliliters of fat sour cream or cream
One shallots
large spoon vinegar
mustard - two small spoons
Cooking method:
First of all, rinse well and dry thoroughly with paper towels onion, then cut it into very small pieces. Now melt the butter in a skillet and fry the vegetables in it, and when he gains a beautiful little golden color, pour into a bowl vinegar, pour freshly ground pepper - cayenne, black or red - add a little salt and sugar.
With constant stirring enter the remaining ingredients: sour cream, mustard, and a couple of tablespoons of warm milk. Boil the mixture to a minimum the fire, and in any case, do not boil. Wildness prohibited sauce must languish for about four minutes.
We hope these recipes will play the good service and appreciate your culinary masterpieces and friends, and relatives. We wish you a successful cooking!