Have you ever wondered why men are literally twisted around some women and avoid the rest of beautiful ladies? Why do some women have no problems in order to attract and keep any guy beside him, only what they please, while others are trying to attract attention, but all the guys like enchanted, pass by without noticing them? And if they start any relationship, the woman has to make a lot of strength to the young man in the end is not gone over to the other.
What is the reason for this state of affairs? Why some women are so easy to find a pair, while most others are afraid even to dream about love and loyalty from the guys? What do most women so unattractive in the eyes of men, and why men are afraid of women who, in our opinion, have many advantages? Are most of us just unlucky?
What men fear
Every man has his own "collection breakers" feminine appeal. We are talking about the qualities of female identity, which for men are like a stop-cock. Seeing the lady in certain character traits, a man runs away from her, despite her outer beauty and inner harmony. I must say that every young person is afraid of almost the same type of women. And if you generalize, we can distinguish six main reasons why men avoid women:
Women have unlimited sexual power over men. We, girls, even difficult to imagine what power of influence on the male mind has the form of the body. When a woman knows that she can use their sexual power as a powerful instrument for manipulation. Especially before sex; but often the woman continues to manipulate the man and after sex, in everyday life. Men understand this, and fearing to become the plaything of a capricious young lady, try not to sink into the abyss of feelings: one slept - and ran to look for another!
Women tend to deny their sexual desires, at least outwardly. We think it should be, because we must also show their modesty and decency! Women tend to perceive their sexual desires as a weakness and vulnerability, and not as a power (as in the first paragraph, when it comes to men's desire for sex).
Most of us hide their sexuality with several layers of inaccessibility, bigotry and sense of decency, and from the side it becomes quite clear what we feel actually. Men can only guess. And woe to them if they do not guess! Such situations create great internal struggle that is often projected on the relationship as a struggle for power.
Women, as a rule, always something to hide from the men, and they guard their secrets unapproachable. If a man feels it, he has the impression that he knows about his lady is not all. It makes men do not trust women. Believe me, this secrecy has nothing to do with the statement that "a woman should be some mystery." Sometimes we're just trying to hide from a guy that spent too much money on cosmetics, and he fears that he had a chance to grow branched antlers, because we obviously up to something secret from him.
This gives rise to such innuendo emotional atmosphere when I feel like saying that "in love - as in war"; why men and behave as if they have to always be ready to repel the enemy. Therefore, they consider us and treacherous and unworthy of their trust; And so all that said and done themselves - is the ultimate truth!
"Yes," we do not necessarily mean "yes" and "no" - not necessarily mean "no." And our "maybe" and in general can mean anything, and "maybe" and "yes" and "no"! Accordingly, the "maybe" can be "maybe" and "maybe" and "do not know", and "of course, a kind of fool you! "All this does not reflect reality, even though only vaguely. And how to understand this poor man, even if we sometimes do not know why, and why it is said so and not otherwise? Almost every man faced with the fact that a woman says "no" just because he wanted to test how much he loves her and wants, but in actual fact it is, in general, very 'yes'! And we say 'no', because we love to feel that our resistance is broken by man's onslaught.
If you were a man who is not afraid of any consequences of their onslaught, or if you were a man who is so patient, it can not rush a woman and able to wait until she does not want sex, you would be able to understand how treacherous game leads a woman to you! Because a woman can always claim that she was raped, if her resistance was overcome, and this despite the fact that she wanted to. And a woman can always declare a mattress or impotent man, if he did not overcome her resistance to taking it seriously. What would you do if you were a man ?! So is it any wonder that most men generally afraid to tie a serious relationship with women?
Women can get pregnant when they want to. The woman may in fact lie about whether or not they took action to contraception, while a hard guy to lie, if he had a condom. Agree, it is either there or it is not. Why are men so afraid that women can deceive them? Read on!
Pregnancy irrevocably change not only the woman's life; as it irrevocably changes the lives of men. And not all the men of his pregnant woman does not carry with it serious problems. And if the woman herself can decide whether she should change something in your life - in fact she decides to prevent pregnancy or not, have children or not - a man almost deprived of this right.
It turns out that the woman herself decides how his further fate, even if he would not like to change anything in my life. And at the other extreme - a man may well be in a situation where he does not know that he has a child, even if he really wanted a son or daughter. Agree, it is very unfair weapon to manipulate the lives of men.
Five types of women who shunned male
In general, it is clear that can scare a man in a possible relationship with a woman. Is it possible to say something about a certain type - some women are afraid of men? Well, if you are not afraid, then certainly they avoid? It is very very often it happens: like you and crush on a guy, and a contact love to come; and once we talked several times, so he was gone!
This is about you, too? Chances are, you have shown yourself, while they were on a date, with the side on which your boyfriend not seen the best of your features. You might not even have thought that one or the other feature may be considered your fault, but your man considered more prudent to retire than to build a long term relationship with you. If you want to continue to avoid such errors, keep in mind that men can not stand the five types of female identity:
"Flirting butterfly"
In fact, men like it when women flirt with them. They will always be attracted to healthy, beautiful flirting and flirting woman will always be considered a fun and charming. Flirting girl guy shows his interest in him, and the man is much easier once to meet ney.No a big difference between flirting and situational constant, so to speak, "serial" flirting. Flirting woman silly giggles, he makes eyes and affectations just in front of each man. It is - like a moth that flies on every light to be around.
This clapping eyes doll will not cause any interest in men; on the contrary, he quickly realizes that this "flirting butterfly" will require constant attention, as the girl almost certainly greatly reduced self-esteem. Very patient and confident person, perhaps, be able to deal with such a feature of the behavior of women; but most men decide that this "butterfly" is not worth their time.
"Imposes obligations"
Just imagine for a moment that you - the guy. You met with a fantastically beautiful and interesting woman, and already on the first date you have feelings for her concern. You invited her to the cafe, and you like it very much. Lighting - at the time, and the food is very tasty. You just begin to experience peace of mind, enjoying the company of a wonderful girl, and suddenly ... bam! Damsels starts talking about your wedding, how many children she wants what you have with it is the house, and what your future will be called the general dog Richie.
When that's so right off the bat, she begins to put pressure on the guy, he's just run away without looking back on it. In any healthy relationship first months, and even especially first dates should be devoted not to the future, but the day today. After all, you do not even really know each other, how can we talk about the future of marriage ?! And so, without the consent of Man, for him to decide what will happen next, and then put pressure on him, demanding that he has committed itself to fulfilling your desires - that men are afraid of very, very much!
"Always in need of care"
This girl can not go anywhere and can not do anything without her man. At the same time she lives only his interests, constantly spinning around him, always ready to take control over his behavior. She gives herself to the man at his full disposal, relying on him and expecting him at any time to be ready to amuse or comfort her, because she basically does not have their interests and do not live their lives. "Always in need of care" is literally strangling his insistence Man, with all his energy absorbing and exhausting their desire to constantly hold his attention.
"A lover of parties"
Such girls always want to have fun, while considering himself the soul of any company. They are reckless and irresponsible, and even easy to make at least an effort to build a relationship with a man, they do not want. They are easy to meet, but never take any responsibility for anything. They can be a very good time somewhere in a disco or a party, but what will they be in the sobering light of day? Her hilarious antics are only good in small doses. It's hard to have a serious relationship with a man who hides behind the mask all the problems of fun. In addition, we all know that people who can not amuse yourself by anything except a cocktail under the dance music, often fall into depression and even depression, when the party ends.
This is a woman who never stops, barely pausing for a second to breathe. It is able to bring to mind any man who in the presence of talkers will only dream about, so she quickly shut up. But verbosity suffers from a very large number of women. It is unfortunate that the talkers fail to understand that truly "silent - gold"! Each of them should be taken into account that the more one speaks, the less he learns.
Two facts last
First - the harsh reality. It lies in the fact that ninety-five percent of women will never have the kind of success in men, which they would like to have. Let's face it! Most women are clueless when it comes to men. They simply rely on luck, because I do not know how to act correctly. And even worse - they never make a real effort to understand their mistakes. They never sit idly by while living with the false hope that someday find the man of her dreams, and all of them will be smooth. But it does not happen! Nothing can come by itself. The success of the men is to ensure that the woman knows how to and how not to behave with the guys.
And finally - an interesting fact. Those qualities that seem women are attracted to men, in fact, often repel them! We hope that you understand what we mean. After all, you have read this article!
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