You have to interview several candidates for any office - that's why you are interested in articles on how to conduct an interview for employment. And it is absolutely the right move, because it affects the benefits brought by future workers. If you spend a bad interview, the position may be unoccupied or occupied by non-professionals. But in the case of proper organization of interviews with candidates, you are likely to find the one you were looking for. What you need to do?
Prepare for the interview
Internet is full of headlines about how the applicant must prepare for a meeting with the employer. However, the person conducting the interview, also required some preliminary steps. Just talk on the topic "Why do you want to work in our company," is not enough: you need to fully appreciate the potential employee: check the level of his skills, get acquainted with the personal and professional qualities, etc. ... Without all this, you will not be able to weigh all the "pros" and "cons" and make the right decision about the employment of a person.
That is why preparation for the interview should not be allowed to drift. It begins with the creation of professiogram - so professional psychological jargon is called the complete job description and requirements for workers involved in it. Of a strict sample does not exist, but it should include the recommended age, sex, social status, education requirements, professional responsibilities, necessary business (team work, a good memory, analytical skills, etc ...) and personality (accuracy, resistance to stress, independence, responsibility, etc.) quality. It is advisable to assign each of the features of the level of the mandatory one - always two - preferably three - not necessarily, but would be a plus.
Once you have decided on the image of the ideal employee, we recommend that you make a list of questions and activities aimed at test listed in professiogram skills and qualities. Many of them you can appreciate just watch for the applicant and asked him a few simple questions. But to define some features you may need special psycho diagnostic methods, which will be discussed later.
So, you have decided on those you need. In your position to respond than a dozen people, and many of them want to meet you in person. Make a detailed list of these people and decide with the time and place of the interview. Of course, this should be a separate, well-lit and fairly Equipped office - then you and applicants will be comfortable in it, and no one will distract you and pull. It should invite all the time (duration approximately interview one standard twenty or thirty minutes, but may be more or less - depending on the circumstances). Take care seating in the hall - in case if someone comes before, and he did not have to feel uncomfortable while waiting.
Spend interview
Organizational points behind and close in front of you is a direct interviewing. The right will not start a conversation with the issues related to the job, but with some common themes or a joke - it is important to establish contact. Not worth while talking to duplicate questions, the answers to which are specified in the summary - rather spend time on more important and interesting things. During a call, you can tag your writing in a notebook the key points of your conversation - of course, notifying the applicant.
What activities should be included in the interviewing? Of course, issues relating to the professional experience and responsibilities during the previous operation. Unfortunately, there are attempts to deceive the applicant's employer and something to embellish. Fortunately, it is easy to overcome: you only have to ask the candidate a few narrow-profile issues. If a person is really doing this, he will be able to find more or less adequate responses. And if not, he will say something vague, or simply wrong.
A good step would be issues concerning descriptions of responsibilities and projects in the applicant's previous post. Let the candidate tells you about what he was doing, and then you ask him a few clarifying questions: What has been achieved or how many people participated in the project. The applicant, to implement the project, easily remember the dates of your details and they will not contradict each other.
Many candidates prefer to gloss over their working skills. If you are not the first time to interview, you probably faced with the fact that the applicant indicated in the summary "excellent knowledge of English", and a personal meeting can not clearly tell about yourself in this very language. And if the test this skill does not take much time, then what about the rest? For this there are special keysovye tasks that must be prepared in advance of a particular head of department in the organization. A good candidate must successfully deal with their decision.
Agree, welcome to the employer is that quality as the ability to work independently - its so hard to find at competitors! In order to evaluate it, try to ask the candidate several situational issues related to, for example, the coherence in a previous job, or difficult situations with which the applicant could (or could not) to cope.
With the candidate should definitely talk about those recommendations, which he provided - they are often evidence of professional skills of the applicant. Most often, they are positive because some people suffer a negative recommendation to potential employers! However, it happens sometimes, and in these cases should be taken with a grain of salt to the characterization of a specialist who has worked in the company of a lot of time: perhaps a recommendation reflected the emotions associated with the loss of valuable frame. Much more productively will ask about the extent of its powers and work achievements.
Do not forget to close by the end of the interview to propose candidates to ask their questions. Firstly, it is a courtesy, and secondly, it is also necessary to obtain some information on the interview, and, thirdly, so you can best observe the activity and initiative of the applicant.
The person conducting the interview should have respect for each candidate applying for the vacancy. That is why it is so important at the end of the interview to announce at least some preliminary results (not limited to dry, "we'll call you"). Even if this is the standard adopted by the company, it is frustrating and makes him the candidate to look for another job. Therefore, if you want to keep the attention of the applicant you are interested, be sure to let us know what you do to him the prevailing opinion and agree on options for further cooperation with him.
Analyze the results of the interview
Proper analysis of the results of the meeting - it is one of the keys to how to conduct an interview. Get to each candidate a separate file, which will reflect the main outcomes - it will help you quickly and easily navigate through the large number of applicants for the position.
First of all select the candidate of your most compliance requirements. As a rule, there is education, the availability of professional knowledge, experience, communication skills, the general level of intelligence, and maybe something else. Note the presence or absence of each of the candidate of those things.
An important stage in the analysis of the results of the interview is to assess the business and personal qualities. You will again be useful professiogram compiled in preparation for the interview. Open it and write down the characteristics evaluation of which has been available to you in the process of direct observation. Each set the quality factor of importance - from one to three. Next, estimate the expression of these qualities in a candidate on a scale. Amounts points multiply by a factor of importance and count the total amount. It is this figure will be very useful to people who all rely on rational arguments, and mathematical calculations.
If you used special tests, do not forget to invite a specialist who can help you interpret the results. Of course you can try to do it yourself, but remember that many psychodiagnostic questionnaires are much more complicated than the proverbial sum and scoring - their interpretation is linked with the knowledge of the deep structure of the test, which usually do not have people without higher psychological education. However, you can use these figures as an auxiliary source of information.
Analysis of specific cases may also require the involvement of experts versed in the area in which people will work. If this expert - that's you, then you can do without outside help. You just need to analyze the results of the candidates on the following items:
How effective solution to the problem found?
What drew the candidate when searching?
Is the solution found economical and less energy-consuming?
I saw whether a candidate other possible solutions and how he commented on them?
And finally, the most difficult thing you have to do - is to make a decision about hiring on the basis of analysis of the results of the interview. Some employers run into a stupor when this need, because they feel that their decisions depend on everything. This also happens (when closing vacancy the top manager, for example, and it may increase the company's profit doubled and can destroy it), but in many cases, the error is not so fatal.
Yes, of course, it is better to find the perfect employee. But, unfortunately, they are very rare in nature! And all you have to do - is to choose from imperfect people away for someone who can bring real benefit to your company. Of course, you can do it - if you apply in practice what we tell you.
We strongly recommend to read: How to conduct a telephone interview