how to conduct a job interview


  • What is the interview conducted?
  • Useful tricks
  • Do not make mistakes!
  • Methods of interviewing

You have worked long and hard to become a ruler and faced with the problem of the interview. Or you do not hold executive positions, but you are asked to help with recruitment. Or any other reason as a result of which you are puzzled by the question of how to interview properly. Generally, employers dream of universal answer, but on the solution of this problem fighting the best psychological minds. The ability to see at a glance, whether the person is suitable for the post, would solve many problems, but, unfortunately, a clear option does not exist yet. But despite this, we have prepared for you a list of the most effective and modern working methods of recruiters.

What is the interview conducted?

If you want to properly and effectively conduct a job interview, you need to very clearly understand the purpose of the meeting. Many employers believe that the conversation with the future of the applicant - a kind of test. And look down on the candidates came. But it is the wrong position! Interview - it talks of the employer and the applicant, and the positive outcome of the same mutual interest: the employer wants to find a good employee and the applicant - a good job. Because of the distorted position of "I'm the employer, and therefore, I'm the king," you can get away from the very good worker, and you do never know.

From the interview also depends on the purpose of the nature of its conduct. For example, if you just need to close the position adequate employee, it is enough to talk on the removal frank contraindications to the position, such as laziness, deceit, etc. ... If you want the best worker, or you are interviewing for a very responsible and a large office, the interview should be very detailed and objective. It is recommended to use special diagnostics instruments, designed to measure business and personal qualities. Naturally, this interview will take more time.

The nature of the interview conducted very dependent on job hiring. For example, if you need to find a good sales manager, then a detailed study should be subjected to his communication skills and self-presentation. And as the interview itself identifies them and demonstrates that any particular "special means" you do not need. Just watch and listen to a man if he can convince you to take it to work, then he is - a good sales manager.

 how to interview

Useful tricks

As we mentioned above, a universal answer to the question of how to conduct a job interview right there. However, there are general guidelines that a person engaged in the selection of candidates for a given office, must know, like the five fingers.

First you need to make a list of what you want to see in the future employee. It can be certain knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities. Next you need to consider ways of checking them. Of course, a manifestation of the greater part of them you can see in the course of the interview. For example, if you handle stress is important, to test it, you need only create a little stress to the applicant by for a chat rugged manner of speaking or communicating rooms.

In some cases, you may need special psycho diagnostic tools, such as tests. In such a situation it is better to seek professional help, because the interpretation of the test results - a very complex thing, and it can not be reduced to a simple scoring, as it seems to many people. To obtain reliable results using the questionnaire requires a deep and detailed analysis of the responses, and it can realize the only person who has a degree in psychology and experience in this area. Therefore, no need to download the tests from the Internet, print, hold them and focus on the result - it's like playing roulette, where the rate - your vacancy.

In order to correctly assess the quality you are interested, you must control the conversation. Agree, looks very strange if the applicant does - sort of long monologue "What I want, I say." By asking questions, you can always direct the interview in your direction, and find out what you want to know, not what brings the candidate for the post. Do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions intrusive - it will help you understand exactly what the applicant has in mind, as well, in case of lying, bring it to clean water. For example, if only one candidate says generalities, ask him about the details. Inconsistency and a sharp increase in word-parasites, instead of banal recall can talk about dishonesty applicant.

Speaking of lies during the interview. Unfortunately, many job seekers it sin, and there's no getting around it. But to conclude that the candidate for blatantly lying to you, based on just one observation or response, perhaps, not worth it. Anyone can become agitated and confused, and it must understand each interviewer. But systematic omissions, inconsistencies and departures from the answers can already be regarded as unfair. In any case, the probability of successful cooperation with such workers may be close to zero.

All of this - the general tips and advice for people starting to interview. However, there are the heavy artillery: tricks of experienced recruiters, who help to "see through" and a lot of things to learn about almost any candidate. We are introducing them to your attention:

  • Establish contact

    Some employers think that the friendly dialogue with the applicant - is superfluous. Ask questions, get answers - and all, nothing more is needed. However, this view is mistaken. You can underestimate the impact of various factors, such as anxiety, introversion, vrabatyvaemosti etc. ... They can distort the results, whereby you take on a job candidate or poor do not take the good. Therefore, it is important to create a competitor for a comfortable psychological atmosphere: hello, a smile, a little joke. That you show their best side and be able to objectively evaluate the candidate for the post.

  • Use the least typical and "well-worn" question wording

    As you probably know, many job seekers are prepared for the interview, reading on the Internet a variety of tips, including templates across answers to common questions such as "Where do you see yourself in five years? "," What are your strengths and weaknesses, "" Tell us about your achievements, "etc. ... As a result of interviews with different candidates alike as two peas in such vody.Smysla answer - zero. How to force the applicant to reveal? Asking questions of non-standard: it destroys the pattern of behavior increases the veracity of the answers and shows the real business and personal qualities.

  • The correct sequence of questions

    Use it to get your desired result. If you want the applicant to relax and feel comfortable, you start with the simple biographical facts and gradually move on to more complicated issues requiring mental stress. If on the contrary want to have a stress interview, I immediately start with the complex, and even some trickery invented.

  • Ask the applicant to ask questions

    This change in roles can "shake" it, and show more than all passive answers to questions together. You can get an idea of ​​what most concerned person in the future work which he, how he thinks and learns. In addition, it is a gesture of courtesy and goodwill to the applicant, because he will be able to clarify all the details remain unclear. Pay special attention to those issues that people plan ahead - this shows that he is familiar with your industry, company, and competitors.

 how to interview the recruiter

Do not make mistakes!

Unfortunately, no one is immune from making mistakes, even the guru of professional selection and diagnosis. However, their number can be reduced to a minimum. As the saying goes, "fool learns from his mistakes, and smart - on others". That is why prior to the interview, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most common beginner interviewers 'mistakes':

  1. Do not limit your first impression

    Many people make their views on the communication partner within the first three to five minutes, and then act in accordance with a predetermined direction, for example, a sympathetic person, or accuse him of something and try to touch. Unfortunately, it does not contribute to an objective assessment of personal and professional qualities of the candidate (which is what we are striving for it at the time of the interview). Even if you do not like something or the other way around, try to ignore this and return to the list of questions prepared in advance - they will help to tune in a neutral way.

  2. Scoring negative assessments in the interview process

    Talking with some recruiters sometimes resembles a conversation with grandmothers at the door: "How did you do that? Well, you and ... ". The habit to make comments and provide immediate negative reaction to certain words and actions of the applicant does not carry any good. It may deter good candidates and confuse, and the bad - can not affect. So try to keep your opinions to yourself, even if you want to shout loudly: "What you're an idiot (more)! ".

  3. Slippery questions

      Avoid suspicion of discrimination, otherwise inevitable collision with lawyers, attorneys and law enforcement agencies. Some recruiters like to ask women about the details of his personal life, about the future plans, some features - up to the schedule of the menstrual cycle. Agree, the last question may be perceived very negatively by the applicant. Therefore it is better to prepare in advance a list of questions you are interested in and "to test" on his friends - as if they were on-site candidates responded to your interest. If you get more than thirty percent of the disturbances of this question is to give or to reformulate it in a neutral option.

  4. Do not get carried away with the story about himself and life stories

    Remember that the interview - is, first of all, business negotiations, in which each side has its own interests, and it strives to meet them. If, instead of discussing the qualities of the candidate and the job you'll be an hour to talk about fishing and the signs of the zodiac, the efficiency of this interview will be zero. Of course, to establish human contact, and you can make a joke and say something from their experiences, and to encourage the applicant, but do not overdo this.

  5. Take your time

    Some recruiters are beginning to conduct the interview in a hurry, with no more than five minutes for each candidate. Of course, it is during this time, the first impression. However, in practice, often it is not enough for an objective and adequate assessment of the candidate. That is why we recommend that you take the time during the interview: you must have time to ask the applicant all your questions and provide all necessary information. On average, the interview in this format without testing solutions and case studies takes thirty to forty minutes.

Methods of interviewing

You know that there are several schemes of the interview? Typically, in each country HR managers adhere to its strategy of assessing candidates. And they are quite different from each other. We want to offer you the most interesting and effective strategies.

In the United States, for example, based on the interview go to all kinds of tests: personality, intelligence, creativity, etc. ... Applicants must pass them on the computer, but other than that recruiters watching them in an informal setting. It can be an invitation for lunch, coffee breaks or even a weekend in the country. The targets for monitoring are the personal shortcomings of the applicant and its potential, which is not always the opportunity to confirm his work in the company. All this is very well detected by this method.

British act differently. Their method is based on the fact that members of the personnel committee personal interviews with each applicant on his biography, family traditions, university, family and acquaintances. One might ask, not whether he studied at Oxford and candidate did not serve any one of his relatives in the Royal Navy. As strange as it sounds for the Russian people, in Britain on the basis of these responses the decision on acceptance of man for the job. Still, the centuries-old monarchy has an effect!

The Germans, as usual, are distinguished by their pedantry. Candidates taking the interview in the German company, will need to collect a large number of documents, which includes the recommendations of renowned specialists, managers, politicians, scientists, various diplomas and certificates, the results of the test. The Commission, composed of experts in the industry, controls the accuracy of their design and analyze all of these materials. After that, the applicant has to go through at least a strict and regulated the procedure for a personal interview.

The Chinese method is distinguished by its commitment to a long historical tradition. It is based on the written exam, the essence of which is reduced to writing essays candidates. In most of these works they prove their competence, knowledge of classical literature and history, the ability to reason. Those who successfully pass the exam (and there is usually no more than three to five per cent of the total number of candidates) also write an essay, but this time it concerns the future of work and is the final in a series of written examinations. It is to be passed through another ordeal - a direct interview with the head, and only then taken a job candidate. By the way, the position and status of the service often depends on how the candidate got the exams.

The modern "personnel officer" is usually combined all the techniques and methods listed above. In addition, we must not forget the importance of an individual approach: an experienced professional chooses a strategy of interview depending on the position and the requirements for candidates. But then, to learn it takes time. So what are interviewing, learn and exercise - and close to the day when you will close the job with one click!

 How to conduct an interview: the secrets of success

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