We can congratulate you - you have successfully completed the first stage of the job search! You call the employer and asked for an interview (and maybe you can even overcome a telephone interview!). Of course, you may find that half way passed, but do not relax: Now your head should take preparation for the interview, which will help you to easily obtain the desired position.
7 secrets of successful preparation
Those who never looked for a job, it may seem that the preparation for the interview - this case unnecessary. In the end, you're an excellent worker, and you should just come to a meeting with the employer to show itself in all its glory as you are sure to take! But, unfortunately, it is not so simple: the interview is much like an exam, even if your mind enough knowledge to answer the questions of the teacher, can you prove, that the examiner does not put you above the estimate of the "troika".
Translated into the language of a career it can mean failure to obtain the desired position. That is why the interview, as well as any other important event, must be properly prepared. We offer you the seven secrets to proper and successfully set up to communicate with the employer.
Positive condition
It's no secret that the desire to win is fifty percent of success in achieving the goal. In the case of the installation interview, "I'll get this post", self-confidence and their skills - one of the most important manifestations of personality. Unfortunately, too many people are peculiar to various fears: fear not to go on the requirements, not like in appearance, do not have sufficient knowledge, skills and much more ... This fear is reflected in all human behavior: experienced employer immediately see the lack of confidence in their own abilities, which It affects your posture, gait, gestures and speech.
But how to stop being afraid and determined to win? The most effective in this respect is and visualization. This method is based on the use of neuro-linguistic programming, and one of its basic provisions: in order to achieve some goal, you have to be the person that it has already achieved. It sounds a bit confusing? Here is an example: let's say you want to become a vice president of a large multinational corporation. What should be the person occupying this post? Strong, purposeful, proactive, responsible, decisive, etc. ... And unless you become so, you can not see the post.
To perform the visualization, you need as detailed as possible and details present themselves to future work, using all five senses and thinking. What are you? What do you do? With whom to communicate? What clothes are wearing? Where is your office? How is the working day? The more questions you ask yourself and the more answers get, the more likely you are to become successful completion of the interview.
Self-confidence and self-esteem
As we have already mentioned, many people tend to fear. To overcome it, you need to understand whether your anxieties are real grounds. Agree, it is one thing when yesterday's sales manager claims the "top" position, and another - when you have the necessary experience, knowledge and skills to carry out the aforesaid work. If you look good and know how to present yourself, then most likely, it is a banal anxiety and low self-esteem (yes, it happens even "hardened" professionals!).
An excellent way to improve self-esteem and self-confidence is the auditory training. The main advantage of this method - it is effective at relatively low cost of time and effort. In order to carry out auto-training, include relaxation music, think about something pleasant and feel the inner warmth. Concentrate on these feelings and then start giving yourself positive attitudes (as in the movie "I am the most charming and attractive"): I have the necessary experience, I have enough knowledge to occupy this post, I look like a pro, etc. ...
However, low self-esteem - it is not the only option to inadequate self-perception. There are cases when a person considers himself the best specialists in their field, and this opinion does not coincide with the real state of things. Typically, these applicants to go, "putting on airs," and on their face appear periodically contempt for a potential employer, and to all the people around. What do you think is likely to get a job at this mountain specialist? That's right, it tends to zero. So try to adequately assess their own strength and ability; For example, if you have never even led one man, and fall into the horror at the thought of it, it is not necessary to apply for the position of head of sales department.
Our era is not in vain declared the era of information technology. Information now - this is important and effective weapon, and you must have them. What you need to know before the interview? First of all, it's information office. You should carefully read the vacancy announcement. Very often we emotionally respond to things like that (especially in the case of prolonged job search), and ignore important details and features. For example, an employer need only a man, and your desire to take a position with a high probability to be a waste of time.
The second important piece of information that you should possess, is the knowledge of the organization in which you are going to work. By the way, most of all it is necessary for you: what if this office would be "hell on wheels"? This can be expressed in a very rigid and authoritarian corporate culture or unethical activities of the corporation. Therefore, carefully examine not only the main site of the organization, but also the testimonials of people already working there. Ask the former workers, why they left, find out about the features of the application of the Labour Code, for example, how easy to get sick. All this will help you to make a distinct idea of how it is accepted to work.
Finally, in the information about the orientation of the organization will help you better understand the essence of the job and list of duties. In particular, if you are applying for the position of sales manager, it is useful to know more about what kind of product you have to sell - maybe it will be cheap Chinese fakes, and you will then have to fend off the angry customer? Moreover, knowing about the main directions of the organization, it will be easier to understand the recruiter and ask him what he wants.
Finally. Remember that any actions somehow show your individual characteristics of the employer. In light of this, the possession of the necessary information can help demonstrate the best qualities to the person conducting the interview. What will it be associated?
The fact that you have pre-learned information about the company and the job, says your genuine interest in the issue of employment.
The ability to find the right data
In this age it is important to professional quality number one - without any employee may be considered unqualified.
In most cases, a reasonable initiative and activity, manifested in the fact that you have prepared for the interview and own the information, is a plus to the characterization of the applicant. As a rule, the employer is interested in these people.
Nobody wants an employee to run to the boss as a mother on any occasion, be it training or preparation of the report of the offer. That's why what you do find information about the company and the position, and do not expect it from a recruiter will be added to the list of your advantages.
Psychological studies have shown that the decision to close the job by 75% due to the impression that the candidate has made on the employer. Simply put, from the interviewer liked you or not depends on whether you will be hired. For example, it is known that the impression of a man develops in the first 5 minutes of the meeting. If it is positive, then the recruiter will ask questions that will help you open up with a good hand, if negative, then it will try to you "fill up." That is why it is important to elicit sympathy from the person who conducts the interview, and it will help you make good skills of self-presentation.
Impression of yourself you have to not only the words but also the manner of pronouncing them. About 70% of a contact's information we receive from non-verbal signals: gait, posture, gestures, facial expressions, tone, tempo, and tone of speech. On this basis, an experienced recruiter will be able to draw conclusions about your character, style, activity, communication skills and more. To ensure that these conclusions are positive, we suggest you use a few simple tips:
Confidently and calmly look at him during the conversation. No need to look at the floor or in the landscape, but also stare in an attempt to win the game "in the daylight" is also better not.
Watch your posture - back should be straightened, regardless of whether you're standing or sitting. Slightly leaning forward - is alive and express your interest in the real communication partner (and in fact you have it, do not you?). Try not to fidget in his chair, as though you were excited.
Write down on a piece of paper the key points of your conversation - is in any case does not violate the rules of etiquette, but, on the contrary, characterizes you as a business person and collected. But it is necessary to see to themselves: if instead of the records of the case will take you to draw all kinds of meaningless squiggles, it will be perceived as boredom and lack of interest in what is happening.
Use the "open" gestures and posture, for example, put your hands on the table and pull his hands forward as if discovering them. Turn to face and body to the other party. Avoid all kinds of crosses arms and legs - a "closed" protective posture, as well as threatening gestures - such as waving his index finger.
Smile, but calmly and openly, and not forced. If you are in the mood, you can make a joke. Do not sit idly with a view to grumble or skeptical grin - it's definitely off-putting.
Of course, in talking about self-not to mention the clothes. This is a topic for another article, so we denote only the main points. Attire must conform to the position for which you are applying, and esprit de corps of the organization. Your items should be clean, neat and tidy. And, of course, it is not necessary to put on the most expensive and the best: experienced recruiter immediately see through the fake (if you can not afford such garments), and this will be related to your errors.
Knowledge of the interview
We have repeatedly raised the issue of fear. If we exclude self-doubt, fear often becomes a source of uncertainty, when you do not know what you have to. Consequently, the best means to deal with it - it's all the same information, only concerning the course of the interview.
Almost always it begins with the story of a small competitor on yourself. You may be asked to voice a brief monologue or limited point address concrete biographical facts. Recruiter likely to be interested as you are in a situation of job search and why it decided to consider their position. You may also be asked to respond to the "gold" four most frequently asked questions:
What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
Who do you see yourself in five years?
Why did you choose the professional field?
Tell us about your professional achievements
Sometimes recruiters behave in strange and curious, for example, might be asked to say something nice in the end or start loudly cursing. Most often it is part of the so-called "stress interview", whose mission - to see how you behave in a stressful situation or how you let this or that problem. Therefore, if you are sensing something was wrong, stay calm and "includes" head.
Some applicants scares opportunity for professional testing. In fact, an experienced recruiter there is no need to conduct any special procedures, and so he sees everything. So do not waste your time on solving problems in the test method - better to be honest and answer them calmly. After all, if you go, you make an offer, and if not - maybe it better?
Understanding the recruiter
A more precise understanding of what the recruiter wants. This understanding is very important because you can manifest itself in two ways: as you see fit, and as a recruiter will need. Which option is more effective? Naturally, the second. That is why one of the points of the preparation for the interview to be an attempt to put yourself in the shoes of the person conducting the interview is the most.
How to do it best? First we need to know who will conduct your interviews - recruiter, HR manager or a direct employer. This is important, because each of them has slightly different goals. The task of recruiter - to weed out candidates really, fundamentally inappropriate to the requirements of the employer. For example, if you want people with higher education, and the applicant have not.
At the HR manager has a more serious purpose - it has to close the position right man. Therefore, it already accounts for a large psychological burden - it will analyze your business and personal qualities. The interview with the employer - it is the most important event, because he really wants to find an employee with whom he will have a long and fruitful collaboration.
The complexity of the latter case is that if recruiters and HR managers tend to more or less the same set of tricks, the employer may surprise you completely unexpected leap or a whim. But this can be treated as a real test of your relationship compatibility. In general, one of the most effective methods - put yourself in the place of the person conducting the interview, and try to behave so that interest him.
You might be surprised not to see the article no word on qualifications and experience. There is nothing strange - anyone is clear that for certain obligations required specific knowledge and skills. Therefore, if you do not, and they need from the start, and get them nowhere - do not waste time on this position. It is better to look for something suitable to you really. And about how to prepare for the interview, we give you all-all-all told, and now you are sure it will pass!