What else can you do to quickly get these useful skills?
Overcoming adversity is difficult, but it is always possible to overcome them
All unhappiness is actually given to us, to our souls strengthened. (John Gray)
We live in an era of hardship; But life at all times, people were presented by the ups and downs, good luck and trouble. Problems are part of the universal process of life. Even the happy people who feel lucky to all and darling of fortune, from time to time faced with adversity, and a black streak of bad luck in life and comes from them. But why do we think that trouble will never catch up with these people, and if they have a life and a striped, each band - only white?
It's all in how they behave in such periods of his life. Positive by nature, these people are able to overcome the difficulties without bitterness and regret. They do not hesitate to ask for help and support when they need them. When the white stripe ends and they are overtaken by a series of misfortunes, optimistic people learn lessons from situations in which others just throw up their hands, and try to see something good even in the worst. They control their own destiny and build up the own life.
People like us never seem to live in a world of suffering; but this does not detract from the feeling of unhappiness, and that they can be very deep and sometimes devastating. They simply "work through" these feelings, which can not disappear overnight, while the rest just fall into the bottom of despair when they are overtaken by a series of misfortunes.
Why do not we take the example of the best?
If you ask people who know how to deal with adversity, to share with you the experience, they would have talked about the six steps to be taken in the first place, to quickly come a white stripe in your life:
First of all, to admit that the trouble really happened to you. Admitting yourself that in our lives came streak, we as it may seem strange, thereby reducing the emotional shock of fallen upon us tribulations.
And now try to understand what all the troubles are temporary and rarely interfere in the individual stages of life, and the whole destiny of man. You can lose a job, money, housing; but your family still loves you, friends willing to lend a shoulder, do you - are alive and well. You have saved the most important values, and everything else can be acquired.
Awaken a sense of gratitude. Be thankful for what you have, rather than complain about what lost.
Realize that you have the ability to control your response to life's difficulties. Once you start to feel pain, just change the focus - look at things another look. The positive side in any case, there is every event, even the most unpleasant - it all depends on how you look at it.
Reach higher states of consciousness, learn to control their thoughts, feelings and reactions. This will allow you to see things more clearly at the expense of emotional involvement.
Decide what practical steps can you take today to help yourself. No matter how small those steps, each of them is important, because it brings you closer to solving the problem. And eventually you get to places where really feel that you have the strength to cope.
Several ways to cope with adversity
Life really is unpredictable, and sometimes trouble caught us by surprise. And then it is very important to know what to do if a black stripe in the life of the lane change of luck. At a time when we are going through a difficult period, we can help the existence of a specific action plan. Only action will help clear the way in the jungle of adversity to give us the space to move forward! Points of the plan can vary, it depends from person to person and from one difficult situation into which he fell. But the main action is still the same for any occasion:
One of the first stages of grief, and other forms of disaster is usually failure
We refuse to accept what happened to us is something bad. And we try to hide from all that happened to us. Thus, it can only worsen the situation, because we did not allow ourselves to cope with the reality of the situation and accept the consequences of rational trouble. The sooner we accept the reality, the better our chances to go further. Remember than in Nala article shared with us successful people - they, too, first of all recognize the fact of occurrence of bad luck.
Mobilize all their internal forces, try not to despair to have you
In no case do not panic. You know what can happen to swim neumeyuschih man who unexpectedly fall into the water? There are two options: in the first case he starts to panic, randomly flounder and eventually swallow water and drown if help does not arrive in time. In the second case, the person will try to calm down, and the water itself will push it to the surface. Staying calm and relax the muscles, he can control the position of your body and keep your head above water. And in life - if you keep quiet, you still have a much better chance to resolve the situation.
Divide the difficult situation in the smaller, more manageable and solvable problems
You can even eat an elephant, biting him repeatedly on a small piece! Using this simple strategy - to break complex problem into several simpler - you can quickly see ways of solving problems. You dispel anxiety, restore an organized, rational thinking and direct their thoughts on track to see the next right turn.
Be active, not allowing you to fight off despair desire to act
The output can be always found! Robbing us some some features of deprivation give us a chance to take advantage of others. Imagine a man who has lost an arm or leg. It's terrible for him and for everyone who loves him. And, of course, no one would have dared to condemn the unhappy if he was depressed and had lost the will to live.
But we have seen (in real life, thanks to television and the Internet) are many examples of people who have suffered such a loss, and focus their efforts on what they can do, not on what they become available. Armless musician feet playing the piano beautiful melodies, the artist who paints by holding the brush teeth, a ballet dancer with one leg who dared to go on stage and dance with a crippled dancer - so much so dance that does not notice any crutches at Man, nor the lack of hands at the girl!
These strong-willed people have set themselves the task, when they lose the ability to do something in a familiar way and are working to resolve them. They do not simply react to tragic accident in his life, but deliberately seeking ways to continue the active life. We need to learn from them not to despair, and at all costs to seek a way out of bad luck and bad luck.
Look for support and do not give up the proposed aid
Absolutely no need to fight the troubles and misfortunes alone. Interesting fact: scientists have conducted extensive research in an attempt to unravel the phenomenon of long-livers. You can invent all kinds of theories, starting from the characteristics of food, environment and other factors that could cause such a venerable elders longevity. But one common factor unites these people who managed during his long life to survive more than one adversity - it is their relationship with others, the ability to accept help and support to all who need it.
Very often victims of failures and fatalities remain a prisoner of his past
They have retained the feeling that they have betrayed or let down the circumstances, people, or even life itself. Their souls are wounded and bleeding, the joy of life is lost. Staying in his last thoughts, which brought them to misfortune, they seem to agree that unpleasant events could be repeated. You must take responsibility for their lives, for their physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being, and not to allow all the circumstances and situations that you face, to manipulate you like a puppet.
Remain steadfast in the face of danger
Persistence allows you to cope with adversity, to overcome stress and be able to recover from the grief, gaining valuable experience. Each of us has the capacity to recover from the failure and return to normal life. If we do not use this potential, then over time we lose. But we can increase our capacity to overcome difficulties and get amazing results even in the most difficult conditions. That desire to learn how to cope with setbacks and adversity can make us successful and happy - both now and in the future. And for us, too, will say that we - and the lucky lucky.
What else can you do to quickly get these useful skills?
Re-read the whole list of what it would be useful to draw your attention, and select the most suitable items. You can expand this list, adding that most of it would help you to endure the storms of life.
Enjoy life, every ordinary day;
Every morning, smiling at her reflection in the mirror;
Calm and relaxing night, knowing that the day you have done all that is required from you;
Rely on your curiosity to learn every day something new, expanding the boundaries of their world;
Exercising their sense of humor, laugh as much as possible;
Think of communicating with people who have experienced mental trauma as an opportunity to go to university life;
See, read, listen to the stories of people who found the strength to endure misery and return to normal life. It inspires you to become more resilient in the face of their own misery;
Write or draw their emotions. Try to talk often about what is good in each is not quite pleasant event for you;
Try to spend more time in an environment that makes you a revival and the rise of emotions;
Get yourself a pet - it will help you to plunge into even more joyful experience;
Come up with a new hobby;
Read sayings of wise men, quotes about strength of mind and overcome difficulties - this is very good "clears" brains!
Exercising not only the mind but also the body. Previously, it is said that "in a healthy body - healthy mind";
Periodically, spend time alone or with the closest person in the lap of nature. This is very good relieves stress and tension;
At least sometimes visit as a volunteer in hospitals and hospices. You not only feel satisfaction in being able to provide someone to help, but also be able to ensure that your disaster - nothing compared to the misery of some people.
There is a very good exercise. Imagine that you are floating in a boat on the river of life. Sometimes the river is calm, the sun is shining and all around - beautiful scenery. But around the bend the river begins to boil, it starts to rain, thunder storm. And you still are in a boat and stay calm. You know that the rain will end soon. You can not control the rain, but you can control the boat that she sailed ahead to where the river again flows smoothly and quietly.
So it is in life. Do not try to control the circumstances, the team only themselves. Just become the master of your life.
Overcoming adversity is difficult, but it is always possible to overcome them
Overcoming adversity can be difficult in times of despair, begins a black stripe failures and misfortunes. No wonder that at the beginning we can feel the pain, but the acquisition of skills and cultivate one's stamina will help us overcome any life changes. Our life can be like a roller coaster - with many ups, downs and twists and turns. You have to follow in their thorny path, without stopping or going back. It may even be scary at first, but you do not give up! Life can be harsh and hard to us; But just as the flight on a roller coaster, a difficult time to come to an end, there will come a white stripe and a disaster will remain in the past.
The trouble is change - change our lives, we change ourselves. But it depends on us whether we will find the strength and the possibility of eventually return to normal life and go on it further.
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