how to deal with panic attacks

  • How to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack
  • How to deal with panic
  • Exercise - the best assistant in the fight against panic
  • Learn to confront his fear

It happens to you sometimes something strange when suddenly you attracted waves of physical symptoms - shortness of breath, muscle cramps, nausea, and - and all this in conjunction with uncontrolled anxiety, and sometimes with a feeling of complete hopelessness? And your desperate calls to doctors of "first aid" and visits to the therapist does not give any result: all the tests are normal, the body works without deviations.

It has been with you? So you survived the attack of a panic attack. And if such panic attacks you have encountered repeatedly, you should learn more about them, to develop their tactics to deal with them. You no longer have to live in fear and insecurity, so start to work on the problem; We will be happy to help pass your way to prosperity, to a life without anxiety and panic.

Just be warned: a visit to a specialist you still needed. Perhaps your fits of panic attacks in need of medical treatment; if you fight them on their own, it will only aggravate the situation. After a full medical examination, you will be able to know for sure is that you are dealing with panic attacks, and not with any other disease. Yes and overcome the irrational, but very strong fear of death that can occur when you are experiencing a panic attack, it is possible for the most part only with the help of drugs.

In addition, your doctor will be able to distinguish the occasional bouts of panic attacks from deeper disorders, which may require extensive treatment. After examination, you will be able to tell if you have a genetic predisposition to panic attacks and not related to your attacks if other diseases, such as malfunctioning thyroid or hypersensitivity to lactose. Therefore, do not avoid medical visits, and take our advice as aids with panic disorder.

 how to deal with panic attacks

How to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack

Knowing the symptoms of a panic attack, you can better control their condition. Fighting the enemy is much easier if you know it in person! As soon as you realize that you are having a panic attack and not a heart attack, a severe allergic reaction or other serious condition, you will be able to focus on methods that will help you to calm down and to overcome panic attacks. Of course, these symptoms differ from person to person, and an accurate diagnosis can put only a professional. Nevertheless, some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath, rapid breathing
  • Severe nausea
  • Shivering and sweating
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Hot flashes or sudden chill
  • Tingling in the extremities
  • The fear that you are losing your mind
  • Fear that you are seriously ill and may die

Symptoms of these, as already mentioned, can be manifested in different ways, with different force in different combinations.

Understand your body

Panic attacks are often a reaction to fear, conscious or unconscious, and those physical reactions you are experiencing are the result of your body's reaction to this fear. You begin to feel anxiety, and completely unfounded. The catalyst for this anxiety may be some unpleasant or tragic incident in your past. Your body suddenly begins to react in such a way as if the accident is about to happen again. Start a panic reaction can even view photos, old correspondence or something else that is able to recall the events.

Not only can you re-experience the emotions associated with traumatic events, but at the same time able to experience the fear that lose control of the current situation, will not be able to deal with their condition. Your subconscious mind will interpret the situation as potentially hazardous, and the body starts to produce adrenaline, to prepare for the crisis - so start a panic attack occurs. Although there is really countless variations, the total body's response to a panic includes the following reactions:

  • Your body goes into a state of general alert. The brain receives a signal of the potential threat, and gives the body a team to prepare for the pseudo-emergency situation and fight for survival. For example, the eye can be expanded to improve vision and increase the viewing angle, pulse quickens, the blood will circulate through the vital organs, breathing quickens, so that the blood comes more oxygen, and the muscles tense up, so you can, if necessary, to move as quickly as possible.
  • Your thoughts are "stuck" on a scary thought. Instead of reacting to somehow solve the problem, or get out of a difficult situation (and what you would do if it were really in an emergency), you again and again thinking about the perceived threat and still immersed in fear. Fighting the threat in this case is impossible, because it really does not exist, there is only your fear of her opportunity.
  • You begin to feel the effects of rapid breathing. Inhaled oxygen interacts with cells of your body, thereby forming carbon dioxide which is exhaled. During an attack of panic attack breathing rate increases, so the body can absorb more oxygen, struggling for survival. But during this breath when there is so called hyperventilation, you exhale more carbon dioxide than your cells are able to produce, whereby the level of the gas in the brain and in the blood drops significantly.

The results of this reaction (which may include dizziness, nausea and heart palpitations) may cause some people to further strengthen the panic, thereby teaching the breathing even more. The brain as it receives a signal from the body: "I am fighting, but the danger is not over! "And in turn sends a command to re-amplification of all reactions.

 how to overcome a panic attack

How to deal with panic

When you learn to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack coming, you will need to get comfortable with the next step leading to the relief of the state. We will teach you techniques to help cope with panic attacks.

Calm wind

If you feel an attack coming on, with the help of simple breathing exercises you can quickly calm down and begin to better control themselves. But do not expect attacks to improve these methods. Repeat this exercise twice a day for ten minutes - it will not only help you in time of need to fulfill all without errors, but also make themselves more rare attacks.

Try to relax. Place one hand on the chest (in the neck), and place your other hand above the diaphragm (approximately between the stomach and the beginning of the line of the chest). Take a slow, deep breath through your nose, counting to five. A hand on his chest at the same time must be stationary and the hand has to rise above the diaphragm - that is, do not breath-feeding, as it were, the stomach, lifting aperture. It is, as you know, will provide the most deep breath.

When you get to the account "five", as slowly exhale through the nose. Focus on hands, count and slow deep breathing can help you to focus and calm down. Continue to breathe, so long as you feel the panic passed and you feel better.

Relax your muscles

Find a comfortable position so that you can sit at the same, or better yet, lie down. Close your eyes and pay attention to all of his fingers. Bend them, counting to five, squeeze as hard as you can; after the count "five" unclench them and relax.

Next, focus on the legs. Strain and squeeze your toes for a count of five, then relax.

Continue to continue to work with your body, highlighting all the new groups of muscles: calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck - all the "path" from the feet to the face. By the time you contract and relax the muscles of the face, you will already feel completely relaxed.

Exercise - the best assistant in the fight against panic

A panic attack can cause you to feel very tired; but often a healthy fatigue, on the contrary, helps to prevent panic. Instead of spending free time on the couch, try to plan for the following activities:

  • Walking. During a panic attack, you may feel that you can not help nobody and nothing. But sometimes something as simple as a leisurely walk through the quiet alleys of the park, it was able to pay off the rolls wave of anxiety. Stay in fresh air is able to distract from anxiety, thus becoming the best cure for your problem. And if you have to move actively, the aerobic exercise, combined with sunlight can help the body produce endorphins. So, the fresh air and sunshine are quite capable of positively affect your world!
  • Yoga and stretching. Deep breathing and stretching exercises will reduce muscle tension and help you regain composure. Here is the simple exercise: Lie on your back and bring one knee to your chest. Squeeze his hands to his chest, while breathing deeply through the nose. Survive as twenty minutes, then repeat the exercise, pulling to the chest of the other knee.

And here's another: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees straightened. Lean forward, hands touching the floor. Hold the pose for ten seconds, then slowly return to the upright position (performing the exercise, do not strain your back). Repeat this exercise several times.

  • The use of peripheral vision. Try to focus on what we can see is called the corner of his eye. Breathe deeply, relax your jaw muscles at the same time. This exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to the relaxation of your body.

 struggle with panic attacks

Learn to confront his fear

The better you understand your fear, the more successful will be able to manage it. Try to keep a diary of observations, where to write their feelings before, during and after a panic attack; Write down your thoughts about what your concerns and worries. When you will be better re-read these records. This will help you prepare for the next attack (since you will already know what you expect), but will also help to understand that even the strongest attack ultimately ends happily.

There are other ways to better understand the nature of your fear and help yourself:

  • Paradoxical intention. The purpose of this exercise is to intentionally cause panic attack at the attack and pre-planned actions to stop it. Thus, you build up at the feeling of being able to control what scares you. This will help you to train yourself not to be afraid of such situations.
  • Join a support group. Your therapist may recommend a group for people suffering from panic attacks. Classes in these groups can help get to the root of your problem and get more insight into the situation where you are. In addition, you will have a great opportunity to learn how others cope with their problems.

The more you do something to cope with panic, the less fear will experience each time you attack. You will feel more wise and free, a big step in the direction of the new features for yourself!

 How to deal with panic attacks: take the problem under control

We strongly recommend to read: How to overcome fear
