Loss of memory and cognitive functions may be a natural part of aging. Reducing estrogen during menopause can also cause problems with memory and concentration. There is a very serious brain disorder that most often affects people over the age of sixty - Alzheimer's disease. Whatever it was called - aging, changes in hormonal levels, health disorder or other factors - many of us without much pleasure suddenly find that the memory becomes not as reliable as before.
Maybe you would like to learn how to get the brain to work at full strength? If you are thinking Encourage your authority to operate, as they say, 100 per cent, to create all the right conditions, you can not only improve its function now, and even prevent the onset of Alzheimer's possible in the future.
Seven ways to strengthen your brain
So, we come to the story of how you can enhance their intellectual capabilities, prevent aging of the psyche, and possibly even increase life expectancy. You may be surprised that such a strategy does not only exist, but many are also easily reachable. You just need to get rid of some daily habits and purchase them instead of some new ones. Here are some of the ways to activate the brain, we say:
Sports and physical activity that stimulates the brain to work at optimum capacity
In addition, physical activity causes the nerve cells to multiply, strengthening links between them and protecting them from damage. During load nerve cells produce proteins known as neurotrophic factors; these proteins cause the appearance of numerous other chemicals that provide a good state of neurons and even the growth of new nerve cells. (Remember the popular saying that nerve cells do not regenerate?
As it turned out, this is not true! ) Protein produced by the body during exercise, significantly improve cognitive functions, including learning ability. In addition, the exercise provides a protective effect on the brain through: the production of new connections between nerve cells; increase blood flow to the brain; improve the development and survival of neurons; reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as insult.V 2010 American experts conducted research on primates.
These studies showed that exercise led to striking results: the monkeys began to learn and perform new tasks twice as fast. Furthermore, such exercise stimulates mitochondria that produce energy in every cell of your body; and therefore help the brain to work faster and more efficiently. Researchers believe that it really is not just for monkeys, but, with a 100 percent chance - and for the people.
Get enough sleep
It is necessary not only to restore your physical body, but also for the unloading of the psyche; at the same time you get the opportunity to see new and creative solutions to old problems. Not for nothing that says that "sleep on it"! Sleep removes the blinders and helps to "reset" your brain to look at the problem from a different perspective, which is crucial for creative resolution of the issue. Good sleep helps consolidate memory and improves performance, if necessary, to use sophisticated skills. Indeed, restful sleep lasting at least eight hours can affect your ability to think clearly the next day.
The so-called neuronal plasticity underlies the possibility to control the behavior of the human brain, including the ability to learn and a good memory. And it is during sleep are enhanced communication between neurons and increases their flexibility. That's why lack of sleep greatly reduces human intelligence. Probably, you had to notice that even a short nap in the middle of the day significantly increases the efficiency of the brain.
Good nutrition omega-3 fats
Although it is not a medical article, but did not say about the impact of the active work of the brain of some components that should be present in our diet, it is simply impossible. If you really want to get your brain to work "at 100", then the food should also be a full-fledged "by 100". Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 - is an important structural component of the brain. Approximately sixty percent of our brain is composed of fats, twenty-five per cent of which is just DHA. DHA is an important structural component of human breast milk and is considered to be the main reason why children who were breast-fed, always score higher on tests IQ, than bottle-children.
DHA is contained in high concentrations in neurons - the cells of your central nervous system. When you get enough dietary omega-3 fats, nerve cells become more "harsh" and more prone to inflammation as missing omega-3 fats, cholesterol and replaced byproducts exchange omega 6 fat. Once such a substitution occurs disrupt the regular transmission of impulses from cell to cell and inside the cell.
Effect of omega-3 fats on mental health has been the subject of intense research over the past four decades, and there is strong evidence that these fats may help reduce symptoms of various degenerative brain disorders.
For example, age-related loss of memory, Alzheimer's disease and communicates directly with low DHA. Even more spectacular results of such research was information that directly indicates that with the use of omega-3 fatty acids degenerative diseases can not only prevent - these diseases are even potentially reversible! For example, in one study, eighty chetyresta pyat elderly people with memory impairment, shown in comparison with the control group, significant improvement after taking nine grams of DHA per day for twenty-four weeks.
Omega-3 fats must be obtained from food because our body can not produce them itself. Foods rich in omega-3 fats should be present in our daily diet, and in particular with fish and seafood, liver, flaxseed oil, walnuts, soybeans, dark green leafy vegetables.
Good nutrition: Vitamin B12
This vitamin, or rather lack of it, can be disastrous for the health of your brain. According to recent studies, people with high levels of vitamin B12 deficiency show lower results on cognitive tests and had less total brain volume. Some mental confusion and memory problems should be your warning signals about a possible deficiency of vitamin B12 you.
Studies are conducted Finnish researchers have shown that people who consume foods rich in this vitamin may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age; for every unit increase in markers of vitamin B12, the risk of developing the disease was reduced by two percent. Studies of these professionals have also shown that supplementation with B vitamins, and vitamin B12, including help to slow brain atrophy in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (brain atrophy is the most characteristic feature of Alzheimer's disease).
Vitamin B12 in kind only available animal food sources. It seafood, beef, chicken, pork, milk and eggs. If you are not sure 100 percent that your food is quite full, it is possible to see a doctor, who, if necessary, will prescribe you these vitamins.
Vitamin D
This vitamin has a marked influence on the rapid growth of nerve cells in the brain and the metabolism in the hippocampus and cerebellum - areas of the brain that are involved in planning, information processing and the formation of new memories (i.e., memory of just happened). It is vital that mothers receive enough vitamin D during pregnancy to the child after the birth of the brain to function normally.
In elderly people low vitamin D also leads to weaker brain function, while its level sufficient helps maintain mental health in the elderly. Vitamin D is produced by our body; the only condition - sufficient exposure to the sun.
Listening to music
It has long been assumed that listening to music, you can encourage your brain to work much harder. You've probably heard about the "Mozart effect", which suggests that listening to the works of this composer's keen intellect makes the listener. Well, we would say that it's not 100 percent true, but only because it is not only in the brilliant Mozart.
Studies have shown that any classical music can make you smarter. Empirically, it has been found that listening to music has increased the level of cognitive ability test, signs of improvement in smoothness and fluency increased by more than two raza.Proslushivanie music has also been associated with increased cognitive function of the brain and improved mental concentration in healthy adults. So take advantage of the first opportunity to turn on your player - and fun to get good music, and the use of the mind.
"Charging" for the brain
The amount and structure of neurons and connections between them depends on how you engage your mental body. One of the easiest ways to keep the efficiency of the brain - is constantly learning something new. And it does not necessarily have to be trained in the proper sense of the word; You can read new books, to travel, to try to play any musical instrument, or more often to talk in a foreign language. You can try to perform usual activities as something new; such as brushing teeth, holding the brush is not in the right and left hand.
Well, actually "charge" - is also very important for your brain! It may be something simple. For example, you can give yourself a task to remember all the famous people whose last name begins with the letter "C". You can solve crossword puzzles - this is obvious, but they are really well trained our memory! Or you can play board games that make think about each move. Studies have shown that even web surfing activates the parts of the brain that are associated with decision-making and complex reasoning. That, incidentally, is not true of passive TV viewing.
Memorize to improve their memory. The brain is like a muscle - if you do not use it, then over time it will reduce its function. This is especially true of memory. By forcing your brain to work - remembering new songs, poems or names - you will improve the performance of your memory subsystem. It is very useful to make calculations in my mind, not on a calculator, solve sudoku, collect the Rubik's cube or other puzzles volume - all of this will enhance brain function and significantly improve memory.
The commandments of healthy brain and good memory
It is important to understand that a good memory is important for our emotional well-being, since the difficulties with this feature of the brain tend to rise to stress and severe cognitive impairment. In order to increase the functionality of your brain, take it a rule to follow these natural ways to improve memory performance:
Avoid stress and depression
Clear your mind of negative thoughts and learn to relax. Learn to see the positive things around you, and get used to failure treated as an opportunity to extract important lessons for yourself on the path to success.
Get to your sleep to be healthy and give you a real holiday
To do this, it is important to observe the regime of sleep and wakefulness, distribute things so that your head is in the evening was free from worries, to comply with the bedroom optimum temperature and do not overeat at night. Remember that sleep is crucial for normal functioning of your brain; This method of processing the information received during the day.
Provides a good flow of oxygen to your brain
Try to give yourself physical activity or at least make regular walking - every day not less than thirty minutes. Want to run your brain at full speed in the morning? Try this simple method: wake up, sit on the edge of the bed, place your hands in the edge of the bed a few times and bring your knees to your chest. Very useful brisk walk for fifteen to twenty minutes. You can walk to work or to the place ucheby.Nachinaya day so, you will immediately increase blood circulation and provide a good portion of your brain of oxygen.
You immediately feel like leaving "fog" out of your head, the mood rises, and thinking becomes particularly clear and fast. And do not forget to watch your breath - not only physically exercising, but also throughout the day. Breathing should be deep, superficial and not to increase the flow of oxygen into the blood.
Use your hands
Try to use them to improve your brain. Remember our proposal did not brush your teeth right and left hand? This is one example of when to perform daily tasks is not used dominant, and the opposite hand, and as a result it stimulates your brain. There are tasks that are associated with the use of the fingers - a variety of crafts, sewing, painting, construction of models - everything that is connected with a precision of movement is fingers. Performing these tasks will also increase the functionality of your brain.
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This is a very good exercise for your brain! And other opportunities "pump up" your brain, which we have already mentioned, are not neglected.
Quit smoking, if you have this habit
According to the report from Harvard Medical School, non-smokers on tests of memory level thinking skills and show much better results than smokers. Smoking slows the flow of blood and deprives it of significant amounts of oxygen, which leads to a decrease in blood flow to the brain and its oxygen starvation.
"Fed up" your brain
Besides those already mentioned above, try to fill your diet products such as pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, carrots, cabbage, beans, nuts, seeds, apricots, oranges and various berries. Very useful green tea - it is known for its property to improve the function of the brain and block the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Cook with olive oil - it's very good for the brain. Do not use refined vegetable oils; they do not have such useful properties as unrefined. And eat foods high in fatty acids. But foods high in saturated fat - chips, popcorn, fried food and the like - try to avoid. They are very harmful for your brain as well as for the whole body in general.
Drink plenty of pure liquid
The brain contains a very high percentage of water, so drinking water can increase your energy and obviously contributes to the preservation of attention and memory.
Note the additive such as ginkgo biloba
Acceptance of such an additive - one of the best ways to improve brain function and significantly strengthen memory.
The main idea that we wanted you to hear - is the postulate that if you use your brain, it will remain strong and functional. If you do not use it - it will eventually atrophy. You can improve the function of your brain, working on a daily basis, developing good habits and getting rid of bad habits. Increase the complexity of tasks for your brain, and it will always maintain its performance!
We strongly recommend to read: How to improve memory quickly