You, like most other people, sometimes feel that you do not want nothing at all? Laziness wraps its soft veil, not wanting to let us out of their tenacious grasp. This may be a momentary feeling, and maybe habitual state. We can feel lazy in respect of certain specific activities that we do not like very much; while for some other things we undertake quite willingly. And it happens that everything clog things because we do not know how to overcome laziness and force yourself to do something useful.
What all we can say about laziness? This condition is caused by a lack of energy, and it leads to the absence of any desire. Sometimes laziness can be caused by external conditions - such as the weather, when the much too hot or too cold - and sometimes it appears in the domestic reasons - such as lack of motivation, a penchant for procrastination or fear of work, which seems excessive .
And sometimes we even love lazy. It's so nice to soak with a book under a warm blanket on a rainy Saturday night! And lie down in the shade by the river on a hot summer day - how can you refuse such a pleasure? Yet life often requires us to overcome laziness exciting feeling. Most people cope with it. And how this is the case with you? You feel that it keeps you from being active, and gradually becomes your bad habit, life is changing for the better?
How to overcome laziness?
Nothing can be achieved if you constantly allow yourself to be lazy and did not make any effort to overcome the lethargy and apathy. Success requires initiative and the ability to use all its features. He likes to active and not passive people. Therefore, it is important to learn how to confront and overcome the laziness habit to any kind of delays. We are ready to give you some tips on how to overcome laziness, to change some of their old habits and develop the new features.
12 tips on how to overcome laziness
Break a big task into smaller tasks. Very often, we avoid doing any business simply because we find the task too big, literally overwhelming us; Work seems too tedious and able to take too much time. But if you divide the main task into several more easily achievable goals, the problem does not seem so difficult. Instead, a very heavy work in front of us appear a series of small tasks, the implementation of which will not require such a large effort. This approach can be applied to a completely different tasks; As a rule, it is very well to cope with laziness and internal resistance, all of which we so often experience.
Observe the regime of work and rest. In some cases, due to lack of adequate lazy to do the work of energy, that is the result of fatigue. If it is - just about you, then you need to give yourself as much sleep and rest as needed to fully restore your health. In addition, make sure that your body is getting enough fresh air and exercise.
Maintain your own motivation. In some cases, it is its absence causes laziness. You can strengthen your motivation using affirmations, visualizations and thoughts about the importance of performing your job, or boring work to achieve his ultimate goal.
Keep the vision of what you want to be and what you want to achieve. Often, reflecting on this, we clearly see our purpose and our desire to reach them becomes stronger. This will motivate us to action and help to overcome laziness.
Think of the benefits that you get if you overcome your laziness and begin to act and take some action to address the difficulties, rather than to be afraid of meeting with obstacles.
Think about the possible consequences of their laziness. What will happen if you give in to it and do not perform even routine, but necessary work? If you imagine all the trouble that might fall on your head because of the temptation to spend some time in complete relaxation, the picture painted by your imagination will encourage you to take action.
For one "approach" to do one thing. Coping with one thing a lot easier than with several, and then let them try to overcome the laziness you - you do not have to overcome it!
Your imagination could have a very strong impact on your views, habits and actions. Therefore, it is not only the trouble that may occur because of your habit of being lazy. Visualize and success: imagine how easily and quickly you handle the task with enthusiasm and energy you'll be working on it. Do this every time before you start to work, and when you laziness begins to whisper in your ear that you have abandoned the upcoming case.
Repeat affirmations every morning and whenever you take for any business. Tell yourself, "I can reach my goal! "" I have a lot of energy to act, and to do all that I have conceived. "" The action makes me much stronger. "" When I'm on to something undertake, I always do everything to the end. "
Each set before the task is regarded as a regular exercise helps you to strengthen your will and resist laziness. The solution of each problem makes you even stronger, determined and assertive.
Avoid procrastination and delaying, because it is - a form of laziness. If there is something you need to do, then why do not you do it now?
Learn from successful people by communicating with them and watching how they operate. Surely you will immediately notice that such people never have time for lounging. That is why they are constantly and succeed!
Exercises to overcome laziness
Call to help your imagination and imagine that you are doing the work to be executed that usually you especially want to throw everything and indulge in idleness. Imagine that this time you got to work with all the enthusiasm and energy, which you are able to do. Perhaps you feel the internal resistance caused by subconscious disbelief in this idyll. Nevertheless, continue to visualize and think about, with some interest and affection you perform this work. Draw a picture in the imagination of the completion of work and feel the satisfaction that would experience in reality, do whatever is necessary.
Make a list of things you need to do. Place them from the simple to the more complex and start to implement them right now. Begins with light cases to avoid excessive internal pressure. Congratulate yourself with the performance of a single case, cross out the task from the list and continue to the next step. Gradually, each time to perform all the tasks in front of you, you get used to be the executive.
Regularly appoint a task to perform that you always hated. Assign - and immediately proceed to implementation. Consider the following problem as an exercise that will strengthen you in the fight against laziness.
Overcoming habits of laziness is achieved by a series of daily activities and exercises that encourage us to act and not to remain passive. Every time we overcome our laziness, we become stronger. Every time we decide to act, we increase our ability to win, achieving goals and improving your life!
We recommend that read: Laziness and how to fight it
What is self-esteem?
What can cause low self-esteem?
What are the effects of low self-esteem?
What can be done to build a positive self-esteem?
Where a person is taken low self-esteem? Why is it that one begins to think of himself only in a negative manner and ceases to believe in their abilities? And how to improve self-confidence, to remove all obstacles to success? In this article, we describe how to challenge those negative feelings and beliefs, which took the better of you. We will tell you where these beliefs come from and how they are fixed in your mind. And most importantly - we will tell you how to change those beliefs and enhance the sense of self-worth by answering the most important questions you will most likely want to ask us.
What is self-esteem?
Everyone has a certain opinion that he represents. That view is the basis of self-esteem and affect the way you feel about myself and how much you value yourself. Self-assessment is not static and fixed; your belief about what you can change in the course of life, depending on the circumstances and the experience acquired.
If you have low self-esteem, the belief about their own values are often negative. Most likely, you are constantly focused on what you think your weaknesses or errors, and most of the time you spend in the full conviction that not good enough for this world. And if you do something, you do not think then that you were able to, but that did not happen.
If you have high self-esteem, you will usually see themselves in a positive light. Unpleasant life events - such as job loss, breakup or loss of confidence in someone from friends - can also hurt you hurt. But the more confident you are in yourself, the more real that your self-esteem can be a buffer, which is considerably soften the blows of fate, and can quickly bounce back.
That is your judgment about yourself make the difference that exists between high and low self-esteem. Only your and draws more! It is important to understand that this is just your subjective opinion and not facts. They may be erroneous or inaccurate, and there are methods by which they can be changed.
What can cause low self-esteem?
Of course, it is impossible to point out one some reason for low self-esteem for each individual, because the formation of our core beliefs about yourself - it's quite a complex process. The nature and the innate temperament also plays a role, but the most important thing is experience and relationships with others that are unique to each person.
Negative experiences in childhood often devastating effect on self-esteem, because it was then formed by the identity and self-awareness. If relationships with others during this period can not be considered positive, the child gets the impression that no one appreciates it, and it is no important and it takes him a chance to build a stable foundation of confidence.
A significant negative experiences in adulthood also can shake and change the core beliefs of the man himself. There is not usually in one day, but for quite a long time, and you may not even notice that your self-esteem goes down. That's what can adversely affect the self-esteem of man:
Physical or emotional needs in childhood, who were not satisfied;
Situations when a person becomes subject to abuse or violence - sexual, emotional or physical;
Inability to meet the expectations of their parents;
Pressure from peers, friends or relatives, requiring you to conform to the social or cultural norms, with which you disagree;
Intimidation or undue pressure on the job;
Trauma, injury, disease - all that affects the quality of your life and your activities and opportunities;
Weight loss;
Social isolation and loneliness.
What are the effects of low self-esteem?
Influence of low self-esteem to your life is able to be significant, and you may find that you suffer from this all areas of your life; It may be prejudiced even your mental health. All this only adds to the existing conditions, preparing the ground for the development of new and emerging issues, and makes you more vulnerable. From your insecurity may be affected:
Personal relationships. If you have low self-esteem, you will be sure not deserve to treat you with love and respect, and so you let friends or partners just use and manipulate you.
Life in society. For some insecure people may be too hard to hear criticism. Therefore, they try to stay away from any activities that require decision-making, and they remain isolated from everyone - disillusioned with life.
Job. If your low self-esteem comes from the belief that you are not competent and not too smart, you and work will avoid performing some tasks if you are not sure of the outcome of your efforts, or do not even try to take the job, that might well to master. Your self-esteem is not high enough significantly limit career opportunities, and will negate the possibility of your personal development.
Your reputation. You may find that trying to deal with self-doubt, you behave in such a way that you start to harm himself and the people around you. Some try to escape from the problems by resorting to risky methods: messy (and naked!), Sex, addiction to alcohol, drug use. But some develop a aggressive personality traits, to try to hide their vulnerability and thereby protect themselves from possible pressure.
No one can be kept happy, and high self-esteem does not mean that you will always feel confident and always will be to build a successful relationship with people. Nevertheless, good emotional health and positive self-esteem are powerful predictors of happiness. If your core beliefs about yourself mostly positive, with the problems you will still face, but your ability to cope with them will be much higher.
What can be done to build a positive self-esteem?
As we have said, the degree of your self-confidence depends on the self-esteem and self-esteem based on your core beliefs about yourself as a person. If the goal is to increase your self-confidence, then you just need to challenge these beliefs and change them completely. You are such a task may seem daunting; Meanwhile, there are many ways to do this. On one of them we will be with you and talk.
Identify your negative beliefs and teach them to deny
If you want to increase your confidence, it is important for you to understand exactly what negative beliefs do not allow you to think about yourself with respect and how these beliefs were. It can be unpleasant and even painful process, so you're probably better to ask for support of the person to whom you particularly trust. If you follow our advice would be too hard, or you simply will not believe what you are doing everything right, you can seek professional help from a good psychologist.
Try it in different situations, ask yourself the following questions and answers are the best record (it will help you organize your thoughts and identify those that carry a negative connotation):
What do you think about their advantages and disadvantages?
What are the negative, do you think, can you think of people?
When you start to feel particularly insecure?
Can you identify the events that cause you have this feeling?
Which of negative thoughts do you have on a regular basis?
It is useful to keep a diary where you record your thoughts and feelings in a fix within a few weeks or even months. Record the details of the situation, how are you feeling at the same time and think about anything. For example:
Situation: I've been asked to make a presentation at work.
My reaction: I feel very anxious, but said he would try to prepare a report.
Core beliefs about yourself: No one wants to listen to me, because I'll be able to prepare a good is not material for the report.
Situation: I was invited to a party.
My reaction: I lied and said she'll be busy that day.
Core beliefs about yourself: I can not say anything interesting, I'll be wearing the worst, and generally will look very silly.
Situation: I saw an advertisement for the job, and the work I have long been of interest.
My reaction: I got angry and threw a newspaper ad.
Core beliefs about yourself: I'm not smart enough to get this job. I can not even make a good impression on the interviewer during the interview.
And so on, detailing and examining "the bones" of each case, which caused you the unpleasant feeling of insecurity. After accumulating such records and analyze them, you can challenge myself and begin to change their basic beliefs. One of the best - next to your usual basic beliefs start writing very different explanations, which will be imbued with faith in yourself. For example, if you think you do not like one, you can start to record all the situations that show a different picture. For example:
My mother warmly congratulated me on my birthday.
The brother did not answer my call, but then explained to me that it was nothing personal, just that he was very busy at work.
A friend asked me to be a witness at her wedding.
I am very nice to talk to his colleague during a lunch break, and she said she would like to continue our conversation.
This is just a small example, but as your list over time will become longer, you will be able, relying on it to challenge your negative beliefs about yourself. And increase your self-confidence, respectively, will continue to grow.
Look for a positive qualities
Start making a list of those your qualities that might increase your confidence back up. Write about all the good that you have and what you are doing. For example, you have a nice smile - write it down. Or are you from time to time transfer money to a charity or your inherent good organizational skills - all put in your list. Continue to add to this list for a few weeks, months, and watch it as often as possible. And if you have to some event that you are very concerned about - reread your list to make sure you have a lot of good things that you could show to others.
Set a task
Set a goal that you can actually achieve. Start with something relatively easy, but what matters to you. For example, you can ask to write an article in the local newspaper, or leave a comment in a blog on the topic that interests you. After completing his plan, praise yourself, and then put to a more complex target.
Learn to hold firm
Learn to recognize your body language. Watch how you hold that nothing bothered and remember your posture and your gestures at this point. Always try to ensure that your shoulders are straightened, the head - is lifted up, and his voice sounded loud enough. That is how confident people.
If there is a need, then change their environment
It is possible that there are such people who instigate or support you have negative judgments about yourself. It is important to identify these people and to take measures to ensure that limit their impact on you. Try to communicate with people who do not criticize you and treat you kindly.
Find yourself in a hobby
You can learn to play the piano, paint, sing, speak a foreign language. Analyze your natural inclinations and capabilities and try to do what you've always wanted to do. Your new skill - and perhaps even more than one! - Help you to feel satisfied with what you have achieved something, and you will have some advantage over the others, who are not able to do that now, you know how.
We hope that our tips on how to improve self-confidence, help you to completely change your life. Let follow our advice would be your first target, and begin to achieve it today!
We strongly recommend to read: How to raise self-confidence