how to overcome laziness


  • How to deal with laziness and work commitment
  • Remove the blocks and set our goals
  • Use action to overcome inertia
  • We appeal for support in case of difficulties
  • A few tips for last

Call it laziness, stupidity, weak will or anything else, but in the end the desire to do nothing when doing something just right, most people consider as a sign of weakness or an attempt to evade personal responsibility. Sometimes laziness is attacking you when you do not want to deal with something boring routine. In other cases, it can happen because you do not want to do what you think, should have been done by someone else. You not only do not want to do what we have to do much afraid that get it wrong, so you do not want to get involved.

And it happens that you are overworked and therefore you leans apathy. Do, of course, did not want to, because you need to rest. If a person is constantly overloaded, then it starts to stall for time and do not hurry to do the job. It also happens that by the time to rest, relax, and we are so immersed in the pleasure of doing nothing, then what can not possibly take himself in hand and get down to business. The reasons for laziness can be a lot, and in the desire to give yourself a break there, in general, nothing wrong. But how to overcome laziness after a long rest, and how to beat her if she had become a habit?

How to deal with laziness and work commitment

What is laziness? This state of idleness and the internal resistance of the need to make efforts and to act. Such a state of passivity allows our life to stand still. Sometimes you can afford such a state - as a reward for their labor. But only on the condition that we nezhimsya and bummed a few hours or even during the day (if the day turned out to be too hot or, conversely, very cold). But if such a condition arises you too often, then you need to take action. In order to perform our duties effectively study or work, to move towards success and achieve something, we have to learn to overcome your laziness. Here let us look at how this can be done.

 how to overcome laziness correctly

Remove the blocks and set our goals

Start by figuring out what keeps you on the spot. Each time a monster laziness starts to threaten your motivation, stay a while and try to assess their feelings, to understand what is really going on. Often becomes a stumbling block any specific reason, and then you just need to find ways to get around the obstacle.

Sought to determine what exactly is causing your difficulty - some aspects of the problem, too much for you desired activity, too high demands on your responsibility or simply the routine and boredom, who will accompany you while you work. By defining the real problem that worries you on a subconscious level, you may even be surprised - because sometimes our problems are not as terrible as it seems, and is much easier to get around than we imagined it!

Then we call for help perseverance. No matter that hinders us, we'll do everything possible to break the shackles. As we have seen, in most cases we have to deal with any challenge. Take myself as an example of the inspiration of Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, who believed that only his tenacity and ability to do the hard work again and again helped him improve many inventions.

That there is only one story with endless experiments, which resulted in the invention of the light bulb - over a thousand unsuccessful attempts, sometimes even accompanied by explosions and fires! Edison has proven that only constant work on the problems, rather than abandoning them, will eventually lead you to success. Each time try to do things that seem difficult, and, in the end all difficulties yield to your determination.

Getting set for yourself some achievable goals. When we are faced with challenges that are easy to perform, then we have there is something that we are starting to look forward to. Start with goals that would inspire you and that would require the application of your talents and abilities. Imagine something that you really wanted to. Just be careful, do not set the bar too low - these goals are not motivating.

You need to know that the goals are long-term and short-term. Long-term goals tend to be quite high: buy a house or expensive car, get a good education, to fulfill the dream of his life (maybe you want to open a store or create your own company?) Short-term goals may reflect the stages of the path to the ultimate goal. And it may be aimed at solving everyday problems.

To place a short-term goal should be to use a specific time frame. Create a list of cases, both big and small, that you need to perform, for example, in the next month, and to set priorities in terms of time, the need and importance for you personally. From this and repellent, setting goals and defining the terms of their performance.

Use action to overcome inertia

We say to ourselves, let alone someone who, as we have something we can do something worthwhile to do! It is characterized by the movement of life. Do not think about what happened yesterday, even if yesterday you were so comfortable to indulge in idleness! If something from the past keeps you from vigorous action today - not "bury" the problem, but take the time to address it.

If there is something that is able to make a dent in your enthusiasm, do not say to yourself that think about it then - do it now and solve the problem immediately! Your past habits do not have to determine what you will be today - you are able to make changes to what is happening to you, and to open a new, energetic and successful man. When you feel that you start to get stuck, try to motivate yourself: "Although the old habit and I was trying to" freeze ", and I will now do what I had to do! "Talk about yourself only in the present time - no" would have done, "" do, "and certainly not" if "or" if "! Only the "I do"! All other words - for those who are satisfied to be like frozen oyster.

And now - press the button "start"! It all starts with the action, even if we just tear the envelope to read the letter, or wipe the fogged windshield, to go on a trip by car. Expect that all in life is given to us easily, it is not necessary, because it is not real - life is often full of obstacles and overcome them is sometimes really difficult. But life happens and wonderful, amazing, exciting and full of hope! Succumbing to laziness, we can wean ourselves from all the possibilities that gives us life, and that's - the way to self-destruction.

Unwillingness to do something and do not change the reality of the complaint; after all, anyone will still have to act, even just to survive, not to mention the highest sense of personal fulfillment. Through our work on the other, which leads to increased tolerance to various "inconveniences" of life, our stability and hardening increases, and we become more constructive. So every time you something seems too complicated, do not argue, do not make excuses - just do, starting with small steps.

Overcoming the initial inertia is quite natural for the majority of people who are faced with difficult situations or problems. The Americans say, to eat an elephant, do not try to shove it into his mouth fully enough to bite off small pieces. So take your time and do not try to go to the goals immediately strides. The smaller the amount of work planned, the more affordable and feasible it seems. Frequently laziness is nothing but a psychological barrier that your subconscious is trying to keep you from overwork when the target seems huge.

Focus on one task at a time. There is nothing more inefficient than multitasking. The human brain as it falls into a stupor, if he feels a constant pressure, when you need to quickly perform multiple complex cases. This does not mean that you can not switch from one task to another - also contributes to maintaining the diversity of interest in the case. This simply means that each small task to be performed separately and before performing other tasks must be a break; instead grab a few things at once.

Outlines the guidelines for themselves over time. Do not hop off the job until it is assigned to you at rest. A vacation, do not miss the time when you'll have to get back to business. Self-discipline includes the ability to do this and then that you were scheduled, no matter how much you want or do not want to follow the plan. Without self-discipline to get rid of laziness you do not get.

Another very important point - if we wish to comply with all necessary conditions for work on oneself and not succumb to the temptation to throw it all to hell, we must not forget to praise yourself for each achievement. Whenever you perform some business or just be able to make an effort to find a way to make yourself something nice. Noting his achievement, you sort of summarizes the and motivate themselves to perform the following tasks. After a great success of the series it consists of many small successes, and every little achievement is heroic to you, so you need to reward yourself accordingly.

Delivering currently enjoy as a reward for successful efforts, you develop the habit of actively working to obtain a positive result. Just make a distinction between the pleasure that you give yourself as a reward, and satisfaction of their needs. And do not confuse the need to take regular breaks - for rest and recuperation - with laziness, sabotage begins when all your plans.

Obviously, the flip side of reward is punishment. People respond best to positive reinforcement, so stick to reward preferred. Self-punishment for the failure of a backfire you support your worst beliefs about themselves, saying that I was lazy and incorrigible, and no matter what I'm unfit. Self-flagellation - is senseless. Punishment reinforces negative behavior that will create the conditions for attempts to avoid activities out of fear of failure.

 how to overcome their own laziness

We appeal for support in case of difficulties

Ask for help when you need it. Many people wrongly believe that asking for help from others - sign means in its own impotence. No matter why they came this belief - because of the negative experience in the past or because of the strong competition, such as in the workplace - in any case it is an unhealthy attitude. We are social individuals, and part of our existence is a joint activity and help each other. An important indicator of growing up and becoming any person becomes the cessation of the struggle with the problems alone.

One of the concepts of interaction developed by modern psychology, called the practice "inner circle"; it allows each person to mobilize support for positive, reliable, and highly mobile (read "not lazy"), people who are always ready to help you. In turn, you should always be ready to support the response to any of them. This will help you get rid of the false sense of guilt when you ask for help - because you know that you, too, someone can rely on.

A few tips for last

There are still some things that we should pay attention to developing a plan to conquer laziness:

  • If you do not have to leave the home (for example, you have a weekend or you work remotely), then try to create conditions that will help to preserve your health. First of all, put the alarm clock on the eve of a time to sleep, but not much lie around in bed; for example, seven o'clock in the morning. Take a shower, get dressed, brush your hair - in a word, give themselves in order to allow the eye and seem strangers. That is, no pajamas and dressing gowns! Be sure to make the bed. And pajamas, and spread out the bed will call you to soak up the blanket, otlezhivaya sides. What kind of struggle with laziness!
  • To get up early enough and get enough sleep to feel cheerful and you need to respect the sleep mode. So do not linger heavily the night before and stay up late. It would be better if the weekend you will go to sleep and in the morning to get out of bed in the same time as in ordinary days. Failure mode significantly affect your performance during the week.
  • Avoid sweets, flour and fatty foods. Junk food causes that you have a short burst of energy, but then the blood sugar level drops and you feel hungry and tired. Poor nutrition is able to motivate the lazy behavior.
  • Consider the idea of ​​giving up many hours watching TV. You may even be surprised how much you will have extra time to do something interesting and useful, not to mention the rejection of temptation constantly lying on the couch, staring at the screen.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who look at life largely optimistic. You can look for them among relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, and can also communicate with people interested in your warehouse via the media or modern technology. Love, support and encouragement of others can greatly increase your inner strength.
  • In undertaking for any business, using the technique of "twenty-ten" or "fifteen and forty-five." This means that you are working in twenty minutes and ten minutes of rest (or forty-five minutes - running fifteen minutes - rest). This rhythm helps as long as possible to maintain the strength and performance. The first time the combination is more suitable for physical work, the second - for the mental work.

If all that we have offered in this article does not help you to increase your level of activity and low mood, depression and low self-esteem continued to annoy you, forcing to remain in idleness, it may be that you have a serious depression. Then you should seek help from a doctor. In any case, you have to understand: if you do not want to help themselves cope with behavioral problems, how hard they try, the other can not do it for you. If you really want to help themselves - begin to act!

 How to win and too lazy to find the road to success

We strongly recommend to read: How to overcome laziness
