- From the point of view of science
- Eye color and personality traits
- The amazing variety of eye colors
We always want to know more about a person just by looking at it, especially if our counterparts in no hurry to talk about himself. We pay attention to many details that can characterize him as a man dressed as he says, which makes the gestures. What else can give us some information about it? Many believe that the color of the iris can also tell a lot about the personality, as eye color and character still have between them some connection.
From the point of view of science
Definitely, not just because there was a saying "the eyes - a mirror of the soul!" For years psychologists have described many aspects of human behavior based on the reaction of the eye. For example, if your teenager looks away, to answer your question, it almost certainly is telling you a lie. What we describe someone's anger? We say, "Sparks flashed in her eyes! "Or" Her eyes darkened with anger. " Thus, we can say that in the eyes reflect our emotions.
There is one more reason to say that the eyes are a reflection of the human soul. Eye color reflects our personality. How does it work? Number and type of color pigment in the iris, in fact, determines eye color. There are three basic color categories: brown eyes, blue and green. The most common (due to their dominant character) are brown eyes, then the eyes of all shades of blue and green eyes rarer shades.
There are other variants of eye color, which occur due to the various combinations of color pigments present in the iris. In addition to the three colors of the eye, we can also see people with black eyes (as a rule, Africans and Asians), with brown (yellow-brown), gray and green eyes (Europeans and their descendants on other continents).
Over the years, these eye colors associated with personality traits of their bearers. Possible link between eye color and personality traits of human prompted scientists and researchers to make some observations and draw conclusions. For example, it is clear that the dark-eyed people are much more emotional, and because of his temperament are more prone to neurotic behavior than light-eyed people.
Blue "against" brown
According to the research on the relationship of eye color and athletic abilities, which were carried out over thirty years ago, brown-eyed people are making great strides in sports, where the dominant role played by the tempo, and blue-eyed succeed in "slow" sports - such as chess or golf. This is due to the fact that the dark-eyed people respond much more quickly than people who have light eyes. Another research conducted recently found that subjects with dark eyes are more sensitive to visual and auditory stimuli.
Experts pointed out that the light-eyed people better developed "thinking strategies"; that is why they are making progress in these activities require planning and structuring of time. A study by American scientists led them to the hypothesis that there is a direct connection between the light eye color and academic success. In any case, Marie Curie, twice awarded the Nobel Prize, his eyes were blue!
Held in 1998 by American psychologists study allowed them to draw conclusions about the existence of a link between the ability to comply with the prohibitions and eye color in infants and preschool children. It turned out that the blue-eyed male children were more cautious than brown-eyed boys. In girls, the difference was not as pronounced.
If we delve into science more ...
The most recent studies show that the gene Pax6, probably plays an important role in the relationship between pigmentation of the iris, and personality type. This gene is involved in the development of the eye and the frontal lobe of the brain, or rather that part of it which, as experts believe, affects the personality traits such as empathy and self-control. Can it in this case to explain the link between eye color and character? Experts believe that such a link exists.
Now research in this area are not sufficiently active. Meanwhile, the discovery of a possible link between the color of the iris and the personal characteristics show new possible ways to explore this issue. It would be interesting for all of us, is not it?
Eye color and personality traits
Of course, the following information can not be considered scientifically proven, and we do not undertake to say that all people with the same eye color will have the same habits and behaviors. We just share with you the observations and the most typical characteristics of people with a particular color of the iris.
Blue eyes
Blue is commonly called the most beautiful color of eyes and their owners usually seem very attractive. And women who have blue eyes, should especially please the fact that the color of their eyes often associated with youth. Blue-eyed people are prone to the longest romantic relationship. They are quite peaceful, kind and smart.
This highly spiritual people, and one of the most important needs of their life is to strive to make all people happy. People with blue eyes have a tendency to be assertive, but at the same time they are easy and cheerful. It is not like monotony. And yet - it is inherent in the acute observation. Blue-eyed mostly sentimental. They are always calm, but sometimes still may have a strong sense of anger, after which often become depressed. But such dramatic changes in their mood are not frequent.
Black eyes
Black is a rare color of eyes, and black-eyed people are often perceived by others as a very reliable and responsible people. They do not like to talk to someone about himself and his life, so everyone thinks their secretive. However, they are extremely passionate and vibrant and sensual people. They do not leave their friends, when they need their help.
People with black eyes - the optimists. They will not rest until they demonstrate their abilities if them something required. These people know how to prove their worth to others. At the same time, black-eyed stubborn and persistent. Difficulties and crises make them particularly irritable. They are more impulsive and energetic than others. If they are the leaders, you can be ruthless to its employees even in the smallest mistakes. These people have developed intuition and can make decisions quickly, even in the most difficult situations.
Brown eyes
Brown-eyed people are considered attractive and confident. This courageous person, capable to challenge difficulties. They like variety and do not fluctuate too, when they have the opportunity to try something new. This is a very sociable people; they like to bring more and more new friends. Friendly with others and caring towards the close. Most of the brown-eyed - funny and spontaneous people. They can cheer others and make them laugh.
Another important feature of these people is that they are very persistent. These are people with a strong inner core, and they make good leaders. People with brown eyes love nature. They have the ability to heal itself; yet such figures show sensitivity and empathy towards other people. Those brown-eyed, usually beautiful. These people tend to extraordinary relationship that they are able to support only a short time.
People with brown eyes too independent. But they are very reliable and will do everything possible for those who mean something in their lives. Sure, it's people, endowed with goodness and ability to support and encourage those who are close to them.
Green eyes
People with green eyes is thought to combine the best qualities. They are stable and at the same time endowed with imaginative. Very determined, but always soberly assess their capabilities. These people may find a solution in any situation and are able to keep everything under control. They are considered to be very strict, but fair. These are good listeners and interlocutors.
Green eyes often seem to be filled with some mysterious and associated with witchcraft. People with green eyes by nature are curious and smart. This passionate nature. They have an incredible zest for life and aspire to an eventful existence. They also have a significant drawback - jealousy is often noted as a negative feature of their personality.
People with green eyes, very bright personality and creative nature. They are compassionate to others. Usually they have a long relationship, and perhaps be able to build those relationships only in love. Most often green-eyed people have extraordinary external beauty.
Grey Eyes
It has been observed by many that people with gray eyes usually wise and less aggressive than the others. They are known for their sensitivity and flexible approach to different people and situations. Externally, it is usually pretty woman, whose faces look particularly attractive and gentle because of the beautiful color. Typically, gray-eyed girl is very serious about building relationships, preferring long-term partnership based on deep love.
These individuals have an analytical mind and always think clearly and rationally. People who have gray eyes, usually represent a deep inner strength that will never depend on any external pressure. They can be manipulated in accordance with the surrounding environment. This strong personality, but in some situations that do not require intellectual activity, they may become confused and feel helpless.
The amazing variety of eye colors
Did you know that throughout the world there are no two people have exactly the same eye color? It's amazing, but it's true! Did you know that all people with blue eyes have the same common ancestor? All blue-eyed found a very specific difference in the DNA, which also indicates their general relationship.
Many of us know that the majority of children at birth turbid blue eyes, and then they get a different color, which becomes a permanent eye color of the baby. The reason for this is that in the eyes of neonatal almost no melanin, although the situation is changing very rapidly. Do you know yet what color your eyes may change over time? Since the pigment is not produced continuously on the same level, your eyes may become darker or lighter.
Yes, our eyes can tell so much about us, that would be worth to think twice before you wear colored contact lenses. Whatever may be the color your eyes - black, hazel, gray, blue or green - you can be proud of them, knowing that your color can tell a lot of good things about you and your family tree!