

  • Where does the panic?
  • Types of phobias
  • How to cope with all this?

Many people think that fear alone makes that poisons life. But it is not, or rather, not the only way. Fear - is one of the basic human emotions, respectively, in addition to the negative, he has a positive side. It is designed to protect us from the dangers of various kinds, giving the brain a signal: "Go away! What are you doing? This could end badly! ". But the panic, as opposed to the usual, does not give us the energy to escape from danger, and paralyzes, so its usefulness is questionable. Try to understand what it is and how to live with it.

Where does the panic?

The story of this concept goes back to antiquity. Legend has it that the god Pan, protector of forests, very scared his mother appearance and behavior: being born with hooves, a goatee, and crushed his nose, he immediately started jumping and laughing. Naturally, the parent felt the horror of seeing this. About the same people are now experiencing, when he sees the object of his fear.

Panic attack manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • heart palpitations;
  • running through the body trembling;
  • numbness and temporary paralysis;
  • asthma;
  • random thoughts or their absence;
  • a feeling of horror;

Sudden panic attacks are called panic attacks. The first episodes left a lasting impression in the memory of man, and he begins to be afraid of the panic attacks. You understand, it only worsens the condition. When panic attacks are repeated in any similar circumstances, a person perceives it as a pattern and begins to tend to avoid them. Unfortunately, the occurrence of these attacks is difficult to predict, so people gradually restricts itself almost everything. Thus, it significantly reduces the quality of life, and he begins to suffer.

What reasons can cause panic? Often it based on emotional instability, sensitivity and impulsiveness. Chronic stress can exacerbate this condition and trigger the first attack of panic. The trigger can also be a situation of psycho-emotional overload, such as performance on stage and a trip to the capital's subway after living in a provincial town.

As a rule, the basis for panic attacks are also the physiological characteristics of the organism: disorders of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems of internal organs. Doctors even describe a panic attack without fear, when there is only a vegetative component (tremors, heart palpitations etc ...).

 panic value

Types of phobias

About phobias is to talk separately. Phobia - it's not just the fear of it is irrational, intrusive and nekontroliruem. The man begins to fear and avoid certain phenomena, objects and activities. The natural instinct of self-preservation in such situations blown up to enormous size, and instead of protecting his life, he begins to poison her. The difference between fear and phobia is the intensity of the experience in the first case you have to change the whole way of life, so as not to collide with the object of disturbing you.

Usually there is a phobia for good reason: its beginning precedes any traumatic event. For example, a person bitten by a dog, and he begins to feel the dogs fear and panic. In general, there is a great variety of the most various phobias - as much, and things in the world! You probably know of such fears, like fear of heights, spiders, and cancer. We want to draw your attention to the most unusual of them:

  • Acarophobia - fear of scratching

    The man is afraid of this action, directed at others and himself. I wonder what happens when he still wants something to scratch?

  • Venustrafobiya - fear of beautiful women

    Uh-uh, perhaps, each of us is faced with a man who was distinguished by such features! But seriously, the basis of this phobia, as a rule, is any traumatic event associated with the attractive girl. Such a person will either spend their lives surrounded by women who had no beauty or cure this phobia.

  • Gamofobiya - another disorder relating to personal relationships

    It is the fear of everything that is connected with the wedding. Some women believe that all men are more or less susceptible to this fear, even though people are actually suffering from this phobia will be afraid of all the finest attributes of the wedding: white dresses, rings, limousines and even toastmaster.

  • Krometofobiya - fear of money

    Yes, and this happens! Some do not just feed the craving for this despicable piece of paper, but also dislike. Fear is all that is connected with money: they picture themselves bills, and sometimes non-cash transactions.

  • Nozofobiya - the fear of ill than ever

    Man is constantly worried about his health. Any, even the most ordinary sense of it seem something out of the ordinary, unpleasant and painful. In fact, this hypochondria, which reached its extreme point.

  • Mageyrokofobiya

    A person suffering from this disorder, afraid to cook. Agree, this phobia can significantly poison the life, because in this case the person becomes unable to make even the banal eggs. He is afraid of everything associated with cooking, including cooks, so the process is very difficult to supply it.

 panic how to fight it

How to cope with all this?

Remember that the treatment of these phobias and deep requires mandatory participation of a therapist or psychologist. Only a specialist can choose the set of appropriate measures aimed at eliminating the disorder. But sometimes it happens that in everyday life we ​​call a normal phobia obsessive fear and hostility. In this case, you can try to deal with it using the "home" of psychological methods.

Very effective are training their behavior and thinking. Assuming that a phobia - it is just formed a reflex reaction to what is a threatening factor, it is possible to get rid of it, gradually approaching that disturbs and irritates. How it's done? Let me tell you the example of the child and the fear of dogs. First, the child shows image of a dog and he gets used to it. Then the baby looks like someone else in his presence, but playing with the dog in the distance, gradually over some time approaching it. And it ends with a leisurely stroking the dog. The gradual approach allows the child time to get used to the threatening object (ie dog) and to form a positive attitude.

Another option that is effective in the fight against neurotic fears and phobias - a resolution of internal problems. It's no secret that they are often at the root of most personality disorders. If you try to expand the phobia to the figures, we obtain the following components:

  • what fear;
  • the one who is afraid;
  • the one who in any way relates to the one who is afraid;

The latter figure is the most difficult to understand, but also the most important. Our culture is so arranged that the fearful - it's shameful, wrong and bad. and when we think about it, we are talking on behalf of the figure, in its terms and sensations. So this part of your personality shows a negative attitude to the fearful side.

Psychologists believe that these experiences and translate into the category of normal fear of phobias. So the first thing is to make it clear how you feel about your fear and how important it is for you: be ashamed if it condemn or even afraid. Once it becomes clear, you should try to formulate the unit that defines your relationship to fear and cowards. For example, "to be afraid - ashamed." As soon as you stop the alarm, and separate from, instead of "I have a fear," you say, "I'm afraid," it will signal the completion of the first step.

Further, it should continue to work with the object of fear, that is, with what you fear. There are two important moments. Firstly, it is often very difficult to determine exactly what scares you in this figure: it is similar to agglutinate from different alarms com. For example, if we talk about social phobia - hostility to the people - it may turn out that different persons are afraid of things: communication, judgment, aggression, rejection, or something else. Awareness of these phenomena and the adoption of the fact that they always have a grain of truth (eg, traumatic past experiences) - this is a necessary step in dealing with a phobia. Unraveling this tangle into separate components helps reduce the overall power of fear.

The second important point is that we often ascribe to the objects around us any properties or actions that we ourselves reject, but subconsciously wish to perform or survive. For example, a person who is afraid of snakes, describes them as aggressive and evil, and secretly wants to try such a model of behavior. Or afraid of heights really wants to go through a sense of mission, which will be possible if to jump down from the high-rises. This flight can symbolize freedom and serenity, which often lack in life.

If you have done the previous steps, but the fear is still occasionally takes hold of you, you need to sit down and think about the possible resources that would help you deal with it. For example, if you are afraid of aggression on the part of people, you will be useful methods and protection from attack. Well, if it comes to such fatal things as fear of death or loss, you should consider taking his impotence in these situations. This experience is heavy in the experience, but it is very important for the development of the human personality.

Any problem can be solved, and the elimination of phobias - is no exception. As you know, the very first step towards this - this awareness. And if you're reading this article, then you have already done. You're trying to bring to life our psychological advice and allow themselves to seek help from a specialist in the event of unforeseen difficulties. Remember that courageous people do not happen, and everyone is entitled to a weakness, but it is a smart man knows that he can be happy.

 Panic: how to fight it?

We strongly recommend to read: How to deal with panic attacks
