If you have decided to upgrade odezhku for your kitchen window, you will need to determine all three parameters: length, model and color of the new curtains. In many ways, your choice will depend on your own taste, but it must be done correctly. That is, the curtains must comply with the overall style of the kitchen and make a dissonance in her situation. Besides, the curtains should not bother you at cleaning and cooking. So, let's see, how to choose curtains for the kitchen.
Choose a model
Unfortunately, most of us live in apartments that are spacious, not name. And the kitchen in our apartment buildings, as a rule, too small: in fact the penalty kitchen we believe has large and spacious. So choose the model most often curtains for a small kitchen (six to nine square meters). However, it is for a small kitchen and relevant, because in the large kitchen will look great almost any model. Here the main thing - a good choice of colors and textures.
Choosing curtains for a small kitchen, we have to consider not only the material and color, but also style. Properly chosen model and can visually enlarge the space and the ceilings low lift, and become the main focus in the interior of the kitchen. And it is important not to overdo it, because for window decoration in a small kitchen, the rule "less is better." Therefore, immediately discard the cumbersome multi-tier model with lots of drapes and curtains to the floor length. Prefer compact models.
Roman and roller blinds
Roman blinds - quite concise model that will fit into the interior of the small kitchen, but also will look great on the screen in a large room. Roman blinds holds its shape due to special rails and suitable for windows of any size and shape. It opens a window, climbing up with a special mechanism, and going into the folds. Blinds work similarly to the Roman model of curtains. Only they, climbing, not going to fold, and wound on the shaft. Raises blinds special mechanism.
For windows on the sunny side of the Roman and roller blinds made of thick fabric sewn for shade - from light and translucent. The main advantage of Roman and roller blinds - the small size and versatility. Such curtains fit into the interior, decorated in any style, from country to hi tech. In addition, such models can be fitted into the opening of the window or hang on the outside ledge, which also changes the overall impression of the windows, closed or Roman blinds.
Classic kitchen curtains
It so happened that a kind of classic of the genre for the interior design of the kitchen curtains have become a country style. This model is made up of several elements, closes the window at different levels. As a rule, the classical model of kitchen curtains consists of a pair of short curtain covering the window from the middle to the window sill and two long lambrequin paintings hanging on the edges of the window from the top of the cornice up to the window sill.
Model, rather romantic, which is not well suited to the modern interior style, but fits perfectly into the interior of classical kitchen (country, Provence, cottage). Its distinct advantage - the ability to use a variety of texture fabrics for window decoration, as well as the combined color.
Curtains on the grommet
This is a new but already quite widespread and popular destination window design. Curtains on the grommet used in the design of the windows in all the rooms of the house, regardless of their functionality. Eyelets - a special ring (usually plastic) which easily superimposed on a circular hole in the upper edge of the curtains. Then these rings are put on round the cornice, and blind turns penetrated eaves pipe on which the rings are easy to slide by sliding the curtain aside.
Curtains on the grommet are very fashionable today. They are also quite versatile and suited for a window in the kitchen in any modern or classic style. The highlight of curtains - very beautiful and uniform folds are formed by equally spaced eyelets. In the grommet can hang curtains and thick, and light curtain cloth. These curtains can be placed on a ledge or on two or three different levels. Curtains on the grommet provide great opportunities for decorating the windows, despite the rather simple style. It turns out this is due to the combination of fabrics and the use of grabs and tucks.
Curtains panel
Another new area of window design. Curtains panel are functional and easy to care for. For the kitchen window is usually chosen narrow and short curtains panel. The contrasting combination of several paintings to help visually expand a small room the kitchen. Plastic curtains fishnet panels can be combined with fabric curtains or decorate their window only.
Choose fabric
The first thing to consider when choosing curtains for the kitchen, their frequent washing or cleaning. In contrast to the other rooms in the house kitchen curtains quickly get dirty, absorb food odors, collect dust and soot. Therefore, you need to choose such fabrics and materials (bamboo, plastic, straw), which are easily erased or cleaned. Also important and the chosen style of curtains. Strictly speaking, the window in the kitchen, you can decorate the curtains of any fabric, but preference should be given to easy and natural fabrics. An excellent solution for the kitchen curtains will be linen, organza, silk, jute, hemp and cotton fabrics.
The kitchen will look good blinds, combined different fabrics, similar in tone, but different texture. Excellent will look at the kitchen window, one-color curtains, combined with colored curtains or smooth tulle with printed fabric. And almost a win-win for kitchen interior of any style and any size room - light translucent curtains of a monochromatic fabric.
Fabric, of course, you have to choose on the basis of stylistic solutions and their financial capabilities. In the latter case, you should be guided by the immutable rule: the simpler model of curtains, the more expensive it is to be used for her cloth. If you opted for a sophisticated model, then choose for her cheap cloth.
Choose a color
The color of the curtains for the kitchen can be absolutely anything and does not match the color with some other elements of the interior. However, such a bold decision can only take professional designers, or people with a designer flair. In most cases, we have to follow certain rules which, by the way, use in their work and professional.
If the fore when choosing curtains you put savings, then feel free to choose curtains to match the furniture. In this case, you can choose curtains of luxury fabrics. If the savings are not included in your plans, choose the color of the curtain wall.
Win-win choice - curtains the color of kitchen fronts. Particularly relevant this option multicolour kitchen.
For non-professional kitchen design is desirable to choose a neutral shade curtains. Beige, sand or cream curtains never go out of fashion and fit into the interior of any style.
Curtains neutral color can always be supplemented with details that combine the color of the main tone of the interior, or its individual elements. For example, for neutral curtain pelmet, you can choose the color, sew them colored border, and similar grabs.
Focus on the window can be brightly colored curtains. Only in this case, use complete with curtains the same cloth, pot holders and napkins.
For polychrome interior is desirable to choose the kitchen curtains pale colors and without a pattern. Monochrome interior revive curtains printed fabrics and bright colors.
In general, the texture and color of fabrics for the kitchen curtains should not prevent the penetration of light into the kitchen. Kitchen, regardless of style and size, should be light. Therefore, most often for window curtains in the kitchen choose light fabrics and curtains make the base web translucent. And here is how to supplement and revitalize shade curtains in your kitchen depends solely on your own preferences and ideas about the cozy kitchen. Good luck choice!
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Two ways to start repair
Choose your style
The choice of finishing materials
His or by proxy
Watching popular now broadcasts on decoration and interior design, we lose the peace. And we is worried: as everything was in our home as we would have liked? And now, we meticulously inspect the walls and ceilings in their apartment and begin to nurture and "hill" was born in our minds the idea excited about the TV repaired.
And it happens in a different way. We get, for example, we present some new-fangled cooking device. Or do not get, and buy themselves, because "well, it is very necessary! "And suddenly we find out that under it categorically does not fit our old kitchen cabinets, or even kitchen interior. What should I do? The culprit had already taken its place of honor on the hopelessly outdated kitchen. And then took a deep breath, we give his household labored and suffered the news: "We will make repairs in the kitchen." After issuing a growl or a wounded boar hopelessly scratched his head, our better half starts to frantically look for means to suddenly become necessary to repair, and we ... And we surrender to the sweet reflection, to begin renovation of the kitchen.
Two ways to start repair
Swinging for repairs in the kitchen, you can go two ways. The first path is promoted in nearly all thematic shows and advertises the services of interior designers. That is, first drawn up a design project kitchen, selected materials according to the designers, and only then is count the cost of the planned transformation of your kitchen. There are good and bad points for you.
Plus, such a beginning - a professional design, creating a unique interior, decorated in a trendy style. Another plus - the embodiment of a design project in your wildest ideas and the most absurd requests. Less, perhaps, only one - the unpredictable cost of such design refinements, plus high enough payment for the services of designers and builders that the project will be put into practice.
Alternatively this way is called "the designer himself." In this case, your own design, you develop yourself personally draw sketches, pick up materials and calculates the cost of the upcoming repairs. By the way, as a team of repairmen in this case acts as your entire family.
The second way - to the contrary. That is, first you select the kitchen furniture and the materials that would decorate the kitchen, or you are simply unaffordable. And after that start to think how all this fits into your kitchen. Most often, it becomes a kind of kitchen set an exact count. Choosing the classic model furniture or set in a modern style, you set the tone of the whole concept of the interior of your future kitchen. And finishing materials have to choose it based on the characteristics of a particular style. Let's look a little more detail the possible beginning of the transformation of your kitchen.
Choose your style
Or are you originally plan kitchen interior in a certain style, or first choose your favorite kitchen set. In both cases, you need to understand the styles of interior. Classic models imply traditional interior style and fashion today, kitchen furniture in a modern style sets the tone for the modern kitchen interior stylistic decision.
Traditional style kitchen is:
classic style,
In addition to the traditional cuisine of the interior fit almost all ethnic styles. In this case, you choose high-quality furniture and practical finishing materials. The main idea of this design - the functionality, ergonomics and comfort. Such is especially cozy kitchen, a sit-round gathering and home to culinary experiments.
Modern styles of cuisine:
high tech,
Art Deco,
All of these styles require environment furniture modern look, use a large number of household appliances and fashionable decorative materials. This modern kitchens claim to exclusivity and variety of different designs. However, it is not necessary to stop at any particular style: mix of styles is also perfectly acceptable, and the case of a kitchen interior and inevitable. For example, you can start from the color solution dishes and pick up the furniture and decoration materials in accordance with it.
The choice of finishing materials
Often it is practical considerations guide us in choosing finishing materials for repair in the kitchen. Therefore, before starting repairs Take a tour of the shops and markets of building materials: there is a lot to see and plenty to choose from.
Floor coverings - a very important element of finishing the kitchen. What to look for when choosing flooring for the kitchen?
Ceramic tiles or mosaics.
Laminate or parquet.
The last option - the best place for self-repair. This material is strong enough, but not very durable. But it's easy to pack, and it is relatively cheap. If you have sufficient funds, it is better to stay on the tile or laminate. You will have to spend more, but also serve a floor for much longer. That does not need to choose for the kitchen, so it is carpeted.
Grand repairs aligned walls, with subsequent plastering and painting will turn your kitchen into a stylish and thoroughly modern interior. However, modern wallpaper manufacturers offer such a variety of color, texture, strength and moisture resistance of the materials, as here you will be plenty to choose from. This is especially significant for decoration. And, of course, wall panels, which you align the wall, and the desired color (texture or pattern) they give.
Finally, the ceiling. The cheapest option would be easy ceiling tiles. By the way, with its styling, you can handle yourself well. Podshivnoy multilevel plasterboard ceilings today is also very fashionable, and therefore popular. But for their installation you have to invite artists. And if your wealth allows you to mount the tension in the kitchen or ceiling, then choose one of these options. However, in this case, you will be equipped with a very powerful kitchen exhaust hood.
His or by proxy
It is impossible to give an unambiguous Board. If repairs are not major and minor, if you have limited linoleum, wallpaper and ceiling tiles, then splurge on a special invitation to a team is not necessary. However, only in the event that a successful repair experience you already have. For major repairs it is better to invite experts: they will do it quickly and professionally. Just do not ask in the first that came to the firm, and invite artists with good recommendations.
In any case, since the repair in the kitchen, have a precise idea of what you want in the end to get the necessary buy decoration materials and be patient. Repair - troublesome, but holding the plow, do not say that a pound. All in your hands. Be of good cheer! And all you get.
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