combination of green color in the interior


  • Green light for different rooms
  • Main mix green
  • More keyboard
  • Basic color and accessories

You do not like green? Well, well, do not prevaricate. Perhaps you blatantly ignore the green in his own locker room, but remain indifferent to the clear first spring foliage lace or velvet green coniferous forest is simply impossible. And why? And because on the green our eye, as they say, rests. Because green - the color of life. And that's why the green color in the interior has long been and remains one of the most sought after.

Interior room in green color was fashionable in the homes of European aristocracy and the Russian nobility, and even in the palaces were definitely green room. Today, however, only a green interior is more annoying than pleasing. Therefore, wishing to use the color in the design of the house is necessary to combine it with other colors and shades. And the ability to combine colors in any interior - is a science, which involves the laws of psychology and rules of interior design and painting techniques. And how to achieve a harmonious combination of green color in the interior of the living room, bedroom, hallway or kitchen? Let's try to understand.

Green light for different rooms

Green is versatile and is suitable for decoration of any room in the house. It has beneficial effects on the human psyche, and will be equally appropriate in the living room and the kitchen, and even in the bathroom. That's just not all shades of green are equally suited to different rooms in the house. After all, the green could light and dark shades of bright and muted, warm or cold. If we draw an analogy with the green of its natural essence, then divide the whole palette of shades of green on the seasons.

  • Living room, bedroom, hallway, office

For interior decoration living and sleeping suit dark and rich shades of green and autumn palette of dark green, olive, mustard, marsh, khaki. All these colors can be used for decoration of the walls and the general tone of the entire room, and individual accessories. In general, in the autumn palette of greens sets the living room and study a respectable tone, and the hallway and the bedroom makes it cozy.

  • The kitchen, nursery, bathroom

It is appropriate palette of summer green. This bright, juicy and natural colors: pistachio, herb, salad, apple green color and the young foliage. If these colors are used as a basic interior color, they definitely need to be diluted with vivid contrasting accents.

If we talk about a winter palette (cold shades of green) and spring (fruit tones), they are relevant for the design of any room in the house. Winter palette - a deep green hues that are on the spectrum tend to be blue, and blue (emerald green, turquoise). Spring palette - pastel colors is: the color of avocado, kiwi, lime, mint. In general, any green exceptionally beneficial effect on the psyche and on the atmosphere in the house. It does not matter for the living room or the bathroom you choose this color. The main thing - the right to combine the green color in the interior.

 color combination in the interior green

Main mix green

Let us try to determine the combination of different shades of green. Naturally, the most popular of them - it's salad (light green) and natural green (medium intensity). Is a harmonious combination of natural reproduction of color combinations.

  • Green and blue - the color of the sky and grass. This combination should be smooth, since these colors are combined not only in nature but in the spectrum.
  • Green and blue - greens and water. More contrast combination, when you make pertinent bright interiors.
  • Green and brown - tree trunk and crown. That's what you have to combine these colors in the interior. Moreover, the lighter shades of brown lighten green and dark make it thicker and heavier.
  • Green and black - wet earth and grass. Very contrast, but also a very positive combination. However, the black color should be a focus, emphasizing the vitality of the green.
  • Green and red - flowers and greenery. Very good combination. Moreover, we have in mind not only red, but its colors: pink, orange. In this case, the red color should be bright and noticeable, but only supplement the basic green.
  • Green and white - a sublime blend, built on the contrast. Such a combination is rarely used undiluted. The most common white-green interior is set off by yellow, brown, blue and pink.

More keyboard

More keyboard - it is more a combination of shades of green. Here it is necessary to focus not on the naturalness, and the laws of painting. Keep in mind that the darker the green, the more it is closer to black, which is combined with any bright or light shade. The classic combination of dark green colors - snow white, gold, bronze. This combination can be considered the most expensive and appropriate for the traditional style of the interior living room, bedroom or hallway.

Other popular combination of different shades of green are as follows:

  • Mint green (close to gray) combined with all the yellow-green tones and shades of wine. Not combined with black.
  • Olive (closer to yellow) with white color and soft shades of yellow, pastel purple.
  • Gray-green (Green Grey) is a universal color for the background of any interior. Combined with the gray, white, beige, bright shades of turquoise and grass green and dark red hues.
  • Turquoise (blue-green) blends perfectly with all the metallic colors from silver-gray to bronze. Harmonizes with black olive and rich gray.
  • Jade (Solid green) combined with contrasting pink, beige, cocoa, gray, salad. The combination with the white color is acceptable, but limited.
  • The milky-green (pastel) with white and blue color, ideally diluted turquoise, yellow and blue. Black is allowed only as a non-aggressive accents.
  • Verdun green (blue-green bottle). It has a wonderful property in a gloomy light to turn green, and turn yellow in the sun. It goes well with white, gray, yellow, and black. As a contrasting accent used dirty red.
  • Khaki (dark olive) goes well with shades of ocher, gray, brown and white. As suitable contrasting color pink.

 interior green

Basic color and accessories

Interior design in green may be different. The main thing - skillfully combine the base color and accessories. Thus, for example, green for the interior as the base is used is always only one group of green. Any harmonious combination should only be diluted with the base color. To make an interior room suitable green wallpaper with gold lettering and smooth green walls will blend in perfectly with contrasting curtains or furniture, light green tones.

Always advantageous to look in the interior of the living room combination of different shades of green, accessorized contrasting colors. The hall will look perfectly streaked green panels in the living room - green walls and green carpet, brown laminate and brown furniture. At the same curtains and furniture can also be green, but a different shade or sand, beige, white. For sleeping a good mix of muted green tones and soft pastel colors, and the kitchen - juicy and bright green colors with bright orange or yellow accessories.

In general design the interior to green or green color is easy enough, if you know the right combination of different shades of green and a green base with optional. After all, green - one of the most common and most natural colors on the planet. In nature, it combines perfectly with all the colors of the spectrum. That is why the color is so popular in interior design. It gives a sense of security, it soothes and calms. Is not such feelings in their own homes we all want?

 The combination of green interior - Learning from Nature

We advise to check: gray color combination in the interior

 the combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen


  • Basic Rules
  • Monochrome kitchen
  • Analog color scheme of the kitchen
  • Contrast kitchen
  • Three-color kitchen
  • Achromatic kitchen
  • Summary

The fact that the color largely determines our mood and state of mind to argue no one will - everybody knows the truth. Color-Dependent However, it turns out, it can be not only mood, but also the perception of the surrounding space. That's why the color of the interior home designers and psychologists attach such importance. There are universal rules of color combinations, "working" in any residential area, and there are recommendations for the design and color scheme of each particular room in the house.

For example, what should be the color combination in the interior of the kitchen? What to use and what colors to choose for the walls and floor, what furniture to buy and in what color for accessories stay? What combination of colors for the kitchen is a classic that today is fashionable, and what advice to designers to adopt, choosing the color scheme of the room? Let's face it.

Basic Rules

To choose the color (or several colors) for the interior of the kitchen, keep in mind two key points.

  1. All dark colors can conceal the space, light and expand it. Therefore, a small kitchen, it is desirable to use pastel colors combined with bright accents. Too large kitchen can be made more comfortable if its interiors combine bright colors and discreet dark.
  2. The kitchen can be solved in two ways - chromatic (color) and achromatic (black and white).

Developing color schemes, designers use the color wheel. It's like in music - the music of the seven are different melodies. Here are just seven basic colors are born numerous color palette options and combinations of color in interior design. Chromatic kitchen interior can be multi-color or monochrome (monochrome). Multi-colored interiors, in turn, are divided into analogue (combination of adjacent colors), complementary (a combination of contrasting colors), triadic (a combination of three colors). Let's examine these combinations

 the combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen

Monochrome kitchen

If you intend to arrange the kitchen is in a monochrome version, you need to not only choose the base color, but used in the design of its shades. Designers believe that the more shades of the same color will be used in a monochrome design of the kitchen, the more interesting it will interior. Another option monochrome cuisine - a combination of the basic colors and shades with white. Alternatively (less popular but no less interesting) - the use of silver instead of white. And if the white color in a monochrome interior can be called a traditional choice, the use of silver meets the latest fashion trends of interior design.

Should be more cautious when diluted base color black, which is also acceptable in black and white of the interior kitchen. However, the black color in combination with any other (except white) will make the interior of the kitchen more contrast than monochrome. To single-colored kitchen did not work monotonous and boring, designers recommend to adhere to certain rules.

  • Subordination. Professionals advise to choose at least three additional shades, one of which must be predominant.
  • Zoning. Use different shades of the base color to separate the kitchen into functional areas. This technique, among other things, allows you to correct the shortcomings of planning.
  • The use of different textures. One color on materials of different texture looks different. Therefore, when a monochrome interior kitchen, it is desirable to combine different textures: smooth wallpaper and decorative plaster, ceramic and wood, glossy and matte.
  • Contrasting accents. Even one piece of contrasting color primary color cuisine make monochrome interior a more "alive". For this approach, and the already mentioned black, and any bright color. Remember that the best - the enemy of the good, so do not oversaturate kitchen interior individual vivid detail.

  Analog color scheme of the kitchen

If you remember, looks like a color wheel (shown schematically range), you will be able to understand what analog color. These are the colors which are situated in the spectrum adjacent to each other. Please note that it is not about shades of the same color, namely the different colors. By the way, this combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen can be used two or even more colors. For example, the yellow color in the spectrum adjacent to the orange and green, but green is close to blue. Therefore, all four colors can be used easily for kitchen design: orange, yellow, green and blue. But the dominant will still be required to make only one color (green or yellow).

Another use of adjacent colors - two basic colors and their complementary colors transition from one color to another. For example, yellow, green and light green; yellow, red and orange; red, purple and pink; pink, blue and lilac. Do not forget about the color saturation, giving preference to adjacent colors the same brightness.

Contrast kitchen

Using a combination of contrasting colors in the interior of the kitchen, you need to be extremely cautious. For in this case, you risk making the kitchen too aggressive or clumsy. Complementary scheme based on a combination of opposite colors in the spectrum, which basically acts as only one of the selected colors. Contrast kitchen certainly looks stylish and fashionable. However, this interior may soon get bored or even start to irritate. Therefore, in this embodiment, the combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen is best to seek the contrast easily interchangeable accessories or decoration materials. I agree that it is easier to change the curtains than furniture, and wallpaper on the walls than the floor.

An important rule of contrasting colors - already mentioned subordination. Only in this case it concerns the main components of the kitchen interior design: furniture, floor and walls. Furniture - a point of reference. It should be darker than the walls and the floor is lighter. The most popular color combinations for the interior of the kitchen, decorated in a complementary scheme:

  • orange and blue;
  • yellow and purple,
  • peach and blue;
  • pink and light green.

In addition, the contrast is considered to be a combination of any of bright colors with white or black.

 the combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen

Three-color kitchen

Admission tricolor kitchen design is rarely used by non-professional designers. But professionals expertly beat this combination of colors. Triadic scheme is based on a combination of three colors arranged at the same distance from each other in the color circle. But here acts inviolable rule: the basic can (and should) be only one color. If you dare to use such a design method, remember color combinations for him:

  • green - purple - orange;
  • yellow - blue - red;
  • lilac - peach - light green;
  • Blue - Pink - lemon.

  Achromatic kitchen

Achromatic design is very popular today. It is similar to the color scheme used in the design of the kitchen in a Scandinavian style, hi-tech, minimalist or Provence. The most striking example of chromatic design - white kitchen. Options achromatic kitchen design:

  • black and white interior;
  • Metallic silver and black, combined with white;
  • White diluted brown, olive or terracotta;
  • white and beige.

The main thing is that in the pursuit of fashion your kitchen did not look like a hospital room or a factory laboratory. Therefore, chromatic interior of the kitchen is more suitable for suburban housing, where the monotony or even the absence of color is compensated by the view from the window.


Whichever design you choose, no matter what combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen or stopped, stick to the basic rules.

  • The color of the furniture should be darker than the color of the walls, light-colored floor.
  • White or black color without the risk can be combined with almost any other color.
  • The multi-color interior of the kitchen, use no more than five colors and no more than three colors.
  • The main (dominant) color in any combination should be only one.
  • Glossy surfaces enhance the depth and richness of color, matte mute.
  • All the decorative elements of the kitchen serve as color accents, so the brightest should be that they are.

As the design wisdom incongruous colors do not exist. Therefore, the combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen depends primarily on your taste preferences. So try and experiment. In the end, it's your house, and for you to live in it. Good luck

 The combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen - act according to the rules

We advise to check: Making interior colors
