Now, if, together with our children would grow and the square meters, in which we are together with them inhabited. But, alas, often a family with a child (and sometimes more than one!) Forced to live in a studio apartment. Well, if this period is not long delayed, but because children grow quickly, and living space with them, unfortunately, it does not grow. Therefore, the design studio with children is still relevant, and the question of how to arrange the interior in this case, probably, from the category of "eternal".
Note, however, that "eternal question" is not rhetorical. And the answer is, fortunately there! Studio apartment - not a sentence, and its interior is quite possible to adapt to the joint and even comfortable living parent and child. Design studio - a favorite theme of all the masters of transformation interior. These professionals consider it an honor to cope with the difficult to achieve and to reshape small-sized living space in a comfortable and stylish accommodation. And their ideas, they are eager to share with all those who suffer. Consider the possibilities and options of design studio with children, taking into account the advice of professionals.
Ability to create a child's room
The first and rather popular option - conversion of one-room apartment in a two-room. When, for example, moved into a spacious kitchen pantry, and it adapts to the room children's room. It is true that option is fraught with potential problems when transferring communications, and pantry in this case must be sufficiently spacious. Another possibility of converting odnushki in kopeck piece - warming balconies, which becomes a children's room. But, again, the footage loggias must comply with the required standards, and its interior should be a living, that is, the room is necessary to conduct heat and electricity.
And the third possibility of such re-planning - the construction of additional partitions which divide one room into two. However, this design is suitable for a spacious studio with two windows. An excellent solution is to design and one-room apartment with a niche, which can also be walled off and turned into a small, but a separate children's room.
Children half
If the interior of your studio does not allow for re-planning and "build" a single child, it remains to find ways to allocate half of the child or even a children's corner. The design is carried out by well known method of zoning living space studio. Here, again, you can use the various options. The most common way - zoning using racks that function the same partitions, only mobile. And this kind of wall is not only delineate the space, but also serves as an open enclosure (a book, for example) or shelves.
It is desirable to have the shelves so that they do not obstruct the entrance to the room and did not become an obstacle that had to be skirted. Also racks, partitions do not have to close the window, even if it is through the design - with the time "window" in the racks still filled with books, toys and various gizmos. Furthermore it is recommended to combine the "texture" racks with common style furniture in the room, and, accordingly, use of wood, metal or plastic construction.
With racks can isolate almost isolated nursery, to gain a little space to store toys or books. At the same time all the space of the room is divided into two zones - parent and child. However, this option is more suitable for families with children of school age. If the heir is still small, it is more convenient to zone studio interior using furniture-transformer, which by day serves as a closed rack or cabinet, and at night is transformed into a bed.
Ready (purchased or made to order), children's corners - even miraculous solution to the problem of children's organizations. Redevelopment in this case is not necessary, and zoned interior with additional tweaks not necessary. Usually ready children's corner includes bunk beds, cabinets and shelves for storage, as well as a place to study. And all this - a single design or set of modules. By and large, a children's play area can be considered a small house, which is home to a single tenant - the child.
If a family has a very small child, the children's play area can be combined with a sleeping area for parents where you want to place a crib for the baby, children's table and a box (a box, basket) with toys. At an early age the kid does not need so much space, so the combination of the children's area and a sleeping area would be an excellent option zoning studio.
The selection of furniture and accessories
No matter how you resolved the issue of children's organizations, the interior design for the child requires a special approach. Of course, it is impossible to give universal recommendations for the arrangement of the living space for the three-year kid, beginner or first-graders grow teenager. However, common elements in the approach to the design studio with children still there.
First, the interior of the children's half should be different from the common living spaces. This can be done with the help of specially selected finishing materials, which should be especially environmentally friendly, and the second - meet the purpose of the room. For a child's room (or half), it is desirable to choose finishing materials quiet tones. Valid and bright colors, but not flashy, but "diluted milk". If, however, you will want to make the interior bright colors, it is best to do this with a certain emphasis.
For example, in a bright child can be a carpet on the floor, the bedspreads and curtains on the windows. But the walls, ceiling, flooring - just soothing tones. Designers categorically advised to use red for finishing the nursery, which is considered irritating and stimulating. Welcome professionals and wallpaper plot pictures, and textiles depicting fairy or "cartoon" characters, animals.
Considering that the interior studio does not allow for the use of a large amount of furniture, prefer a folding model. This is particularly convenient for children's half. And again I have to mention the huge advantage of transforming children's furniture. If you can not buy a bed-transformer, then stop your choice on a small-sized upholstered furniture. For the child, fit and chaise longue, an armchair and a bed and a small sofa.
When designing a studio apartment with children, professionals often use curtains that serve as partitions. These curtains are hung on the ceiling cornice and draws the night, separating the children's half of the bed of parents. To such an element does not have any dissonance into the interior, drapes selected to match the walls.
Organization lighting
If you stay at the rooms on the version of the division of child and adult half, it is necessary to attend to the correct lighting of the room. When the reception of the zoning of the space, each zone is equipped with a separate light source. By the way, this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the overall ceiling chandeliers.
Taking care of daylight, develop a design based on the location of windows. If only one window, the sacrifice of the room with the window opening for the child. Believe me, the presence of a child window is more important than you. If you did not get the room to zone in this way, then use as partitions through racks, capable of transmitting light. However, the artificial illumination is not necessary to forget.
Ideal thoughtful design allows the interior of zoning, not only with furniture but also with diversified one of flooring and installation of tiered ceiling. This ceiling with multiple light sources will look stylish and will make it possible to use the built-in ceiling lights to illuminate separate areas of the room.
In addition to this option, you can stay on an easier way the organization studio lighting with children. Simply purchase additional wall and floor lamps and place them so light and convenient to all the inhabitants of the apartment.
Two children in a studio apartment
Such a situation where a family of four living in a studio apartment, unfortunately, not uncommon. Therefore, for example, consider a design studio for a family with two children. The ideal situation would be re-planning with the release of a separate room for children. However, and without redevelopment, too, can do. In this case, you need to competently and as comfortable as possible to zone the room.
Since the four occupants, divide the room into two equal halves - for both children and adults. In order not to overload the already small room, divided by a half of the screen can be. The interior will seem less if, instead of the screen to use light through racks, and for the night "isolation" of parents to use the curtain on the ceiling cornice (the design of this, too, will not be affected). By the way, give children the far side of the room, which is farther from the entrance - the children go to bed early and sleep stronger than adults. It will be convenient to build in the children's half of the podium, the lower part of which can be adapted for storage in drawers. If you prefer this design, you can give up the chest.
Now, we distribute furniture - to children "are" two beds (or one bunk or fold-out couch), chest of drawers, writing (computer) table. Parents leave the sofa, coffee table, a desk with a TV and a chair. At night, the sofa turns into a sleeper couch, and the day will serve as a normal sofa in the living room. By the way, it is advisable to replace the TV plasma screen placed on the wall that will free additional space and make the interior more spacious. But without a table to manage difficult - where to arrange Sunday tea while watching an interesting movie?
On the floor you can lay carpet or two carpet that will create the illusion of separateness of each selected area. The interior in this version will look more to family and home, if you use it for decoration natural fabrics. Incidentally, the window in the children's and adult half can be hung curtains of the same tissue, but different styles. For example, in the parent zone - the usual linen curtains with drapes, and child - Roman blinds from the same linen. Do not forget about color. Interior studio desirable finish materials and light colors to furnish light furniture. This technique, among other things, visually expand the space and add a light.
As for stylistic solutions, then the design is not required to withstand the same style. Use mixed style or combine to process close to Stylistically solutions. Just do not plan design of each half in radically different styles: to combine high tech with style country ridiculous. In general, one-room apartment for the best choice for a laconic decision, for example, to design in a minimalist style.
And do not forget the regeneration of children's half interest in the views of children. Let the interior in this part of your studio, and will not respond to the latest fashion trends, but it must meet the needs of children. The child should be comfortable here, comfortable and quiet. And who, if not the parents are able to consider the design of the room so that the children lived in it comfortable? And let the square footage does not grow together with our children, but we are the parents that even in a studio apartment the children feel happy.
We advise to check: Design studio apartment with a niche