Over the last twenty years in our kitchens appeared a number of new household appliances, which until now we do not even have a clue. Among them, and a microwave. This is very useful handy appliance in the kitchen. Microwave lets in seconds reheat food to defrost food quickly cook some meals. However, not everyone understands what the microwave (sverhchastotnoe microwaves), and how it acts on the body. And so many people, there is a reasonable question, and not dangerous if a microwave oven for the human body.
To begin with it should be understood that this radiation is not radioactive, but in itself is dangerous to humans. But microwaves are arranged so as to best protect human health. Observing the rules for using a microwave, you will always be in complete safety. Given this, the choice of the microwave oven, it is necessary to check whether the unit safety certificate.
Current models of microwave ovens are equipped with protection. On the door of the microwave applied protective mesh screen, which reliably protects man from microwave radiation. The very same door for this purpose is very tight to the body. In addition, to protect against microwave radiation developed automatic blocking switching the microwave at the open door. For security purposes, microwave repair yourself is prohibited.
Absolutely harmless and food cooked in a microwave oven. The principle of operation of the microwave oven is simple: microwaves which penetrate deep into the product excite water molecules contained therein. Under the influence of waves, they are beginning to move, so that the product is heated from the inside rather quickly. Now that we have understood the mechanism of the microwave, try to figure out how to choose a microwave oven.
Modern microwave ovens have only conditionally can be called a microwave. Because many other models have built-in functions. Therefore, when choosing a microwave oven, you should immediately decide how you will use it. Do you need a microwave oven or a real kitchen with a microwave function.
Conventional microwave only performs its main task - it can quickly reheat the products. While such furnaces can and prepare some meals. Generally, recipes for such furnaces are given in the instruction manual. In addition, the conventional microwave oven has a defrost foods.
Microwaves with grill
Improved models of microwave ovens are equipped with an additional heating element, which already allows to cook in the microwave a wide range of dishes, such as hot sandwiches, baked meat and so on. The heating element is of two types - quartz and heaters.
Heaters member is a metal tube, inside which the heating element. Heater located in the upper portion of the working chamber. More advanced microwave ovens are equipped with mobile TAN, which can be installed at an angle or vertically, providing heating products from either side. In some models, there is also the lower grill in addition to the upper heating elements. Moving heaters grill is very easy to use because it provides additional opportunities for frying dishes grilling. Moreover, with microwave TAN convenient and easier to clean.
Quartz grill located in the upper part of the chamber, and the microwave oven is a quartz tube element which is located behind the metal bars. When comparing these two types of grills, it can be noted that the quartz grill, unlike heaters in working chamber takes place not. Another additional advantage is that the usual power quartz grill less than the heaters. Therefore, with a quartz grill microwave consume much less electricity. Furnace with a quartz grill fry more evenly and gently, but the grill heaters can provide a more "aggressive" heat.
It is said that the quartz grill is less susceptible to contamination, from which it protects the grill. But it should be noted that over time the body spray can it still get there, and it has not come out to wash as well as heaters grill. But there is no problem with that - all the dirt on the quartz grill will simply burn out.
Before you buy a microwave oven with a grill, be sure to weigh the "pros" and "cons" to determine the best option.
Microwave oven with grill and convection
This is a very comfortable furnace that provide the whole range of possibilities for cooking. Apart from the grill such models are equipped with a built-in fan and heater ring member. The fan can be located either at the top or at the rear. Due to the fact that the fan inside the chamber evenly banishes hot air, great par fried foods and baked through. In such a microwave oven with convection can be baked meat, bake pies, stew vegetables, and so on. D. Combining modes of convection, microwave and grill provides users great opportunities.
Note that, despite the versatility of such a microwave oven, it is not a complete substitute for the oven. Although, in fact, it is the similarity of the oven. The disadvantage of microwave ovens with convection and grill is a lot of weight, size and high power consumption. It is understood that it costs more than conventional microwave. Despite these drawbacks, such furnaces are very functional and comfortable. If you are faced with the question of how to choose a microwave oven, you just need to decide for yourself how you it will use in the future. For example, whether to take the model with convection, grill and other functions, while in life you will only use the microwave for warming up food and perhaps for thawing products. Conversely, is it worth saving, choosing a simple microwave oven and depriving themselves of many useful features.
Choose amount
Presented on our market microwaves can be divided in terms of three groups:
microwaves of up to 20 liters;
Microwaves from 20 to 28 liters;
microwaves than 28 liters.
The volume of the microwave largely determined by its purpose. Microwave oven equipped with a small volume in most cases only the functions of the microwave or the microwave grill. They are used for heating or defrosting food. Microwave ovens average volume often have a grill and microwave. Sometimes there are model with a microwave, grill and convection, and very rarely a microwave. Furnaces medium size is the most popular and provide enough opportunities for cooking. The microwave oven can be large as the reheated food and cook it in large containers, different in shape and size. It can also prepare meals and bulk foods (eg, turkey, big cake, etc.) as these furnaces are equipped with additional bars. Such microwave ovens - a very convenient option for large families. Well, of course, for those who are engaged in preparing a variety of dishes.
Choosing a microwave oven, it is necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the turntable. The larger its size, the more you can put on it. Turntable - is one of the important elements of the working chamber.
But it must be borne in mind that microwaves have a large volume and large dimensions. So you have to figure out what kind of microwave you can without problems be placed in the kitchen. And it is not only available space but also a free convenient access to a microwave.
Internal coating
The walls of the working chamber of the microwave has a special coating. Moreover, it is different:
a coating of enamel,
coated stainless steel;
and special coatings.
The coating of enamel is smooth, durable and easy to clean. It occurs in many microwave ovens. Cover the stainless steel is particularly reliable and durable, because it is very resistant to damage and high temperatures. Moreover, it looks very good. This coating is usually in microwave ovens with grill or convection and grill. It will be appreciated that maintaining clean such as the coating requires application of special cleaning agents, and careful handling.
There are also special coatings developed by manufacturers. They are more resistant coating improved than conventional enamel. Such coatings are bioceramic or antibacterial coating.
The currently existing microwave ovens can be mechanical or electronic control. Mechanical control is carried out by means of two rotary knobs, one of which provides mode selection and power levels, and the other is a rotary mechanical timer. In most cases in microwave ovens with mechanical control-timer calculated somewhere in half an hour, and in microwave ovens with grill - to an hour.
Technical and functional equipment ovens with mechanical control is not very diverse. They may be an electronic display with indication of the residual working time and hours. Some microwave ovens have the additional function keys to control the rotation off the pallet. For example, if the cookware is too large, but the camera is placed, and can not be twisted. In this case, this function is very useful. Also, some microwave ovens with mechanical control may be present mode of ventilation of the working chamber, ie the removal of her fragrances.
Microwave oven with electronic control are usually much more features and functions. In most cases, these furnaces are equipped with text or digital displays. Electronic touch panel can be, and combination keypad - button and rotary knob to select the desired mode or power level. It should be noted that the current touch panel almost never occur.
Features and Modes
Modern microwave ovens often have a large number of built-in modes:
microwave treatment;
microwave plus grill;
microwave plus convection;
grill plus convection;
microwave plus convection and grill.
For the preparation of various dishes you can use each of these modes. Most often, the operating instructions are recipes of dishes. Thawing, heating and cooking in a microwave oven is carried out using the basic parameters - power and time. To prepare different dishes approximate power levels are specified in the instructions. You can if you wish to install them manually.
But the majority of microwave ovens have automatic modes of heating, defrosting, and now the preparation. For automatic mode, a special program in which the desired cooking time and power level are already set for each dish. That is, only need to choose a product that should be thawed, cook or warm up, and then set the weight of the product. The rest of the settings are set automatically.
Most auto warm in microwave ovens includes several modes, corresponding to a specific product or dish. Several modes are usually presented and automatic cooking. The automatic defrosting and modes correspond to the products, which are often defrosted: poultry, meat, fish, and sometimes bread.
Modern microwave ovens can touch heating, defrosting or cooking. The microwave chamber a sensor reacts to the release of steam, so that the oven can self-regulate their work. This means that users do not need to enter any parameters or to install only the basic. Microwaves with steam sensor will do everything yourself. Such sensors help provide more effective treatment of each product, as in this case, microwave is guided by the state of a particular product, rather than the setting. Some models can even adjust the settings and touch.
There are microwave ovens, where you can enter the program in memory. That is, you can create their own programs with the power setting and time. This is very handy when you are cooking or defrost the same product. It can be programmed and gradual preparation.
Some microwave ovens can be audible timer. It should not be confused with the signal to end the operation. Sound timer - is something like a built-in alarm clock that helps you measure the time in the kitchen.
There are microwave ovens and mode of protection of children, which is very important for users with small children. Toddlers are very curious and love to explore household appliances. To protect children from the unpleasant consequences there is a function of "protection of children". Equipped with a microwave and a beep that indicates the end of the work the stove. Microwaves mechanical control is often a bell, and in electronically controlled ovens signal typically consists of a series of repetitive sounds. There are microwaves in which the audio signal can be turned off.
In microwave ovens with electronic control are of interest text displays, which for Russian users are written in Russian. That is displayed directly on the screen prompts and instructions - control carried out on the basis of dialogue.
Ease of use
Choosing a microwave oven, be sure to pay attention to the ease of use. The control panel should be understood intuitively and pens, keys and buttons should be comfortable. Microwave ovens are manufactured with right and left opening doors. Before you buy be sure to understand, what the oven will be more convenient for you. Important microwave chamber and lighting, which works with the door open during cooking. The door can only be opened by the handle, and can be opened by pressing a button. Choose a model as the basis of their own ideas about comfort. Be sure to pay attention to the included accessories. It can be low and high bars, different capacity, skewer rack of baby bottles and so on. You can always choose a model equipment that will suit you the most.
The design of the microwave oven is also important, but we must admit that since modern microwave ovens are different, and not just a kind of an interesting design, but also very beautiful design, it can be a good decoration for your kitchen.
Strictly speaking, these are the main parameters that distinguish modern microwave ovens. They are beautiful, comfortable, functional, and will be a wonderful help in your kitchen. Well, the choice, of course, depends on you and your preferences. Have a good choice and a pleasant shopping!
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