how to clean fur


  • Cleaning light fur
  • Cleaning other types of fur
  • How to make fur glistened and yellower?
  • Tips for the care of fur
  • Storage furs

Before preparing for the warm days, you need to take care of things winter. After the cold season coats, hats, and jackets have their place in the wardrobe for a few months. But before you rearrange these things for storage until next winter, they need to be cleaned. Something can be washed, something you can give to the dry cleaners, but what about the coat or fur hat?

Fur is always equated with luxury. But lately, fortunately, fur products are available to most people. And in terms of our winter fur, rather than a luxury, but a vital necessity. And to products - fur coats, hats - do not lose their own species for fur should be able to take care of. Fur quite capricious in care, so clean coat of fur is desirable in dry cleaning. But if you for some reason do not want to take his thing in the dry cleaning, you can try to handle it on their own. How to clean the skin at home, we'll find out.

First you need to make sure whether you need your coat at the moment cleaning. This can be done using a conventional dryer. Direct the jet of cold air on the fur and look:

  • If the villi are free and easy to scatter, forming a dimple that with the termination of the air disappears, then clean fur;
  • if the fur is dull, agglutinate, with hairdryer flow around it is not inflated, and thus it has accumulated enough dirt and dust, and it is necessary to clean the fur.

In the old days used to clean fur powdered fine bran or sawdust. This simple method is still relevant today for cleaning fur at home. Especially since he is also environmentally friendly. In order to clean the fur in a way fur is spread on a flat surface, it even layer of poured sawdust or bran, and then rub them carefully. This can be done and a brush. Then, sawdust or bran shake or brush sweep. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Cleaning light fur

It is often asked, what pure light mink coat and a white fur hat and collar? The question is not accidental. White fur is yellow with time and loses its appeal. Light coat of mink or any other white fur can be cleaned and the previous method, but it is best used for cleaning light fur potato starch, wheat flour or semolina. Incidentally, this is the ideal way to clean the light fur at home.

It is said that the cleaning of these funds will be more effective if they are pre-heated to 70-80 degrees in the pan. The main thing is to make sure that the flour, starch, semolina or not burnt or your white fur brushed t tint simultaneously. Then the prepared flour or cereal also spread in a uniform layer on the white fur coat or spread out and knead fur. From poor whites yellow deliver hydrogen peroxide. To do this, rubbed his fur just a three- or five percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, repeating this procedure several times.

There is a more radical method, which can be cleaned with white or any other bright fur at home. For this starch (potato or corn) is mixed with gasoline to obtain a uniform consistency. This tool is used to clean small but highly contaminated areas. Be sure to remember that gasoline should be cleaned. For example, so you can clean the greasy collar, a spot of grease, juice and so on. To do this, the resulting slurry is applied to the contaminated area, gently rub the place with a brush, and then the same brush to clean off the mixture coats.

After that, the thing you need to hang on the balcony ventilated until the smell of gasoline is not completely erode. I should add that gasoline is not only cleans the white fur, and degreasing it and scrapings that significantly prolongs the life of any fur products.

 how to clean the fur at home

Cleaning other types of fur

Clean old fur can use potato peels. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, then mince with a fine mesh. Add a bit of the resulting slurry of ammonia, put it on the contaminated site and carefully wipe it with a clothes brush. Then rinse and wipe the thing. Dry coat after cleaning the house should be at room temperature, hang it on a hanger.

Clean coat of fur with long pile, for example, a fox or a fox, recommend salt. Take finely ground salt, sprinkle with furs and go over it with a brush. If the fur is very dirty, prepare a solution: a half-liter of water, take three teaspoons of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia. Dip the brush into the solution for clothes and neat moves delicately walk on fur. Then let it dry.

If your fur coat appeared greasy spot, you can remove it with a solution of ammonia and salt. To do this, stir in half a liter of warm water three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of ammonia. Sponge soaked in the solution, gently remove the grease stain with fur.

And how clean the home artificial fur? It is easiest to clean the gruel and conventional laundry detergent diluted with water. By the way, most of faux fur can easily tolerate normal washing. Just before the wash coat of faux fur, you otporot lining.

How to make fur glistened and yellower?

If mink coat does not need to be cleaned and the fur on her just a little lost luster, try to comb his portion of the metallic comb. If the ridge is not present, the fur can use even one of the home remedies and wipe it with a solution of vinegar or rubbing alcohol with a sponge. To prepare the solution, take equal parts of water and vinegar or alcohol. To this mixture dip a sponge and gently walk it across the surface of the fur.

To simply return the pristine coat shine, it needs to be very careful to clear, and then walk on the surface of the fur garment brush dipped unleaded petrol. To avoid yellowing white fur, they must wipe hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this in one liter of water is added tablespoon peroxide. The same solution, only more concentrated, purified yellowed white fur. To avoid damaging the scrapings, fur rubbed only solution on top.

In addition to the coat was stable and beautiful shine, gently rub the fur cloth or sponge soaked in vinegar essence. Remember that the essence of a very corrosive, so work better in rubber gloves. Return shine fur at home can be and with the help of a walnut. For this much chop walnut kernels, wrap them in cheesecloth, folded in half, and then wipe it wad of fur pile. Fur, soaking peanut butter, becomes resistant and beautiful shine. Shuba long will be a spectacular live luster. After that, the fur is combed clothes brush with natural bristles.

 how to clean white fur

Tips for the care of fur

If your leather coat was dry basis, it can be restored. To do this, you will need glycerin or mineral oil, and egg yolk. Mash yolks well with one tablespoon of glycerin or petrolatum and add half a liter of warm water. This composition rub basis fur on the back side. Then dry by hanging seamy side up. When the coat is dry, mash it and pull it in all directions.

If your coat is coarse fur scrapings, this flaw can be easily remedied at home, as follows. Prepare a solution of vinegar - two tablespoons per gallon of water. Moisten scrapings this solution, then gently knead and stretch the skin in different directions. Repeat this procedure two or three times every two to three hours. Then dry coat in a stretched form, knead again and lubricate the emulsion prepared in advance: 15-20 drops of ammonia and 100 g of castor oil for one liter of warm water. Fold the flesh side to coat Mezdra and soak it so for three to four hours. Then hang it and dry it again.

If fur hesitated, go over it with a damp sponge to get wet pile. Then comb the fur in the direction of the pile and hang on the coat hanger to dry. When the fur is dry, shake thoroughly coat.

Storage furs

Once you've brought after a winter coat in order, it's time to pack it in summer storage. For this dry it in a draft or in air, but in the shade. After that, you need to gently shake out the coat and knock. Store fur coats in the summer in the best packages of thick paper or plastic covers. If you put a plastic bag on the coat, it provide air access to the fur has not deteriorated. Do not forget to put a remedy for moles.

Since we are talking about light coats, we offer you a little secret storage of fur coats, fur is not to yellower. Sew for a light coat of blue cloth cover. If we believe in the efficacy of my grandmother's method, it is the blue cloth good light fur protects against yellowing. Hat is made of white fur can be stored by wrapping it in blue paper.

Protect your thing you can pray by using dried orange peel, geranium leaves or tobacco. In addition, the stores sell special funds from moths. But in any case do not pour fur mothballs. This, of course, an effective tool, but to erode away the coat you can not. Keep the coat should be in the wardrobe, but that she was not closely among other things. Otherwise fur zamnetsya.

By placing the coat in a bag, you can fill it with fresh newspapers sleeves. First, it will protect against the formation of wrinkles in the sleeves, and secondly, deter mole because she can not stand the smell of printer's ink. Newspapers need to be changed at least once a month. Never hang a number of things painted and unpainted fur to unpainted fur is not stained. You can not hang a coat against the wall whitewashed with lime, because it spoils the fur.

If you want to from the coat is always pleasant smell, removing it for storage, put it in his pocket coats or batiste handkerchief cloth soaked in your favorite perfume. Fur absorbs and retains all the smells. As winter approaches, when you remove the coat out of the closet, it will be great to look and smell good.

 Prepare sleighs in summer, or how to clean the fur?

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