Perhaps a more democratic flooring than linoleum, not yet invented. Judge for yourself: and it is inexpensive, and it is easy to pack and easy to care for him, much of the diversity of colors and textures with linoleum beats any other floor covering. And why choose it for offices and schools, and kindergartens, and of course for home. Durability, economy, good sound and heat insulation fully justify such popularity.
Therefore it is quite understandable that the building materials market is saturated with all kinds of practical and trademarks of linoleum, but a question of "how to choose linoleum Housing" is justified. With such an abundance of really difficult to make a choice. Let's try to understand this problem and learn than when choosing linoleum.
Basic rules for the selection
Praise Modern manufacturers! The width of linoleum produced is consistent with the width of the room standard flats. So today there is no need for laying glued or welded narrow strip of floor covering: linoleum only need to select the desired width.
When choosing, remember that thanks to modern technology linoleum shrinkage does not occur, so the margin width with the purchase is not necessary. But the length of required reserve of about ten centimeters. This need is due to the fact the room in our homes (alas!) Is not always strictly rectangular and one of the walls may be a little shorter than the length in the other. The naked eye does not see, but when laying floor coverings such nuisance can easily show up.
Having defined the width of linoleum, remember the law of the harmonious arrangement of the pattern. In the longitudinal drawing, e.g. imitation parquet or laminate, it must be located along the length of the room. Therefore, you need to buy linoleum in width, that is, the size of the short wall. So, if you take the floor for a room of three by four meters (twelve squares), then you buy linoleum three meters wide. If the size of the room, for example, five to four, then you need a four-meter linoleum.
And a few basic rules:
Check the linoleum on the absence of various injuries and marriage: hillocks, cracks, NOT, seats;
buy linoleum only in specialty stores where you guarantee quality;
when buying a few rolls of linoleum purchase of only one party, or can detect differences in color;
making a purchase, ask the seller hygiene certificate for the product.
Going to the store, measure the length of all the sides in the room and determine the size, proceed to the selection of linoleum in his mind.
Types of linoleum
Depending on what materials made linoleum, it may be natural, polyvinylchloride, rubber and alkyd. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of these types of linoleum.
Linoleum, as its name suggests, it is made from natural (natural) materials. The basis of such a floor covering made of jute fiber, which caused other natural materials: cork, wood flour, mineral supplements, linseed oil or wood resin. Such linoleum has a high strength, high thermal insulation and environmental friendliness.
Disadvantages of linoleum can be attributed only to its homogeneous structure, due to which the colors and pattern variations of such flooring is very limited. In addition, linoleum from natural materials still quite expensive.
PVC, linoleum is manufactured from polymer materials. Such flooring can be single and multi. Depending on the number and thickness of layers, the linoleum is called commercial, semi-commercial and domestic. Different kinds of data the degree of wear resistance. The most persistent of them - commercial. It is appropriate to purchase for corridors, hallways and communicating rooms (although in other interiors, he also looks great). Semi-commercial linoleum also has a relatively high degree of wear resistance and is suitable for most "trample" spaces and rooms, where there is heavy furniture. Household linoleum most vulnerable, he is good, for example, for the bedroom, but in the kitchen or hallway will last long.
PVC linoleum not the cheapest, but it is affordable, and despite the fact that it is made of synthetic material is environmentally safe. Its main drawback - too sensitive to high and low temperature and chemicals.
Alkyd linoleum or, as it is called, has glyptal enhanced sound and thermal insulation characteristics. However, from brittle, prone to deformation, cracks and fractures and resistant to low temperatures.
Relin linoleum or rubber made from synthetic rubber and bitumen. It is very elastic and water resistance, but in a residential area is almost never used due to hygienic requirements.
Linoleum on the basis of nitrocellulose (kolloksilinovy) has an excellent decorative brilliance and elasticity, but at the same time, he is prone to shrinkage, is sensitive to changes in temperature and fire hazard.
Choice of operating conditions
Manufacturers linoleum provided a choice of flooring for a particular room. The normal buyer in this choice help mark on the European system of classification. Under this system, all the rooms are divided into three types: residential, office and industrial. Residential designated number two offices - a triple and industrial - Quartet. The intensity of the load as determined by the numbers: 4 (very high), 3 (a high), 2 (medium) 1 (low).
Labelled linoleum two digits and the corresponding figure (icon of the house and men) by which to determine its grade. Which class coverage needed in a particular case, tell the catalog or Sales. For example, for a bedroom suit coat class 21, for the kitchen in a house inhabited by one or two people - 23, and in the apartment for a large family needed linoleum Class 31.
Determine how linoleum is resistant to deformation (impact on furniture legs or heels) can be a basis for the density. The higher the density, the more resistant linoleum. You can determine the density of the severity of linoleum at the same thickness of the coating more dense will be heavier. But as to "weigh" the linoleum is problematic when you buy, you can just press on it with your fingers: the smaller the thickness of the linoleum changes, the denser its base.
The choice of color and pattern linoleum
Today it is overdue follow the concept of "merry" in the choice of flooring pattern. Therefore, when purchasing linoleum is taken into account, for which it is the room you get it.
Visually increase the space of the cold linoleum light shades and warm colors will add comfort to any room. Monotonous pattern affects the person reassuringly and contrast and bright, on the contrary, invigorates. Abstract pattern emphasize the dignity of furniture and decorative interior items, and creates the impression of small additional volume.
Therefore, to determine which linoleum opt for apartments, to consider not only its qualitative characteristics, but also the ability to change the interior and affect the emotional state of those who will dwell in this interior. Let your choice would be the best, and the purchase - practical and high quality!
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What and how you can prepare to multivarka
How to choose multivarku
How to choose multivarku that it can be prepared and whether it is able to save our time and energy? To answer these questions, one must understand that this is a tool. So multivarka - kitchen appliance that is built using innovative technologies in the field of food preparation and preservation of nutrients and vitamins. Multivarka - exactly what will help you not only to go to the new technology of cooking, but also to a new diet, so you get rid of many diseases, from the fact that "scores" of your physical and energetic channels.
Once such a wonderful mechanism could seem only a dream, as we could not imagine that several dishes can be cooked on one device at a time. Now this is not an invention and not a scene from a novel by Jules Verne. Many technologies that were originally developed in the high technical potential for strategic purposes, are now becoming available and quite peaceful. It is for this technology would be logical to include multivarku, as it serves to prepare a large number of different dishes with a relatively low energy consumption.
What and how you can prepare to multivarka
First of all, it's worth noting that multivarka - a device whose function is not limited to cooking for a couple of so-called steaming; it is possible to prepare almost everything. Grilled burgers, stews, soups, milk porridge, cakes, fish, sweet pastries - all this you will be able to cook on a single device. The number of dishes that can be prepared in multivarka, limited only by your imagination.
Nothing complicated to use Multivarki not, because with it you can easily use all the familiar and favorite recipes for you
. But the undoubted advantage is that built into all models of modern multivarok processor will allow you to choose the time and mode of preparation
. In the past often had to spend time on what to cook food for a couple, or the fact that the milk does not run away, the meat is not burnt
. Multivarka relieve you of these problems
. It is designed to ensure that the house retained the warmth and comfort, and you free your time to practice more enjoyable than cooking
. Food cooked using this device, can persist for twenty hours immediately in the pan large volumes (4-5 liters)
. Among other things, allows multivarka operate in delayed time, for example, you can put the dish on a timer, and it will begin to prepare immediately prior to your awakening or return home
Multivarka - a device that can replace several kitchen appliances. It - an indispensable tool in the case when you have to cook a few meals in a relatively short period of time, as the use of steam technology, technology heating from several sides, not just from below, as is the case with conventional gas oven, allow to cook food sufficiently quickly and efficiently. Taste dishes familiar to you will not change, and will only improve as multivarka retains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
How to choose multivarku
How to choose multivarku? Let's face it: These devices are not cheap, and really do not want to be deceived both the quality and the functionality of the device. As a rule, we first look at the brand of the campaign, which launched this appliance. Today it is not only the leading manufacturers of home appliances - such as "Zanussi", "Samsung", "Scarlett" - but also many others that are quite recent in the market of household appliances. Time on the market, as the experience of almost every one of us - not a guarantee of quality, especially in the age of many, many times more than cheap imitations. Also, you should keep in mind that choosing the advertised model, and you pay for advertising.
Many manufacturers are trying to add to the characteristics of the word "innovation", "alternative", etc., Which not only did not characterize multivarku, but absolutely not supported by reality. In order to know what multivarku choose, you need to be interested in such characteristics as capacity, service life, the amount of energy consumed, the maximum heating temperature, the thickness of the heating surface, etc. So the question of what Multivarki perfect for you, you will be able to decide on their own after learning the price, quality, and a set of built-in functions.
Now on sale there is a huge selection of multivarok and choose the best option for you - not so prosto.Kak choose the right multivarku if you have never used such a device, and do not know what the characteristics of the best pay attention? We offer you the unique ability to select a device that can change your life.
To start with the size of the pot in multivarka. If you have a large family or you often come to visit, you can buy the device of not less than 4, 5l. For a few families better go two or three liter Multivarki they will cope with the task. In addition, think about where you will stand multivarka to properly orient its dimensions.
Be sure to read a set of automatic programs that will facilitate the process of cooking. In modern Multivarki usually built special programs for frying, sautéing, boiling soup, cereal porridge, milk porridge, etc. It's really very convenient functions. For example, the program "Milk porridge" will allow you to cook a dish is not only without burning, but even without compulsory seemingly stirring. There Multivarki that will ensure your baking or grilled meat crisp, and you do not have to constantly monitor the cooking process for a perfect result. In short, think about what kind of food you cook at home more often, and based on that, choose your multivarku.
If you want to cook multivarka own recipes, be sure to make sure that it was the function of an independent set the cooking time and temperature. It is worth will button "Timer", which will begin the process of cooking just when you want.
To multivarka serve you for many years, you must pay attention to its quality. To do this, read the pot. With its instrument constructed of a durable, multi-layer aluminum alloy with a double bottom, or pan may be deformed during use. In addition, the inner surface of the pan should have a non-stick coating with protection against abrasion and scratching.
Multivarka that copes with all tasks, - the dream of each family that cares about the health of their families. Only the multivarka that really pleases you, can carry the status of "the best", so you get used to it and use it all the time. If you see that your loved ones are willing to have a big appetite that you cook, you bought multivarku best of all possible options. Using a relatively simple, not automated to the ground multivarok does not mean that they are bad or their use can cause many problems and breakage. Some of us can come up is simple, not burdened by a multifunctional device. What Multivarki better suited for your purposes, you can decide for yourself just you.
Application Multivarki in the household, not only greatly ease your life, but will also show imagination, use the recipes that you were afraid to apply because of the possibility of rapid burning, etc. Whatever you choose for cooking, remember: a multivarka you do not have to worry about what products can be corrupted or bad progotovleny. In addition, you do not have to start to wash and chop the vegetables and meat, if you come home late enough, and would like to see on the table interesting tasty dish. You just need to prepare everything you need in the morning and in the evening multivarka itself (depending on which mode of preparation and the preparation you put a delayed timer) turns on and prepare meals to your home appearance.
The main thing - it is your desire and thorough approach to the choice of private Multivarki. Anything else will make it for you myself.
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