- Magic numbers, names and symbols
- Apartment number of feng shui. Explanation of numbers
Have you pay attention to how to change your mental attitude, one has only to cross the threshold of his apartment? If you did not notice, you try to observe the process, and you will realize that this fact actually "takes place to be." Feng Shui defines our house (environment) as a living organism, acting as a mediator between man and the cosmos.
It is no accident our ancestors so serious about everything that came to their place of residence. For example, in ancient India constructed in the city in terms of repeated human body - a symbol of the harmonic structure of the universe. No less famous and settlements of the Urals, in terms of a zodiacal circle. Some parts of this ancient concept of the relationship to the world have come to the present day. For example, we equip our beds so that the head "looked" to the north, or put in disadvantaged areas flowers ...
Magic numbers, names and symbols
We have many times per day open and close doors of our house, but do not ask ourselves: what does it represent? Let's look closely - the door consists of one or two wings, which keep on hinges. It is like a sentinel guarding the inner world from outer space, and at the same time - a kind of barometer of the mood of the incoming signaling or vice versa, leaving a man. On the front door they were judged on how they are the owners of the surrounding world, for internal doors - the relation of people to each other.
In ancient times believed that the crooked and ever slam the door on which hangs crooked number, constitutes a violation of peace and harmony in the family, and can bring their owners a terrible disaster. It is no coincidence front doors of the rich houses were decorated with tribal symbols and the church gates and doors are decorated with sculptures and carvings patterned, whimsical wreath that symbolizes the intricacies of human lives.
In England, for example, is still alive the tradition of "empower" living quarters - and mansions, and model building - poetic names. The British called their home field Flower, Poplar stables, yards herons and so on. Today the doors of Russian homes and apartments "decorates" just a number, in the form of various figures. And at first glance, they are nothing to say, and do not mean anything, except the serial number property. But only at first glance, because there is a different interpretation of the numbers. So, Pythagoras saw in each independent entity having certain qualities and personality.
The famous mathematician believed that each number is associated with a certain planet, conductor which it is. He defined this relationship by adding the number of complex numbers, which were summed up as long as the result does not go the simple number - the conductor of one of the planets. For example, the number 168 has been represented as a 1 + 6 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. Let's try to define the relationship of our own apartment rooms and home interior atmosphere of a numerological systems, such as feng shui.
Apartment number of feng shui. Explanation of numbers
- The number 1 and feng shui
Experiencing the solar influence, it symbolizes creative energy and vitality. Designated place it helps a person to express themselves, to attract attention to his person, and stand out from the crowd. Accommodation at number 1 will be comfortable for the artists, actors, writers, poets and journalists. In other words, for people who have personal position, and called to talk about the life of his contemporaries.
For the home environment are important different lighting, attracting the attention of others. Blossom Feng Shui prefers bright shades of orange and red tones. The atmosphere is a little reminiscent of a beach vacation: light-hearted and open.
- Number 2 on the feng shui
On this number affects the moon, and symbolizes the deuce intuition and contemplation. In this place comfortable for those who are working educator, nurse (engaged with small children), working in catering or clean rivers and canals. The first place belongs to the apartment at a mirror and bathroom. Interior - is a dairy and soft cream shades, but there are no superfluous and emerald-green color.
Imbalance and unstable mentality of residents of the house number 2 can trigger mental illness and tantrums. These people (if the process is not running) need to be shut down in the bathroom, empty the water and spend some alone. This will help them to recover.
- The number 3 in numerology, feng shui
It is influenced by Mars and is a symbol of the will. This site requires action, make quick decisions, and does not accept many thoughts. Sometimes you may feel like you have in something of a fire or operative, in the other case - by a locksmith or carpenter. And it's not bad, because the home is not there a reason to call you a bum, the more that things will soon appear: an urgent need to repair the water line or to fix a table and chairs.
The apartment number 3, you will constantly feel the need to work. But you lazy contraindicated and can cause serious diseases - so you will prove unused energy. By the active color of this apartment includes all existing shades of red, and the most comfortable place is a toilet room and a hallway.
- The number 4 of feng shui
It is under the influence of Mercury and symbolizes contacts. The atmosphere of the apartment will require you to eloquence: the main burden here falls on the telephone, and your ability to think. Sometimes you will even be "converted" to the dispatcher or a stockbroker. Your cross on feng shui - shaking hands or beating of the hands, it depends on whether you are honest. Do not lie and do not try to enter the surrounding confusion, remember a simple truth: what is hello, so is the answer.
Interior home number 4 will be comfortable and cozy, if you run it in blue, gray and shades of blue and yellow colors. In the first place - devices, "delivering" you different information.
- Number 5 on numerology feng shui (the symbol of the extension)
Influences Jupiter. In such a house and pulls to do something big, like politics or science, so extensive library does not hurt. In any case, this is the cause that unites people on the basis of uniform for all ideas. Maybe we are talking about the spiritual unification of the church, for example.
The owner of the apartment number 5 will probably want to go somewhere far away, even abroad. Advantageously purple color and decorate a house, you can use the bronze ware, globe and telescope. Just do not let your anger at will, even if you really want to fire up - it can negatively affect your liver.
According to feng shui, it is under the influence of Venus. This apartment has everything to rest, love and comfort. It would not be superfluous and revelry with friends for happy songs, because hosted here are kind and warm-hearted people. They see the good taste in everything they prepare delicious and many things to make his home with his own hands, so there is always cozy and warm. In the worst case, guests will face obese brawlers. Yes, and they have appropriate housing: dominated by large carpets and sofas.
The colors in the apartment number 6, feng shui, "flaunt" warm body and brownish hues. Here you can often see pet (cat or dog). Sometimes the owners want to relax in nature, so it is not surprising abundance of flowers.
- Feng Shui and numerology number 7
This number falls under the influence of Saturn. Yes, there is not easy to live: you pursue endless cold or stifling heat, hunger, restrictions and compelling circumstances. However, the best place for learning skills, learn a trade, or savings, you will not find. But the owner of the apartment number 7, feng shui advises to think more often about your life, otherwise it runs the risk of problems with the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, salt deposits, etc.). The favorite in the interior is dark blue.
It affects Uranus. It symbolizes freedom, surprise, mutual. It is a place where there are true friends and gain new comrades always lucky in any new initiatives and inventions. There will be comfortable glassblowers, astrologers and clairvoyants, as well as those who are "friends" with the abnormal phenomena, and innovative technologies.
But people with a rational mind, adherents of materialism and pragmatism, the number of apartments face collapsed plans, damaged nerves and confusion. Residence No. 8 requires a well-washed windows, caution with electricity. It should prevail all the colors of the rainbow and sky-blue shades of the interior.
- According to Feng Shui number 9
He is feeling the effects of Neptune. Life here is not as easy call, unless you belong to a group of oil workers, sailors and psychics, musicians and priests. The owner threatened misfortune, water-related pathological dependence on alcohol and tobacco, the constant search for vanishing at the worst possible thing and, as a consequence, the sleepless nights shattered psyche. At number 9, you have to be careful with poisonous substances. But the study of the realities of the invisible world we can not hurt you.