The color of furniture, curtains and bedding in the lounge
Bedroom Bedroom Yin or Yang?
Best holiday for humans is restful sleep, as at this time there is a restoration of the nervous system and the health of the whole organism. In order to easily fall asleep and wake up as easily, you need to properly equip the bedroom, by choosing the right design and create a harmonious interior. In terms of Feng Shui, it is this room is one of the main factors determining the climate of the whole house or apartment.
According to ancient Chinese science, the ideal place for the bedroom is the most quiet area of the house, located as far as possible from the kitchen door and a toilet room. The shape of the room plays a big role; better if it is square or rectangular. Bedroom feng shui can not equip a room in the passage. The ceiling must be smooth, without any beams or slopes, and if this is not possible, it is best to install suspension system.
Design lounges Feng Shui provides a minimal amount of furniture. Sharp corners bedside tables, wardrobe, designed to bed, you need to decorate, giving them roundness. The room is unacceptable to work here and even bring notebooks, laptops, or other things like that, because the energy of any activity interferes with proper rest and leads to insomnia. At the head of the bed should not be placed sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as a mobile phone or computer. At night, these devices have a negative impact on the human body.
Bedroom interior can not overload the plants - they can be used only in small quantities. Otherwise, they will take power. Try to immediately remove from the bedroom all the extra unnecessary items, such as empty bottles of perfume, cologne, used wipes, bottles of cosmetics, unnecessary clothes and old shoes, old magazines and newspapers. The bedroom should not be turned into a warehouse of useless things. Clothes that are scattered over the chairs and armchairs, gathers dust and creates the unpleasant feeling of something unfinished. The interior of the bedroom is not recommended to supplement the aquarium or fountains.
Special attention should be paid to the presence of a mirror in the restroom. According to feng shui, not allowed it reflects a sleeping man. If the room is already wardrobe with mirrored doors, it is possible to prevent the reflection in them during sleep using lenses or barriers. To do this, between the bed and place a large plant, but away from the head. On the dressing table must be kept alive, or a bouquet of artificial flowers. Proper placement of the mirror should be proportional to the growth of the home and the size of the room. But all of these recommendations will be useless if the interior of the room to sleep will be created without taking into account the basic requirements of colors.
Optimal shades walls Lounge
The color of the bedroom feng shui varies depending on the direction in which the room is located. There are a number of general recommendations on the shades, which can be decorated walls of the room to sleep and rest. If the bedroom is located in the east or south-east, the best option will be the wallpaper of green, because it symbolizes the power of the Tree. But these shades can also cause irritation and contribute to insomnia, so they should be diluted with other, creating a harmonious combination. The design of the rooms on the south-west, center and north-east should be kept in ocher, brown and other natural tones characteristic of the element of Earth.
For bedrooms with southern location suitable wallpaper red, though the color you want to use, and in other cases because the Fire in Chinese philosophy has beneficial effects on the marriage relationship. Facilities include the northern side of the interior with blue walls, but they should not be entirely made in that color as the water - a dangerous and unpredictable element. If you are planning a bedroom in the style of hi-tech and want to use white, gray, silver shades, it is important to remember that they are responsible for the energy of the metal, and therefore favorable for the rooms located in the west and north-west direction.
According to the golden rule of feng shui bedroom design does not allow the presence of saturated and too bright, obtrusive colors. Creating a relaxing atmosphere here contribute to the muted shades of lilac, purple, blue, yellow, white and gray. But people who have recently drawn up a marriage or are living under the same roof as the civilian spouses, Feng Shui recommends that necessarily bring in the dormitory red. Optionally, use it as the primary wall - enough to make a few accents, diluting their interior. Scarlet is a symbol of passion, so stimulates the sensual side of relationships, so that the union finds harmony and happiness. If you understand that his shades cause dissonance that the design will be more aggressive, better to replace red with bright pink or peach tones.
When choosing a painting palette for wallpaper is necessary to remember the meaning of each color and taken into account by developing an interior room to relax. The blue color gives peace and promotes self-contemplation, so this bedroom will provide the owner a good and relaxing holiday, but only if you know exactly what you need to strengthen the element of Water in your own life.
A room with bright red walls to sleep will put pressure on the human psyche, but the presence of color in the wallpaper or curtains will help to rejuvenate after a hard day. According to feng shui, it is not recommended to choose the design of the bedroom, providing a combination of white and black, for the Chinese, they are the most troublesome. It is best when selecting combinations of tinting guide optimal interaction elements: Water and trees, wood and fire, fire and earth, earth and metal. That is how the cycle of creation of feng shui.
The color of furniture, curtains and bedding in the lounge
Feng Shui bedroom imposes many requirements directly to a place to sleep. The bed should be comfortable, durable and sustainable. It is not recommended to hang over her various lamps, sconces, floor lamps. Illumination energy such dense beam concentrated on certain body parts, and the result can be the pain in them. Bright light gives the bedroom a charge of dramatic energy, soft muted - fills the room eroticism and quiet.
The bed is an indicator of married life, so it should not be transformed into a sofa. Berths must have the least amount of "separation signs", such as the two beds, composed together, or two individual mattress. If the spouses have to spend the night on a sofa bed, it must be covered with a thick blanket at night.
As for the colors of furniture, it should be chosen taking into account the year of his birth, because each of them corresponds to a certain element. The best option - it is a bed of natural materials, whose structure has the ability to "breathe." The best solution in this regard is a wooden bed. If you were born under the sign of Fire, select it in the reddish tinge. Only a person related to the element of metal, you can sleep on a bed made of this material.
Feng Shui recommends to pay attention also to the fact, in some parts of the room you will relax. It plans to build a place to sleep in the eastern and southeastern part of the bedroom, which is a symbol of the tree? Then buy a bed, painted green. Center, southwest and northeast obliged to sleep on a bed of brown to pale yellow shades, as these areas are under the authority of the Earth symbols. North and north-west areas are metal, so they permitted to install a bed with wrought iron or elements. But even if you plan to sleep in the northern side of the room, keep in mind that, from the perspective of Chinese science, very harmful fashion beds of water-cushion because they combine inharmonious elements - water (it is filled mattress) and Fire (the heating element) .
You should not always follow the color guidelines when selecting furniture. It is often to find a bed and the other items that complement the interior of the required shades very difficult or purchase is daunting to your budget. So much easier to restrict the right design bed using blankets and small pillows, and bedside tables and chest of drawers decorated fabrics and additional elements of the desired color.
Additional comfort of your bedroom can help to create the carpet right shade that will blend in with the overall style of the room. It is best to choose one that is made from natural materials, because of Feng Shui recommends that you design without the use of synthetic and artificial components. The carpet has to have the external structure to touching it was nice to your feet. Obtaining additional forces will contribute to a dark color of the floor - it was under this condition, the negative energy can easily leave your body goes down.
As a window for the Chinese - is a source of powerful energy flow, color its decor should be given special attention. Choose curtains with light airy fabrics in pastel shades that will blend in with the interior of the main bedroom. To positively influence their own health, prefer blue and green colors - they are quiet. If you want to get the energy to circulate more quickly in the bedroom, complete your window curtains and warm at the same time soft hues such as orange, gold, yellow. Valid other options, but avoid using white in the decor - it is, according to the Chinese, leading to disruption in all spheres of life.
Design bed depends on the used bed linen. The main requirement for it - it is a natural fabric. Synthetics and combined with her tissues are not conducive to attract good luck and prosperity. Shade selection of Feng Shui is not limited, it is important only to avoid buying lingerie dark blue and black, because they have a negative impact on the internal state of a person. As for prints, it is better to give preference to floral motifs, figures with clouds and grass as well as the geometry with smooth shapes. Try to avoid images of animals of prey, sharp angles, vertical lines and water.
Bedroom Bedroom Yin or Yang?
In addition to the main recommendations outlined above, do not forget about their own preferences and characteristics, because they are important to create in the bedroom best and most comfortable atmosphere. If you belong to those people who do not have problems with sleep, that is, fast asleep, sound asleep and wake up in a cheerful mood, think over the interior design and lounge-style Yin. In this case, give preference to beige, pink, peach and golden tones. When choosing furniture pay attention to the absence of the sharp corners; beds, tables, coffee tables and a wardrobe must have rounded edges. By lighting bedroom Yin style also puts forward a number of requirements: better to have a ceiling fixtures light pink or light blue shade, providing soft diffused light.
For those of you who do not sleep at night, often sees a bright and emotional dreams, waking up with difficulty and during the day dreaming of a nap somewhere, hiding away from prying eyes, you should use tips on bedroom design in the style of Yan. Colours such lounges provides the predominance of dark red, almost burgundy hues and muted green and blue. At the same time it is not necessary to allocate the ceiling - it is better to make it a little lighter than the main tone of the walls. Buy blankets and bedding saturated and at the same time restrained colors, but they are allowed to print bright. The bedroom in the style of Yan should cover the lamps with clear or frosted white shades.
But sometimes it happens so that the original design of your choice, which seemed the most successful and harmonious, with time suddenly became discordant with your inner state. It can manifest itself in the deterioration of the quality of sleep, impatience to leave the bedroom and even the transfer destinations in the other room. There is nothing unusual or frightening - the thing is elusive and fluctuating energy Yin and Yang, which are closely linked with the inner "I" of each person. You can remedy this situation by means of some effective methods.
Discomfort associated with sleep in the bedroom Yin, help overcome the delicate change of linen for a brighter, but do not select for this purpose red shades. Additionally place on the wall, which is clearly visible to you from the bed, the picture in full color, poster or mural. If you have lost the peace in the bedroom Yan, you began to feel uncharacteristic excitement and worry in the absence of objective reasons for this, then it is necessary to change the linens by selecting the pastel and close to the white shades. The wall, which is located opposite the bed, decorate light, airy and transparent fabric (required light). Such actions will help restore the balance of the two energies.
Coming up and creating the interior design of her bedroom, we should not blindly follow the recommendations, which includes feng shui. It is important to hear what your own inner sense dictates, because it depends only on the future comfort and complete rest in the room for sleeping. This approach is the basis of the ideas that permeated the whole Chinese philosophy. So learn to hear yourself, understand what you want from the next bedroom and then to take over its arrangement under the laws of the organization of space according to feng shui.
We advise to check: what to choose wallpaper for the bedroom