The music of wind


  • How to increase the impact of
  • Little Secrets

By "Whistling Winds" ambiguous attitude: Feng Shui experts have different opinions about them. There is even a version, according to which "the music of wind" attracted to the house and wandering evil spirits and upsets the balance. However, most experts believe that the mascot acts on the man and his home is only positive. And it can and should be used to the maximum.

Please note, each 'wind singing "its purpose, a mission. I do not think that this talisman is only an additional decoration of the room. So to start, decide what you are going to use it, and then engaged in the search for the desired character.

So why is "music of wind" causes so much controversy and disagreement? It's all about different energy setting. For example, to protect the house is to use tools that suppress the energy, but in any case do not increase it. Otherwise, it unsuccessfully selecting a place for a mascot, you increase the positive instead of the negative. And that did not happen, try these simple tips.

 relaxing music of the wind

How to strengthen the impact?

To increase the influence of any area facilities (eg, love, career or popularity) should focus on "Whistling Winds", made of a material belonging to the same zone. Talisman made of metal and having 6 or 7 tubules, is responsible for the element of the same name. It must be placed on the north, west or north-west room.

Bamboo tubes at 3 or 4 pieces are the elements of the tree and are designed to the south, east and southeast. For all other destinations are ceramic symbols containing 5 or 8 bells. Their element - earth. Other accommodation Feng Shui does not accept, because it can happen to the conflict of the elements, and this will not benefit you or your home.

Remember, in every particular case, the "music of wind" created a certain amount of "singing" bells. There is no dependence on fashion or any preferences. Everything here is subject to the rules spelled out many centuries ago, and takes into account the different situations.

 Music wind feng shui

Little Secrets

Let's look at what direction is "music of wind" in Feng Shui. Hopefully, they will help you in the pursuit of success and positive energy.

  • Reinforcing "music of wind"

To enhance, add or increase of any area should stay at talisman having 6 or 8 tubes;

  • The overwhelming "music of wind"

And to suppress the negative, blocking problems and failures - choose option with 3-5 metal tubes.

  • "Music of the Wind" to increase public popularity

In this case, you should choose ceramic or crystal talisman, which consists of 2 or 9 tubes. Hang it in the southwest corner of the living room. Note, in the office or bedroom should not do this;

  • To attract wealth

To activate this area, choose a wooden talisman has 4 bells, and hang it in a south-easterly direction;

  • For those who want to fall in love

In this case, you need a ceramic "music of wind" with two tubes placed in the southwest;

  • For a strong family

Wooden "singing wind" with four bells. Direction - south-east;

  • For creative people

It needs a mascot in the western zone of the room, made of metal and having tubes 7;

  • On the way to knowledge

Will Ceramic symbol having eight bells and is located in the north-east.

It should be noted such areas as health and careers are not subject to "music of the wind." For them there are other charms of Feng Shui. Well, everything else depends on the material and the direction. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors!

 Music Wind - dreams come true!

 House of Feng Shui


  • The surrounding area
  • The house
  • Home Form
  • Front of house

What can we build a house? Nothing but time and money. Of course, it is desirable to add to this desire and patience, as well as the supply of nerves. Nothing forgotten? Forgot. And we forgot about the basic teachings of Feng Shui, which guarantees us happiness and prosperity in compliance with the energy balance of the water and the wind in your living space.

Do not be surprised. It is the harmony of wind and water content provides vital energy qi all the surrounding space. In contrast, in the apparent imbalance of energy these elements positive energy Qi flows away, devastating our life and become a cause of failures and fatalities. Anyway, so say scientists feng shui. To believe or not to believe this statement - your business, but heed the advice of feng shui masters, which they give to everyone to build or buy a home, it is worth. Here are some postulates of the teachings of Feng Shui, concerning the "right" house where it should be located as to be planned and should look like inside and out.

The surrounding area

If you believe the Chinese people, the human dwelling on four sides surrounded by the spirits of four animals left - the spirit of the Green Dragon, right - the spirit of the White Tiger in front of the house inhabited by the spirit of the Red Phoenix, and behind the house - the spirit of the Black Turtle. According to the legend surrounding the house relief should look as follows:

  1. Party Black Turtle - a high hill, the mountain (maximum security);
  2. Party Green Dragon - high, but gently sloping hill, flowing water, but not nisin (stable protection);
  3. The White Tiger - too high place, maybe a road or trail (balanced protection);
  4. Party Red Phoenix - flat open space, water (freedom for the inflow of positive energy).

According to the teachings of Feng Shui house should not stand alone. But it is desirable that a house located behind you, was a little more, but the house in front (if there is one) should not be on the height and size of your superior, and, moreover, one that is in the vicinity of your dwelling.

Trees will not affect the free flow of qi energy, if they do not cover the entrance to your home and take up space in front of him. But behind the house, on the left and right of the presence of trees it is even advisable. If the trees grow along the road, passing to the right of the house - it's all perfect.

However, the proximity to the big busy road, especially with the tracks undesirable. In the same neighborhood inadmissible in Feng Shui are considered plants, bridges, road dead-ends, and power lines. Therefore, the most favorable terrain for the location of the house is considered to be hilly, with a site for the house, surrounded by a hill on the north, the south plains in the east river and the west road.

The same can not do is:

  • build a house on top of the mountain (hill);
  • positioned at the crossroads of the home;
  • put a house at the end of the impasse.

In all these cases, the tenants will be accompanied by all kinds of infirmity, turn away from them luck. In the house itself, too, a similar arrangement will not act in the best way: it will start to break down quickly and will require constant repair and upgrades.

 Feng Shui in the house

The house

Choosing a site for the construction or location of evaluating the finished home, you must have puzzled his plan (or plan to evaluate the ready). The ideal layout is considered, where the longitudinal depth of the home more than its width. It is also important in the teachings of Feng Shui and the number of rooms in the house, given the absolutely all the rooms, including the kitchen and bathrooms:

  • one large room (room studio) - well,
  • two rooms - neutral,
  • three and four rooms - very bad
  • five to seven rooms - excellent,
  • eight rooms - bad
  • nine - very good.

The size of the living rooms is considered to be unfavorable if it is less than eight square meters, and is considered to be a bad plan, in which a small room or a non-residential premises located in the center of the house. The good from the standpoint of Feng Shui is planning, when the center of the house is a large living room or master bedroom. You can not plan the following location of premises and inputs:

  • no back door;
  • a bedroom next to the kitchen;
  • kitchen in the southwest;
  • bathroom in the southwest and the northeast;
  • toilet in the center of the house;
  • staircase in the center of the house;
  • Living above the arch.

OK when:

  • The house is spacious;
  • bedroom and the main entrance on the same straight line;
  • kitchen on the east or north-east;
  • the main and the back door in a straight line;
  • the doors to the rooms are located opposite each other.
  • the floor level in the building above the ground level of the threshold.
  • non-residential premises are located in disadvantaged areas (the grid Bagua).
  • garage separate from the house and has a spacious driveway area.

  Home Form

In addition to the internal layout of great importance in the teachings of Feng Shui has a shape of the house, as well as its color. That suggests to us the usual forms of this Eastern teaching? The most favorable form of the house - a rectangle, square, circle and octagon. Most adverse forms - Horseshoe and the letter "G". However, even the unfavorable shape can be harmonized by the rules of feng shui.

  • L-shaped house

It must be extended to a rectangle. You can make an addition, put in the missing corner of a big tree, put a sculpture or a lantern. If these options are difficult to implement, the front of the door in the hallway is necessary to hang a mirror. If this form of the house derives from the attached garage, it is necessary to balance the opposite side of the house, making this place a playground and laying track.

  • Horseshoe House

It is very fashionable, but the unfavorable shape for the house, which is (according to the teachings of feng shui) to quarrels in the family and health problems. Especially bad if in the side wing of the house is a kitchen or bedroom. However, the situation can be corrected if symbolically close the shoe, placing between the ends of the wings of the house breaking or bushes where a large flower garden. Adjust space and a mirror hung opposite the entrance door.

Strictly speaking, any non-closed form of the house in the teachings of Feng Shui is considered to be unfavorable. And to correct the situation can only fill the void and giving visual structure form a square, rectangle or circle.

 House Feng Shui

Front of house

A person at home - it is its facade with the main entrance and front garden. By the way, the presence of the front garden at the front of the house brings him good luck and happiness. The important role played by the path to the house, which is also "make" his face. In the teachings of Feng Shui it is believed that if the path to the home straight as an arrow, it's very bad. Conversely, winding paths favors the free passage of qi energy. It is important to match the track paving material decoration of the house, in any case, they must refer to the same element.

For example, a wooden house must keep track, lined with wooden boards, or drank themselves timbered and rocky trail is appropriate near the brick house. With regard to the modern synthetic finishing materials for the facade, the ancient teachings of feng shui about this says nothing (was not then even synthetic). However, assuming that these materials belong to the element of fire (the fire is born in the plastic!), We can pave the track with artificial stone or red brick.

The color of the house - is also an important component of well-designed homes. Feng Shui masters recommend to avoid the gloomy tones and especially black and blue. The fact that it is the color of water - the elements that can take good chi energy. So choose to furnish the house any color, but only those that correspond to elements of the head of the family or the home owner. Do not forget that next to the house should be (simply must!) Be in the garden, and if the size of the plot does not allow, at least the front garden or flower bed.

In general, the Eastern teaching of feng shui is not contrary to any common sense or familiar to us the notion of home. If you look at old Russian estates, it turns out that they are the best way to meet all the rules designed homes for feng shui. Perhaps our ancestors intuitively knew how to attract positive energy into the house, make the house comfortable, and happy life in it. And, mind you, is unlikely in this case they read special books, and certainly not sought the advice on the Internet. Take on arming their experience and the ancient teachings of feng shui and your home is sure to be happy!

 House of feng shui, or that we should build a house

We recommend to check out: The bedroom of Feng Shui
