how to make a candle at home


  • Proceedings
  • The manufacturing process
  • Gel candles

Even after the discovery of electricity, invention, light bulbs Illich, fluorescent lamps, LEDs and neon lights people have not lost traction to light a flame. We remember the candlelight in grief and joy, we decorate a birthday cake with candles and light the candles. We meet with burning candles and New Year is required to use them for a romantic dinner entourage.

Of course, any spark, and for any occasion, you can now simply buy. But much more interesting to make your own candle. Have you tried? But this is not as difficult as it may seem. And the time and materials needed to do very little. Yes and no special skills manufacturing of candles is also not required. And if it's so simple, let's learn how to make candles at home and try to apply this knowledge in practice.


The material for handmade candles can serve as a wax, paraffin wax and gel. The easiest way to do it is paraffin candles as to make them suitable even simple household candles in white. If you want to make gel candles, you'll need to stock up on special materials, which can be bought in the store for needlework. But Paraffin ... Even cinders any decorative candles can become a new candle.

If a white candle you are not satisfied, then the wax is easy to paint ordinary wax crayons or food dyes. In addition, a modest white candle can then decorate decoupage with napkins, ribbons, lace or beads. As decor and original case you can use the rind of an orange or grapefruit halves.

Scented candles are also quite simple to make yourself. All you need to do - all essential oils with your favorite scent:

  • scent of sandalwood, coconut, cinnamon and coriander fatigue;
  • orange, tangerine, lemon, rosemary and mint raise the tone;
  • bergamot, lavender, jasmine, mimosa, geranium and sandalwood acts as an antidepressant;
  • vanilla, bergamot and rose perfect for a romantic dinner;
  • chamomile, patchouli, lemon balm, Ylang-Ylang help to relax.

In addition to the wax dyes, decorative materials and essential oils you will definitely need a wick. If the basis for candles you take complete household candles, use the wick that they have. If you cast candles from cinders, make the wick of a conventional cotton yarn or thread floss. To do this, you just need to thin strands very tight weave, for example, a conventional pigtail, or even crochet. Then the wick is impregnated with liquid wax (paraffin) and allowed to solidify.

And, of course, forms of candles. Form-case - this, for example, the usual orange peel in the shape of a bowl. For floating candles can be used as a case of metal corks from bottles. However, you will have to swim at any candle, width (diameter) of which is greater than its height. But the casting of candles you can use any metal, silicone or plastic molds (molds for baking cups out of the yogurt cups, boxes of juice or milk, the forms for soap making). In short, everything, where you can pour hot wax, and then take out the frozen plug. That is, the bottom of a mold must be either the same size as the top opening of the container or less.

In addition to all of these materials and prepare the tools for making candles grater, knife and pot for water-bath. And after that, you can safely proceed to the process.

 how to make candles at home

The manufacturing process

Make candles at home is really very simple. First we need to chop the wax. To do this, gently smash spark or cinder into pieces and remove these parts from the wick. Then, these pieces of wax rub on a regular grater. For colored candles nastrogat wax crayons and mix it with crushed chips paraffin. If you use food coloring, then dried in advance dissolve a very small amount of water. This solution or liquid dyes then just need to instill in melted paraffin.

Also, pre-prepare the wick and fill the form for candles. If you have disposable molds and bottom of them can make a small puncture, puncture the bottom of a middle and insert the wick, securing the back of the bundle. The form of grease with liquid dish detergent, and secure the wick on a toothpick (barbecue stick, spoke), extending it through the form and putting a toothpick on the edges. That is, the fuse must be exactly in the middle of the form, stretching from the bottom up. And do not forget that on the edge of the mold must remain for at least a couple of centimeters of free wick (is wound on a toothpick).

Now fold the wax in a bucket, jar or a small saucepan and put the container in a water bath. On medium heat, melt the wax and let it dissolve dyes. For scented candle wax drip in a few drops of essential oil. Then the liquid is still hot and carefully pour the wax into the prepared pan and leave the candle to harden.

If you use a form in which it is impossible to make a hole for the wick, then proceed as follows. Melt paraffin dip the wick in it and hang it vertically to the thread became stiff and straight. Pour the wax into the mold and allow the candle to harden. During this time, harden and fuse. Now heat the metal needle and do in the center of the candle hole. Then insert the wick and carefully fill the hole with liquid paraffin.

Cured candle remove from the mold. To do this, just place a candle in the form of hot water for a few seconds and pull the wick - Candle easily slip out of shape. And do not forget to cut the knot from the back of the bottom of the form if you are just so fastened to the wick candle.

It remains to decorate your candle. You can simply decorate it with beads or beads, slightly heating hairdryer candle to the beads easily going into paraffin. Tapes, ribbons and lace wrap around a candle, placing on the glue. And if you use napkins for decoupage, then cut out the motive right size, attach it to the candle and hot spoon razladte napkin. The heat melts the wax impregnated cloth and pattern printed on the surface of the candle.

 make candles at home

Gel candles

If the candle of wax everything is clear and simple, how to be with gel candles? You can make a candle at home? Yes, you can! To do this you will need:

  • gelatin;
  • glycerol;
  • tannin;
  • reinforced wick;
  • transparent form.

Glycerine and tannins can be bought at any drugstore and use an ordinary gelatin - food. Reinforced wick can buy in stores for needlework or reinforced (hard to do) normal paraffin wick. Dyes for gel candles suit zhirorastovrimye. Important in the manufacturing process of the gel candle - the candle not to boil the mass, otherwise turbid gel. And further. If you use candles to decorate a combustible material (dry rose petals, for example), then the wick must be inserted into the candle is not up to the bottoms, that is to end above the level on which the flammable decorations.

So, prepare a mass candle. The twenty-four parts water take five parts of gelatin, thirty-five parts of glycerin and two parts of tannin. Gelatin pour warm water and add twenty-five parts of glycerol. The mixture was heated (do not boil!) In a water bath until smooth. In another bowl, mix ten parts of glycerol with tannin, stir and heat the mixture of the two. The resulting candle mass is poured into molds, where pre-fasten the wick (as is the case with paraffin candles).

For decorative gel candles using any suitable materials: beads, stones, shells, twigs. But first soak these items or paraffin wax, then put them on the bottom of the form, fill weight candle, and then gently shake shape. Beads and stones will be located randomly throughout the candle.

So, with his hands and, even without special skills can make a decorative candle. Do! Be creative, try, experiment - and all you get!

 How to make a candle in the home? Just!

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 beaded flowers with his own hands


  • Cooking materials
  • Putting petals
  • Collect leaves
  • Putting flowers

What is the beads, you know, perhaps, everything. However, not all have a full understanding of how diverse its application. Baubles Bead weaving, necklaces and beads, clips and rings. Beaded embroidery paintings decorate clothing, purses and bags. And Beaded make beautiful flowers! Of course, the real masterpieces beading subject only experienced craftswomen, but make beaded flowers with your own hands can practically everyone who enforces such a purpose. Naturally, you should start with a simple, and only then move on to the development of sophisticated techniques. But you should start! Try?

Cooking materials

It is very easy to produce a flower of beads. We deal with it not only the novice mistress, but even children. So, for the simple beaded flower we need the following materials.

  • Multi-colored beads for flower petals and green beads to its leaves. By the way, suitable beads and chopped, and round.
  • Beads smaller than petals and leaves. His we use to manufacture the stamens of the flower.
  • Green thread floss or iris for decoration (winding stem). It is better if they are approached by the tone of the green beads.
  • Wire of such diameter that it strung beads.
  • Corks from bottles, which will become "pots" for colors.
  • Alabaster for fixing flower in a pot.

However, the latter material can easily be replaced by an ordinary clay. Better to take the copper wire. It is flexible and durable, besides, is quite suitable for stringing beads. Corks from bottles also can be replaced by any suitable container.

 beautiful flowers from beads with their hands

Putting petals

So, for the first tab we need to cut a piece of wire length of about thirty centimeters. Now strung on it (closer to the left end of the wire) thirteen or fifteen beads chopped beads and twists the wire, forming a loop from the wheelhouse. To do this two or three turns, connecting wire under extreme beaded. Right lobe of the same amount strung beads and make another loop. And we do the same loop on the left of the first.

We make out the edge of a petal. Strung eight or ten beads (round - more) on the right end of the wire, we move them to an extreme the loop and skipping the wire under the middle of the top of the loop. String together two or three beads, close the gap between their right and middle loop and skipping the wire under the middle of the top of the middle hinge. Another two or three beads - and the wire loops below the top of the left. Now the trailing edge, putting eight or ten beads down the wire to the base of the petal twist and secure it with a few turns. Curl up at the base of the petal both ends of the wire. We are doing so seven or eight petals.

Now comes the turn midway flower - stamens and pistil. For the manufacture of a new section of wire we put on a big yellow bead, folded in half and twist the wire it. This is the pistil of a flower. Further, the segment length slightly more than the previous put on a small yellow bead wire folded in half and twist it to form the stamens stem height of about a centimeter. Retreat to the right or to the left a couple of centimeters, and just do one more stamens. Thus, the entire length of wire Master Eight stamens.

Then we take a wire-pestle impose it on the middle of the wire with stamens and pistil is wrapped around the left end of the wire with the stamens, then right. The free ends of the wire twist turns throughout.

Collect leaves

The leaves will be carried out in the French technique of weaving. To do this on a segment of the wire bundle is done, stepping from one end of three centimeters. Now put on the long edge of the five long beads, move them to the nodules, grab about four centimeters free wire and make a loop folded in half and twisted wire. Our beads will between the loop and knot - a middle, leaves.

Next to the free end of the wire we put on a ten round beads and make two turns of wire on the bundle - a one edge of a leaf. We put on the eleven round beads on the free end of the wire and fasten it to the bottom of the loop - a second edge of a leaf. Do not forget when the edges to straighten the wire before screwing to the sheet does not get the curve.

To frame the edges of the leaf are continuing to work with the free end of the wire. We put him nine long beads and fasten on one end of the round beads. Similarly, do and second arc of eleven long beads, securing wire between the arcs. Leaf is ready. Similarly, we make five leaves.

Putting a twig. For her, in addition to the harvested leaves will need more and green thread. So, take a leaf in one hand and in the other thread. Fix the thread at the base of leaf and entwine around her legs-wire coils imposing top-down. Wrap the leg by the length of two centimeters is applied to it the second leaf, fasten it and too winding thread. Next impose coils, connecting the two legs of leaves into one. Imposing the turns of thread on a length of about a centimeter, fasten the third leaf, stem connects it with the general and entwine thread. Sprig ready. Similarly, we do the second twig.

 interesting beaded flowers with his own hands

Putting flowers

When all the parts are ready to flower, it is to collect and secure the pot. To do this, take one petal, applying it to the stamens and fasten. Wires should be the basis of stamens of the flower, so all the details you need to tie it to her. Then fasten the second petal in front of the first. Then fasten a second pair of lobes, placing all four petals crosswise. And the remaining four petals alternately fasten between them - in the interstices between the petals.

Again, take the green thread and begin to twist the stem of flower. Wrap the thread on his five centimeters in length, fasten the first twig with leaves, twigs connect with a stem foot and continue to twist. After another centimeter stem height fasten the second twig connects both wire and winding the stem to the end, leaving a small bare end of the stem.

Then fasten a flower in a pot. To do this, we pour a little alabaster cap and diluted with water until thick sour cream. We mix plaster and insert the plug in the center of a flower. The mixture will solidify for ten minutes. In order not to wait, holding all this time flower hand, it must be supported by substituting a twig, for example, the spool of thread. If you do not want to mess with alabaster, simply fill in the clay cap and insert the flower.

When the flower is firmly locks in a traffic jam, you can decorate the pot, the bay "ground" any adhesive and covered with decorative sand or small beads. The edges of the plug wrap any suitable width for a ribbon or braid. Spreads flower petals and leaves on the branches, or straighten the bending stem and admire your creation.

Flower can be made of colored beads, and then you get a real-semitsvetik Tsvetik. If you do it from the white and yellow beads, then it will be a daisy if red - the poppy. In short, dream! Such a sweet trifle and a desk in the office will revive, and a bookshelf at home will take its place. Try to start small, and then any sophisticated equipment is required to submit to you! Good luck!

 Flowers from beads with your hands - start small

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