tie dress for girls spokes


  • Dress with sleeve raglan
  • Pinafore for baby

For dressing their kids mom probably should carefully than their own. And if it's a small walk-in closet fashionista, any parent enthusiastically engaged in its constant updating and renewal. And all the fault of our subconscious and insatiable desire to play with dolls, which does not pass never and one woman (what to do, it is - one of the archetypes!). That's why we not only buy clothes for children, but also with pleasure and selflessly masters new outfits. And often the desire to tie the dress for a girl or crocheted become an excellent occasion for the development of this type of needlework.

Experienced craftswomen sometimes schemes with patterns are not needed, but even beginners are not always able to understand these patterns and schemes. However, if you know what a facial, Wrong and the air loop, and be able to take off and add a loop to a knitted cloth, the tie baby dress is possible without schemas. Try?

Dress with sleeve raglan

Generally Raglan - very suitable form of a sleeve for beginners to learn knitting. Assign it a very simple pattern such as the sleeves and armholes for it is a straight line. In addition, this model is suitable for the child and practical. To tie dress for girls three or four years, you will need:

  • 300 g of wool yarn;
  • circular needles (number 2, and 2, 5);
  • five spokes for knitting the sleeves of a circle;
  • Zipper length of about ten centimeters.

From knit dress for girls, clear measurements: the length of the back (from the neck to the waist), the length of the skirt (from waist to bottom), the length of the sleeves and neck circumference. By linking the sample, make the calculation loop, the number of which must be divisible by six.

Getting knit dress with a collar-small stands, which were binding on the simple rubber band circle (spokes number 2) to a height of about five centimeters. After this change the spokes on the number 2, 5, and knit pattern on the front surface of Knit and start adding loops. Hinges gaining ground armhole (where will vyvyazyvayut sleeve raglan) and center in front and back. To do this, we divide the total number of loops for six places and mark the addition of loops of yarn of another color. Distribute loop: one-sixth each sleeve and each half of the back and one-sixth in two forehand.

 how to knit a dress for girls spokes

Knit Dress:

  1. Provyazyvaem the front half of the back up to the first mark, the last loop provyazyvaem wrong and do the opposite nakida.
  2. We go to the sleeve, knit two end inverse nakida, the wrong one, facial loop to the second mark. The last three hinges to the mark knit as follows: Wrong one, reverse nakida two facial.
  3. Go to the shelf. In the beginning, we do the opposite and nakida the wrong one, then all face. In place do raglan line same addition as in the beginning of the shelves.
  4. Overturn the work and knit number backstitches loops provyazyvaya raglan line in drawing and nakida provyazyvaem facial.
  5. Making the addition of the armhole lines through a series of paintings to a height of five centimeters. Then we close the circle and knit in a pattern continuing adding loops on the lines of Raglan.
  6. By linking to dress armpits, portable loop sleeves on the supporting thread and knit dress to her waist (shelf and back) on the front range of embroidery.
  7. On the waist line dividing the number of loops of four and make colored marks on the sides and in the middle of the forehand and back. Knit flared skirt, making the addition of color marks in places. Before each label provyazyvaem the wrong one, nakida, front. After each label - front, nakida, underside. Addition is done in every ninth row.
  8. The bottom of the dress provyazyvaem double elastic band and spokes number 2 to a height of six centimeters. For this doubles the number of loops, making hinge nakida. We close the loop.
  9. Sleeve knit alternately moving hinges on four spokes (fifth - working). Provyazyvaem elastic cuffs.

That is all. At the end is sewn on the back zipper and knit narrow belt-rope.

 tie dress for girls

Pinafore for baby

Very tiny princesses mom also would not mind to dress up in dresses. Here is a dress for girls aged three to nine months, and we will offer to link the spokes. Baby dress on such crumbs need to knit only natural yarn or cotton yarn with the addition of acrylic. To associate the elegant dress for a little girl, prepare four color and one skein skein of white yarn (50 g and 125 m), as well as fluffy skein of yarn, knitting needles number 4, 5 and two buttons.

Getting knit dress from the bottom of the back.

  1. We collect the spokes 94 loops of fluffy yarn and knit two-four rows of rubber (2 facial, backstitches 8). The last two loops provyazvaem front and do not forget about edge loops. Then do the first decrease to 85 loops, for which each of the first two loops together purl provyazyvaem gum.
  2. We continue to knit, making the subtraction of two twenty series and one sixteen, reducing the number to 58 loops.
  3. After moving to 23 centimeters in garter pattern and knit striped dress shelf, alternating pink and white yarn. In the first series of uniformly diminish eight loops, reducing the total number to 50.
  4. After 25 cm garter stitch to close on both sides for armholes every other row in a time of four loops, three loops once and twice in two loops, reducing the number to 32 loops.
  5. After 27 cm garter st divide the canvas in half and continue to knit each half separately, closed from the inside edge of eleven loops for the neck and after centimeter knitted fabric close the last five loops of the shoulder.
  6. Before dresses knit as well as the back, only to the desired height close the neckline 22 loops center in front and both sides of the shelf vyvyazyvayut separately.
  7. Putting both of the details dresses, tied neck and armhole crochet (rachim step), and the rear do two aerial loops and sew two buttons.

Here is a dress for a little girl can be associated with needles just two nights. By the way, if you do not bind the dress with fluffy fringe on the bottom, and with lace, vyvyazannom or crocheted, it will not less than elegant. Do not be afraid to start: baby clothes fit quickly and easily. Be of good cheer! And all you get!

 How to tie a dress for the girl spoke without a pattern?

We recommend that read: Christmas suit with his hands for girl

 Christmas candles with their hands


  • Colored candles, cones
  • Citrus Christmas candle
  • Candle in the technique of decoupage
  • Simple decor candles
  • New compositions and candlesticks

New Year, Christmas, Old New Year ... How much joy and inspiration to bring us this holiday season! The atmosphere - a magical and mysterious - moves us to no less magical effect. Hands and scratched make something fabulous, and the possibilities for this, quite frankly, a lot. This exclusive Christmas decorations and garlands, homemade gifts and souvenirs, and New Year's composition, and, of course, festive candles. By the way, to make Christmas candles with your own hands, it is not necessary to have some special skills. It is possible, they say, cast candles from scratch, but you can decorate ready-made store bought candles. Try?

Colored candles, cones

The most simple, but very elegant candles can be made of white wax candles and already unusable candle stubs. For this we need:

  • several candle stubs or white paraffin candles,
  • colored wax crayons (fine)
  • Scotch,
  • log sheets
  • glass jar,
  • beads and beads,
  • scissors,
  • toothpick
  • Scotch.

For starters learn from candle wick candle broken into small pieces. Wax fragments add up to the bank and there put planed wax crayons. Bank to put in any suitable container filled with hot water, and a water bath melt down the wax. While the wax is melted, turn of the journal kulechek sheets and sealed the edges with tape. Wick (length greater than the height kulechka) anchoring one end of a toothpick in the middle, (glue, clay or tape) and the second end thereof is lowered into paper bags and take out a small tip of the apex of the cone. Hole to push it gently wick zamatyvaem outside the tape and put a toothpick on the edge of the base plastic bag.

Place the beaker in a form or in a jar with a diameter which must be smaller than the diameter of the base of the cone. Bag bell set-up and fill it melted wax. We reserve the candle to harden. When the wax hardens, cut the wick at the base and remove the toothpick. Now we turn over a candle, to remove her paper and decorate candle beads and beads. To put it in hot water and pulling forceps are pressed into the wax. Beads and beads can be dispersed on the candle chaotic, but you can put them out of Christmas ornaments or inscriptions.

 candles with their hands for the new year

Citrus Christmas candle

For New Year's home decor will be useful dried orange slices. They can prepare in advance, dried in an oven on very low heat. That such citrus slices can decorate candles. To do this, prepare:

  • thick round candle
  • dried oranges,
  • candle to melt,
  • a glass,
  • hair dryer.

The spark of white wax smash into pieces and melt in a water bath. In a glass put a candle prepared for decor, and overlaid it with orange slices, placing them between the wall of glass and a candle. Now carefully fill all voids and leave the liquid wax candle until it solidification. When the wax hardens, dip the glass in hot water and gently pull it from the spark plug. A jet of hot air from a hair dryer walk along the walls of the new candles to wax once the stack is open all citrus décor. While the wax is still hot orange circled, can be supplemented with candle decoration beads or beads.

Candle in the technique of decoupage

This method of making a Christmas candle - a cross between a casting from scratch and creating a Christmas song. The candles will decorate napkins for decoupage with Christmas motifs. For a festive candles we will need:

  • large round candle white or yellowish,
  • napkin for decoupage or common three-layer cloth with Christmas pattern
  • scissors,
  • pencil,
  • hair dryer.

From cloth cut out the motive. Cut a piece of cloth in width should be equal to the circumference of the candle and the height to be equal to its height. Now remove the top layer of napkins, a candle and wrap them carefully smoothes it with a pencil or nail. Then turn on a hairdryer and directing hot air to the candle wax podplavlyaem. As a result, the melted wax saturate the napkin, and she firmly stick to the candle, merged with its surface.

Another way to secure the cloth on the spark - the use of a tablespoon. To do this, heat the spoon over the flame lit another candle, holding it over the fire inner (concave) side. And then a hot spoon to smooth cloth. Wax, as well as under the influence of hot air from the dryer will melt and impregnate the napkin.

Simple decor candles

The embossed pattern can be created in candlelight with conventional sewing pins. To do this, take a thick colored or white candles and pins with pearl heads-beads. The main thing is that the diameter of the candle has been greater than the length of a pin. Now, just to stick pins in the candle, creating a suitable pattern in the form of snowflakes, stars and inscriptions.

Another way a simple decoration - candles wrapping spiral streamer, stripes Christmas tree rain or foil. Colored candles can "priporoshit" snow foam. To do this, you need to crush the foam, candle grease with glue and sprinkle crumbs foam. If you have a special pencil for candles, then just shall describe them any ready-made candles, or use a pencil instead of the circuit for the stained-glass window.

 Beautiful candles with their hands for the new year

New compositions and candlesticks

A simple and affordable way to Christmas decorations - creating compositions with candles or the use of topical candlesticks. Let's start with the candlesticks. For them, you can use ordinary clear glasses. The simplest method - put a candle in a glass and fill the gap between it and the wall of glass with colorful beads, nuts, Christmas tinsel and rain. Another affordable way - be used as a candlestick any low capacity (a jar of face cream, for example) and decorate it with spruce or pine branches, pine cones, ribbons and beads. And you can build a whole bunch of candles. To do this, take a wine glass or bowl, sprinkle the bottom of the sand (semolina, salt or sugar) and insert it high candles narrow, giving them the shape of the bouquet. To complete the picture on the leg tie goblet bow or wrap it with tinsel.

Candlestick from orange peel. Take the orange and cut it into two unequal hemispheres - small and large. Both parts are free from the pulp. A small hemispherical cut off the top, so that it is firmly standing on the surface, and a large part of the candlestick with a sharp knife cut through patterns in the form of stars and circles. Now turn the small hemisphere, put a candle in it low and cover a large hemisphere. This candle will not only create the appropriate surroundings New Year holiday, but will exude a delicate orange flavor.

Christmas composition with candles. It is very popular composition with floating candles. To do this, take a wide glass bowl or deep dish and fill it with water. On start up the surface of the water to swim special floating candles and Christmas balls. And instead of balls can be used in the composition of heads of live flowers.

On a large platter or vase for fruits, place one or several narrow thick candles. Free surface dishes fill Christmas balls, streamers and spruce branches. For decoration you can use and figurines of angels and rowan twigs and artificial or fresh flowers and dried slices of oranges. In short, everything depends on your imagination!

Do not give your creative impulses to stagnate, especially on the eve of New Year and Christmas holidays. Be creative, create, to build - and all you get!

 Christmas candles with your own hands - a fabulous holiday attributes

We strongly recommend to read: New Year composition with his own hands
