flowers with his own hands

  • Snowdrops
  • Dandelions
  • Balloon Flower
  • Other techniques

People, indifferent to the colors, probably not. And if there are any, and then it is, by and large, unhappy people. But the women in this category do not apply, because it is women who, more than anyone else, know how to appreciate and understand the beauty of flowers. And, of course, children come to the delight of all flowers, be it flowers, hand made and painted. Perhaps that is why women love flowers decorate their clothes and hair, and the kids love tinkering various crafts in the form of flowers.

But to make flowers with his hands like not only to children. If satisfied with the possibility of tinkering kids crafts out of paper or clay, adult masters are experimenting with a variety of materials. Anything goes, from the noble silk or leather and finishing just garbage - plastic bottles. And these crafts can turn into elegant brooches, bags or decorate the hair, be part of a panel or a decorative bouquet on a window sill. A children's crafts will bring a lot of fun not only children themselves, but also those who are in a gift like flowers are. Let's look at the available children's crafts in the form of flowers, as well as more complex, but also quite mastered the technique that will make the flowers grown with their own hands craftswomen.


Children enjoy doing needlework. Flowers with your hands to the eighth of March or birthday beloved mom or grandmother - crafts, which successfully replace a bouquet of flowers. And to make children, they also will carry a special power of love. For snowdrops we need:

  • green clay,
  • some segments of the wire frame to the stems,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • green crepe paper for leaves and grass.

By the way, the more advanced the wizard can make these flowers with the help of salt dough.

So. From clay to sculpt the base bouquet: roll off the ball and turn it into a dome-island. Cut the three (four, five) piece of wire stems. Stems wrap paper or coated with clay, and the upper ends of each stem bend the arc. Now attach the curved end of the stem of a small ball of clay, which is also forming a dome with an expanded base. At the base (bottom) makes a small indentation into which the three pumpkin seeds, sticking them in the clay with sharp ends.

Stems with flowers are fixed in the island of plasticine. Corrugated paper cut leaves (number of stems). Leves do lanceolate, elongated and gently stretch the edges, forming a light wave. Attach leaves to the stalks, or just stick them in plasticine basis. To make a "grass", a strip of crepe paper cut into one long side fringe and curly it. Wrap grass green island with snowdrops. Our spring primroses ready!

 with their hands flowers


Flowers can be made with your own hands from the remnants of yarn. By the way, the children really like tinkering crafts that use yarn or thread. Make dandelions can of yellow, lemon or white yarn and thread of a different color will be no less impressive to look at these-flowered pompon. Yes, yes, we will do them because of pompons. To make these flowers, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • soft wool or wool blend yarn
  • dry twigs,
  • paperboard
  • scissors and a pencil.

First, make patterns for the pompons. From cardboard cut out two circles of the same diameter. In the center of each circle cut out a circular hole to get the ring. Rings incised by making a cut from the outer to the inner circumference. The value determines the width of the ring pompoms, which will be equal to its radius. Fold rings pile, take the thread and begin winding it rings, the thread passing through the incision, which leaves free of threads and cut center. Wrap the ring tight enough, take the scissors and sticks it between the rings.

Now the most difficult. Carefully cut the winding fingers while holding the thread in the middle of the ring. Further, without disconnecting the cardboard ring slips between a thread and a good contract the two halves of the winding yarn. Tie a knot the thread and remove the ring. Now we have to take the final step - fluff and pompom trim protruding strings. The final stage of the manufacture of dandelions - gluing pompoms to the twigs.

Balloon Flower

Crafts in the form of delicate bouquets and exquisite floral arrangements can vary. With my own hands can produce flowers for topiary or as it is called, the tree of happiness. And if you do not want to do a tree, you can make balloon flower. It is extraordinarily beautiful! A similar crafts not only develop a sense of beauty, but also to decorate the interior of your home or become a nice complement to the strict office environment. For such crafts will need:

  • colorful crepe paper;
  • PVA glue
  • ball of yarn,
  • balloon,
  • scissors,
  • hand cream,
  • sewing thread.

First we need to make a ball of thread, which will be framed. Inflate the balloon to the correct size and daubed his hand cream (to yarn is not stuck to the surface of the ball). We drop the ball of yarn in a bucket of glue. Now, pulling the tip of the coil winding start soaked in glue thread balloon. When the gossamer of threads would be thick enough to hold the shape, hung out to dry ball. After the thread is completely dry and harden, burst a balloon and gently remove it from the thread a skeleton.

Getting manufacturing colors. For this corrugated paper cut into strips the length and width of twenty-two centimeters. At the same time make sure that the "grain" of corrugated paper arranged vertically (perpendicular to the long side). Now every stripes slightly stretch a long way, making it wavy. Next, collect strip into an accordion and twisting the other (not extended) region. Fix the edge of the thread or wire, pushim flower and attach it to a ball of thread. These roses corrugated paper tightly cover the entire surface of the carcass. To flower ball looked neater, flowers have staggered. Ready put the ball into an empty flower pot and put it on the windowsill. Or attach to the ball beautiful ribbon or braid and hung him from the ceiling or window.

 Flower with their hands

Other techniques

There are many techniques you can use to make artificial flowers. And if the adult children's crafts seem too simple and even primitive, try, for example, such a technique as tsumami kanzashi. It's almost origami only silk. Small squares of silk fabric folded in a special way and collect the flowers are sharp or rounded petals.

No less interesting technique called quilling. Twisted spiral strips in white or colored paper are transformed into extraordinarily beautiful delicate flowers. By the way, this technique made not only flowers, but also, for example, Christmas snowflakes or even the whole story panels. Fabric flowers can be the easiest way to cut from organza or silk petals and blank singeing them over a flame. And you can get a special tool (gurgling) and do the traditional floral bouquets from podkrahmalennyh tissues.

Chic, almost indistinguishable from the living flowers from a cold molded porcelain, which is prepared in a special way, and the flowers are painted by hand. And flowers knit, made from plastic bottles, weave beads, Valya wool, master of felt and leather. In short, almost any needlework technique can be adapted for this purpose. So if you have friends with some needlework or just decided to make the flowers with your hands, be sure to translate their ideas into reality. The main thing - to start. Be bold, be sure you will succeed!

 Flowers with their hands: children's crafts and sophisticated technology

We strongly recommend to read: How to make crafts from shells

 Christmas suit with his hands for a boy

  • Harry Potter
  • Cowboy and Pirate
  • The Magician
  • Pinocchio
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Other ideas

The boys - bunnies, girls - snowflakes. That is distributed (and continue to be distributed) the role of children in the kindergarten Christmas party. And if the other girls a chance almost never given (unless another squirrel), the boys dressed up even gnomes or parsley. Do you know why? Because make such a suit would afford any mom.

Today's parents are in an advantageous position compared to its predecessors. First, they can simply buy your child a ready costume, and secondly, the options for the New Year's costume boys today is simply more than twenty years ago. And all this thanks to the new fairy-tale heroes male. And even if you are not able to make New Year's costume for a boy with his hands, make such a suit can only possessing sufficient imagination and skills of sewing. Here are just some of the ideas of such suits.

Harry Potter

Minimum effort required to suit the boy wizard. By and large, the suit has already each student. Anyway, trousers, shirt and jumper will be found in his wardrobe. Now the main accessory - robe, glasses, magic wand. Mantle can make the cut from any suitable fabric in black or dark blue. And it is not necessary to sew a cloak with sleeves, like a cinematic Harry. Just make a large cape.

Round glasses can borrow from someone of your friends, but do not forget to take out of them a glass diopter. And if there are, no one is available, make a frame from the usual wire and paint it with spray paint. With the magic wand at all no problem. Any length spoke easily turn into a stick, if it is a beautiful braid wrap and decorate with sequins, beads and Christmas-tree tinsel. But a scar in the form of lightning, you should be able to draw with his stick.

 Christmas costume for a boy with his hands

Cowboy and Pirate

The idea is certainly not new. But the suit is also very easy to do. Find a plaid shirt and jeans. Matching scarf look in her wardrobe. The usual garnish fringed vest - that's almost ready cowboy costume. The case for a cowboy hat. By and large for children's costume fit any wide-brimmed hat (even straw). We just need the right hall of its fields.

Pirate costume and make that easier. Pants, vest, bandanna and a black eye patch. And if a bandana to decorate the application in the form of a skull and crossbones, the pirate will be irresistible. Oh, and do not forget that both of these suits involve the use of this attribute as a toy gun. Believe me, with a gun in the hands of your child will be delighted with any suit!

The Magician

Some special skills of the production of the suit does not require too. However, you have to tinker with the paper to make a cylinder. First, from a piece of poster board you need to cut the rectangle and roll it into a tube. The height and the diameter is calculated from the child's age and the size of his head. Now carve bedplate diameter pipe, plus one and a half to two centimeters. Then, the "extra" edge of the bottom of slicing teeth that are bent at a right angle to the bottom. A further paste to the teeth of the inner cylinder, the bottomed tube closed on one side.

Cut out the ring, which will be the fields of the cylinder. According to the internal diameter of the ring and leave margin for connecting cloves. You stick it similarly bottoms and attach to the bottom of the cylinder and having filled teeth in the inner part of it. Will only pasted cylinder gold paper or cloth. Alternatively, the cylinder can be painted black or covered with black silk. It will only make a habit of any suitable fabric and decorate it with foil stars. But what make the stick, you know.


If your child is familiar with the tale of Tolstoy, he is happy to dress up wooden man. You will need to make a striped cap. Make it very simple. Cut from the cloth cone with a rounded base, the length of which shall be equal to the circumference of the head. If you do not have a matching striped fabric, the nasheyte on white base red stripes. Then make only one seam, connecting the sides of the cone, and sew the cap to the brush. By the way, this cap can successfully bind or crocheted.

The jacket, which at present was Pinocchio paper, you can also make out the bright lining fabric or replace any colored vest. Shorts also use any. And you can cut to the desired size and pants that do not mind trimming. Well, a long nose and golden key make of drawing paper. A complete suit of Pinocchio striped socks or white socks.

 beautiful Christmas costume for a boy with his hands

Koschei the Deathless

The idea that prompted us to suit the film adaptation of Russian folk tales. You only need to pick up the dark tights (pants) and a sweater. Still need a foil, from which have to cut parts of the skeleton and obklevat her crown, but a black cloth coat and applications. Find a picture of the skeleton and looking at it, draw (first on paper) two parts - the breast with ribs and pelvic bones. The size of the pattern make a life-size. That is painted bones should match the size of the skeleton and the growth of the child. Then transfer the drawings onto the foil and cut. Ready glue pattern on a piece of black cloth, which is then sewn to the sweater. From the same fabric make the Cape, and from Whatman fashioned crown - primitive gear. Obkleyte foil crown and a cape on the occasion of the New Year obsheyte tinsel.

Other ideas

Actually, the ideas that we proposed to you, not the only ones. Just it was their easiest to implement with minimal effort and cost of time and materials. And if you have the time and desire to tinker with New Year's outfit, then you can do for your child any of these suits:

  • Puss in Boots;
  • Musketeer;
  • Dunno;
  • Dr. Aibolit;
  • Prince;
  • Clown;
  • Angel;
  • Count Dracula;
  • Hussar;
  • Batman;
  • Bogatyr,
  • Ivan Tsarevich.

And your child can become a tiger or a wolf, bear or rabbit, dwarf or an elf. In short, how many stories, so many options for the New Year costume. Take another look at your favorite films and cartoons, Riffle favorite books. The main thing is to "suit sitting" loved the child, and was recognizable. Merry New Year to you and good mood!

 Christmas suit with his hands for a boy: a few simple ideas

We recommend that read: Ideas Christmas gifts with their own hands
