- From what is diarrhea in cats?
- How to treat diarrhea in cats?
- When should you see a doctor?
Such a nuisance as intestinal disorders, all of us know firsthand. And, alas, not only to us (people). Animals also suffer from such disorders. And our pussy (adult cats and cats and the little kittens) from time to time offer us such surprises as the diarrhea. But diarrhea (you know) - is not only diarrhea but also pain and cramps in the abdomen, nausea, lack of appetite and as a result, dehydration. For the cat is stressful, but not less stress is such a nuisance for owners of the animal.
Therefore, the owners start to panic and immediately begin to treat your cat. However, diarrhea - is not a disease but a symptom. By the way, the cat diarrhea can be caused not only diseases, but also stressful situations.
From what is diarrhea in cats?
Even if your animal is healthy, diarrhea, he can cause the following reasons.
- Errors in the diet or "wrong" menu. If you feed your cat only meat or milk, flavored with spices to give her or fatty foods, animal overfeed.
- Food poisoning causes diarrhea and spoiled food.
- Change the water.
- Motion sickness: a long trip on the train or in the car.
- The transition to a new food: the replacement of normal eating dry food or early complementary feeding kittens.
- Stressful situations: a visit to the vet, the emergence of new animals in the house, or infants.
However, all this legkoustranimye causes diarrhea. Much worse is the case, if the cause of the disease are diarrhea. What diseases are accompanied by diarrhea?
- Intestinal parasites (worms): trichomonas, giardia, coccidiosis, roundworms.
- Bacterial infections that cause the E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridium, Campylobacter.
- Viral infections: panleukopenia (feline distemper), leukemia, infectious peritonitis.
- Fungal infections.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Giperterioza (lack of thyroid hormones).
- Diabetes.
- Kidney and liver.
- Cancer.
But do not just panic and cry at the thought of his favorite deadly disease. If your beautiful (or beauties) vaccinated if it is not in contact with stray or wild animals, the cause of diarrhea, most likely, it was not particularly dangerous disease. And if not is not a disease, and nervous or eating disorder. You just need to analyze the situation and take the first necessary steps.
How to treat diarrhea in cats?
First of all, once again look closely at what you are feeding your favorite. Fatty meat, raw fish and liver, fresh milk is a common cause of intestinal disorders. However, it can be individual intolerance of some products. In this case, simply eliminate from the menu all that could cause diarrhea, and set the animal on a short-term diet. Overfeeding is shown a single abundant and loose stools. In this case it is necessary to reduce the frequency portions and meals. If possible reason was the change of water, poite cat familiar to her water.
If you transfer the animal to a new food, do it gradually, adding to the usual products of small portions of new foods. If the diarrhea began at a small kitten, which you have just purchased, it is likely a reaction to the change of diet and weaning from breast milk. In this case, the diarrhea will pass quickly "in itself." If the baby continues to suffer from diarrhea, it may become the cause of his intestinal parasites. In this case, you must give the kitten anthelmintic drugs and show it to the vet.
Mild gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by the slim and short-lived diarrhea, without fever and general weakness can be treated at home. To do this, you need to stop giving the animal food for one day (kittens - no longer than twelve hours). It is necessary to ensure continued access to the animal clean and fresh (boiled) water. In addition to the adoption of emergency measures is necessary to give the cat activated charcoal twice a day for "one tablet per ten kilogram" and drink a decoction of its pharmacy chamomile or St. John's wort (five milliliters at a time).
In order to give the cat drug solution of activated carbon in the boiled water. A solution of coal or herbal decoction enter into a syringe (without the needle), lift the animal's head and holding his chin, insert the tip of the syringe between the cat's teeth and pour the medicine into the mouth.
Once the patient's condition begins to improve animal, start giving him easily digested foods: boiled chicken (white), boiled egg yolk, boiled rice. By the way, as a dietary food cat suit meat puree for baby food and special dietary pastes for animals. The main thing that the food was low-carb. On the first day after fasting can give only half the usual rate of food and return to normal diet - only after complete recovery.
When should you see a doctor?
In no case can not exclude the possibility of diarrhea in cats due to a serious illness. In some cases, you must always consult a veterinarian?
- Long (long days) ongoing diarrhea.
- A rich and very loose stools.
- Plaintive meow, and even heart-rending (evidence of strong pain).
- The pronounced apathy and weakness (staggering, podgibaniem limbs).
- Diarrhea with blood or slime.
- Severe vomiting.
- Pale gums and nose.
- Temperature increase.
- Fever and convulsions.
- Fetid (more than usual) bowel movements.
- The incessant thirst.
If these symptoms that accompany diarrhea, urgent need to take the animal to the doctor or call an ambulance veterinary care. Your cat examined, diagnosed her and arrange treatment.
If your pet will find parasites, you will start the appropriate treatment. Animal appoint special preparations are routinely receive and diet. Usually in such cases, the treatment is repeated: in a few weeks - a second course.
If dehydration has occurred, it is likely the animal designate drip intravenously or subcutaneously. You have to bring your cat to the hospital or to call specialist at the house. In any case, this procedure is necessary, as in diarrhea fluid cat drinks too fast coming out of the body. If the diarrhea is caused by infection, the animal will appoint a course of antibiotics.
So do not expect "at random". In severe cases of diarrhea by itself will not do. Trust the doctor and go to the treatment responsibly. After your cat trusts you and is waiting for help from you. Do not deceive her hopes. And in order to prevent intestinal disorders, feed the animals properly, encourage your time, let anthelmintic drugs at least once in a season. And be (you and your pussy) healthy!