how to train a kitten to the tray


  • Choosing a place for the toilet
  • Choose a comfortable and hygienic tray
  • Choosing a cat litter
  • Keeping natural smell tray
  • Making hygiene pleasant
  • To avoid punishment in the toilet
  • Promptly treat helminthiasis
  • Adapts to the cat fad
  • Not to make mistakes

Most cat owners, especially those new to this business, involves the problem of how to train a kitten to the tray. Sometimes it is necessary to solve this problem, he settled in his house an adult animal, but often have to teach basic hygiene kittens. Note that the methods and rules for such a delicate problem solutions are versatile and suitable for large and small cats. But we suggest you start with the solution of the problem in an unusual way - to look at it through the eyes of the cat. What you initially seemed unpredictable and complex, it may be a simple and logical.

Choosing a place for the toilet

Widely known for the fact that all cats are absolutely extraordinary chistyuli. Therefore, sometimes it seems that they are just beginning to make in spite of the "dirty" business is not where it should be. Here we focus on the first question - who and where it is supposed to? It is necessary, of course, we - the masters. This left without their own opinion cats.

On the issue of how to teach a cat to the tray main rule is safe and secluded the place where we put the tray. The most secluded room is a suite, but it may not be enough secure. A cat can scare anything - a loud howl of sewer pipes that go down someone on the floor of a nearby water, rattling washing machine, falling from the top shelf items. In the end, your treasure can be just out of curiosity to get into the toilet or into the open pack with detergent. Also do not forget that the toilet must be available around the clock at the first request cat, otherwise expect "surprises".

 how to train a kitten to the tray

Choose a comfortable and hygienic tray

In no case do not put your pet or enameled metal tray. He is absolutely not suitable for cats. Firstly, the amplification of the beast attempts to bury their feces fragrant innate sense of cleanliness, or alleged enemies, the tray will rumble and frighten the animal. Second, the metal oxidizes over time and starts to smell, very unpleasant for the cat's nose. Cardboard and wooden trays are also unacceptable - they are not hygienic, perfectly absorbs odors and are not washed out. How to train a kitten to a toilet? It's very simple - choose the correct him tray. Prefer plastic version. In this tray you can fill up a special filler for cats, or insert lattice of the beast that loves to grind kogotochki.

Height crockery should be from 7 to 20 cm, depending on the size of the animal. At present, the pet store, you can find a variety of special tools, very convenient for the cat's life. For example, fully enclosed lavatory, which has an inlet.

As for the other sizes of the tray, then the matter of individual taste, which, according to the well-known saying, do not argue. Some small cats like toilet size of a football field, and some of the big cats prefer tualetiki modest dimensions. If you guess the size of your favorite pet, then the question of how to teach a cat to walk on the tray may fall by itself. However, with time, when the kitten grows up, a small tray it may be small. Therefore, getting the tray for the baby, does not preclude the need to replace it soon.

Choosing a cat litter

The toilet can be your pet pour sand, pieces of paper, pressed sawdust. But it's best to use special absorbent cat litter. Excipients are many on the market. They are synthetic, wood and minerals. How to use filler to fill the tray of your pet - an ambiguous question. Normally, the cheap fillers are not of good quality, and instead of helping you to bring extra care.

Tray with expensive synthetic filler lumps can not wash after each trip to the toilet of your cat, but only to remove feces and replace agglutinate into a ball filler. Wood fillers are well retain odors, but such filler near the tray will always be dust adhering to the cat's paws. Mineral fillers adhere to the lower legs, but retain worse odor.

It is very important to choose the filler that have the liking of your pet, otherwise you have to train a kitten to the tray without filler. The animal may simply refuse to use the toilet filled with its intended purpose. In this case, it is best to use a special plastic grid. We have to show the kitten how to scrape the paws on the grid, thus simulating burying all their dealings.

 like a kitten accustomed to the tray

Keeping natural smell tray

Your excessive craving for sterility can completely kill any desire to visit the cats allotted under the toilet seat. In no case did not pan out the cat's pot-washing chemicals, powders or bleach - not only that they are deadly for the cat's health, any chemical smell of the animal will bypass for three miles. How to accustom the cat to the tray it was, and will wean quickly. Smells of detergent are pleasing only to people, but they absolutely do not like animals. In such a "smelly" toilet cat never in my life will be crap and write. It is currently not the enemy.

Brush and running water tap - ideal for cleaning the cat's waste products. More and invent nothing. The main thing - wash regularly, preferably after each visit to your pet. The filler also should be changed regularly, according to the enclosed instructions. Cats - neat creatures, and require the same from the people.

Making hygiene pleasant

I do not even think about how to train a kitten to a toilet quickly. Just help him take care of themselves. Young kittens are often helpless and often wear pants on the muzzle and the traces of its vital functions, especially kids long-haired breeds.

The zeal with which we are trying to wash its face after eating cat, quite justified, and will not be able to ruin the instinct of hunger. To eat the cat never rashochetsya. But our attempts to clean up cat pants after using the toilet, especially with soap, can lead to tragic consequences. And instead of once to accustom the baby to the tray, you wean him from the toilet once and for all. Wash the animal torture you do not forgive, especially when it has done its job in the right place. Cat necessarily oblyubuet other secluded places in the apartment, so do not expose yourself to such unpleasant and humiliating procedure.

In order to train a kitten to walk in the tray, you need to be patient and when the need arises in aqueous procedures to wait 20-30 minutes. In extreme cases, gently wipe with a soft cloth under the tail, something with the cat gently nagovarivaya (beautiful, clever, good).

To avoid punishment in the toilet

You have understood that before accustom the cat to the toilet, you must choose a safe hiding place, does not cause negative emotions in the animal. That is why punish a cat in the toilet is prohibited. In no case do not close it out there, even if it was not right. No cat will not tolerate in their possessions closed doors, much less in the latrine.

Do not forget about another psychological characteristics: the cat is not associative thinking, so all your attempts to punish poking his nose in excrement will be absolutely useless. A short time later the cat will forget about what you've done, but you insult she certainly will.

If you caught your pet in the act, it is permissible to tell a formidable voice, "you can not" catch on your hands and quickly attributed to the bathroom without looking at what is on his way out of it flows, or it has already started to defecate. So it is possible to train a kitten to the tray quickly, and nothing else. Put it in lotochek and gentle voice said, stroking Behold clever, that's done. Remember once and for all, the toilet - a trusted place for all, including your bewhiskered creation.

 How to accustom the cat to the tray

Promptly treat helminthiasis

The most common breeders cats prefer to think that their pets do not have worms. However, the sweep of worms - this is the first measure to be taken in the event that the cat began to go to different corners. Remember the simple truth - there are no cats with no worms. No, I do not think that you are caring for their bad treasure. Everything is much simpler.

Cats walk on the floor bare legs, then lick them (bactericidal properties of cat saliva helminths do not harm). You feed your pet raw meat, and maybe even raw fish (which is more dangerous than anything else). In summer, the apartment can fly to fly, your cat can walk in the street, guests can go the other infected animals. In addition, you yourself can infect your cat, bringing the source of the disease on their shoes, clothes or dirty hands. By the way, the human intestinal worms too dangerous for cats.

Helminthiasis causes feline various disorders, including stool problems. It eliminated a cause of concern - regularly, once every four or five months spend anthelmintic activities. You should give your cat anthelmintic drugs specifically designed for felines. In no case can not be applied anthelmintic drugs intended for people - they cause severe poisoning in cats.

Compliance with basic hygiene rules allows you to quickly solve problems with the toilet outside of the tray. In any case, the worms as the cause of the failure of a cat tray, you can exclude.

Adapts to the cat fad

Some baleen species observed a strange habit - they make their "little" things right in lotochek and sit down next to defecate. Believe me, this is not a whim, but genetic memory, transmitted from their ancestors. From this habit to wean cat still almost no one could. Simply adjust to this quirk. It is useless to punish a cat, however, as she put extra trays.

Cat could you avenge the insult inflicted on her in the form of a campaign does not pan, but rather in your shoes or bag on your bed or on the sofa. Cats - very touchy creatures and remember any harm that they ever evil. If you unjustly scolded cat closed her door, forced to do something against her will - expect surprises. They do not keep you waiting. And if you dare to scold the cat for pranks, it will only exacerbate the situation. It is better to go to the world.

Not to make mistakes

The first mistake - when the owners think that the kitten to learn everything on their own. The kitten should be accustomed to the tray with his first steps at home, because later will be too late. The kid just needs your instruction - show him where to go to the toilet, otherwise it will choose the place itself, and you do not unlearn chosen by a toilet corner.

The second error - the owners forget that their baby is taken literally. If the kitten was punished for a puddle, but showed no where to go, he thinks only one thing: I do not want to be punished and I will do everything in secret. As a result, you get a bunch of pools and in the most unexpected places.

If the kitten was soon divorced from his mother, then you have to help him learn to use his tray. Take the kitten after a meal on its latrine, Seat, carefully holding one hand while stroking on the tummy. Often, all the kittens feel the desire to go to the bathroom immediately after meals, and hence the result you get almost instantaneous.

The behavior of a kitten will tell you, if he wants to use the toilet. Feeling the desire to recover, it starts on the floor of the bridge, and his eyes glaze. At this point, you need to quickly move the kitten to the tray, not frightening at the same time. In no case do not yell at a kitten, let alone beat - such actions, you absolutely will achieve nothing.

Of course, we have pointed out, not all principles of kitty litter. However, if you recognize your cat an equal member of the family, she will answer you with affection and respect. Remember that your pet's desire should be respected, and to see things through his eyes. It just needs to solve many important problems. By applying the basic rules of behavior with a cat you will be able to easily find a common language with her. You can not tell the cat to punish or humiliate her, because it is always possible to negotiate, even if it is small. The main thing - to have this desire.

 How to train a kitten to the tray?

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