hamster care and maintenance


  • Conditions of hamsters
  • Feeding hamsters
  • Caring for hamsters

Many of us, for whatever reason are unable to make the house cat or a dog. But often a desire to acquire such a pet becomes a fixed idea. Especially if it is difficult to implement, or something prevents this. That's when we remember that not only dogs and cats are able to play the role of tamed and domesticated our smaller brethren. In addition to these (these are already native to man!) Pets in our homes live hamsters and ferrets, guinea pigs and turtles, birds and various fish.

However, caring for many of these alternative pets (eg, aquarium fish) requires special knowledge, but for others you need to create special conditions (ferrets, birds). But there is a wonderful way - to have literally pocket hand animal (warm, funny, and even the clever). As you may have guessed, this animal - a hamster. Moreover, the maintenance and feeding hamsters do not cause difficulties, but caring for them is very simple.

 hamsters maintenance and care

Conditions of hamsters

We note first that some special conditions of a hamster is not required - its content is quite seamlessly. The only thing you need to buy this cage or aquarium, as the free movement of the hamster in the apartment various fraught with unpleasant consequences. Firstly, the hamster may be accidentally crushed, and secondly, it could easily gnaw a hole in the furniture and equipped with a nest in a closet or dresser.

A definite plus Aquarium - will be less garbage around habitations hamster. In addition to this, you can even use a cracked or broken on one side of the aquarium. Cracks need to paint over oil paint, as the glass may putty hamster gnawing. Broken glass was removed and tighten the void of the metal mesh. But it is better to buy a special cage - low, medium in size but spacious. Wooden cages for hamsters are not suitable, since the animal can chew bars. Cell must be made of metal, but copper.

In any case, the aquarium or cage should be large enough so the hamster could equip your home. These animals equip her nest for the rest, the pantry for storing and latrine for administration purposes. Healthy and active animal constantly busy establishing order in his house, to restocking the pantry and perpetual improvement nest.

To hamster was easier to cope with their tasks, put in a cage small pieces of cloth, soft paper leaves and pieces of cardboard. In addition, put in a cage wooden box with an inlet or upturned clay flower pot. From the edge of the pot is also necessary to make a hole to enter the makeshift house. By the way, such houses can be purchased ready-made at the pet store.

Pantry hamster - another indispensable attribute of hamster life. In the wild, these bins provide a comfortable and well-fed hamsters life throughout the year. In captivity, these animals instinctively continue to fill storage, although the urgent need for them there. Nevertheless, your hamster necessarily equip itself for storage of stocks. Moreover, he will constantly replenish it, hiding most of the prepared food, and even begging food from the home.

Removing hamster house, you should try not to destroy and devastate a vault. Otherwise, the animal can experience a real stress. After repeatedly losing his treasured barn hamster will fill his cheeks with food and nervously running around the cage, not daring to hide stocks elsewhere and not trusting in the reliability of the new store. So try not to bother the hamster, cage cleaning, and not to destroy his pantry.

Hamsters - animals cleanly. In contrast, the same birds, caged, not cocoa hamsters anywhere, and allocates a separate space for the toilet in the cell. By the way, the glory of smelly pet hamster owes his toilet. But if at least once a week to clean the cell, and once a month to disinfect and deodorize the place that took a hamster toilet, no smell come from the cells will not.

For a comfortable existence, and maintain the health of the hamster you need to move. Since the space of its habitat is limited, it is desirable to equip the special cage wheel. Ready for a hamster wheel, once again, can be purchased at a pet store. You can make your own from a wheel and spinning reels from two plywood disks and wooden sticks.

On the floor of the cage poured sawdust, hay or a special filler. Put the trough and manger. Here, actually, and all necessary conditions for the comfortable existence of this little animal. You agree that the content of the hamster too much hassle you do not deliver. And so he lived in your house very much at ease and happy hamster, of course, need to properly feed and care for them.

 Caring for hamsters

Feeding hamsters

Hamsters are considered very unpretentious in food animals. Some owners even feed their hamsters that eat themselves. However, it is harmful to the hamster. Firstly, an unbalanced diet and poor feeding reduces the life of animals and bad for health. And secondly, some foods can cause indigestion, provoke various acute and chronic illnesses and even cause death of the animal.

The basis of the diet hamster home should be grains - they need to give small animal daily. Normal cereal mixture adult hamster ranges from one to three teaspoons per day, depending on the size of the animal. Cereal mix should contain grains of wheat, sunflower seeds, oats, nuts and peas. It is from these components and are composed premixed for hamsters.

In addition, the hamster should be given juicy food - fruits, vegetables and herbs (carrots, apples, cucumbers, squash, bananas, corn, zucchini, pears, fennel, celery, parsley). Supplement the diet and should be animal protein: boiled meat, fish, cheese and eggs. Fruits, herbs and vegetables hamsters give every day, but protein foods only once a week. And in one feeding the hamster should receive only one protein product.

It is undesirable (but sometimes possible) to feed the hamster ready cereal mixtures for birds, bread, potatoes, persimmons and Drops. But any spices, fried foods, milk, citrus, melon and watermelon, sugar and honey, cabbage, garlic and onions is definitely harmful to hamsters and may cause irreparable harm to the health of rodents.

Caring for hamsters

Oddly, but these tiny pets also need to take care of. For example, long-haired hamsters need every day or at least every other day to comb. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the tummy and rear legs of the animal, where the wool rolls and soiled with excrement. Short-haired hamsters need not comb, but to clean off the dirt with fur is also necessary.

Clean hamsters dry or moistened with a soft brush and bathe only in exceptional cases. If you're determined to bathe your pet, use baby shampoo to wash and make sure that soap and water does not fall into the ears, eyes and nose animal. And in any case, do not wash with soap hamster.

Hamsters are constantly growing teeth, and if the animal does not get enough solid food, regrown blades can injure tongue, lips and gums hamster. To this did not happen, let hamster opportunity to chew any wood and rubber items. But if the teeth are still too grown up, refer to address the problem in veterinary clinic.

If your hamster is quite moving, the claws on its feet will grind. However, the content of a hamster in a cage without wheels, as well as poor health and lack of activity of older animals can become a cause regrowth too long claws. They can grow so much that they begin to interfere with animal walk. In this case, a carefully trimmed claws nail scissors.

So spacious and well-equipped cells, a balanced diet and minimal, but adequate care will make the life of your pet comfortable and long. In gratitude for the good care of the hamster will please you a good appetite, amusing behavior and their funny habits. Watch these small animals is very interesting shopping. Yes, and just to hold in his hands the warm furry lump is always a pleasure - and relieve stress and improve mood. Believe me, the hamster is not guided only by instincts. He was able to experience and express different emotions and even affection for the man. Be careful and attentive to this kid. Remember that you are responsible for the one who tamed.

 Pets hamsters - care and maintenance of small naughty

We recommend that read: maintenance and care of goldfish

 How to teach an adult cat to the tray

  • Choosing a place for the toilet
  • Select Tray
  • Accustom the cat to the toilet
  • Possible problems

Cats - wayward creatures. And the nature of them, frankly, strong. Despite the natural intelligence and ingenuity, these animals often suffer because of their own stubbornness and unwillingness to put up with the rules established by man. For example, they are prepared to ignore the latrine tray and hard defecate in a place that will choose for yourself.

Most cat owners this problem does not occur when the animal lives in the house almost from infancy, and in the same age it was accustomed to the tray (kittens generally easy to train to go to the tray). If your house is settling an adult cat, which had previously been accustomed to the tray, then most likely, she quickly realized where her new home is the toilet and will use them properly. However, this may not happen if the change of residence of the animal cause real stress, and the rejection of the tray will become a form of protest.

To accustom to the tray and have an adult cat, taken from the street, or simply accustomed to go to relieve himself on the loose, not in plastic cuvette. So the question is how to do it, is not idle. For many, failure to use a cat tray becomes a stumbling block in relations with an animal. As a result of an unsuccessful struggle for human upryamitsy are at best a move to live in the private sector, and at worst are all in the street. We will not argue about the morality of such behavior stubborn cat owners, and talk about how all the same to try to teach adult cat walking in the tray.

Choosing a place for the toilet

Cats - delicate creatures. As latrine they choose nooks hidden away from prying eyes. Therefore, for the tray in the house also need to choose a location. The most suitable location for the cat's tray in the apartment will be the bathroom or toilet, and a balcony (loggia), if it is insulated. Also, do not forget that at any time the animal must be able to freely come to his toilet. This allows you to quickly and easily teach your cat or a cat for a new toilet.

Categorically not suitable for cat litter kitchen and hallway. Firstly, it is unacceptable from the point of view of hygiene apartments. You agree that the toilet (even a feline) has no place in the kitchen where food is prepared or in the hallway, where people dress and shoes. Conditionally suitable place can be considered a storeroom when it is convenient for you and your cat. Secondly, the cat may refuse to use the toilet, where often there are people she, as already mentioned, being delicate.

 Accustomed to the tray as the adult cat

Select Tray

If an adult cat before it settled in your home, do not know what the tray, then it should please her: to be quite spacious and comfortable, so she recognized him as a toilet. That means convenient tray? First of all, the deep, for he is an adult animal. The depth of the tray should not be less than ten centimeters. This will allow the cat to dig in it, to prepare a place for an intimate process, and then hide the results. In addition, high disc tray will make it impossible to get enough sleep on the floor filler. And the width and length of the tray should be sufficient for the animal in him fully fit.

An alternative to tray-cell will be a special house-toilet, that is comfortable and ease your cat care cat litter. The fact that such houses are equipped with special filters that clean the air from the natural odor that it remains after the visit to the cat. And if you do not have time to time to remove the tray, the filters neutralize the smell. Cats, too, with great pleasure beginning to walk on the need, taking advantage of the houses, as these toilets are equipped with a roof and walls and completely hide the cat from prying eyes. Yes and place a private toilet can be not only in the bathroom, and even in the hallway - a cat or a cat that does not confuse.

Accustom the cat to the toilet

Very often animals intuitively understand what is prepared for them a tray. And yet some of you have to make efforts to train a new adult cat toilet. Incidentally, the conventional wisdom is that the cat accustomed to the tray is easier than a cat, is not true. Yes, of course, driven by the instincts of the male cat, according to which he should mark territory known method. So often in the new environment the animal begins to leave marks. But the cat is more capricious. And if she does not like the place, it stubbornly refuses to go into the tray and select the location for the toilet itself. But let's start from the beginning.

First, you need to watch out for the animals. The cat wants to relieve themselves soon after the meal. Although we note they may endure for a long time. By the way, introduce your cat to the toilet as soon as possible after its appearance in the house. As we have said, the animals are often intuitively understand purpose tray. If your case is what happened, then the problem is solved, once converges in the tray, the cat (or cat) will begin to use them constantly.

But if the animal is not immediately recognized in the tray, a toilet, then wait until it need arises. Want to use the toilet, the cat will begin to look for a private place to relieve themselves. Noticing this, take an animal, take the tray, and set it. Stroke, calm and move away. Most likely, the cat will begin to dig the vehicle, bridge and eventually will take its toll in the tray. If it jumps out of the chute and trying to run away again, returning it to the tray for as long as it can not cope there is need.

Another variant. Seeing that the cat had chosen the place and the bridge had to pee or poop, quickly put the tray to this place and put in his beast. Being already practically in the process, the animal will continue the work, being in the tray. Do not change the filler: the next time the cat will begin to search for a toilet smell. If it is to go back to its original location, then take it to the tray. Feeling the familiar smell, the cat will use for its intended purpose tray.

If the animal is still back in its place, put on the tray while it is there and begins to slowly move back to where you were originally supposed to place the tray. It will take time, but this process of moving the animal will not be visible. And another tip.

If you have a cat in the street, then the first time poured into the tray filler, and conventional ground or sand: the familiar smell and texture that is in the tray will help your cat understand what a ditch is. If the animal is in your lack of shit in a secluded corner, a pool towel and pat put the napkin on the tray. If the animal is in addition puddles left behind more visible traces, these "traces" of the same move in the tray. The place chosen for the cat toilet, generously treat with ammonia or vinegar essence: a strong and pungent smell will force the animal to ignore this place.

 As an adult cat accustomed to the tray

Possible problems

It happens that the force has to go to Tray adult cat, who had known the moment willing to use it. Before you scold the animal, contact your veterinarian: this behavior can be wake-up call and talk about the problems of health of the animal. This behavior of the adult cat or cats may also indicate uncomfortable for him the tray or the wrong place for a toilet. Allow the cat to choose a place for the tray and Organize a toilet there. Even cats can squeamish crap tray. Some animals demanded myauchat, drawing your attention to this issue, while others ignore the dirty tray silently, just find a new place where you can go to the toilet.

Not many want to go to a cat one tray with other animals. And if your house does not live one cat, then for each animal purchased separately tray. Actually to tell exactly how easily you will be able to teach your cat to the toilet, it is impossible. It all depends on the character, temperament and ingenuity of the animal. But nothing is impossible does not exist. With enough patience on your part cat will sooner or later recognize the tray to place the toilet and begin to walk in it. Be persistent and creative, and you will be sure to succeed!

 How to teach an adult cat to the tray?

We strongly recommend to read: How to teach your cat to the toilet
