Caring for a cat after sterilization


  • Immediately after surgery
  • Aftercare

Cats - amazingly prolific creation. Already six months old (and some four months!), They are able to fertilize and reproduce their own kind. They retain the ability to literally until the last days of life. So this concept menopause cats exists. And if you do not intend to at least twice a year sweetly enjoy his favorite new offspring, it is likely to choose her spayed.

Today, this operation has become very popular among many cat owners. Firstly, it gives an absolute guarantee of reproductive sterility of your cat. Secondly, this operation is carried animals quite easily, and usually does not have any serious consequences. And thirdly, care for the cat after sterilization does not require any special skills or financial costs. Although care for the cat in the postoperative period is not so difficult to know some of the rules should still be. So let's look at how to take care of the cat after surgery, and what surprises to be ready.

 sterilization of cats care after surgery

Immediately after surgery

When it comes to ovariohysterectomy, this abdominal surgery, which is done under general anesthesia. Therefore, the very first animal especially after the withdrawal of such an operation - control over his behavior after anesthesia. But to take care of the care of the operated cat needed before the operation. Thus, for example, or to carry the bag, which operated the cat will go home to put warm bedding. And even better on the road back to wrap it in something warm. The fact is that after surgery the cat's body temperature drops, and the animal will freeze.

The first day after the operation - the time emotional turmoil for the hosts. After all, they will have to see how the animal moves away from the anesthesia, and the sight of it, frankly, is not pleasant. Imagine what to watch helpless perturbation paws, uncoordinated movements and despair eyes his beloved cat. Your task in this period - to protect the cat, as it may fall down while walking, running into walls and corners, confused direction. Coming out of anesthesia cat may suddenly jump up and try to run away, she may get entangled in the wires and threads and even injured. Therefore, all potentially dangerous items must be removed, and the cat itself is not put on the sofa, chair or bed and other high furniture.

Arrange temporary pussy warm comfortable couch on the floor, in a place protected from drafts. Keep the cat lying alone on the right side, because otherwise increased load on the heart after surgery weakened animal. Do not worry for your pet atypical behavior. During recovery from anesthesia pussy can suddenly wake up and jump up, cross legs on the floor or on a bed, hissing or meow. At this point, the behavior of its inadequate. However, the animal frightened their condition as much as you. So try to calm the sufferer.

It is possible in the first hours after sterilization arbitrary urination and vomiting. So get ready for this trouble and make sure that the cat moves on such surfaces, which then will be easy to wash. It is also important to make sure that sleeping after anesthesia the animal is not bogged down vomit. If you own a cat lapping water still can not, but want to drink, give her water from a pipette - a lot of water the cat at this moment it is not necessary, it is important to not dry in the mouth.

Another frightening moment - open eyes asleep after anesthesia cat. Yes cats do not turn a blind eye, even during operation. So you need to dig into the eyes of a special solution, and firmly close the eyelids of the animal and break every twenty minutes until the pussy starts to blink independently or simply turn a blind eye. However, more detailed instructions, you are sure to get the vet when you pick up your cat after surgery.

 Care sterilized cat


About a day depart from your pussy anesthesia and start to behave quite adequately, although her movements are still uncertain. Fully coordinate their movements an animal can only after three or four days. By the way, all this time, the animal may refuse to eat. However, the need to feed the cat. The first feeding after the operation is allowed in a day, and to give the water an animal can and should after three hours. The diet and feeding regime can observe the old and familiar to the animal. However, do not give him food which can cause constipation or diarrhea.

All further care of the cat after surgery reduced to the processing operating seams. Cats do not perebintovyvayut after surgery, since the animal can easily remove the bandages. From operating you get dressed in her favorite blanket with special strings on the back. All the time until the stitches are removed the animal must be in the horse-cloth. For the seams do not need to remove the blanket completely. She just gently pulls the hind legs, and then put back. Seams should be handled according to the instructions from your veterinarian. Typically, this is done using chlorhexidine.

By the way, this seems to be a convenient and safe blanket may be related to the potential dangers of the animal. For example, oklemalas of postoperative ailments cat may consider themselves quite healthy and begin to lead normal for her active lifestyle. This ekstremalka ceremony will start jumping on the tables, a sofa, table and window sills, and to do so is still graceful and deftly it is unlikely. It is possible that frisky pussy doprygnet simply not up to the goal, catch hold of anything from strings and hang blankets.

Believe that removed the poor fellow with the hangers will be very difficult because the animal will actively discouraged to resist, twisting, hissing and floating claws and teeth. If this happens in your absence, the consequences may be the most pitiable. Therefore, for about two weeks (until you remove the seams and blanket) try to limit the movement of cats in the house.

Strictly speaking, it is this is the care of the cat after sterilization. If your animal is healthy, and the operation was carried out in a clinic with a good reputation, there are no serious complications should arise. However, at the slightest suspicion of possible postoperative complications sure to contact your veterinarian. In this case it is better to be safe than not watch. So be attentive to your cat, and remember that we are responsible for those who tamed.

 Caring for a cat after sterilization, or first veterinary care

We strongly recommend to read: How to teach your cat to the toilet

 like brushing your teeth dog


  • When to start?
  • How to brush your teeth dog?
  • How to clean the dog's teeth?
  • How to remove tartar?

That's how often the person you brush your teeth? I do not think the question incorrect, but perhaps you do this at least twice a day. And your dog you brush your teeth? Most sobakovladeltsev not only do this, but consider such a procedure superfluous. And in vain! Yes, it is an animal, but this is not an animal lives in the wild forest, and your home. So that care of the animals should be appropriate. And if the basic rules of care for a dog known to everyone, is how to properly clean the dog's teeth, know not all.

It is believed that a dog's saliva has healing properties. In ancient times, using it to treat wounds and skin diseases, and today is used in folk medicine. But opponents of such treatment has a powerful argument, they say, in dog saliva contains not only nutrients but also harmful microorganisms. And they are right! And our domestic dogs are so fond of kissing! Not hygienic? Maybe. But try to avoid this joyful muzzle, that and strive to literally kiss you from head to toe. And certainly not for children and explain what is so wrong with that dog licked them.

However, by themselves are harmless dog kisses, but that kiss they unpeeled teeth, do not palatable, and to some extent dangerous. By the way, it is not particularly nice (unpeeled teeth) and by dogs. So take care of your teeth and the dog must be for reasons of hygiene and to maintain the health of the animal.

When to start?

The cleaning of the teeth need only permanent teeth dog. Toddlers with baby teeth can easily do without this procedure. However, to teach the dog to clean teeth from an early age is necessary. In general, all the habits of the dogs are placed in puppyhood. Therefore, the basic skills of hygiene (wash paws, ear cleaning and teeth, bathing and combing) is necessary to inculcate in them even during adulthood.

So get used to themselves and teach the puppy to what you need to brush your teeth. And since the procedure should wear more educational than the hygienic nature, milk teeth kids just need to wipe marlechkoy soaked in meat broth. This should be done daily, gently and carefully and cleaning teeth and gums. Especially careful you have to be at the time when the baby teeth start to become loose and fall out.

 how to clean dog teeth

How to brush your teeth dog?

Of course, the best option - a special toothpaste for dogs and also a special rubber brush. This brush-cap that fits over the finger. And convenient to use an electric toothbrush and a clean dog teeth, finger, wrapped with gauze or a bandage. Toothpaste designed for humans, not harmful, and the teeth of the dog. However, it is better not to use it, because of the large number of fragrances and flavorings such toothpaste is not just not like a dog, but can cause allergies in her banal.

If a special toothpaste you find it difficult to buy, you can use alternative means. For example, dentifrice mixture will approach the dog tooth powder (without mint flavoring!) With conventional baking soda. To do this, simply add in a little jar of powder (about half a teaspoon) baking soda obtain excellent powder to clean the dog's teeth. Just before serving, take cleaning powder and dilute it with water to the state of slurry. Apply the mixture on the brush and gently brush the dog's teeth. After this syringe or shower rinse mouth and wash away the remnants of powder muzzle.

How to clean the dog's teeth?

Let's say that you brush your teeth on all the rules. How to do it? First you need to rinse with water toothbrush. Now put on your finger a little toothpaste (special!) And give it a try dog. Modern dental pastes such dogs contain flavoring and flavoring additives, which do not cause the animal aversion. But still give a try!

On all length of the bristles on the brush, apply toothpaste. Begin brushing your teeth with circular movements on the side surfaces of molars and incisors. Now scraping (sweep) motions go over your teeth, brush leading up from the lower gum, and vice versa - from the top down. Then reciprocating (back and forth) movements of the brush, clean the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars (molars). And do not forget about the inner surface of the upper and lower dentition of the dog, which also need to be cleaned. Finish for cleaning the front incisors, making brush sweeping movement on both sides of the teeth.

If after brushing a dog's gums bleed, then wipe them with a swab dipped in a one percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. This procedure, firstly to stop the bleeding, and secondly, cleans gingival, and thirdly, whiten teeth. If inflamed gums, it is necessary to temporarily stop tooth brushing and gum lubricate special preparation such as, for example, Lugol.

 you clean the dog's teeth

How to remove tartar?

The systematic cleaning of the teeth of stone on them should not be formed. And still. If you found a stone in the teeth of the dog, then it must be deleted. Ideally, of course, apply to the veterinary clinic, but also to cope with this problem, too, can.

To start you need to purchase a dental elixir Ksident (or elixir with similar properties). With this elixir you can remove small deposits, putting the stone soaked in this liquid gauze. Holding the time (about a minute) that compress the same gauze scour stone. If you have a need remove stale stone, will have to use mechanical cleaning.

To do this, you will need dental scaler (special hook) or any thin, but sturdy metal plate. For example, a nail file and screwdriver. Take the dog for the face, clenching her jaw, and at the same time lifting the lips. Take a scaler, and set it to the spot where the gum is on the tooth. Desna slightly lift up sharply, but gently swipe down from the scaler gums. In two-three steps you remove tartar.

And it is better to seek help from the veterinary clinic. There conduct the procedure efficiently and painlessly. But the stone did not appear, you need to regularly clean your dog teeth. Perform the procedure should be twice a week, and in addition, it is desirable to give a dog a bone bovine brain (knee). The fact is that when the dog chews are bones, not only enjoys, but also cleans teeth natural way for dogs. A decorative rocks and very small dogs brushing your teeth with toothpaste and brush is the only hygienic procedure for maintaining healthy teeth. Quite often large brain bones they literally can not handle.

Do not confuse the fact: "I brush my teeth the dog." Modern domestic dogs live in conditions of very refined and do not receive a meal that would contribute to cleanse the teeth and prevent the formation of tartar. Knowing how to clean dog teeth, you can hassle and easily carry out this procedure. Be attentive to their pets home, and remember that we are responsible for those who tamed.

 How to clean the dog's teeth? Basics of dog care

We strongly recommend to read: How to clean cat teeth
