Pregnancy cat


  • Reproductive age cats
  • During pregnancy
  • Possible pathology
  • Caring for a pregnant cat
  • How to prevent pregnancy

They say that if the cat lives in the house, then the house door open to happiness. In fact, these gentle purring creatures can brighten lives, elevate mood, relieve stress and even cure some of our ailments. However, the trouble of this neighborhood nothing less than a pleasure. Especially if your home fluffy (and possibly naked) doctor and therapist presented a female.

Sooner or later, your pitomitsy set his face to award you a certain number of their own offspring. Well, you, anticipating a similar perspective, would do well to learn about the age at which it is able to become a mom, and how long the ability to save, as the pregnancy proceeds cats, what is its period, no surprises we can expect the owners how to care for a pregnant cat and is it possible to prevent this prospect.

Reproductive age cats

Cats - "hasty." Most pet cats are able to become pregnant and give birth to up to a year. Most often reach puberty cat aged six-eight months. But there are some ladies who have four months to become pregnant. However, such a young age veterinarians believe unfavorable for the first pregnancy is better if it comes after a year.

From the very first heat healthy cat retains the ability to virtually pregnant and give birth to the death. This notion of menopause to these animals does not apply. However, all depends on the health and general condition of the individual subject. The most active and safe (and even useful) for the period of pregnancy cats - from two to five years. A birth rate - no more than once a year, or at least through a chute.

The very estrus (scientifically estrus) occurs without visible symptoms. That is the "footprints" of this state - bleeding - you will not see. But much is changing the behavior of cats. It becomes too hectic and busily tender, he announces provocatively house screaming and trying to flee out of the house. Estrus lasts an average week. However, its duration is individual enough. The frequency of this period, too, does not have a fixed frequency. Some cats are flowing every month, and some only twice a year. Classical intervals - every three months, that is, every season. However, nulliparous cats or those who have not yet been given the frequency of mating is not relevant.

In general, your cat can be a mommy in the six months (if in heat she will start at four months of age) and do not lose this ability to the very old age. That is the length of reproductive age cats of virtually all her life sexually mature. But it is only when good health and favorable living conditions.

 Cat Pregnancy

During pregnancy

Gestational cats is an average of two months. Most of the animals are going through this period of relative calm. In the first month of pregnancy are no visible changes in appearance and behavior of cats is often not observed. The animal is behaving normally, eating familiar food and their condition does not issue. Therefore, in this period to identify pregnancy cats can be very difficult. And in the first three weeks, even ultrasound does not give any results. Possible, but not necessarily change - it is increased appetite and a longer sleep time and morning sickness.

If the first half of pregnancy in cats occurs virtually asymptomatic, then in the second half there are clear signs of an interesting position kitties. Since then, the kittens are beginning to grow, will grow accordingly and stomach mommy. But first this increase quite noticeable. But noticeable change in color and size of the nipples of the pregnant cats: they swell and turn pink. Among veterinarians and cat owners is this considered to be a sign of clear evidence of cat pregnancy.

Significantly increases stomach starts only in the last trimester of pregnancy. At this time you can already test the fruits of their experience, and stir. Ultrasound study in the second half of pregnancy will show the number of fetuses and identify possible pathologies. A healthy cat this period takes place, usually without complications, and the average length of gestation in the cat ranges from fifty-eight to sixty-eight days, but sometimes less or more than two or three days.

Possible pathology

Even quite healthy pregnancy in cats may be complicated by various pathologies. Also during this period may exacerbation of chronic diseases, various infections and hormonal disorders. And even if your pussy differ good health, it is not immune from such pathologies as:

  • Primary or secondary ectopic pregnancy. Without treatment, the prognosis is extremely poor and can result in the death of all the animals. However, cesarean section or induced abortion will keep the cat lives.
  • Abortion (spontaneous) is popularly known as miscarriage. Firstly, it is impossible to stop the process, and secondly, it does not pass without consequences. Therefore, without the participation of a specialist you can not do.
  • Prolonged pregnancy cats may provoke inflammation of the uterus and fetal death. The veterinary clinic will stimulate the birth or a caesarean section.
  • Twisting occurs when the uterus falls or sudden movements of a cat. So if your favorite too mobile at this time, be careful. Such abnormality is treated only by Caesarean section.

Possible complications during pregnancy in cats:

  • cystitis,
  • renal failure,
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea or constipation)
  • allergy,
  • arrhythmia,
  • obesity,
  • dystrophy.

Therefore, be especially attentive to her favorite at this time and be sure to show it to the veterinarian.

Caring for a pregnant cat

What care is needed for your cat during this period? As a general rule, during pregnancy, the cat does not need special care: after all, pregnancy - is not a disease, but a natural state. So do not seek to restrict the mobility of pregnant cats and do not overfeed it. And it is this sin and inexperienced cat owners. The fact that a sedentary lifestyle can cause obesity of an animal, even if not during pregnancy after delivery. This also contributes to unnecessary and plentiful diet. If the normal state of a normal healthy cat is able to control your appetite, then pregnant pussy often loses this control, and may eat too much. Tames excessive jumping is necessary only in the last stages of pregnancy.

With regard to the diet of pregnant cats, the first month, it must be the same both in volume and composition. However, veterinarians are advised to increase the amount of vitamin-rich food. If at this time the cat is interested in fresh vegetables and fruit, try to give her carrots, zucchini, apples, pumpkins. Although such changes tastes in pregnant cats are rare. If your cat is accustomed to feed ready, then turn it on food for kittens and pregnant that suits kitties. It is not forbidden to give a cat and vitamin supplements, but only after consultation with a veterinarian.

During the second half of pregnancy increase the amount of cat food eaten in half. And in this period, it needs protein-rich foods: cottage cheese savory sour milk, eggs, beef. Only food should not be oily, and even more so, fried or spicy. And do not feed the cat that eat it: smoked and spicy foods for cats (especially pregnant!) Is contraindicated.

Proper care of a pregnant cat implies the systematic observation and a veterinary doctor. In most cases, such visits are preventive and consultative nature. However, at the beginning of pregnancy, the cat needs veterinary examination. This will prevent it from possible complications, and you from the hassle and cost of treatment. Shortly before the birth cat will also need to visit the doctor, she will be the next examination by a specialist, and you get a consultation about the upcoming birth.

 the duration of pregnancy in cats

How to prevent pregnancy

Whatever your favorite was not your cat, if you do not want to get away from her litter, it is necessary to take preventive measures. On their own accord from becoming a mommy cat does not give up. The most radical way to rid the cat from the perspective of pregnancy - sterilization. Today, this procedure is not very expensive, and it is carried out in virtually all veterinary clinics.

Neutering cats can be surgical, radiation and medical. The safest in terms of consequences - surgical. Surgical sterilization is carried out by several methods:

  • Overtighten the fallopian tubes. This cat just loses the ability to conceive, but she continued heat (as well as the recruiting cries).
  • The uterus is removed, but retain the ovaries. The effect of such an operation, as in the first case.
  • Spay. Fully hormonal changes of the animal, the cat stopped heat, and there is no risk of a false pregnancy.
  • Remove the uterus with ovaries. This method is called castration already.

The most favorable for the animal method of sterilization - the removal of the ovaries, but its application is only possible for the young (under one year) cats that have never given birth. If your cat is already more than a year, if it at least once brought the kittens, you have to carry out the castration of the animal. But the first two methods of modern experts hardly practiced because they have not very good consequences for physical and mental health of a cat. But which method to prefer to decide veterinarian.

No side effects have competently performed operation usually does not happen. But sterilized and neutered cats prone to obesity. In all other respects, the cat remains unchanged, keeping playfulness, overall activity and all instinct (except sexually). But the time for such an operation, you must identify yourself: from the experts on this issue no consensus.

Today, sterilization is the most humane and most effective way to prevent pregnancy in cats. But if you wish to put your pitomitsy under the surgeon's knife, then you can stay in special injections - injections of hormonal drugs. However, such injections can not do sick animals and cats over seven years. And another (most common) way to prevent pregnancy feline oral contraceptives. But this method does not always work, as well as a bad influence on the physical health of a cat.

Love your pets: they are infinitely trust you. Take care of them and be indulgent: because you are responsible for those who tamed!

 Pregnancy cat - a brief educational program for owners

We recommend that read: Cat: pregnancy and childbirth
