- Pregnancy cat
- Caring for a pregnant cat
- Possible pathology of pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Caring for a cat after birth
Of course, cats - being independent and quite self-sufficient, but people do not think so. Sometimes our desire to take care of their smaller brothers comes to fanaticism. A guardianship superfluous cats do not need: many problems they cope on their own, but sometimes still need our help and our participation. However, this assistance should not be a "disservice." For example, a healthy adult cat can carry and produce offspring without any human intervention. But there is one "but."
Those who live in our houses animals often too spoiled, pampered and "humanized" us. Therefore, some of his instincts they lose or simply capricious, demanding greater attention. So if you live cat, is going to become mom, her knowledge of the "female" physiology unnecessary for you will not. How is pregnancy in cats as are childbirth, can there any complications and whether it is necessary in this period of your help? Let's find out.
Pregnancy cat
Cats brooding on average nine weeks (plus or minus four days). The exact date of pregnancy depends on the breed of the animal, the amount of fruit on the individual characteristics of the cat and the conditions of its content. Prematurity considered kittens that are born before the sixtieth day of pregnancy (they usually do not survive). The gestation period of the cats can be divided into trimesters.
The first three weeks of pregnancy is not obvious signs observed, and determine pregnancy in this period is almost impossible. By the twenty-first day (or later) in pregnant cats turn pink and swollen nipples. At the same time it can be carried out and the first ultrasound examination, which will show not only the existence of kittens, but also their number.
- Important! Do not attempt to find the kittens in the womb. Palpation should only be experienced, careless probing can lead to miscarriage.
From the second trimester pregnant cat may appear morning nausea and vomiting, which is due to hormonal changes in her body. The animal refuses to eat, looks oppressed and depressed, but this state lasts only a few days. At the same time begins to gradually increase belly of the cat, and from the second month of pregnancy, the belly is growing rapidly.
In the second half of pregnancy becomes noticeable fetal movements, and in the last two weeks belly of the cat takes a pear shape, nipple droop, and they receive colostrum. The cat becomes inactive, begins to eat less and can already start looking for a place to give birth.
Caring for a pregnant cat
The special care not pregnant cat needs. No need to limit her mobility. Moderate loads are even beneficial to cats (as, indeed, and all the rest), during pregnancy. Only last week did not allow his pregnant darling climb to the height: at this time the cats difficult balance, since the center of gravity shifts due to the large abdomen. Otherwise, all your participation should be confined to nutrition and animal watching.
In the first four weeks of the cat should be given to her usual food, but the increase in the proportion of the diet rich in vitamins products. If you feed a cat ready to feed, buy food for her kittens: it is also suitable for pregnant and nursing cats. You can give and special vitamin supplements, but before it is necessary to consult with your veterinarian.
In the second half of pregnancy, the cat must receive food, rich in protein, and the amount of food can be increased by half. In no case do not feed pregnant cat leftovers from the table, do not let it smoked and fried foods. First, the animal will not be getting it needs nutrients, and secondly, it can lead to obesity (pregnant cat is easy to get fat). By the way, obese cats usually hatching very large kittens, and this can lead to complications during childbirth.
Pregnancy cat must proceed under the supervision of a veterinarian. Of course, in most cases, this observation is only a preventive measure, but still need to show an animal specialist. Firstly, only veterinary clinic you pinpoint pregnant cats, having ultrasound. Secondly, the doctor will reveal the general physical condition of the animal and, if necessary, appoint additional investigation. If the cat is suffering from chronic diseases, if she has intestinal parasites, the veterinarian appropriate treatment and instruct you on the proper care of animals.
- Important! In no case do not let the cat hormonal and anthelmintic drugs and antibiotics without consulting a veterinarian. Most of them (as well as vaccinations) is contraindicated in pregnancy and can lead to serious consequences.
Pregnancy in the final stage requires you attention to the animal and the mandatory visit to the doctor. It is necessary to conduct another survey (or survey), as well as to find out where to go for emergency care during delivery. Moreover, it was at the vet, you can get expert advice about the actual birth and your participation in this process.
Possible pathology of pregnancy
To visit to the veterinarian did not seem to be a waste of your money, keep in mind that the pregnant cat may be complicated by the following pathologies:
- Ectopic pregnancy (primary and secondary). At untimely revealing it can cause death of the animal. Treatment: induced abortion or a cesarean section.
- Spontaneous abortion. Began an abortion can not be stopped. Careful observation and participation specialist.
- Prolonged pregnancy is fraught with inflammation of the uterus. Treatment: induction of labor, cesarean section.
- Twisting of the uterus, which could be the cause of a fall, sudden movements or jumping pregnant cats. Treatment: cesarean section.
In addition, surveillance specialist and diagnostic tests to help distinguish the real from the false pregnancy and from pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus).
As a rule, delivery of healthy cats are no problem. However, your participation in them is also needed. First, you have to prepare for the gathering place of lambing cat. Secondly, it is desirable to your presence as an observer and readiness to provide emergency aid.
Births cat should receive at home, in a familiar environment for her. Be prepared for this purpose drawer (cardboard or plywood), who put in a warm and quiet place, preferably away from the aisle. Box dimensions (about) - and sixty centimeters long and fifty centimeters in width and height. Box desirable to close the removable cover and for cats cut in one of the walls of the box hole. Cover the bottom of the box with several layers of paper towels (or newsprint) and the clean, dry diaper. In addition you will need:
- box newborn kittens;
- hot-water bottle or electric blanket (for kittens);
- sterile gloves;
- syringe without needle or eye dropper;
- sterilized silk thread or dental floss;
- Zelenka;
- clean towels.
Deliveries begin with precursors. A week before the birth cat behavior becomes restless, she begins to look for a place and often lick. This is the time necessary to acquaint a cat with her prepared to box, and make sure that the cat took it as a "delivery room". Just before the birth cat takes a box, it becomes more frequent breathing, and she pussy myauchit plaintively. Nulliparous cats may be very frightened and seek help from the owner, but most cats prefer to give birth in privacy.
- Important! If the cat in every way demonstrates unwillingness to see the owner walking distance away, hissing and trying to hide in the inaccessible place, leave her alone. Most likely, childbirth without your presence will be more relaxed.
As a rule, the cat births occur easily, and no help from the human animal is not required. Pass delivery in several phases, and the kittens are born alternately. First bout begins (muscle contractions) and attempts (reduction of abdominal muscles), then the kitten is born, and then expelled the last. Newborn kitten cat licks, umbilical cord gnaws and eats the afterbirth. Prior to the birth of her second kitten leave the firstborn of his mother, and before the birth of a new baby, to shift the kitten in a prepared box with hot-water bottle (wrapped with a clean towel).
Syringe, sterile gloves thread you will need only if the mother refuses to handle their own kitty or simply does not have time to do so, because the second baby is born immediately after the first. Then you need to take the baby, gently tear the amniotic bubble and the pipette or syringe to suck the mucus from his mouth. You need to tie the umbilical cord close to the tummy (3-4 cm), then cut and lubricate brilliant green liquid.
Childbirth is considered complete as soon as all the kittens were born. Cat calms down, falls on the side and pushes the young to the teats. And you just have to watch this sweetly picture. The average birth in cats lasts from two to six hours. But sometimes even the part of the kittens born a day later after childbirth seems to be over. Such deliveries are not considered a pathology, and you do not need to be frightened.
It is necessary to sound the alarm if all of a sudden:
- Pregnancy lasts longer than seventy days;
- a cat's temperature rises and begins a fever;
- vaginal cat and an unpleasant pungent smell;
- and attempts to fight lasts more than a day;
- It starts bleeding lasting more than ten minutes.
Caring for a cat after birth
In the postpartum period cat needs rest. It is desirable day after birth show darling your veterinarian. The rest of your care is reduced to the correct feeding and animal hygiene. You must change the litter in the box as it is dirt, and it will get dirty, because the first time the cat continues vaginal discharge and may even begin estrus.
Feed your cat a high-calorie diet or special food, let's dairy products, and do not limit the amount of food. Actually, that this is the care for your cat in the postpartum period. Big cats on you do not need: it is completely absorbed by his new status and care of offspring. You can only watch this idyllic picture, and if you have questions, consult your veterinarian. You love your pet and take care of them: they need.